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3New ZealandNew Zealand Forwarding – Carl GeorgeTo all of our wider <strong>Mainfreight</strong> familyhere in New Zealand, the wives, thepartners and the children, eventhough you may not work for us dayto day, without your support wewould not be able to achieve whatwe do each year.A quick glance at 2012 up until theend of September, revenue is up5.8% and profit is ahead 7.0% yearto date. In comparison to l<strong>as</strong>t year,we have had to fight hard this yearfor every dollar with manycustomers trading flat and ongoingpressure from our competitors.Regardless of this, we can alwaysbe confident that our business andour teams will overcome whateverthe market or our competitors throwat us.We continue to improve our networkand to ensure that we have thenumber one transport network inNew Zealand today. New facilitiesin Invercargill, Palmerston Northand Kaitaia are almost complete,with Christchurch and Hamiltonscheduled to be completed by theend of 2014, exciting times in theseregions for both team andcustomers.Let’s remember all of this is notpossible without the efforts of allof you throughout the country.Moving forward let’s all think aboutthe following;1. Never ever be complacent inhow you approach your workand your life.2. We are e<strong>as</strong>y targets at<strong>Mainfreight</strong>; never let your guarddown.3. All of us need to be moreinnovative, think outside thesquare, and take some risks.4. Continue to look for newrevenue streams to ensure eachyear your branch and our overallbusiness keeps growing.5. More than ever work closely withour logistics and internationalteams; we all want to achievethe same thing and we are sopowerful when we all hold handstogether.6. Look after your teams every day.7. Make sure every week you dosomething better than the weekbefore.Onwards and upwards in 2013!Thank you team for getting usthrough another year, and also toall the families who put up with usevery year.Best wishes to you alland have a safeChristm<strong>as</strong> and NewYear.Dulux Supplierof the Year<strong>Mainfreight</strong> wins transport andlogistics supplier of the year forAustral<strong>as</strong>ia.Well done to the Wellingtonteam and the rest of our teamaround New Zealand for“Delighting the Customer”.At an awards ceremony inMelbourne, the <strong>Mainfreight</strong> NewZealand Team took home themain Logistics Award forAustral<strong>as</strong>ia and finished in thetop three out of 3,000 suppliersfor the overall Supplier of theYear Award.Well done everyone, great effort.Members of the proud Wellington team with a full load of Dulux arriving in ready to move onL-R: Mike Akavi, James McKechnie, Campbell Gray, Damien Vaisagote, Steve McGregor,Stuart Thorn, Megan Stallard, Ron Satherley, John Salanoa, Josh Satherley

5A <strong>Mainfreight</strong> Legend DepartsKen Leef, one of our <strong>Mainfreight</strong> legends, h<strong>as</strong>recently decided to ‘hang up his boots’ after 32years and plans to mow lawns in his retirement.“Leefy” who w<strong>as</strong> one of our original teammembers, w<strong>as</strong> recently farewelled in style witha rousing haka. We look forward to seeing himdriving the streets of Auckland in his ‘pimped’<strong>Mainfreight</strong> mower and trailer.Take care Leefy.This is what over 220 years of experience looks like!L-R: Carol Selwyn, Vern Wright, Kerry Crocker, BJ Curtis, Ken Leef, Bruce Plested, Gordon JacksonGot a Spare TV? – <strong>Mainfreight</strong> RecyclingA ‘Craig Evans Special’ … recently <strong>Mainfreight</strong> took on the huge t<strong>as</strong>kof facilitating the movement of recycled material from Hawke’s Bay toAuckland, with old televisions first off the blocks.So far, in excess of 1200 pallets of old TV’s have been moved!!This Government initiative will move around New Zealand in thecoming months.Great for backloading our trucks!Good Kiwi Pie TimeBarry McLemore from <strong>Mainfreight</strong>USA spent a week down underrecently, being schooled on howwe do it <strong>Mainfreight</strong> New Zealandstyle.The trip would not have beencomplete without Barry samplinghis first steak mince pie.Thanks to Lance and the FTL teamfor feeding him up. I suspect ‘BigBaz’ might have had more thanone pie!!

6Electric Jiffy TimeWe have recently rolled out throughout New Zealand25 electric Jiffy Jacks. The team at Daily FreightChristchurch are loving moving their customers’freight around the docks with these great machines.These are a common sight in our European businessand offer great benefits being cleaner and quieter forour team on the dock.Simon Jackson on his new machineNot be outdone by the black <strong>Mainfreight</strong> World Cuptrucks, Daily Freight Christchurch owner driverVaughn ‘Porto’ O’Keefe h<strong>as</strong> put this sharp piece ofgear on the road. This unit runs Christchurch toNelson each night.Vaughn O’Keefe’s Black Freightliner<strong>Mainfreight</strong> 2HomeWith our desire to really penetratethe online home delivery market,we have recently re-branded our<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Precision business to<strong>Mainfreight</strong> 2Home.As more consumers make theirpurch<strong>as</strong>es on-line and wantdeliveries to the front door, we wantto be their first choice in homedelivery.Allan Tango with his brand new M2H truck and trusty sidekick Ed Walker loading up foranother delivery to your place…Special ProjectsMcRae’s MineOur Dunedin team who manage allof the transportation requirementsfor Oceana Gold (McRaes North ofDunedin) have just moved thesedigger tracks (22 tonne each) to theopen c<strong>as</strong>t pit of Fr<strong>as</strong>ers Mine.These were imported throughDunedin and trucked to the site.

7Claims PerformanceBranchOutward Consignments Per ClaimTo Sept2012To March2012To Sept2011 BranchInwards Consignments Per ClaimTo Sept2012To March2012To Sept2011Chem Auckland 2490 1756 1892 Chem Christchurch 3841 3470 2255Chem Christchurch 1027 1032 930 Chem Auckland 3540 5680 6755Owens Auckland 1006 617 676 DF Auckland 2525 1399 1529Napier 989 750 799 Owens Auckland 2396 1502 1810MF Hamilton 833 655 753 Blenheim 2388 2264 3147MF Wellington 829 581 592 Palmerston North 1947 1589 1832Palmerston North 820 676 704 Mt Maunganui 1700 1345 1385Dunedin 816 695 855 Taupo 1528 1179 1178Invercargill 804 396 409 MF Hamilton 1368 1063 1568Whangarei 729 1081 1318 MF Wellington 1336 898 826New Plymouth 706 936 799 MF Auckland 1276 1266 1196DF Auckland 698 473 486 New Plymouth 1264 1160 1170Total Company 673 582 662 Owens Christchurch 1232 1022 1339MF Auckland 666 627 662 Total Company 1211 1084 1155Taupo 617 221 386 DF Christchurch 1175 969 1098Rotorua 610 1158 1068 Whangarei 1114 969 1164Mt Maunganui 566 744 892 Napier 1096 1168 914Blenheim 553 649 617 Rotorua 957 762 1136MF Christchurch 487 532 574 MF Christchurch 891 887 844DF Christchurch 452 349 348 Dunedin 643 616 668Owens Christchurch 342 379 431 Invercargill 635 635 677Nelson 276 319 384 Nelson 435 814 802If your branch is below the Total Company number, then you are below average.Make sure you and your team members work hard this year to be above this line.You should be aware that annual bonuses are affected in the following way:+ 1% For outwards claims, over 450 consignments per claim, and 1,500 inwards consignments per claim+ 2% For outwards claims, over 550 consignments per claim, and 2,000 inwards consignments per claim- 1% For outwards claims under 350 consignments per claim- 1% For inwards claims under 1,250 consignments per claim

8New Zealand Logistics – Craig EvansA number of key milestones wereachieved this year. Firstly we are ontrack to exceed our revenue growthtarget of 19% year on year. Forthose mathematicians amongst us,that’s our team’s number to doublethe size of this business inside fiveyears.Next we must extract an acceptablereturn that reflects the risk<strong>as</strong>sociated with the high fixed costsof this business and collectively wehave done just that. With all yourhelp we hit new levels of profitabilityin our first year of this journey thatstarted back on 1st April 2011.You may <strong>as</strong>k why we are using rateof return <strong>as</strong> a me<strong>as</strong>ure.As more businesses start tradingacross international borders, theworld of outsourcing will continueits climb. For us it remainsparamount, not only <strong>as</strong> a defensivestrategy in our drive to influencefreight flows, but also anopportunity to further ‘delight ourcustomers’, a mission statementthat remains at the core of<strong>Mainfreight</strong>’s ethos.Without a target, without a goal, wehave nothing to <strong>as</strong>pire to, nothing tohunt. A “hope strategy”, waiting forsomething to happen, turning upeach day to do nothing but polish <strong>as</strong>tatic business will not deliver theenvironment we seek; a dynamicenvironment resourced by energeticpeople, enthused by growth, andinspired by self-development.Part of our own charter is to attract,nurture and inspire talented teammembers so all the above isdeliverable. As a collective bunch ofpeople you did just that, thank you.An effective growth strategy willrequire good facilities with goodpeople. The next year will seeexpansion with purpose-designedfacilities in Christchurch and a viewto further development in Auckland.One critical component of thisbusiness is timing, making sure ourinfr<strong>as</strong>tructure matches ouropportunity – getting this timingwrong can be dire.This year we commissioned ournewest facility at Manu Street inSouth Auckland, a 11,000m 2 highgrade facility. Commencing inAugust 2012, this team is alreadyproducing encouraging signs ofprofitability.Manu Street is also the first 3PLcontainer discharge dock operationin this country, although we readilyconcede our three docks don’tquite compete with the larger scaleoperations of our Wim Bosmanmates in Europe.Generally we don’t like singling outrecognition given the special effortfrom so many in our business.However I feel stirred to mentionthe Westney Road team inAuckland. With acceleratingdemand for baby milk formula inChina, the Westney Road team h<strong>as</strong>performed some extraordinarywarehousing feats, includingexpediently commissioning anadditional 10,000m 2 warehouse,and working extraordinary hours tomanage a 500% growth challenge.Meanwhile the Railway Lane teamin Auckland are giving Santa’s elvesa run for their money <strong>as</strong> theydispatch this year’s number one,must-have toy. Pillow Pets havetaken over from l<strong>as</strong>t year’s LeapFrog product and the team expectsto shift over 500m3 of Pets in thelead up to Christm<strong>as</strong>.Manu Street Docks – Exterior and Interior views

9In general, there are few operationsthat haven’t produced their ownstory of challenges. The efforts arenoticed and hugely appreciated.New regulatory requirements haverecently been issued forChristchurch concerning palletracking design, due to the 2010/11earthquakes. For us this means ourprevious racking design will nowrequire a significant upgradeincorporating an additional 125tonnes of steel. Coupled withnumerous other cost incursions,The Milk Powder MountainChristchurch is tracking to be oneof New Zealand’s most expensiveregions in which to operate awarehouse. Future pricing musteventually reflect this fact.So there is no going back, we areforging new levels of operations,team, aesthetics, and buildingdesign excellence. For all our team,we encourage you all to grow withus, personally expand your owngoals, skills, so you are ready tocapture opportunities when theyarise.Take time to rest andreflect on the yearahead. We foresee a lotmore excitementcoming this way; beready to grow. HappyChristm<strong>as</strong> to all.Railway Lane Logistics Team – with friendsL-R: Daniel Sung, Cameron Oilfe, Chris Teika, Avao Mataafa, Leslie Smith, Sam Bisset and Joni Lee

11Office Olympics atWestney Road, Auckland– Lucy PartridgeIn celebration of the greatestsporting event in the world, theteams at Westney Road held theirown version of the Olympic Games.Forget high grade sportingequipment and the latest lycra – itw<strong>as</strong> all straws, chocolate bars, hulahoops and weetbix … and a fiercelycompetitive attitude.The events kicked off with Pin theTail on the famous RowingMedallist, with CaroTrans claimingGold. The Malteser and Straw Racesaw the carpet temporarily turnbrown, with CaroTrans againsucking their way to victory. For thefit and the flexible, our Hula HoopChallenge competitors impressedthe crowd with their stamina – alsomuch to the amazement of thecourier driver who walked in partway through. This w<strong>as</strong> followedclosely by the Picnic Bar Boat race,when the scoffs of the office hadtheir moment to shine. All thosequickly eaten lunches in thecafeteria paid off for Customs.The final event w<strong>as</strong> by far the mostchallenging. It involved a relay withmultiple team members. First leginvolved eating a dry weetbix <strong>as</strong>quickly <strong>as</strong> possible followed by <strong>as</strong>print crawl to the other side of theoffice to tag the next team member,who consumed half a bag ofmarshmallows at lightning speed.They then crawled to the finalCaroTrans Westney Road Team – Champions!person, who speedily drank coke tolead their team to the finish line.Overall, CaroTrans took out Gold,Customs Silver, and Sales andAccounts Bronze.Thanks to our fellow competitorsand supporters, organisers. Welldone team – I’m sure you all foundskills you never knew you had!Books in Homes – St Paul’s College – Mark GloverAs part of <strong>Mainfreight</strong>’s Duffy Booksin Homes sponsorship, it w<strong>as</strong> a realple<strong>as</strong>ure to be invited to the<strong>as</strong>sembly at St Paul’s College, andto see firsthand, the impact of theDuffy Book programme. Personallyspeaking it w<strong>as</strong> great to have anopportunity to encourage thesestudents to think about theirpotential for the future.Several students gave examples ofhow their free books have opened adoor for their imagination andhelped in their learning.The special guest for the <strong>as</strong>semblyw<strong>as</strong> Rachel Jackson Lees, ChiefNews Editor for the NewsTalk ZBradio station, who gave a veryinformative address to the studentsabout wanting to be on the radiosince she w<strong>as</strong> 8 years old and theimportance of reading accuratelyand speaking well, which is part ofher everyday career. Rachel h<strong>as</strong> aninfectious p<strong>as</strong>sion for the news, h<strong>as</strong>travelled the world and interviewedmany influential personalities. Shebrought some of the reality of radioto these wonderful students andgave them many new things to thinkabout.2012 Rally New Zealand – Paul RiethmaierIn June the <strong>Mainfreight</strong> AucklandAirfreight team were involved withthe import and re-export of rallycars and spares used in the 2012Rally of New Zealand. On arrivalinto New Zealand the import teamcollected, customs cleared anddelivered 7,238 kgs of spare partsand timing equipment and 2 x rallycars to Auckland’s Viaduct EventsCentre which became “RallyCentral” during the rally. At theconclusion of the event on theSunday night our teams wereRachel Jackson Lees presents a bookto a St Paul’s College studentrequired to collect all of thisequipment with a sort and split ofpriority items to be sent by air thevery next day back to London,Heathrow in time for the next eventon the WRC calendar.

