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amrameshreddy.blog.com406 CHAPTER 13 ■ IMPLEMENTING SOA INTEROPERABILITYramrameshreddy.blog.comUsing the declarative, configuration-driven model allows the distinct abstraction of boththe service and the client of the service (given both sides are WCF) from the transport and themessy details of the available bindings. Abstraction is critical to the WCF programming modeland is what sets the tools and framework apart from the competing stacks such as Axis2.Although other stacks provide tools and a configuration-driven approach, the WCF/VisualStudio combination enables rapid development with generally a first working model withoutrequiring you to learn additional object models or implementation patterns.As the WS-* specifications advance requirements for greater control over security, reliablemessaging, and atomic transactions, WCF allows, when using the declarative model, directsupport without recoding the service or client implementation. So, with the declarativemethod, you can update the application configuration file as shown in Listing 13-4.Listing 13-4. Applying WSHttpBinding in Configuration

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