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amrameshreddy.blog.com412 CHAPTER 13 ■ IMPLEMENTING SOA INTEROPERABILITYramrameshreddy.blog.comTlRMTVNTUAADAAAAGAAYAHgAAAAYABgAkAAAABAAEABIAAAAEAAQAFgAAAAQABAAaAAAABAAEACoAAAANYKY4gUBKAoAAAAPQwBMAFcAQwBGAFgAUAAxAGMAaQBjAG8AcgBpAGEAcwBDAEwAVwBDAEYAWABQADEA5OLHzcQEcZYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsz6BrLvbKI9JA2UWtQEQolhSFoU9HXfU0vvvDPQuWoNlKxIgckKTwQ==The fifth request is the actual SOAP request using an action of http://tempuri.org/IMtomSample/GetFile. The body of the SOAP request contains an unencrypted request valueinside the SOAP body:LogoText.JPGIf you look at the file 6.txt, you’ll see a MIME message consisting of two parts. The first part isthe SOAP envelope representing the GetFileResponse message, as shown in Listing 13-10. Insidethat element is an xop:Include element that points to the second part of the MIME message.Listing 13-10. GetFileResult with XOP ReferenceThe second part of the MIME message is the raw binary stream as read initially from thefile system into the byte[]. If you look in the file 6.txt, you can see the MIME content headerfor the binary stream, as shown in Listing 13-11.Listing 13-11. Binary Content Part of MIME Message--uuid:c336b34f-7c2b-4ca6-9534-141723adcf4c+id=9Content-ID: Content-Transfer-Encoding: binaryContent-Type: application/octet-streamÿØÿà JFIF ` ` ÿÛ C \\ \ramrameshreddyramrameshreddy(binary data)The Content-ID in this part of the MIME message is not HTML encoded, while in theSOAP response part (Listing 13-10) it is. The other aspect is that the encoding type is binaryand marked as an octet-stream. What follows the customary set of two CR/LF (0x0D, 0x0A) is

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