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CHAPTER 10 ■ INTEGRATING WITH COM+ 313ramrameshreddy.blog.comIDL, you’ll see that the supplied GUID matches the UUID of the implementation class, which isPositionManagement.The second parameter represents the COM+ application ID, which is visible by choosingthe properties of the COM+ application from the Component Services management console.So, the combination of the application ID and the CLSID (ProgID reference from COM) is adirect pointer that allows the WCF COM+ integration runtime to locate, instantiate, and servicethe WCF client call.If you check the properties of the OldHorse.PositionManagement component from withinComponent Services, you’ll see that the CLSID GUID and application GUID both match thegenerated GUIDs in the OldHorse.PositionManagement.svc file, as shown in Figure 10-11.Figure 10-11. OldHorse.PositionManagement propertiesUsing ComSvcConfig.exe UtilityYou can also use the stand-alone ComSvcConfig.exe utility to generate the required resource’sCOM+ application integration. The primary difference is it doesn’t provide the up-front validationthat the SvcConfigEditor.exe utility does for validating supported COM interfaces priorto generation. Instead, it provides that information as error messages at runtime.Using the same COM+ application as an example, the following command generates therequired resources for wrapping your COM+ application’s PositionManagement interface in aWCF service and hosting inside IIS/WAS (all on a single line).ramrameshreddyramrameshreddyComSvcConfig.exe /install /application:OldHorse/contract:OldHorse.PositionManagement,_PositionManagement/hosting:was /webdirectory:VB6ComSample /mex

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