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y - Net Developer

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amrameshreddy.blog.comSummaryIn this chapter, you learned the following:CHAPTER 9 ■ USING TRANSACTIONS IN WCF 299• The need for transactions to solve issues around deadlocks, ensuring repeatability andrecoverability• How transactions are supported by WCF with the WS-Atomic transaction protocol• How to use transactions with your services and sessions using the various behaviorattributes provided by WCF including the ServiceBehavior and OperationBehaviorattributes• How to use the MSMQ transport channel with transactions by incorporating supportfor transactions within your applicationWe recommend the Windows Server 2007 SDK and WCF documentation for further readingon this topic. Please dive into the code listings about implementing the System.Transactionsnamespace within the .NET Framework also.Transactions are critical to your applications, and you must look at the requirements fortransactions in conjunction with the scope of reliable messaging since these go hand in hand.It is safe to say that building an enterprise application without transactional support is arecipe for failure.Looking ahead to Chapter 10, you will learn about how to integrate with legacy COM+applications. Some of the topics that would be covered are aimed at not only the aspectsaround integration but also how to run COM+ services within WCF, as well as typed and earlybound contracts with COM.ramrameshreddyramrameshreddy

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