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CHAPTER 6 ■ MANAGING WCF SERVICES 193ramrameshreddy.blog.com...How do you add a filter to the message logger? You can just include XML tags that directthe WCF runtime to log the images that correspond to this namespace and ignore the others.Listing 6-9 details the modification to the App.config file. You need to add the section to the section of the App.config file. How do you view these messagelog files? We will show how to use the SvcTraceViewer.exe utility for this (discussed in the nextsection).Listing 6-9. Adding a Filter to the Message Log/soap:Envelope/soap:HeadersEnabling TracingramrameshreddyramrameshreddyWe’ll now cover how to enable tracing. How does tracing differentiate from message logging?Tracing mechanisms act as the instrumentation for service messages and fault monitoring. Itis similar to a Visual Studio debugger that helps you step through and step into code. Therefore,tracing is primarily a great tool to track the message flow of the application.How do you enable tracing in WCF? Please follow steps 1 to 4 in the previous section. Youneed to click the Enable Tracing hyperlink to enable tracing, as in Figure 6-6. This will add a

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