12Pictured here are the cars in theairfreight facility prior to bumpermodification and airline unit loading.The second image shows the carinside the belly of a Boeing 777aircraft.The team did an exceptional jobwith loading, <strong>as</strong> you can see notmuch room to spare!!!Together In La Havre – Paul LowtherSeptember 8th this year w<strong>as</strong> amemorable day for three<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Brothers who happenedto be in Le Havre, France that day.CaroTrans New ZealandIt’s amazing to see the diversity ofour team members; currently withinthe CaroTrans New Zealand team of13, we can speak 10 languages(and soon to be 11).Michael Forkenbrock, NationalManager CaroTrans w<strong>as</strong> over fromChicago USA doingbusiness with ChrisWilson and theteam atCaroTransLe Havre,Further evidence of <strong>Mainfreight</strong>’sgrowing global footprint:English, Maori, Samoan, French,Spanish, German, Romanian,Martin Jetpack – Christchurch AirfreightIn late August 2012 we were <strong>as</strong>kedif we could help move the MartinJetpack to London for a photoshoot with Wired Magazine.It w<strong>as</strong> all packaged up in a veryinconspicuous metal crate weighingonly 200kgs but at almost 4m3 ittook up nearly half of an airline unit.Once in London, Wired Magazinehad Roy Brydon (Welsh actor andcomedian) photographed with theJetpack.while Paul Lowther of <strong>Mainfreight</strong>Air & Ocean, Auckland, NewZealand happened to be holidayingin the northwest of France.The three old colleagues had anenjoyable get together to sharetimes p<strong>as</strong>t and present.This photo shows Trish (Paul’s wife),Carole (Chris’s wife), Paul, Michaeland Chris enjoying some delightfulFrench cuisine. It is also testamentto the great friendships that existthroughout the <strong>Mainfreight</strong> Groupworldwide.Italian, Hungarian, Portuguese...Arabic… coming soon to aCaroTrans New Zealand branchnear you!Look out for the article which is dueto come out in the December 2012issue.The Martin Jetpack is the resultof inspiration and many years ofdevelopment work by Glenn Martinand an enthusi<strong>as</strong>tic team ofengineers and other experts.It uses sophisticated compositesand a highly efficient propulsionsystem to achieve the goal ofpersonal flight, with many safetyfeatures including a ballisticparachute.Team, thank you onceagain, enjoy spendingquality time with familyand friends over thefestive se<strong>as</strong>on, chargeyour batteries and comeback refreshed andready to hit 2013 at fullpace! - Merry Christm<strong>as</strong>

13Owens Transport New Zealand – Kevin BabbingtonThe recent rele<strong>as</strong>e of ourSeptember numbers saw bothrevenues and profit before taxincre<strong>as</strong>e for Owens Transportcompared to l<strong>as</strong>t year. We area fair bit behind where wewould like to be at thisstage of the game,but we all enjoya challenge.One continuingfocus for our teamis reducing claims fordamage across thebusiness. One challengein particular is movingwallboard around the country.Paul Tolson and his Auckland teamhave recently come up with a newinnovation, using a specialised setof fork tynes with three differentlength settings, which ensures thatthe tynes don’t extend beyond thepacks of board they are lifting. Thisprevents the tynes from stabbingpallets behind the one being lifted.We will be rollingthis equipmentout to thebranches thatreceive thegreatestportion of boardand will alsosupply the customerwith a set so that allpoints of contact in theprocess are covered. Thistype of innovation, and constantcommunication with our customershelps to forge l<strong>as</strong>ting relationships.We are now well into our busiestse<strong>as</strong>on with very high expectationsthat were set earlier in the year.Our ability to stand up year afteryear and achieve what we do isamazing, from our floor teamsputting in the big hours and stillfronting up the next day, to theoffice team that when their shiftsare done throw their blues on andhead down to help out on the flooron the big nights. This is one of ourcompany’s most precious values,family and helping out your matewhen he needs a hand.One of the more special things wedo for the community are our IdeaDays. The generosity of our teamswho give up their personal time tohold these days is truly appreciated,and bringing in their special carsand motorbikes, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> ourfant<strong>as</strong>tic ODs with their trucks,makes for a great day for all toenjoy.

15AustraliaAustralia Group Manager’s Comment – Rodd MorganTeamAnother hugely exciting year ofprogress and achievement for theAussie part of the business h<strong>as</strong>come to an end and in the followingpages it gives us great ple<strong>as</strong>ure totalk to the extended <strong>Mainfreight</strong>community to let you know whatthe team h<strong>as</strong> been doing to growand improve our business – which,in a word, is “Plenty”.Firstly though, we have recentlyfinished the first half of our financialyear (ie April to September) and weare ple<strong>as</strong>ed to advise that whencompared to the same period l<strong>as</strong>tyear, our overall Australian profitshave again improved by more than20 per cent and our revenue h<strong>as</strong>grown by over AU$32 million.(It w<strong>as</strong>n’t that long ago that ourentire revenue fora full year w<strong>as</strong>AU$32 million!).Each of the fourAustraliandivisions h<strong>as</strong>been able toimprove eitherrevenue and/orprofit to thispoint, which is agoodperformance inan environmentwhere we aretired of hearingfrom thepessimists whotalk the economydown. Theseresults show thatour team are rightly ignoring thesepeople and have really got ‘stuck in’to the t<strong>as</strong>k at hand. For this wewant to thank our teams acrossAustralia who are undoubtedly themost talented and focussed thatthere is.Now, that said, there is of course along way to go until the end of thefinancial year in March and there isalways opportunity for each andevery member of the team toremember a couple of things thatare best described <strong>as</strong> our Culture:• We can only beat ourcompetitors by each being thebest we can be• Ourselves, our branches and ourvehicles must look better thanthe others• Remove errors from our work• Remove unnecessary costs fromthe business• Show extraordinary levels ofservice that our customers justcan’t live withoutArtist’s impression of the new facility at Larapinta, QueenslandIn a nutshell, work hard at having agreat, customer-focussed attitudeand these things can and will bedelivered – <strong>as</strong> will the continuedsuccess of our company.We head into next year with theknowledge that all of ourbusinesses have good levels ofprospective new customers in thepipeline which will see us maintainour growth momentum and this isanother indication of the value thatwe are bringing to customers in theAustralian market. This does nothappen by accident so we must allcontinue to look for new customeropportunities and take someresponsibility to keep our growthrates high, irrespective of the roleyou play within our team.Whether the broader circumstanceswe operate in are good or bad,there are always priorities or are<strong>as</strong>where we need to findimprovement. For example, wereally need to find better quality andconsistency of service to ourcustomers in Transport. Air &Ocean must find ways to accelerateour rate ofgrowth and getafter more ofthose bigcustomers.The Owens teamneeds tocontinue theimpressive rateof growth, butalso find ways toimprove margin– and inLogistics, whoserecentperformance h<strong>as</strong>been fant<strong>as</strong>tic,we have to findthe right mix ofcustomers tobenefit the Groupand find ways tohustle costs out of the business andcontinue to build our return onrevenue.We wanted to also remind all of ourteam that although each of ourbusinesses operates in a slightlydifferent area of the supply chain,

171. Most urgent is a completereview of our week-long inductioncourse held in Melbourne. We willfocus more time on specificoperations and customer servicetraining with particular emph<strong>as</strong>is tothe Chain of ResponsibilityLegislation (CoR) which acts <strong>as</strong> anumbrella for a wide range of are<strong>as</strong>such <strong>as</strong>:• Load Restraint• Dangerous Goods Regulations• Intensive Forklift training• Fatigue Management• M<strong>as</strong>s Management (vehiclecapacity)• Sender/Receiver responsibilities• Non-conformance Reporting• Practical operational proceduresand processes.Our courses commencing in theNew Year will contain this newcontent.2. As mentioned in the l<strong>as</strong>tnewsletter – the responsibilities ofeach and every one of our teammembers and the subsequentaccountability for thoseresponsibilities will be a major focusfor us with immediate effect.Nothing impedes our quality more,and therefore our 100 year vision,than having the wrong people onour bus.Things to do better in2013:• Make better use of ourwonderful IT such <strong>as</strong> Pulse,Delivery Planning and<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Anywhere to deliverworld’s best customer services.• Depot Systems – when we are atour busiest our Depot Systemsare the most important tool wehave to maintain quality for ourcustomers.• Ensuring that our customersprovide us with the correctdetails <strong>as</strong> per the CoR. Realisticpick up times and deliveryexpectations, accurateinformation on our consignmentnotes and most importantlycorrect packaging AND labelling.• Better training for our pick updrivers on the aboveexpectations, and in particularlabelling and packaging.• Continue to strive for 100%DIFOT.Finally, thank you for your efforts in2012. We have a wonderfulopportunity in 2013 to grow ourbusiness in both revenue andnetwork coverage and finallyprovide the standard of service toour customers that we have beenpromising for some time, but havefailed to deliver on consistently.Our first dedicated end loading linehaul running between Sydney and MelbourneSydney team dressed for Melbourne CupL to R: Chrissy Seve (Admin), Jane Henry (Admin), Elinor Whitcher (Admin),Tako Phanoraj (Operations), Kristen Flood (Admin), Jody Savage (Chemcouriers),Raelene Codd (Sales)A very Merry Christm<strong>as</strong> and a magnificent New Yearto you and your family. Be safe.

18<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Logistics Australia - René Van HoutumAs I’m writing this newsletter, springtime h<strong>as</strong> commenced and is in fullswing! The preparations for theChristm<strong>as</strong> and holiday period havestarted and we are workingourselves through the “sillyse<strong>as</strong>on”. Volumes have grownsignificantly in the l<strong>as</strong>t months andthe whole team is working very hardto process the high volumes.Within Logistics Australia, we haveseen a significant enhancement ofstorage and handling volumes;partly due to incre<strong>as</strong>ed volumes ofour current customer b<strong>as</strong>e, but also<strong>as</strong> a result of successfulimplementations of new customers.In the first six months of thisfinancial year we have realised anincre<strong>as</strong>e in revenue of close to22%! This is a great result and itcould only be achieved by the jointeffort of the operational and salesteams. Looking at profit and ROR,every branch is currently ahead ofl<strong>as</strong>t year’s figures. Congratulationsto the whole team for thisoutstanding result!The required improvement in thequality of our operations h<strong>as</strong> beenextensive, and is a topic that h<strong>as</strong>been continuously discussed duringthis year. It is therefore ple<strong>as</strong>ing tosee the most recent audit results.Except for one, every branch showsan improved audit score comparedto the previous one. Worthmentioning here is the result of theAdelaide branch, a 95% score!This does not mean that we leavethis topic where it is now... Wemust keep on working on furtherimprovement of the quality in ourprocesses; strive for higherperformance results and fewermistakes. We have incre<strong>as</strong>ed theuse of Radio Frequency in ourbusiness, particularly in stocktakeprocesses and we are working hardto incre<strong>as</strong>e the use of this techniquein our inwards processes. Thanksto the IT team for all the hard workand support in this!Talking about IT, it’s great to seethat we are utilising innovativesolutions in our business, aimingto incre<strong>as</strong>e quality and efficiency.The Moorebank team h<strong>as</strong> justfinished a “voice picking” pilotprogramme and the first analysisshows an incre<strong>as</strong>e in productivity.While a computer voice directs theteam member to a location and tellswhat article h<strong>as</strong> to be picked, theteam member h<strong>as</strong> both hands freeto execute the t<strong>as</strong>k!We have managed to incre<strong>as</strong>ethe application of the productivityme<strong>as</strong>urements nationwide.This analysis helps us to identifypossible ways to incre<strong>as</strong>e theproductivity. Not by working harder,but in a smarter way. In the nextmonths, we more and more mustthink about ways to improve ourproductivity. In open discussionswith our customers, we will worktogether to find the best-in-cl<strong>as</strong>slogistic solution, which b<strong>as</strong>icallymeans high quality in our processesbut at a re<strong>as</strong>onable cost.The knowledge that we get outof these me<strong>as</strong>urements is alsovery valuable in the sales process.In conjunction with the recentlydeveloped new calculation model,the sales team now h<strong>as</strong> strongtools available to calculate themost accurate prices for ournew customers.As mentioned earlier, all ourwarehouses are full or close to full!Our sales team is currentlyfocussing on new, larger accounts.These accounts will be a b<strong>as</strong>is foropening new branches in the nextyear. We are in contact with realestate agents in all states to keepus informed about possible newwarehouses where we can establishnew business. This will enable usto further grow our Logisticsactivities in Australia.Next year will be another excitingyear! We have achievedoutstanding growth this year andthe challenge will be to keep thesegrowth figures at the same level.The “five things to do better” willhelp us:• Keep the focus on improvingour quality. We have to delightour customers every day bydelivering outstanding service.• Make use of the tremendoustools that the IT team h<strong>as</strong>developed.• Keep on using PAT meetings<strong>as</strong> a valuable tool to inform theteam, to enable the team todiscuss relevant subjects andcome up with improvements.• Health and Safety remains thehighest priority in every branch.• L<strong>as</strong>t but not le<strong>as</strong>t: enjoy life!Remember, life isn’t about howmany breaths you take but aboutthe moments that take yourbreath away.Thank you to every team member for all the hard work that h<strong>as</strong> been done in thel<strong>as</strong>t year. Christm<strong>as</strong> time is a time to spend with family and friends and I reallyhope you enjoy this time and the beautiful summer here in Australia. It enablesyou to re-charge the battery for a new, challenging year that lies ahead of us!Moorebank (Sydney)Since its establishment in Sydney inJanuary 2008, the Moorebankoperation h<strong>as</strong> changed dramatically.The team is now starting to see therewards of the hard work that h<strong>as</strong>been put into the Moorebankoperation.With up to 40 team members onsiteand one of the busiest pick andpack customers in Austral<strong>as</strong>ia,there is never a dull moment.With the successful introduction ofa great new cycling customer to theMoorebank ‘MIX’, the warehousenow is close to full and h<strong>as</strong> a goodamount of handling activity. Theteam h<strong>as</strong> managed to incre<strong>as</strong>e thequality of the operations, reflectedin the KPI’s that are discussed withour customers on a regular b<strong>as</strong>is.

