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amrameshreddy.blog.comWSIT relies on two foundational Java technologies: JAX-WS 21 and JAXB. 22 The combinationof these technologies provides a similar development experience to the WCF model. Both relyon attributes and metadata for web service definition, and along with JAXB, they provide astrongly typed development experience that increases developer productivity.Sun’s <strong>Net</strong>Beans project, which is an open source stepchild of the Java community, providesa development environment that additionally alleviates the requirements that developersunderstand hand-coding to a new API or understand navigating an object graph. The <strong>Net</strong>BeansWSIT module, 23 as shown in Figure 13-5, hides the intricacies of the framework requirements.Figure 13-5. <strong>Net</strong>Beans WSIT moduleCHAPTER 13 ■ IMPLEMENTING SOA INTEROPERABILITY 417Before moving on, we’ll make a few important observations regarding the state of the Javacommunity and the vendor support of a consistent approach to working with web servicesand the emerging standards: JBoss, acquired by Red Hat in 2006, has stated that it will nolonger work with the Axis project and will proceed with the development of its own SOAPstack. 24 At the time of this writing, JBoss supports only 30 percent of the MTOM specification.25 Additionally, neither IBM nor BEA has published or shipped a product that supportsMTOM, although both companies were part of the W3C specification committee. Marketingand news releases indicate they are expected to ship products by 2007.These are the options available to transfer binary data between Microsoft and non-Microsoft SOA offerings. We’ll now discuss how WS-ReliableMessaging is used innon-Microsoft SOA offerings.ramrameshreddyramrameshreddy21. You can find GlassFish Project Tango/WSIT information at https://wsit.dev.java.net/.22. http://jax-ws.dev.java.net/23. http://jaxb.dev.java.net/24. http://websvc.netbeans.org/wsit/25. http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=WebServiceStacks

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