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amrameshreddy.blog.comConfiguring InstrumentationAlthough any enterprise application needs instrumentation to satisfy operators, it is alwaysuseful if the platform also has instrumentation built in so you as an application developerdon’t have to be concerned about all the details of supporting instrumentation. Just like loggingand tracing, you can enable performance counters and WMI from within the applicationconfiguration or the configuration tool for both the client side and the service side. You canalso set the performanceCountersEnabled property to ServiceOnly. Listing 3-21 shows how youdo this in an application configuration file.Listing 3-21. Application Configuration with Instrumentation EnabledCHAPTER 3 ■ EXPLORING THE WCF PROGRAMMING MODEL 95In Figure 3-14, you see the Diagnostics window in the Microsoft Service ConfigurationEditor that you can use to enable performance counters and WMI events. This results in themarked changes in the configuration shown in Listing 3-21.ramrameshreddyramrameshreddy

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