19Prestons (Sydney)The team at Prestons are gettingready for the onslaught ofChristm<strong>as</strong>; weeks of receiving overone hundred containers inboundhave been pretty regular in themonth of October.Noble Park (Melbourne)What a year for Noble Park, and it’snot over yet. Starting from <strong>as</strong>ubstantial negative result l<strong>as</strong>t year,the team h<strong>as</strong> been steadily pluggingaway at this year’s profit target andare on track to meet it.The Noble Park team h<strong>as</strong> rolled outwhat they think might be the first“<strong>Mainfreight</strong>” co-branded repackcarton, which is most definitelygetting our name out there in frontof a large number of people!The team recently achieved aThe Moorebank team in Sydney!Outbound for October went from <strong>as</strong>immer to a boil with the teamdispatching 2,000 more orders and600,000 more units than in theequivalent period in 2011!milestone by picking our 100,000thMIMS order. It w<strong>as</strong> celebrated byframing the original order andpresenting it to the “luckycustomer” <strong>as</strong> a memento of theocc<strong>as</strong>ion. While this is a smallnumber by many site’s standards,we have traditionally been a bulksite and one order can often equala full truck. This means that thosenumbers have sometimes tickedover quite slowly. We’re nowworking on our next milestone,which we have set at 250,000.Theresa showing off our newBig Balloon/<strong>Mainfreight</strong> cartonsSydney Road (Melbourne)At the time of our l<strong>as</strong>t newsletter,the team at Sydney Road had justfinished building the l<strong>as</strong>t remainingarea of racking and were looking fornew customers to come on boardbut, in just a few months, thewarehouse is now nearly full. Thisgrowth h<strong>as</strong> had its challenges butthe team h<strong>as</strong> pulled together,completed a smooth transition forthe new customers, and continuedto offer great service!With the growth in the operation theteam h<strong>as</strong> also had the opportunityto take on a new graduate in AmyCutajar. Amy’s fant<strong>as</strong>tic attitudewon the team over and she h<strong>as</strong>now taken on the customer servicefor some of our largest customers.Amy working in the newpick and pack areaThese new customers havechanged the dynamics of thewarehouse that now includes anintensive pick and pack area,including a roller rackingenvironment that works perfectly forthese customers, with room to offerpotential customers this optionalso.The Sydney Road warehouse, nearly full!

20<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Air & Ocean / CaroTrans Australia - Steve ThorogoodThe team around the countrycontinues to strive and bep<strong>as</strong>sionate about goals and targetsset both individually and <strong>as</strong> a teamwithin the business. Still paramountin our thoughts is the need to drivegrowth and provide opportunitiesfor our team.Things to do better next year are:1. Continue aggressive salesgrowth across all products2. Look for quality improvementoperationally and in customerservice, ensuring we get it rightand are “e<strong>as</strong>y to deal with”3. Incre<strong>as</strong>e graduate uptakethroughout the branches4. Deliver internal training to pushour performance to the highestlevel5. Continue improvement in ouraccount management andrelationships at all levels withour customers.Every day presents its challengesin an incre<strong>as</strong>ingly “globalised” worldwhere opportunities can come fromabsolutely anywhere. We, <strong>as</strong> partof this phenomenon, must focus onproviding the best service possibleto our global customers, many ofwhom are now supported by the<strong>Mainfreight</strong> business around theworld.This year h<strong>as</strong> seen many newcustomers join our family aroundthe country. Customers that everyone of our team must embrace andtake responsibility for.Recently our USA and Europeoperations joined the Asia, NewZealand and Australia operations ona single datab<strong>as</strong>e platform, whichwill provide ongoing efficiencies inthe delivery of data and informationbetween our operations.We do go far and wide in searchof business opportunities, someof those come in all manner ofways. These include the continueddevelopment of our cars, bikes,boats vertical market, our projectsdevelopment and our perishableoperations.Project WorkDuring August this year our team inSydney w<strong>as</strong> involved in themovement from Burnie T<strong>as</strong>maniathrough to Laem Chabang, Thailandof a paper mill that had beendecommissioned in Australia andHume AwardJaan Ilhan, part of the MelbourneCaroTrans team, took it uponhimself to nominate the <strong>Mainfreight</strong>/ CaroTrans business for a HumanResources award in the regionalHume Awards. We received the2012 award for OutstandingServices in Human Resources.Jaan had taken the initiative tonominate us, and after being<strong>as</strong>sessed and interviewed by theHume Business Council we wereofficially recognized. The successw<strong>as</strong> b<strong>as</strong>ed around theempowerment we offer our teamProject Movement from Burnie,T<strong>as</strong>mania to Laem Chabang, Thailandsold to a customer in Thailand. Thephoto above is of the pulper whichw<strong>as</strong> part of the movement. The fullproject involved the logistics to loadat the plant in Burnie, the handlingand transport, co-ordination,members, our open officeenvironment and managementstrategies, the p<strong>as</strong>sion of ourpeople and our commitment toteam member learning andimprovement. Special thanksto Jaan for showing the p<strong>as</strong>sionto support the business he worksfor and nominate <strong>Mainfreight</strong>/CaroTrans for this award andspecial thanks to the team acrossthe Melrose and Springbankoperations who continue to makethings happen.holding, vessel chartering andsubsequent export to Thailand. Thetotal volume moved w<strong>as</strong> 105 x 20ftand 20ft FR, 139 x 40ft and 40ft FRplus 2 break bulk pieces.Brian Mueller and Jaan Ilhanafter receiving the award

21<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Training Programme – All at Sea!As part of our 4-day Air & Oceantraining course many of our teamget to experience firsthand life onboard a container vessel. GrantDraper w<strong>as</strong> a recent participant.Grant’s comment: “We work closelywith our shipping companies tomake these tours possible and it isgreat to touch and feel the essenceof what our sea freight business isall about. After visiting the bridge,seeing the living and dining are<strong>as</strong>we wound down the stairc<strong>as</strong>efollowing the Chief Engineer into thebowels of the ship; he looked athome in his red overalls amongstthe heat and smell of oil andmachinery. The fuel oil generatorswere powering the ship in port. Theengine for the propeller w<strong>as</strong> underminor maintenance, it is a 6cylinder, 3-storey high monsterengine, the pistons are 8 metreshigh and solid metal. The fuel oil isstored in huge tanks that keep theoil heated to 40 deg at all times, it isthick like globs of mol<strong>as</strong>ses and willnot flow unless at 50 deg.”It is great that our teams get thechance to see these magnificentships and meet the people on them;this industry is a lifestyle not merelya job.Grant Draper on board the MV Bahia BlancaPeople MovementsRecent changes that have takenplace within the Air and Oceanbusiness in Australia:Lisa Harrison - appointed <strong>as</strong>Branch Manager NSW Perishableand Export Air. Lisa h<strong>as</strong> done agood job since we got our facilityoperational early this year in drivingthe department with Debra, Marcus,Olivia and our warehouse team. Weexpect the momentum to really goforward in 2013.Steve Anderson - moving fromBranch Manager Brisbane to takeup the Europe Trade Manager role.Steve h<strong>as</strong> had some successfulstints recently <strong>as</strong> Branch Managerin Sydney and in Brisbane and nowthe opportunity to drive the growthin what will be one of our f<strong>as</strong>tgrowing regions for our businesswill be a great challenge for him.Ogi Vuksanovic - moving backto Brisbane in January from hisAdelaide Branch Manager role totake up the Branch Manager rolein Brisbane. Ogi moved from theSales Manager role in Brisbanenearly 3 years ago to take over theManagement of the Branch inAdelaide and now the opportunityto return to Brisbane and lead theteam there h<strong>as</strong> come at the righttime.We also welcome Dave Coughlinto our family <strong>as</strong> he takes on the roleof Branch Manager in Adelaide.Dave w<strong>as</strong> a member of our family<strong>as</strong> part of a JV in Adelaide back in2003/2004 before the purch<strong>as</strong>e ofthe Owens Group.Congratulations to all on their newroles and we wish them all thesupport and drive to ensure theysucceed.<strong>Mainfreight</strong> AutomotiveWe continue to see growth in ourauto division looking after themovement of cars, motor bikes,boats, jet skis, etc into and out ofAustralia. Lee Amour and TrishAnderson, who form part of theteam driving this vertical market forus, recently had a promotionalstand at a major cl<strong>as</strong>sic car andbike show held in Melbourne.The Motorcl<strong>as</strong>sica show w<strong>as</strong> heldat the Melbourne Exhibition Buildingin October. The show w<strong>as</strong> very wellattended and good salesopportunities have already beenrealized from the show.Lee Amour working the stand at Motorcl<strong>as</strong>sica 2012

22Happy Feet!In September 2008, <strong>Mainfreight</strong>were the first to freight in liveAntarctic penguins, 13 Gentoo and5 Kings for Melbourne Aquarium forexhibition and, most importantly, fora breeding programme so one daythey would be able to start anexport programme. A further 24Gentoo and 12 Kings were importedduring September 2010.On 29 August 2012, <strong>Mainfreight</strong><strong>as</strong>sisted with the first export of12 Gentoo penguins from theMelbourne Aquarium breedingprogramme to Copenhagen.It w<strong>as</strong> a 12-month t<strong>as</strong>k to geteverything right – with multipleapprovals and the logisticschallenge of ensuring a stabletemperature of no greater than10ºC throughout the trip.The <strong>Mainfreight</strong> purpose built Pen for the Penguins Transport for Melbourne AquariumThe travelling time to Copenhagen:33 hours with two transit stops:- Singapore 30ºC with 90%humidity.- Sharjah 45ºC.Arrival Copenhagen 24ºC.With the above in mind, theSpringbank team designed andbuilt the pictured pen. A 2-tier levelpen, with spaces in the first floor totransfer airflow from the top tobottom, and nine windows on eachtier to allow access during flight.Loading of the penguins into the purpose-built pens by the Springbank teamTo maintain air temperature for thepenguins we designed and installeda 4-kilowatt refrigeration system toachieve an ambient temperaturebetween 4-10ºC. The system w<strong>as</strong>tested for 30 days achieving thedesign specifications. Powered by240 volt during flight, permissionw<strong>as</strong> granted and generators werehired at the transit ports to maintaintemperature.Melbourne Aquarium w<strong>as</strong> over themoon with the design of the pen,the overall movement and the endresult. Sarina Walsh, PenguinCurator of Melbourne Aquarium,and Greg Giarratana, SpringbankBranch Manager, travelled with thebirds <strong>as</strong> flight attendants and carersfrom Melbourne to Copenhagen.<strong>Mainfreight</strong> did a part charter withSingapore Airlines.The vet in Copenhagen w<strong>as</strong>amazed how healthy the birds wereon arrival and how friendly.Congratulations to the wholeSpringbank team for the successfulcompletion of this project.I suppose we should callthis story HAPPY FEET.To the <strong>Mainfreight</strong> / CaroTrans team in Australia, a big thank you foryour dedication, p<strong>as</strong>sion and drive during this year. We look forward toan enjoyable, relaxed and safe Christm<strong>as</strong> and New Year.To our <strong>Mainfreight</strong> family globally, we take this opportunity to thank all of you for yoursupport and wish you all a peaceful, safe and relaxing Christm<strong>as</strong> period and hope theNew Year brings happiness, health and rewards to you all. May your goals be reached.

25United States<strong>Mainfreight</strong> USA – John Hepworth<strong>Mainfreight</strong> USA continues to enjoya good year <strong>as</strong> we keep driving ourbusiness toward our 5 year goalsand to capture more of thisenormous market. With the worldstill in a slow growth ph<strong>as</strong>e we areple<strong>as</strong>ed with achieving growth indouble figures. Our teamexperienced their first bonuses thisp<strong>as</strong>t financial year and finally got tosee that our promises of profitmeans we share it with our teams.This is the reality of the <strong>Mainfreight</strong>culture.As we continue to set our short andlong term goals our business modelis changing from transactional toschedule business. We aredeveloping three core products forour Domestic business: WhiteGloves services 2Home or 2Office;Time Definite; and Ground. Theseare outlined in greater detail below.By creating or should I say definingthese products we can sellschedule pricing. This helps inmany ways but most importantly itallows our graduates to enter thesales force with less experiencethan transactional selling requires.Our international Air & Oceanbusiness h<strong>as</strong> grown very well thisyear, primarily due to the split of thebusiness into the Domestic andAir & Ocean divisions. This allowedthe international team to growindependently and h<strong>as</strong> provided anew focus <strong>as</strong> we endeavor tobecome the largest internationaldivision in the Group. Our first goalis to have strong airfreightconsolidations to all our overse<strong>as</strong>branches. We want to be theairfreight version of what CaroTransis to the Group in sea freight. Weaim to be CaroTrans’ largest LCLcustomer. We want to be the largesttrading partner of all our <strong>Mainfreight</strong>offices around the world. Big goals,but we have the team and themarket to achieve this.New Branches in Toronto, Canada and Mexico City, MexicoThe trans-border business isbecoming more critical today thanever. So much manufacturing isshifting back closer to the USmarket and this h<strong>as</strong> allowed us tohandle business through ourtrans-border divisions. The extrabenefit is, <strong>as</strong> these manufacturersreturn to the North Americancontinent they are also exporting tothe world. So in both Canada andMexico we will be providing full Air& Ocean services to our globalTrainingWith the recent appointment ofRaewyn Glamuzina <strong>as</strong> VP ofTraining and Team Development, weare very excited about 2013 <strong>as</strong> westart in-house training programs fornetwork.In addition to the above we haveopened new offices this year in thefollowing cities;• Philadelphia, PA – Branchmanager, Scott Doggett• Minneapolis, MN – Branchmanager, Michael Benjamin• Phoenix, AZ – Branch manager,Greg Sutton• P<strong>as</strong>adena, TX – Branchour team. We are working on safetyin our warehouses, warehousetraining programs, taking ourgraduate program to the next level,branch management training, andmanager, Matt Freidman (ourfirst Logistic warehousing site)• Carson, CA – Branch Manager,Craig McRitchie (our car loadingdepot)We have had the following newbranch managers appointed inexisting branches;• Chicago Domestic – Tim Reich• Miami Domestic – EduardoRivera• Atlanta Air & Ocean – Jeff Meesemany more programs. Raewyn willcertainly add to our quality andmost importantly make <strong>Mainfreight</strong>USA “E<strong>as</strong>y to do business with”.New TechnologyWithin a relatively short space oftime we will see the launch of fournew IT products: Mainchain 4, ournew TMS system, Cargowise globaldatab<strong>as</strong>e, and our new domesticplatform MainStreet. John Eshuis,VP of Business Solutions, backedup by a great team, will be workinghard over the next 3 to 12 monthsto ensure a successful roll out of allthese new IT platforms for ourcustomers and team.<strong>Mainfreight</strong> USA is excited aboutour future and looking forward toanother great year in 2013.We wish all in our <strong>Mainfreight</strong> families around the world a very MerryChristm<strong>as</strong>, Happy Holidays, and New Year. We wish you and your familiesa great 2013.

