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CHAPTER 4 ■ INSTALLING AND CREATING WCF SERVICES 129ramrameshreddy.blog.comIf you launch the ASP.NET development server and view TradeService.svc in the browser,you’ll see the error shown in Figure 4-8.Figure 4-8. Error page for nonserializable or missing data contractAt this point, WCF doesn’t know what to do. Therefore, let’s apply the Serializable attributeto the Trade type and take a look at the generated schema, as shown in Listing 4-15.Listing 4-15. Trade Type with the Serializable Attributenamespace ExchangeService{[Serializable]public class Trade{string _ticker;char _type;string _publisher;...To view the generated schema for the modified contract, first navigate to the following page:http://localhost:8888/ExchangeWeb/TradeService.svc?wsdl. Once at that page, if you locate theschema import, using the XPath /wsdl:definitions/wsdl:import, you’ll see another reference toa schema. You need to load that schema as well. That location should be, depending upon yourhost and IP port, as follows: http://localhost:8888/ExchangeWeb/TradeService.svc?wsdl=wsdl0.ramrameshreddyramrameshreddy■Note Again, you need to first open the base WSDL and search for the element, whichwill provide the correct location for the imported WSDL.

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