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amrameshreddy.blog.comAPPENDIX B■ ■ ■History of Microsoft Web ServiceImplementationsMicrosoft web services have evolved over the years from the initial release with .NET 1.0 tothe release of WCF today. Figure B-1 shows how the framework has evolved and, at a highlevel, the features that were added with each iteration.ASMX ASMX + WSE 2.0Basic SOAP and WSDLOver HTTPFigure B-1. Evolution of web services in .NETWhen .NET Framework 1.x was released, it was the first runtime implementation fromMicrosoft that provided rich web service support out of the box for developers. Even today itprovides the easiest way to code, debug, and deploy web services in the industry. To supportweb services natively, the .NET runtime also has to support all the underlying protocols andinfrastructure required such as XML, HTTP, XSD, SOAP, and so on, out of the box. Version 1.x ofthe .NET Framework introduced web services as part of ASP.NET pages. Although web serviceswere the catalyst, the .NET runtime provides the ease of development so developers can buildefficient, secure, and reliable web services. Visual Studio .NET provides a robust environmentthat allows you to easily create, deploy, and maintain applications developed using XML webservices.ASMX PagesAdds Support for Security,Policy, and Other TransportsEvolutionASMX 2.0Adds WS-I BP, FullyIntegrates WSE, Adds TRNSand Visual Studio DesignersFull WS-* Support,Fully Unified StackramrameshreddyramrameshreddyASP.NET was designed to provide a web service infrastructure and programming model thatallows developers to create, deploy, and maintain web services without the need to understandSOAP, WSDL, and so on. ASP.NET accomplished this goal through the introduction of XML webservices, which is built on top of ASP.NET and the .NET Framework. <strong>Developer</strong>s can easily createweb services by creating files with .asmx extensions (for example, Customers.asmx) anddeploying them as part of a web application. Like ASPX files, ASMX files are intercepted by anWCF431

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