27Special thanks go to:• Baltimore BranchOne of our franchises really pulledout all stops to help. Rob Pace andhis team got generators loaded,fuel, fl<strong>as</strong>h lights, and many otherthings and immediately drove to ourNewark office. This w<strong>as</strong> despite thedanger of fallen debris, continuingheavy rain, and no working trafficlights, creating traffic hazardseverywhere. They did this not oncebut twice. Thanks Rob and thewhole Baltimore team!Michelle King and Oscar Rossini, setting up MF Newark International Branchtemporary quarters in CaroTrans - NJ training room• CaroTrans New JerseyErik Berger, Riyaz Jordan, and GregHoward immediately rearrangedtheir office to temporarily house ourteam. With a lot of hard work fromFSI (CaroTrans IT team) we were upand running by Friday. Thank youCaroTrans for your great support!Breakf<strong>as</strong>t with the New Zealand Prime Minister – John HepworthRecently, I had the ple<strong>as</strong>ure ofbreakf<strong>as</strong>ting with the New ZealandPrime Minister, RT Hon. JohnKey, while he w<strong>as</strong> visitingHollywood.It w<strong>as</strong> great to see how aggressivelyNew Zealand leadership is movingto attract the movie industry to NewZealand, which can bring in suchstrong tourist dollars. With movieslike the trilogies of Lord of theRings, the soon to be rele<strong>as</strong>ed “TheHobbit”, and the sequel of Avatar allbeing made in New Zealand it willcertainly allow the world to see thescenic beauty of New Zealand.It w<strong>as</strong> also a great opportunity tosee the success of New Zealandbusinesses in the USA from health,software to rocket development,and of course, <strong>Mainfreight</strong>’s owninspiring story here.There is one funny story that cameout of the breakf<strong>as</strong>t, not one I willsoon forget …MF Newark Domestic Team up and running in CaroTrans - NJ branch after Storm Sandyminutes late, I could find no one tovalet park my car. Finding theconciergeI threw him the keys and told himI w<strong>as</strong> late for breakf<strong>as</strong>t with the NZPrime Minister, would he mindparking it and I would fix him uplater. He immediately saluted meand yelled out “Yes Sir”.I rushed down the stairc<strong>as</strong>e to theallotted breakf<strong>as</strong>t area and walkedstraight into two secret servicemenand two New Zealand policemen.Seems they did not like the surpriseof me coming through the door at afull sprint; it seemed to startle them.Seeing their hands inside theirjackets, I came to an immediate haltthinking I w<strong>as</strong> going to be shot.After quickly explaining my h<strong>as</strong>te, Imade my grand entrance, escortedby all 4 of them to make sure I w<strong>as</strong>the right guy. Embarr<strong>as</strong>sing enoughto have everyone waiting for me,but to be escorted in made it evenmore noticeable!The breakf<strong>as</strong>t w<strong>as</strong> great and <strong>as</strong> itcame to an end I left to locate myDue to traffic I w<strong>as</strong> running late. AsI pulled up or should I say, came toa screeching halt <strong>as</strong> I w<strong>as</strong> 15John Hepworth, with Prime Minister John Key (4th from left) and others in Hollywood, CAYou still look out of breath John!

28car. I got out to the front, but didn’tsee it; I did however notice my“friends” the 4 security guyshovering around the PrimeMinister’s convoy of cars waiting toleave. I finally found the conciergeand walked up to give him a tip andretrieve my car. He immediatelyyells out “the secret service man ishere and needs his car”. I look athim in horror <strong>as</strong> he thinks I amsecret service, meanwhile my secretservice “friends” think I am a jerknot only for holding up the breakf<strong>as</strong>tbut also because my car w<strong>as</strong>parked in front of them holding upthe Prime Minister’s convoy.I quickly gave the concierge a $20tip and he w<strong>as</strong> over the moon.He immediately stops everything toopen my door and insists onmaking sure I had my coat off andmy bag w<strong>as</strong> safely stowed in theback seat before he would let mego. Meantime my 4 “friends” weregetting very impatient...Just another day in Hollywood!!<strong>Mainfreight</strong> USA Domestic Transport – WAAYYY More than Pickup and DeliveryTeam Columbus and TeamRotterdam joined forces for aninternational project shipment thatw<strong>as</strong> high profile and highlytechnical. Our client sent theconsignment via ocean containerfrom Rotterdam to Columbus.<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Columbus handled thedomestic transport and moved acomplete production line from theplant in Sunbury, OH to Florence,KY. The project took a mix of 21trucks (8 step/drop deck trucks –requiring permits for overweightand/or oversized, 7 flatbeds, 5curtain-side trailers, and 1 standardDry Van) over a two week period.The Columbus operations team alsomade arrangements for on-siteCrane service for 3 days at origin(Ohio) and 3 days at destination(Kentucky).Government Solutions “No Obstacles, Just Solutions”Frank Crossan, Director ofGovernment Solutions <strong>Mainfreight</strong>USA, & Mike Ligthart from<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Europe made a salescall on Eglin Air Force B<strong>as</strong>e, locatedoutside of Atlanta in May. Here’sthe story <strong>as</strong> told by Frank:Upon arrival at the b<strong>as</strong>e, we wereturned away with security notpermitting Mike to enter <strong>as</strong> he is aforeign national. Luckily theTransportation Officer (TO) w<strong>as</strong> atthe gate and we decided to movethe meeting off b<strong>as</strong>e.We all drove off in the rental car. Aswe were in a small town nothingw<strong>as</strong> open that early so we pulledthe car over in the parking lot andgave the <strong>Mainfreight</strong> governmentsales presentation in the car. TheTO w<strong>as</strong> in the p<strong>as</strong>senger seat -Mike in the back seat with medriving. We presented <strong>Mainfreight</strong>Air & Ocean - he said he w<strong>as</strong> veryinterested and would have his teamcall.Two weeks later a Transportationspecialist at the b<strong>as</strong>e called with ahot export to Europe - 28 pallets @28,000 kgs. Brian Martin, Atlantaexport operations did a great joband had it delivered before theirrequired delivery date.Guess we managed to get ourmessage across despite theunusual meeting space!

29First Impressions Matter– Tim Reich, <strong>Mainfreight</strong>Chicago DomesticBranch ManagerWe all know the cliché “you onlyhave one chance to make a goodfirst impression.” What applies inour personal lives is also applicablein our profession <strong>as</strong> well. Considerthe value of painting our local P&Dtrucks <strong>Mainfreight</strong> blue.On Wednesday, October 3, 2012,Chicago’s owner driver, JoaoBustamante, did a delivery onbehalf of Atlanta. We delivered 5large crates that were each about 6feet long by 4 feet wide by 3 feethigh. They contained an NBA(National B<strong>as</strong>ketball Association)scoring table. The business Joaodelivered to is called Van WagnerDorna.The customer’s operationsmanager, Johnny Ecklund, w<strong>as</strong> soimpressed with the appearance ofJoao’s truck and his full-sizedliftgate, he called our office to helphim with a challenge. To those ofyou who don’t follow Americansports, the National Hockey League(NHL) is not playing right now dueto a labor dispute. To takeadvantage of the empty aren<strong>as</strong>, theNBA booked 2 pre-se<strong>as</strong>on gamesDuffy Books In HomesDeliveryOn Friday, September 7th 2012,Rome, New York pre-school andelementary school children ofFrancis Bellamy Elementary alongwith the Literacy Coalition ofHerkimer and Oneida Countieswere presented with 30,000 freebooks, on behalf of <strong>Mainfreight</strong> andCaroTrans USA.<strong>Mainfreight</strong> USA, with the help ofTerry McMullen and the Omahabranch, organized the delivery ofthe books. The look on thechildren’s faces when the deliverytruck pulled up were priceless – andtheir cheers when the truck ribbonw<strong>as</strong> cut and the truck w<strong>as</strong> openedwere beyond heartwarming.up in Montreal and Winnipeg.Van Wagner Dorna needed to ship <strong>as</strong>coring table up there, deliver it to 2separate aren<strong>as</strong> over 1000 milesapart, and return it back to theStates.By painting our vehicles like no oneelse in town we were able to securea lead for new business. By <strong>as</strong>kingintelligent questions about wherethe client w<strong>as</strong> having difficulty, wewere able to quote and move thisusing our partner carrier, Sameday,and save the client thousands ofdollars. By providing impeccableexecution we have been able tosecure a huge opportunity withgreat visibility for <strong>Mainfreight</strong>.I am very proud and grateful ofeverybody who helped Chicagomove this—Dan Osterhout forsetting up the initial meeting,Craig Meador for the liaison withSameday, and l<strong>as</strong>t but certainly notle<strong>as</strong>t my driver, Joao Bustamante.Without him, and his blue truck,none of this would have beenpossible.

30CaroTrans – Greg HowardOnce again, we find ourselvesheading towards Christm<strong>as</strong> andalthough our half year results werebelow expectations, we are ple<strong>as</strong>edto report our hard working teamshave performed well across thenetwork by providing superiorservice to our clients.It is encouraging to see the steadyimprovement in our import services.Sales revenue is up and containervolume incre<strong>as</strong>ed 11% comparedto the same period l<strong>as</strong>t year.Leadership positions have beencreated to serve <strong>as</strong> key drivers ofthe import product. We continue toinvest in dedicated sales resourcesfor development of this segmentand expect to have import salesreps in all our major markets.We have incre<strong>as</strong>ed the frequencyof departures ex Shanghai to LosAngeles to three sailings per weekin response to market demands.Early in the new year, we intend toinitiate an all water service fromShanghai to Miami. This is the firststep of many, planned to expandthe connection between Miami andAsia considering that the State ofFlorida and Port of Miami havemade significant investments in theport and infr<strong>as</strong>tructure inanticipation of the influx of largervessels and incre<strong>as</strong>ed containervolume following the completion ofthe Panama Canal project in 2014.New web-b<strong>as</strong>ed tools have beendeveloped with the aim of providingour USA b<strong>as</strong>ed import customersaccess to critical shipment data,pricing information, on-line freightrele<strong>as</strong>e and freight paymentoptions. These web-b<strong>as</strong>ed toolsare designed to make it e<strong>as</strong>ier forimport customers to do businesswith CaroTrans.Growth of our FCL (full containerload) product remains solid acrossthe company with volume up 13.5%compared to the same period l<strong>as</strong>tyear. Our most notable incre<strong>as</strong>e involume h<strong>as</strong> been US exports toLatin America (particularly Brazil).Our market share continues toincre<strong>as</strong>e into Latin America wherewe are currently ranked <strong>as</strong> the thirdlargest NVO to the E<strong>as</strong>t Co<strong>as</strong>t ofSouth America in terms of volume.Our export volume to Oceaniacontinues to go from strength tostrength. As of the end ofSeptember, our aggregate volume(<strong>Mainfreight</strong> and CaroTrans) toOceania h<strong>as</strong> lifted us to the positionof the number 1 NVO ex USA toOceania. The support from ourcore carriers h<strong>as</strong> been instrumentalin helping us achieve this position inthe market … WELL DONE TEAM !!!Growth in our export LCL (less thancontainer load) segment h<strong>as</strong> beenmarginal due to historically lowfreight rates. This is considered acyclical condition with positiveupside potential, once ocean freightrates begin to rise. We continue toexpand our direct trade laneofferings by establishing newservices from New York to Prague,enhancing our services from NewYork to Istanbul and adding newservices from Charleston to Dubaiand Nhava Sheva, India.Since the opening of our Seattlebranch, the progress made isencouraging. The Seattle teaminitiated weekly export LCL servicesfrom Seattle to four destinations inAsia. Response from our clientsh<strong>as</strong> been positive and we plan toadd two more destinations early inthe new year. In addition todeveloping these new export tradelanes, the team also initiated adirect service from Seattle to ourNew York gateway for connectingservices throughout Europe,Mediterranean, South Africa and theUnited Kingdom. This serviceenhancement h<strong>as</strong> reduced theoverall transit time to mostdestinations by upwards of 10 daysfrom what we previously offered.Our CaroTrans Le Havre branch inFrance opened in June and kudosgo to Chris Wilson and the team forgetting this operation put togetherswiftly and effectively. The initialfocus is aggressive developmentof the ocean services between USAand France in efforts to take adominant position in this market.Currently we offer weeklyconsolidation services to Le Havrevia our New York, Charleston,Houston and Chicago gateways.Our plans call to initiate directservices from Los Angeles to LeHavre and export services fromLe Havre to New York andCharleston.Once we have the USA campaignwell underway and reaching thetargets, we will expand servicesbetween France and other partsof our network. Singapore h<strong>as</strong>good potential for us <strong>as</strong> a gatewayconnection to all of Asia andOceania. Our partners in Canada,Dubai and Saudi Arabia are alsointerested to develop trade withCaroTrans Le Havre.In addition to the expanded globalconnection, we also plan to linkCaroTrans Le Havre to our partnersin key European gateways in orderto offer global LCL ocean servicesbetween France and the world. Thefootprint within France will expandto include branch locations inseveral other French cities –Marseilles, Lyon, Paris.Our Santiago Chile team h<strong>as</strong>delivered improved results for thefirst six months. Sales revenue,margin and EBITA incre<strong>as</strong>edsignificantly compared to sameperiod l<strong>as</strong>t year. This is to beexpected considering the branchonly opened in April 2011.In June, we expanded operationsby providing weekly LCL importservices from Hong Kong, Ningbo,Shenzhen and Shanghai. As it iswith any new service, credibility andservice reliability must be proven inorder to build volume and for thiswe adopted a “must load” policy.

