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amrameshreddy.blog.com428 APPENDIX A ■ QUICKRETURNS LTD.ramrameshreddy.blog.comDepositoryThe following are the specifics of the Depository.Execute Trade (Exchange)This is when a trade occurs on an Exchange, and the Depository is notified in order to updateappropriate positions, both cash and security, and provide notification to the respective participantsthrough settlement reporting.public void ExecuteTrade ( Execution execution );Get Position (Asset Manager, Market Maker)This is where a participant requests the position on either a security position or a cash position.Positions can be reported in either positive (long) or negative (short) numbers, butfractional shares are not allowed.public Position GetPosition ( String ticker );Data ContractsThe following are the data contracts in the application.QuoteA quote represents what the “market” is for a given listed security. Table A-1 shows the quotedata contract.Table A-1. Quote Data ContractField Format DescriptionTicker String Primary exchange security identifierBid Decimal The price at which the publisher is willing to buy the securityAsk Decimal The price at which the publisher is willing to sell the securityPublisher String Identifier of publisherUpdate Time DateTime Update time in GMT for the published quoteTraderamrameshreddyramrameshreddyA trade represents a commitment to buy or sell a set quantity of shares for a specific listedsecurity by a specific publisher. Table A-2 shows the trade data contract.

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