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amrameshreddy.blog.com194 CHAPTER 6 ■ MANAGING WCF SERVICESramrameshreddy.blog.comServiceModelTraceListener instance to the runtime. You configure the name and location foryour trace file if you have specific requirements.Then build the solution, and run the server and client. All the communication for initializingthe host, the communication between the host and the client, and the destruction of thehost instance will be recorded in this trace file. How will you be able to view this content? Youcan use SvcTraceViewer.exe.Using SvcTraceViewer.exeThe SvcTraceViewer.exe utility will enable you to view both message log files and trace files.You can find it at :\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Bin. Open thetrace file from the TradeServiceHost communications with the WCFSimpleClient consoleapplication. (Navigate to the correct directory, and select File ➤ Open to open the file.) Youshould see a screen similar to Figure 6-7.ramrameshreddyramrameshreddyFigure 6-7. SvcTraceViewer.exe reading the trace fileThis is a comprehensive implementation of the step-by-step process of the WCF service.It starts with the object creation at the top and records each interaction with the WCF runtimeand the clients. It clearly details object activities, message sends, and all errors in the host’s lifecycle. You can view each of the XML messages in the bottom pane. It also records the durationof each activity. You can also get a graphical timeline representation by clicking the Graph tab.This is a comprehensive tool that adds a lot of value for developers and system administrators

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