31We are satisfied with thedevelopment of the China – Chiletrade and the initial start-up costsare beginning to deliver the desiredresults. Considering that operatingin the China trade is a marathon,not a sprint race, we are developingthe China-Chile trade route for thelong term.As part of the development of thistrade, Raul Katz (our Latin AmericaManager) visited China inSeptember covering all sixbranches in two weeks. This w<strong>as</strong>an excellent opportunity to meet theteams and build knowledge of therespective markets. Client visitswere very productive and havenetted new business for theservices. In follow-up to this trip toChina, Joan Ji (our ShanghaiBranch Manager) will visit Santiagoin the new year. The reciprocalvisits will continue to be a vital partof our success in this trade.At the time of writing, the NY/NJregion is in the process of aRaul Katz trials a new form of transportduring his recent China visitm<strong>as</strong>sive recovery from thedev<strong>as</strong>tation left behind in the wakeof Super Storm Sandy. If it w<strong>as</strong>n’tenough to deal with Sandy, oneweek later, the region facedplummeting temperatures and w<strong>as</strong>hit by a Nor’e<strong>as</strong>ter snow stormwhich dumped <strong>as</strong> much <strong>as</strong> 12inches (30cm) snow across theregion. “What comes next …locusts and pestilence?”(<strong>as</strong> Governor Christie of New Jerseyrecently <strong>as</strong>ked).Our teams faced long periods ofbeing without power/water, schoolswere closed for two weeks,g<strong>as</strong>oline w<strong>as</strong> in short supply andcommunication lines were jammedup. Words cannot begin todescribe the dev<strong>as</strong>tation anddisruption this storm created;thankfully each team memberescaped with minimal damage toproperty and nobody w<strong>as</strong> injured.Our team displayed incredibleresilience to the conditions facedand came together in support ofeach other and other memberswithin their communities. This isreal testimony to the integrity andtenacity of our team and I thankthem for what they did to help eachother and the efforts in getting usback to work. It is all about specialpeople who make our companyvery special…THANK YOU !We would like to take this opportunity to wish all the Group and theirfamilies a Merry Christm<strong>as</strong> and a very happy and prosperous 2013.The new look CaroTrans GlobalWebsite w<strong>as</strong> launched inSeptember. It w<strong>as</strong> designed topresent us <strong>as</strong> a unified globalNVOCC with strong regionalpartners.It h<strong>as</strong> “good bones”. By that wemean that the structure is logical; itcan grow to encomp<strong>as</strong>s all parts ofthe globe with a unified look andfeel; and we can modify its parts onthe fly to accommodate localcustoms, language andpreferences.The welcome page leads the visitorto their region where country pagesfunctioning in multiple languagesoffer tools specific to their countryof origin. All of the USA customerfunctionality of the old site h<strong>as</strong> beenported to the new site.We’ve developed new tools thatnever existed in our industry beforewe started this project.For example, we’ll be introducingan LCL inland door to destinationport application that takes a point inthe USA and plots all possible costsand transits within our system toreturn the three best price andtransit options. We are now busybuilding that same functionality inthe same look and feel for the restof the CaroTrans family.

32Another new addition is the globalsearch function built into the site. Itresembles Google search where itallows freeform queries. In otherwords, type anything from a firstname to a port customs FIRMScode and we’ll come back withmore info. Behind the scenes weare building the data returned fromthese searches to anticipate that avisitor <strong>as</strong>king about Shanghai CFSoperations might want: maps of theregion and select contacts withinBaltimore’s PropellerClub Holds Annual CrabFe<strong>as</strong>tHeld in August every year, thisevent brings the shipping industryin Baltimore together, includingshippers, forwarders, steamshiplines and trucking companies fromaround the US. Thousands ofpeople set up for this event tomingle with customers and friendsand CaroTrans is always wellrepresented.the organization or a flyer about theregion. It is in its early stages but <strong>as</strong>it evolves, the search willaccommodate multiple languagesand depending on the visitor’slocation, return results specific totheir region with graphics and theability to interact with us in waysthat other NVOs cannot copy.As with a lot of new things, whenwe launched the site somecustomers loved it while othersloved the old site and let us knowabout it – loudly. We’ve receivedgreat feedback. Some of it led tochanges that were implemented thesame day – others have moved thedevelopment in directions that wecouldn’t have planned at thebeginning of this project.Because of the website’s “goodbones” we know that we can takeour customers’ ide<strong>as</strong> and bringthem to market in ways we haven’timagined. This is a fun project!We set ourselves up in our regularspot under a big shaded tree with along row of picnic tables and ourCaroTrans banner hung high on themain walkway near the entrance tothe fe<strong>as</strong>t. Each year bringssomething new and this year didn’tdisappoint.The weather w<strong>as</strong> a little threateningat the beginning, but held off to theday’s end. Customers flocked to theCaroTrans table to meet andsocialize with the team they workwith daily, always excited to meetsomeone they’ve only emailed ortalked with on the phone.L-R: Ginger Holland, Susan Kahl, Meredith McKayAs the day wrapped up we said ourgoodbyes to both new and oldfriends, another successful year forCaroTrans at the Crab Fe<strong>as</strong>t underour belts.Farewell to RuiThe end of 2012 h<strong>as</strong> thrown a lot ofcurve balls to the CaroTrans NJbranch. We faced record storms,g<strong>as</strong> shortages and even Halloweencancellations! If we weren’t sotough and resilient, we might thinkthat the Mayans and their calendarwere onto something withpredicting the end of the world.One of the curveballs thrown to usw<strong>as</strong> the scheduled, yet unfortunatedeparture of one of our valued teammembers back to her home countryof Japan. This year, our favoriteSeino inside account coordinatorand CaroTrans Team member, RuiDoi completed her second andperhaps final tour of duty with us.(Seino Logix is our partner in Japanof more than 15 years)Rui first joined our team in 2005 <strong>as</strong>an Inside Customer Service rep forSeino Logix and h<strong>as</strong> sincecompleted two tours in the USA.She helped train our internal teamhow to effectively coordinate ourimport and export shipments withour Japanese partners and how tobest serve our US b<strong>as</strong>ed Japanesecustomers.Her mixed background of Peruvianand Japanese origins, paired withher American education made her acultural customer service dynamo.Her ability to speak fluent English,Spanish and Japanese proved an

33invaluable skill for our loyal b<strong>as</strong>e ofcustomers and the internaloperations teams of both CaroTransand Seino. She is known to hercustomers and fellow teammembers <strong>as</strong> reliable, razor sharp,extremely vigilant and alwayssmiling. As an added bonus to hertechnical skills, she is incrediblyoutgoing and a completesweetheart who gets along witheveryone.As she returns to her hometown inYokohama Japan, we wish Rui all ofthe best and we thank her for beingpart of our success. She will bemissed by many.Mojave Desert Solar ProjectCaroTrans Los Angeles h<strong>as</strong> beenkeeping very busy with movingcontainers from Spain to a solarproject under construction nearHinkley in the Mojave Desert. Theproject h<strong>as</strong> been very challenging,with upwards of 100 containersarriving on a single vessel at thepeak, yet the delivery location onlybeing able to handle delivery of 12containers per day. The truckershave been challenged by heavyloads, causing more than a few flattires, high winds in the high desert,<strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> a delivery location that isno more than graded sand anddaytime temperatures exceeding120 degrees F (49 C) for much ofthe summer.The delivery ph<strong>as</strong>e of the project isnow nearing the wind-down ph<strong>as</strong>e,with construction of the parabolicmirrors well under way. Theadvantage of the parabolic mirrordesign over a traditionalphotovoltaic solar panel is that theenergy can be stored well aftersunset, allowing the power plant toprovide energy to the Californiaelectricity grid through the eveningpeak demand.California is aiming to have 33% ofits electricity from renewable energyby 2020. Solar is playing a hugepart in achieving this goal. With oneof only two Southern Californianuclear power plants shut downindefinitely for repairs since the startof 2012, renewable energy sourceshave helped to cover the shortfallbetween supply and demand.The project h<strong>as</strong> been a greatlearning experience for our Team,and we look forward to our nextsolar project.

34We Care about ClaimsSince joining our team in 2006 <strong>as</strong> our claimsmanager, Cindy Rafart h<strong>as</strong> helped create anattitude within CaroTrans aimed at makingour clients feel confident that their claims arehandled skillfully and timely. We have takenproactive and conscious efforts to ensureour communications are open andconsistent with our customers to help themachieve the best results possible. A primaryfocus for Cindy and the team is to keepcontrol of all the resolutions b<strong>as</strong>ed oncontracts of carriage limitations andapplicable statutes while providing eachcustomer the same level of service they areaccustomed to when they entrust theirfreight with us. We also take the opportunityto use claims results to identify correctiveme<strong>as</strong>ures to avoid future claims.An excellent example is the communicationand cooperation of our team with ourcustomers during the aftermath of HurricaneSandy. In conjunction with our underwriters,(The TT Club), we coordinated freightinspections within a short period of time withexcellent results and kept all claimants wellinformed and properly guided through theentire process. It is at moments like this thatwe pride ourselves in having a team capableof achieving great results by being best incl<strong>as</strong>s.Three Wise Men and aChristm<strong>as</strong> Tree?No it’s just Riyaz Jordan& Kerry Conn (from NewJersey branch) and PedroCustodio (from CraftBrazil) in New York Citywith Empire StateBuilding in thebackground<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Command Center at CaroTransFollowing the extensive damagesustained at <strong>Mainfreight</strong> Newark,the team shifted to the CaroTransoffice and occupied open desksand the “850 Room”.During challenging times like this,it is great to see the team work andgroup efforts put in by both teamsto accommodate the needs of MFT.With no questions <strong>as</strong>ked it w<strong>as</strong> amatter of all hands on deck in orderto get the MFT team up and running<strong>as</strong> quickly <strong>as</strong> possible. There are anumber of team members torecognize; most notably RiyazJordan and Erik Berger, butparticular mention goes to JeryckVillahermosa, a grad on theCaroTrans accounting team whow<strong>as</strong> instrumental in establishing ITconnections and communicationlines for <strong>Mainfreight</strong> in record time.

35ASIAJenny Zhang, Sophie Liu & Evan Zhang…our Supply Chain Team SpecialistsWith the year end f<strong>as</strong>t approaching,we reflect on another f<strong>as</strong>t pacedyear just p<strong>as</strong>t.For your Asia teams, the big focusover the p<strong>as</strong>t year h<strong>as</strong> been todevelop more products to add toour supply chain offering. We havedone a lot of work in strengtheningour Warehouse & Logistics offeringand also have launched a trialprogramme to build a domesticroad product in Mainland China.As many of you will be aware, theGroup’s Air & Ocean divisionsaround the world recently took thegiant leap of moving to a singledatab<strong>as</strong>e for our global operations.<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Asia – Michael LofaroThis is a significant step for thisdivision. To build upon this, ourShenzhen team have been leadingthe charge in developing a fullyintegrated seamless informationflow for our China-b<strong>as</strong>ed logisticsservices, linking directly to ourglobal platform, and offering ourcustomers full visibility across thewhole service offering.It’s early days but the results thusfar have been very promising, so weare confident this new part of ourAsian business model will prove tobe a success. Stay tuned for morenews on these developments overthe coming year.Michael Beechey of the Crowne Hotels Group, hosting the eveningWith the rising wealth of the middlecl<strong>as</strong>s in China, the demand for morevariety and quality in food andbeverage (F&B) is incre<strong>as</strong>ing. Tohelp promote the F&B opportunitiesavailable to our New Zealandcustomers, we recently participatedin a promotional event, held in<strong>as</strong>sociation with Crowne HotelGroup in Shanghai. The event w<strong>as</strong>designed to promote New ZealandF&B suppliers.<strong>Mainfreight</strong> w<strong>as</strong> a major sponsor ofthe event which culminated with agala evening where traditional Maoridancers presented a haka.We look forward to the coming year with a renewed energy... our Air &Ocean divisions around the world are now fully integrated, working off acommon platform, and <strong>as</strong> such we see great opportunity ahead.Maori dancers entering the event – <strong>Mainfreight</strong> a proud sponsorJoyce Lau (MFT Hong Kong) and Billy Zhang (MFT Shanghai)enjoying the entertainment

36The eight branches we now operate in Mainland China (Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Ningbo, Shanghai,Tianjin, Qingdao & Chengdu) are all overseen by Linda Huang, who is b<strong>as</strong>ed in our Shanghai office. Linda offeredthis contribution to our newsletter.2000 年 是 中 国 传 统 上 的 龙 年 , 更 是极 为 难 得 的 一 个 跨 世 纪 的 千 禧 年 。 对许 许 多 多 的 中 国 人 而 言 , 这 一 年 既 是特 别 的 一 年 又 将 是 好 运 的 一 年 。 而 对于 我 来 说 , 这 一 年 更 是 格 外 的 难 忘 。2000 年 5 月 , 经 过 紧 张 的 筹备 ,MAINFREIGHT 上 海 成 立 了 。 而就 在 同 年 的 9 月 我 也 非 常 幸 运 的 迎 来了 儿 子 的 诞 生 。 周 旋 在 工 作 和 生 活 的双 生 儿 之 间 , 我 忙 碌 并 充 实 着 。随 着 时 间 的 飞 逝 , 一 转 眼 12 个 年 头 过去 了 。 我 的 儿 子 已 经 长 的 比 我 还高 …… 蓦 然 回 首 ,MAINFREIGHT 亚洲 已 从 原 有 的 两 个 分 公 司 发 展 到 了 现在 的 十 个 ; 从 香 港 和 上 海 扩 展 至 新 加坡 及 中 国 其 他 七 个 分 公 司 , 而 台 湾 及泰 国 的 分 公 司 也 亦 在 规 划 筹 建 中 。回 顾 MAINFREIGHT 的 发 展 历 程 , 我要 特 别 感 谢 Mr. David Shiau。 正 是有 了 David 长 年 坚 持 不 懈 的 努 力 , 使我 们 的 团 队 培 养 了 良 好 的 工 作 习 惯 ,从 而 不 断 的 提 升 工 作 效 率 , 为 我 们 日后 的 长 足 发 展 奠 定 了 异 常 坚 实 的 基础 。 如 若 说 David 领 导 下 的 工 作 模 式是 使 大 家 惯 于 行 事 谨 慎 , 着 重 于 事 前控 制 的 话 , 那 Michael 的 到 来 无 异 于给 大 家 带 来 了 一 场 头 脑 风 暴 --- 他 鼓 励团 队 要 学 会 主 动 思 考 , 在 错 误 中 学 习成 长 , 走 向 成 熟 。 如 此 之 下 , 压 力 无疑 是 巨 大 的 , 但 却 也 在 不 同 的 角 度 推动 了 团 队 的 快 速 成 长 。 显 而 易 见 , 随着 集 团 的 日 益 壮 大 和 发 展 , 我 们 从 单一 市 场 、 单 一 产 品 的 经 营 模 式 稳 步 走向 了 现 在 的 业 务 形 态 产 品 多 元 化 , 海运 、 空 运 、 进 口 、 出 口 、3PL 多 套 马车 并 行 , 前 景 一 片 大 好 。2009 是 又 一 个 特 别 的 年 份 , 当 年 3 月我 们 全 线 上 新 的 操 作 系 统Cargowise, 正 式 与 总 公 司 的 全 球系 统 进 行 对 接 , 难 度 不 小 。 而 与 此 同时 , 全 球 经 济 危 机 正 四 处 蔓 延 , 压 力重 重 。 但 , 危 机 永 远 是 有 “ 危 ” 就有 “ 机 ”, 危 险 与 机 遇 是 并 存 的 。 我们 的 团 队 不 负 众 望 , 克 服 重 重 困 难 ,共 同 努 力 , 使 得 我 们 在 顺 利 完 成 新 系统 上 线 任 务 的 同 时 , 业 务 发 展 却 也 取得 了 重 大 的 突 破 , 这 与 整 个 低 迷 的 市场 情 况 形 成 的 巨 大 反 差 有 力 的 证 明了 -- - 机 会 总 是 留 给 了 有 准 备 的 人 !我 们 的 团 队 真 的 很 棒 !纵 观 日 前 全 球 的 经 济 危 机 虽 尚 未 结束 , 但 我 们 的 业 务 却 能 在 逆 势 中 保 持增 长 的 势 头 , 实 属 不 易 。 望 新 成 员 的加 入 使 我 们 的 发 展 如 虎添 翼 , 让 我 们 携 手 并肩 , 共 同 奋 斗 , 创 造佳 绩 。 同 时 也 希 望 我们 的 成 员 能 随 着 公 司的 发 展 , 找 准 个 人 定位 , 早 日 实 现 双 赢 的奋 斗 目 标 !加 油 !Linda HuangThe year 2000 w<strong>as</strong> the Year of TheDragon, an extremely rare crosscentury,event, the millennium. Tomany Chinese people, this year isnot only a special year but also ayear of good fortune. For me, thisyear is especially memorable.In May 2000, I start the setting up of<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Shanghai and inSeptember 2000 I also very happilyushered in the birth of my son.Managing this “twin” events, workand life w<strong>as</strong> a very busy butenjoyable time.Time flies, and 12 years havep<strong>as</strong>sed. My son h<strong>as</strong> grown up soquickly and now is even taller thanme... When we look back,<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Asia h<strong>as</strong> developedfrom the original two branches tonow total ten branches. From ourbeginnings in Hong Kong andShanghai we have extended toSingapore and another eightbranches in China, and soon twonew branches being Taiwan &Thailand.Reviewing the development of<strong>Mainfreight</strong> China, I would like tooffer my sincere thanks to Mr DavidShiau, who is soon to retire. It w<strong>as</strong>David, whose years of unremittingefforts, made our team well trainedwith good work habits, with a focuson efficiency. This guidance laid thegood foundation for the rapiddevelopment of our future. If we sayDavid‘s working mode is to makeeveryone used to being cautious,with emph<strong>as</strong>is on prior control, thenwe have to say that MichaelLofaro’s arrival in Asia absolutelybrought us into a brain storm – heencouraged and motivated theteam to think actively, grow fromlessons learnt, helping us to ourcurrent level of maturity. Thepressure is undoubtedly great, but itexactly works. The team h<strong>as</strong> grownup very quickly.It is obvious that along with theGroup’s global growth anddevelopment, we here in Asia havechanged the business model fromwhere we started 12 years ago, <strong>as</strong>ingle market and product focus towhere we are at present… offeringdiversification, Sea Freight,Airfreight, Import and Export, 3PL.The prospect is broad.2009 w<strong>as</strong> also another special yearfor <strong>Mainfreight</strong> China, in March thenew system – Cargowise went live,which w<strong>as</strong> a big challenge. Andmeanwhile, the global economiccrisis w<strong>as</strong> spreading around,applying heavy pressure. But, weknew, opportunity and peril alwaysare side-by-side. As expected, ourteam worked together, took up thegauntlet, completed the t<strong>as</strong>ksuccessfully…which is the bestevidence for a Chinese saying- opportunity always be there forthose who are well prepared! Wehave a great team!Looking around, the globaleconomic crisis is still not end yet,and even under such situation ourbusiness is growing up and up, welldone team! Hope with the newmembers join in our family it canbring the new energy into our blood,let’s work together, to create moreand more success in coming future.Hope all our members can growalong with the company; find rightposition, to achieve the win-wingoal!Cheers!Linda HuangWe would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Safe and HappyChristm<strong>as</strong> and a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year. 2013 will bringin the Year of the Snake … a year for creativity, and diligence.

37CaroTrans AsiaWe don’t often talk about ourCaroTrans (CTI) team in Asia so inthis Team Board Report we want tohave a highlight on the CTI crew inAsia.We launched the CTI product herejust on four years ago. The productw<strong>as</strong> initially launched in Hong Kongand Shanghai, but now we haveCaroTrans operating in 8 branches,and soon we will also have theproduct up and running in Taiwan.Your CaroTrans team in Asiafocuses on port to port LCLgroupage and the team works veryclosely with our other CaroTransoperations in the USA, Australia,New Zealand, France and Chile.From virtually nothing, the team ofCaroTrans Asia now handles weeklyconsolidations to and from dozensof trade lanes around the world.This is an outstanding achievementin one of the most competitivemarkets in the world.As a company, LCL consolidationh<strong>as</strong> been one of our foundationproducts, and the strength of theCaroTrans brand, particularly in theUSA, h<strong>as</strong> been a great <strong>as</strong>set inhelping us grow the product in Asia.We look forward to seeingcontinued growth of the CaroTransAsia business.CaroTrans Shanghai TeamL-R: Benny Tang, Yuki Pan, Clare Chen, Sanny Zheng, Joanna Fan, Doris Bao,Elaine Lu, Helen Sun, Jessica Zheng, Evoone Tang, Jacky Yao, Joan JiNow, just to show that we don’talways just talk about freight...we also include a picture of proudfather, Elton Poon. Elton is theBranch Manager for CaroTransHong Kong and h<strong>as</strong> played animportant role in the developmentof this product, not only in HongKong but throughout SouthernChina. Elton is the first child in hisfamily and he and his wife broughtyoung Poon Ho Yat (pictured withdad) into the world <strong>as</strong> the firstgrandson; a very auspicious eventin this part of the world.Not to be outdone, our teammember Eva Jiang in our Qingdaobranch also gave birth to a WangZhao Han on the same day. Seemsthat our CTI team in Asia have ap<strong>as</strong>sion for more than just freight.No doubt that a healthy workenvironment makes for a healthyfamily.To the CTI team in Asia, a heartythank you for your efforts to datethis year and may the New Year,The Year of The Snake, bring youall prosperity and good health.And from all the CTI team in Asia we would liketo take this opportunity to wish everyone a safeand happy Christm<strong>as</strong>, and may the New Yearbring you all peace, good health and happiness.

38EuropeWim Bosman and <strong>Mainfreight</strong> Group Europe – Mark NewmanWe will look back on 2012 <strong>as</strong> one ofthe most challenging periods in ourcompany’s history. Economic andpolitical uncertainty in Europe h<strong>as</strong>affected all of our businesses, ourcustomers and partners.There is a great saying by a Germanbloke named Friedrich Nietzschethat states “what does not kill youmakes you stronger”; a good thingto remember <strong>as</strong> we face thesedifficult times. Make no mistake, the<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Group we are now apart of, armed with its hundred yearvision is completely committed toour European future. Our job is torepay the Group by continuing tocreate a stronger, more dynamicand profitable European business.The new normal for Europe howeverrequires us to change significantly.If we choose to adopt the stunningexample of our politicians (sit in adark corner, close your eyes, blockyour ears and say that everything isok), we will miss a once in ageneration opportunity to reinventourselves <strong>as</strong> a leaner, more agile,more profitable business.We urge all of you in our Europeanteam to embrace the changes thatare happening within the Group,contribute strongly in your PATmeetings, and adopt a totalcommitment to our efforts to growWe wish you a wonderful Christm<strong>as</strong> with family and friends.Forwarding Operation of the FuturePaul Looman, EuropeanManager Forwarding &TransportAfter more than 12 years <strong>as</strong> managerof Wim Bosman Forwarding Holland,Paul Looman w<strong>as</strong> appointed <strong>as</strong>European Manager Forwarding &Transport of the Wim Bosman Groupon 1 July 2012. In this new positionPaul h<strong>as</strong> joined the European SupportTeam, other members of the EuropeanSupport Team are Dick Betlem(Logistics) and Jon Gundy (Air &Ocean). Paul is now ultimatelyresponsible for the financial andquality performance of our forwardingand transport businesses acrossEurope.sales, improve gross margins andlower our costs. Never acceptmediocrity in your own work or yourfellow team members’ anddemonstrate the accountability andcommitment it takes to delight ourcustomers at all times.Most of all let’s continue to harnessthe power of our growing Europeansupply chain network and thesignificant opportunities we nowhave being part of the worldwide<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Group. With a unifiedattitude, a common commitment toexcellence and a positive approachto change we are indeed on theroad to an exceptional future.Paul Looman (left) and Frans Zuidgeest (right)Frans Zuidgeest, Country Manager Forwarding HollandFrans Zuidgeest took over the SystemPlus. The focus will be onposition previous held by Paul the further optimization of theLooman on 1 July 2012. In his new Forwarding operation in therole <strong>as</strong> Country ManagerNetherlands. In practice, anForwarding, Frans h<strong>as</strong> finalintegrated approach to the planningresponsibility for our Dutchof our lines through Europe,forwarding activities including incre<strong>as</strong>ing the transparency ofshipment information anddeveloping new solutions. This is incombination with a new transportmanagement system (TMS).In short, the building of theForwarding operation for the future.

39Terminal ANS during the stock transferBeiersdorf-team at Wim Bosman from left to right: Mike Visser, Geert-Jan Jurjus,Thom<strong>as</strong> Bijl, Danny Peters, Detlef Hawranke, Jan Kieft, Harry Bakker, Daniela Veuger,Franck Roodbeen, K<strong>as</strong>ia Woitschek, Floris Proost, Bram SchouttetenNew Warehouse Operations for Beiersdorf at Wim Bosman ‘s-HeerenbergWim Bosman h<strong>as</strong> signed a threeyearcontract with Beiersdorf , theGerman cosmetics company b<strong>as</strong>edin Hamburg, to significantly expandits logistics activities in the Benelux.Since 2009, Wim Bosman h<strong>as</strong>handled distribution for theBelgium, Netherlands andLuxemburg (Benelux) region fromthe Beiersdorf distribution center inHamburg. Recently, Beiersdorfdecided to move all warehousingactivities for the Benelux to WimBosman in ‘sHeerenberg, theNetherlands.During the preparation,implementation and transfer periodof approximately four months, agroup of dedicated team membersdesigned and set up smart andoptimal logistics processes. Thefirst truck with stock from Hamburgw<strong>as</strong> received in mid-May and 10 to20 trucks a day were coming in untilthe official start of the operation in‘s-Heerenberg on 1 July.Meanwhile, team members weretrained thoroughly regarding thesystem set-up and specificcustomer requirements. During theimplementation period, theoperational procedures werefinalized due to several meetingswith Beiersdorf and the execution ofmutual system tests. Finally, thestart of the new Beiersdorfoperation w<strong>as</strong> in the weekend of 1July. A team of Beiersdorf w<strong>as</strong>present to support on-site at WimBosman ‘sHeerenberg.After a very successful launch WimBosman now operates thewarehousing activities, includingpicking and packing services <strong>as</strong>well <strong>as</strong> additional activities, such <strong>as</strong>re-packing and labelling b<strong>as</strong>ed oncustomer requirements. Moreover,Wim Bosman provides in-houseco-packing services includingshrinking, blister packaging anddisplay building for promotionalactions. The activities are executedby a group of 35 team members.The total stock is approximately17,000 pallets, including dangerousgoods (mainly aerosols) andconditioned storage of medicines. Anumber of 120,000 pallets aredelivered via 20,000 orders per yearranging in size from parcel to fulltruck loads. Distribution takes placevia the Wim Bosman networkthroughout the Benelux region.Receivers range from retailer DC’sto local pharmacies.Beiersdorf’s choice to collaboratewith Wim Bosman in thechallenging Benelux market isb<strong>as</strong>ed on the high deliveryperformance on a constant b<strong>as</strong>isfor the current distribution.Moreover, Wim Bosman willmanage Beiersdorf’s supply chainthrough smart and responsivesolutions specially designed for thecustomer’s specific needs. Thestrategic location, the state of theart warehouses and systems andthe collaborative attitude are thekey points in this partnership.About Beiersdorf AGCosmetics company Beiersdorf AGis b<strong>as</strong>ed in Hamburg, Germany, andh<strong>as</strong> approximately 18,000employees worldwide. Its sales in2011 amounted to € 5,6 billion andthe company is listed on theGerman stock exchange.Beiersdorf’s NIVEA is the world’slargest skin care brand. Othernames in its successful internationalbrand portfolio include Eucerin, LaPrairie, Labello, 8x4, Hansapl<strong>as</strong>t/El<strong>as</strong>topl<strong>as</strong>t and subsidiary Tesa.Beiersdorf h<strong>as</strong> 130 years of skincare experience and is known for itsinnovative and high-qualityproducts.(by Thom<strong>as</strong> Bijl)Kia Ora! (by Annelien Deceuninck)My name is Annelien Deceuninck,Management Trainee at WimBosman Belgium. I have been giventhe opportunity to gain experiencefor a year in the Air & Ocean branchin Auckland, New Zealand.Although the Belgian and the NewZealand (<strong>Mainfreight</strong>) culturesseemed very similar at first sight,I still discover striking andinteresting differences every day:

40Oneliners‘Superior customer performance’and ‘Special company, specialpeople’ are two of the many onelinersthat you see here on trucksand buildings and in offices. Theyare certainly not empty one-liners,but real values that the entire teamadheres to every day.ClothingThe clothing style is much moreformal (no jeans!) than in Belgium.Apart from this, everything is lessformal, which is again emph<strong>as</strong>isedby the ‘open office’ culture.Kiwi accentThe kiwi accent is less complicatedthan expected. To sound like a realKiwi you have to say ‘Aye’ at theend of every sentence. Naturally, Ihave experienced a number ofcomical and sometimesembarr<strong>as</strong>sing moments due to theincorrect use of English, withhilarious consequences…Annelien Deceuninck at the port.Sports cultureTo wake up at 5 AM in order to playsports and walking around in yoursports clothes all day on theweekends is not unusual here. TheAuckland half marathon in Octoberh<strong>as</strong> been my toughest sportingchallenge!Short, shorter, shortestDuring an evening in town I w<strong>as</strong>constantly amazed about thelength, or rather the lack of length,of the skirts worn by the youngladies. Unbelievably short!I would like to take this opportunityto thank everyone who made myexchange trip to New Zealandpossible. Since my arrival I haveonly become more proud of the factthat I am able to work for WimBosman/<strong>Mainfreight</strong>. This uniqueexperience encourages me tocontribute to making it a worldwidesuccess story!“The Experience of MyLife” (by Martin Wierzbicki)Being part of the first exchangeprogramme between Wim Bosmanand <strong>Mainfreight</strong>, h<strong>as</strong> given me theopportunity to live and work in theNetherlands. I have been b<strong>as</strong>ed inthe ANS warehouse of WimBosman in ‘s-Heerenberg (NL) forthree months now.Already a quarter of a year h<strong>as</strong>flown by in the beautiful country ofthe Netherlands. My first threeweeks at Wim Bosman werefocused on visiting most of thedepartments in ‘sHeerenberg andmeeting an unbelievable amount ofpeople. The amount of handshakesthat took place and the number ofnames I had to learn w<strong>as</strong> mindblowing.The size of the ANS building ismuch larger than the warehouseI worked in back home in Australia.It h<strong>as</strong> been great to see how wellsuch a large number of people canwork together in such a large area.My role amongst all the action h<strong>as</strong>Martin Wierzbicki in front of C<strong>as</strong>tle Huis Bergh in ‘s-Heerenberg (NL).been to be a part of the Nortekoperation we have here at ANS.This includes being part of a varietyof processes ranging from inboundand outbound procedures,customer service, invoicing, fiscalrepresentation and more. One of mymajor goals h<strong>as</strong> been finding waysto streamline all these processes.Another important role I have been<strong>as</strong>signed is the implementation ofOmnimount, which is a group of theNortek operation. This h<strong>as</strong> been acompletely new and challengingexperience so far and I cannot waitto see Omnimount up and runningsoon!Apart from work, living in theNetherlands h<strong>as</strong> given me theopportunity to do what I havealways dreamed of doing and thatis travelling around Europe. So farI have seen many amazing cities inthe Netherlands, Luxembourg andBelgium and I cannot wait to seemore! It h<strong>as</strong> only been threemonths, and this already h<strong>as</strong> beenan experience of a lifetime.

41Wim Bosman RUS Receives Award from John DeereDuring the annual John Deere’Logistics Process Council’, whichw<strong>as</strong> held 17-18 July 2012 in Moline(USA), Julia Shevkalenko and herteam received an Award. Theyreceived this award for recognitionof outstanding logistic performancewith handling the spare parts flowto John Deere facilities inDomodedovo, Russia.The cooperation with John Deere inRussia began about two and a halfyears ago. Wim Bosman RUSstarted with deliveries of USAcomponents to the John Deere<strong>as</strong>sembling line in Domodedovo(RU) via the port of Riga (LV).Later during winter 2011 WimBosman RUS performed excellentservice when ice formation on thewaterways near the port of St.Petersburg (RU) caused extremedifficulties for ontime delivery. Sincel<strong>as</strong>t year Wim Bosman RUS h<strong>as</strong>been handling the flow of USAspare parts from Hamburg (DE) tothe Domodedovo warehouse viaFinnish ports and the port of St.Petersburg.Outward Bound: Existing Leadership Course (by Frans Zuidgeest)Time p<strong>as</strong>ses by unnoticedsometimes. For instance, it isalready some time ago, that I, FransZuidgeest, went to New Zealand toattend the Outward Bound: ExistingLeadership Course MF569.After a number of weeks ofpreparation, which included filling ina 360° feedback form and physicaltraining (the latter w<strong>as</strong>, inretrospect, certainly notunimportant!), the “and then…”moment arrived. I started thecourse with only the words“experience the unexpected…”or rather “live for the moment…”The course w<strong>as</strong> given in thebeautiful, natural surroundings ofthe Marlborough Sounds. InAnakiwa (central office of OutwardBound) the adventure started at topspeed. We were first introduced to agroup of 14 <strong>Mainfreight</strong> teammembers who we did not know.With this team we underwentintensive training in the field ofpersonal development and werefaced with various physicalchallenges. We were constantlytaken out of our comfort zone andpushed to go a step further.Eventually, we learned to translatethe training and the challenges intoeveryday practice.Looking back on an exceptionalexperience, which is ideally suitedto our daily operations and thechallenges that we face, I concludewith the battle cry of our NewZealand team members: Kia Kaha(be strong).Wim Bosman Expands in E<strong>as</strong>tern EuropeIn the p<strong>as</strong>t year, Wim Bosman h<strong>as</strong> opened branches in the Ukraine (Kiev), Finland (Hamina), Russia (Moscow),Romania (Cluj-Napoca) and Poland (Katowice). Recently all Branch Managers attended a meeting in‘s-Heerenberg.Area Manager E<strong>as</strong>ternEuropeGuus van derStelt“The goal of the WimBosman Group is to berecognised <strong>as</strong> aprimary logisticsservice supplier thatoffers tailor-made andsustainable logisticssolutions. In order to achieve this it isnecessary to be strongly represented inE<strong>as</strong>tern Europe. Our physical presencein E<strong>as</strong>tern European countries enablesus to be much more flexible and torespond to the needs of localcustomers immediately”, explains Guusvan der Stelt, Area Manager E<strong>as</strong>ternEurope.Russia (RU) MoscowMaria AndreevaMaria Andreeva saysthe following aboutthis branch: “Moscowis a capital city, whichis the re<strong>as</strong>on thatmost of thecompanies choose itfor headquartersb<strong>as</strong>e. 80% of ourclients are located in Moscow and ourintention w<strong>as</strong> to be closer to thecustomers in order to shortencommunication lines and quicklyrespond to customer’s needs. Thereforethe Moscow branch w<strong>as</strong> opened, inMay 2012, <strong>as</strong> a supportive b<strong>as</strong>e to St.Petersburg operational office.”Julia Shevkalenko (Branch ManagerWim Bosman Russia), receives Awardfrom Dave PanjwaniHamina (FI) FinlandPetra Parviainen“The majority of thecontainer transportationgoes to Russia throughFinland. In order toaccelerate the transit ofshipments to and fromRussia, we opened abranch in Hamina,Finland, in April 2012.This allows us to take control and tostart drawing up the documents at theloading address immediately after thedeparture of the container. This savestime and enables us to respond morerapidly to deviations in documents andregulations. The consequence of this isthat we can inform our customers f<strong>as</strong>terand in a more personal manner”.

42Romania (RO) Cluj-NapocaIoana Blaj“Besides the southof Romania(Ploieşti branch),we also wanted tobe able to supplythe northern part.This resulted in theestablishment ofthe Cluj-Napocabranch in June 2012. A centrallocation in the industrial heart ofTransylvania. The favourablelocation of ClujNapoca reducestransport costs and improves transittimes”.Poland (PL) KatowiceDariusz Szczerbiński“Katowice islocated in theProvince of Silesia,which is regarded<strong>as</strong> one of the bestdeveloped regionsin Poland ineconomic terms.The strongestindustries are established here,including mining, the iron and steelindustry, mechanical engineering,the chemicals sector and theautomobile industry. Re<strong>as</strong>onenough for Wim Bosman to open <strong>as</strong>econd branch in Poland (June2012).”The Ukraine (UA) KievIrina Mur<strong>as</strong>hko“With 45.8 millionconsumers, theUkraine is a largesales market with amultitude ofpossibilities. Heretoo, Ukrainiancustomers prefer topay in their owncurrency. This is only possible for aWest European company if you areestablished there. Moreover, theUkrainian ports on the Black Seaare fulfilling an incre<strong>as</strong>inglyimportant role for the movement ofgoods to central and e<strong>as</strong>ternEurope”.CaroTrans Opens NewAir & Ocean branch inLe HavreAs from Monday 11 June 2012 anew branch of CaroTrans beganoperating in Le Havre, France andh<strong>as</strong> started with import groupageservices; in the third quarter of 2012these activities will be extendedwith export groupage services.This will be complemented by allother Air and Sea services such <strong>as</strong>FCL, Airfreight and Customsformalities through our Le Havre Airand Sea Branch. “The Groupalready h<strong>as</strong> a strong connectionwith Le Havre through existinggroupage services from the USA.Le Havre is the gateway sea portfor Northern France with a growingvolume and infr<strong>as</strong>tructureprogramme”, explains Jon Gundy,European manager Air & Ocean.The branch in Le Havre intensifiesthe existing Air & Ocean branchesin Paris, Brussels, Antwerp,Rotterdam and Amsterdam.“This enables us to create <strong>as</strong>tronger network, giving ourcustomers more value”, says JonGundy.The inbound groupage shipmentswill be distributed by Wim Bosman.This way, customers are providedwith a seamless supply chain, fromorigin to destination in France.Centre Havrais de Commerce International, location of <strong>Mainfreight</strong> SASThis will be supported by the global<strong>Mainfreight</strong> tracking system, givingcustomers total supply chaintransparency.

43Team Development – Martin DevereuxIt is hard to believe yet another yearis behind us and Christm<strong>as</strong> is rightaround the corner. Thank you forgetting all the small things right;New Zealand – Rachel HustlerThe p<strong>as</strong>t year h<strong>as</strong> seen manyprojects completed and many newinitiatives rolled out to our teams.We have hosted numerous peoplefrom our teams abroad and havedelivered fant<strong>as</strong>tic training to themand also to our team here in NewZealand.thank you for overcoming everychallenge placed before you thisyear (and there have been many)with the typical <strong>Mainfreight</strong> “Cando” attitude; and l<strong>as</strong>tly, thank youfor all your efforts this year and wewish you, and your loved ones, avery deserved Merry Christm<strong>as</strong>.When not training, our team is busyauditing each and every branchtwice a year. In addition to thesequality audits our team alsoperforms Health & Safety audits,DG audits and at times complianceaudits at third party requests. Theauditing process is time consumingfor all people concerned but theydo provide an excellent andobjective <strong>as</strong>sessment of the qualityof your branch.If you’re unsure what we audit <strong>as</strong>kyour Branch Manager to walk youthrough the audit itself so you knowwhat we are looking for.Graduate recruitment h<strong>as</strong> been akey focus for the team throughout2012 and the emergence of<strong>Mainfreight</strong> <strong>as</strong> being one of themost sought after graduateprogrammes h<strong>as</strong> been a highlight.Complementing our new website,our Facebook page h<strong>as</strong> proved tobe hugely successful with thestudent body and team membersalike.www.Facebook.com/Team<strong>Mainfreight</strong>NZwww.Facebook.com/Team<strong>Mainfreight</strong>AUOn-campus we continue to becomea more familiar face and voice.Students this year have met our<strong>Mainfreight</strong> team at fun runs, ToughGuy / Gal challenges, SpeedNetworking functions, Mobile“<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Munch” breakf<strong>as</strong>ts anda heap more. Many of the newgrads this year have chosen to joinus courtesy of the energy theyexperience when they meet ourteam. Thanks guys!“Happy 60th Birthday Gordy – Legend”, Gordon Jackson at the Training CentreL<strong>as</strong>tly, safety remainsan ongoing focus andone we all need totake personalresponsibility for.August this year sawAndrew Coulton returnto work – possibly theluckiest <strong>Mainfreight</strong>eralive. Andrew w<strong>as</strong>nearly killed when aforklift he w<strong>as</strong> operatingrolled over crushing him.Thanks to a series ofmiraculous events he isnow back at workwithout physicalimpairment or injury. Theending to Andrew’s storycould have been sodifferent.Ple<strong>as</strong>e keep an eye out foreach other on the job andmake sure you raise anysafety concerns in yourPATs or with your BranchManager.

45Europe – Anke C<strong>as</strong>persOur European Training &Development team members areb<strong>as</strong>ed in Holland and Belgium atpresent. Our role in our diversebusiness is to educate our Europeanbrothers and sisters about our uniqueWim Bosman / <strong>Mainfreight</strong> culture.Over the p<strong>as</strong>t year we have beenlucky enough to host Annie Webbwho h<strong>as</strong> been teaching our Air &Ocean team about Cargowise and ofcourse, our business. Reluctantly welet Annie return to New Zealand butare excited about welcoming LucyPartridge to our team in the New Year.Lucy h<strong>as</strong> been a very successfulmember of the New ZealandInternational business and will pickup where Annie left off in training anddeveloping our European Air & Oceanteam.

47operations, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> addingfunctionality for route trip planningand converting their EDI toCrossfire, the electronic commercesolution that we use in Australia andNew Zealand. The infr<strong>as</strong>tructureteam is well underway in the longprocess of bringing their keyhardware and operating systems upto an acceptable standard.Spare a thought for Wing Lam, whois our entire IT Team for all of ourAsian operations. Wing started withus earlier this year and oversees anarea <strong>as</strong> far south <strong>as</strong> our Singaporebranch, to <strong>as</strong> far north <strong>as</strong> ourbranch in Tianjin in the north ofChina, a distance of 4400 km.B<strong>as</strong>ed in Hong Kong, Wing is solelyresponsible for the support anddelivery of IT solutions for AsianBranch Managers in supply chainprocesses including data interface,integration, system connectivity andmapping. He also works closelywith the Sales and Supply Chainteam to ensure customersatisfaction with the Group’s ITproducts and solutions. With ourever incre<strong>as</strong>ing presence in Asia,Wing is likely to have an even fullerdance card in 2013!Mainstreet, the new domesticsystem, for the USA, continues tobe on track for an April 2013 go live.We now have a fully functionaloperating system that enables fullend to end shipment functionalityfrom quote, through pickup todelivery. The final pieces of thejigsaw, which mainly relate to therating, weekly profit and otheraccounting <strong>as</strong>pects, are currentlybeing built. Testing h<strong>as</strong> begun onthe operational side and we areworking towards thecommencement of full on training inFebruary. Thanks again to our greatWing Lam, the one man IT team for<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Asia, in Auckland to meet withthe New Zealand IT team and the businesses.team in Australia, New Zealand andthe USA who are putting so muchtime and effort into makingMainstreet a great product.Finally, thank you to our IT teams worldwide. It h<strong>as</strong> been a big year andmany of you have stepped up to the plate and hit home runs! We appreciateyou. May you and your families have a very Merry Christm<strong>as</strong> and a HappyNew Year!ChicagoWise h<strong>as</strong> landed - Mike Hood (IT Manager, Australia)After many months of planning andexecution, language and culturebarriers, a lost grand final, a bitmore hair loss and quite a bit of redwine - it’s finally here: ChicagoWise!What is it?ChicagoWise is the nickname givento the project of moving theCargoWise application fromAuckland to Chicago, merging inthe Europe business to be on thesame datab<strong>as</strong>e <strong>as</strong> New Zealand,Australia, Asia and the US Air &Ocean business.Why do it?Our international businesses dealwith one another at each end of thesame freight movement. If weimport something into New Zealandfrom Europe we need to enter in theExport job in Europe and then theImport job into New Zealand. Thisrequires a lot of the sameinformation being keyed andentered in a timely, accuratemanner which is a lot more difficultif we are doing it on two separatesystems. With ChicagoWise, we areall on the same system. The ExportOperators enter the Job and theImport Operators simply pull thatjob up and have the informationalready at their fingertips withouthaving to re-enter it.Ange Quedley, Gary Harrington and Jennine Cosgrove celebrate thesuccessful go live, in Auckland, for Asia, Australia and New Zealand.And in the Northern Hemisphere, at Rotterdam, 12 hourslater, Kevin Drinkwater, Annie Webb and Steven Depuydtcelebrate the successful go live of Chicagowise for Europe,with Belgium chocolates for Annie who coordinated theEuropean end of the project.

48Why put it in the UnitedStates (Chicago)?When we are connecting lots ofcountries together, we want thenetwork to run <strong>as</strong> short a distance<strong>as</strong> possible, so the United States isthe most connected continent in theworld. Placing our application heremakes it the most e<strong>as</strong>ily accessedfrom all other countries around theworld.Who now looks after theservers?CargoWise do. When we moved theapplication to Chicago the decisionw<strong>as</strong> made to outsource thisapplication which meansCargoWise are responsible fordelivering us the finished product.Even though it does move theapplication geographically awayfrom some of our documents andemail, it’s now controlled by thepeople who write the application,meaning they can make changes toimprove things within theapplication a lot more e<strong>as</strong>ily.Freman Web - Logan Lim (Freman guru, IT New Zealand)In the l<strong>as</strong>t year, Freman Web ouronline domestic freight solution forcustomers, h<strong>as</strong> steadily grown andforced its way into both our internalteam and customer operations.Usage is continuing to grow eachmonth with 139,980 consignmentscreated in Freman Web betweenNew Zealand and Australia inOctober - an incre<strong>as</strong>e of nearly29,000 consignments per monthsince July!Manual Consignments vs EDI ConsignmentsWith the many changes in Freman Since the Weekly EDI Stats wereWeb this year and the turning off of first distributed, New Zealand’s EDIthe pre-printing of consignment % h<strong>as</strong> incre<strong>as</strong>ed by over 6.5% tonotes for customers, our EDI 76.14%. But there are still overpercentages have substantially 17,000 manual consignmentsimproved and are on the upwards created every week around thetrend. The higher this climbs, the country.less manual data entry there is forour team.The Perfect Opportunity… Greater Speed and EDI InterfaceNow is the perfect opportunity to consignment notes.move all those customers off theold installed versions of Freman and The Benefits of Freman Web vsget them on to Freman Web. In the Freman 3:p<strong>as</strong>t, the old installed versions were • Accessible on any computeroften preferred over Freman Web with internet access, minimalbecause of the speed. But thanks setup required.to the recent printing changeswhich allow users to create and• Ability to setup ready for usewithin an hour if requiredprint new consignments at thewithout leaving the depot vssame time, and an overhaul of thehours of on-site installation,engine behind Freman Web, it isand co-ordination withnow a f<strong>as</strong>t and effective system tocustomer IT teams.create large volumes of• In the l<strong>as</strong>t week of OctoberAustralia reached its highest EDI% to date with 83.52%, but stillwith around 5,000 manualconsignments created everyweek.• E<strong>as</strong>y troubleshooting and abilityto help our customers via remote<strong>as</strong>sistance.• On-going developments andimprovements to the system tocater for the business’ needs.• Greater SMS and EmailNotification options forconsignment status updates.Mainstreet Update - Debra Johnson(Atlanta Operations Manager and Super User Groupee)The definition of Innovation is thedevelopment of new customervalue through solutions that meetnew needs, unarticulated needs, orestablished customer and marketneeds in new ways. Theaccomplishment of this is throughdifferent and more effectiveproducts, processes, services,technologies, and ide<strong>as</strong>.Innovation is the idea behindMainstreet and being able toproduce a product that not onlyrevolutionizes our internalprocesses but gives our clients theutmost <strong>Mainfreight</strong> experience. Thehome stretch is upon us and closingquickly. With many enhancementsmade over the l<strong>as</strong>t 6 months, thefinal product is almost ready to berolled out.The Super Users’ l<strong>as</strong>t team meetingw<strong>as</strong> one of the more informative,exciting, and best hands onsessions yet. New screens wererevealed which gave the team moreinsight to the product’s overallfunctionality, capability, andlandscape. Seeing the thoughts thatwere projected and visions out onthe horizon from the team involvedactually come to fruition h<strong>as</strong> beenvery exhilarating.

49<strong>Mainfreight</strong> New Zealand IT and<strong>Mainfreight</strong> USA should be veryproud of the product that theydeveloped for not only the<strong>Mainfreight</strong> business in the USA butone day for <strong>Mainfreight</strong> globally.The addition of the Control Boardand P&L screens are some of themore exciting add-ons from theoperational and financial end forthose savvy users. These additionsare designed to help give eachteam member a controlled snapshotof their clients, shipment statuses,and financial reporting daily.<strong>Mainfreight</strong> is allowing the focus tobe on strengthening our clientrelationships by being a moreproactive partner with clientsthrough the technology side of thebusiness. Freeing up teammembers to track, trace, andinvoice quickly and accurately willtake the <strong>Mainfreight</strong> experience toanother level. Looking down theroad, there is a long way to go butthe path h<strong>as</strong> definitely been paved.GPS Wallboards - Andrew McLeod (IT Team member – Australia)We have begun rolling out GPSWallboards to display in Australiaover the l<strong>as</strong>t few months.They have been eagerly awaited bymany branches and we currentlyhave them setup in <strong>Mainfreight</strong>Transport Brisbane and Sydney,and Owens Sydney. The wallboardsare used to display the location ofdrivers b<strong>as</strong>ed on their l<strong>as</strong>t GPScoordinates which can be mappedagainst the addresses of customersawaiting pickups and/or deliveries.This helps the team to allocate thejob to the right driver in the mostefficient way.Once installed in a branch, theWallboards are intended to be <strong>as</strong>elf-functioning tool, whereby theTeam doesn’t need to interactphysically with the TV or Monitordisplaying the maps. Rather all ofthe maintenance and configurationfor a site’s profile is completed inAustrak.Branches are able to configure theprofile for their site to whateversuits their needs including theability to:• Create maps which reflect thePUD are<strong>as</strong> being managed• Set Maps to display differentviews – e.g. Hybrid or Satellite• Configure the order maps aredisplayed and how long eachmap is displayed before movingonto the next one.Feedback from the branches h<strong>as</strong> sofar been very positive with a lot ofgreat improvement and functionalitysuggestions being received. Withthe three branches which haveimplemented the Wallboards theopportunity h<strong>as</strong> been taken toinvestigate and experiment withdifferent hardware options for thedisplay being;• PC connected to a 55’ FlatScreen television• PC connected to a projector anddisplayed against a screen orblank wall• Displayed using a Sony SmartTV.<strong>Mainfreight</strong> Sydney implementedthe solution of using a projector todisplay the Wallboard. This h<strong>as</strong>been well received by the branchand h<strong>as</strong> apparently attracted aGPS Wallboard in in use in Sydneynumber of comments fromimpressed visitors.The use of a Smart TV h<strong>as</strong> alsobeen successfully implemented atOwens Botany. This is an optionwhich will be preferred at other sitesin the future, <strong>as</strong> the need foradditional hardware such <strong>as</strong> a PC iseliminated.

50BereavementsDavid Budge - “Budgie” - Night Driver, WellingtonDavid Budge p<strong>as</strong>sed away in earlyNovember in a tragic road accident whilstdriving the Wellington Owens swap.“Budgie” <strong>as</strong> he w<strong>as</strong> known to his matesw<strong>as</strong> a real character and had beendriving for Owens on and off over thep<strong>as</strong>t 20 years. He will be greatly missedby the Wellington team, and the widernetwork of owner drivers. Our thoughtsand best wishes are with his family andfriends.Anita Muller-Bouwmeister - Wim Bosman Forwarding HollandAnita Muller-Bouwmeister p<strong>as</strong>sed awayon 2 July 2012. She w<strong>as</strong> a team memberof Wim Bosman Forwarding Holland andworking in the Europe South-Westdepartment since 17 September 2007.She died at the age of 47 due tocomplications arising from a livertransplant operation.Anita w<strong>as</strong> an administration team memberand w<strong>as</strong> involved in agent invoicing.Despite the difficult and uncertain time,she w<strong>as</strong> always positive and vivacious.Anita w<strong>as</strong> always calm and serious whenworking. She w<strong>as</strong> an important link in ourdaily operations and an extremely popularmember of the team.On behalf of the Wim Bosman Group wewish her husband Douwe and daughtersDewi and Kaya a great deal of strengthand fortitude in coming to terms with thisgreat loss.Jaak Duchateau – Belgian TransportJaak Duchateau, who had workedin the garage department with theBelgian Transport Team sinceFebruary 1993, died on 19 July2012. After a long illness he lost thestruggle at the age of 55.Jaak, known to us <strong>as</strong> Ludo, workedin the garage <strong>as</strong> the chief mechanicof his team. He w<strong>as</strong> an importantlink in the daily workflow and w<strong>as</strong>always positive. In short, Ludo w<strong>as</strong>a very amiable person who w<strong>as</strong>liked by every team member.We wish his wife Hilde and hischildren Benjamin and Justine agreat deal of strength and fortitudein coming to terms with this greatloss.Ivo ten Voorde, Logistic Geleen (NL) / Genk (BE)Ivo ten Voorde worked in Geleen sinceMay 2006, and in Genk since August2012, died on 29 October 2012. Hisbereavement came very unexpectedly;Ivo died only aged 41.In the 6½ years that Ivo worked with us,we learned to know him <strong>as</strong> a teammember we could count on. Ivo w<strong>as</strong> aperson who w<strong>as</strong> always clear aboutthings, w<strong>as</strong> p<strong>as</strong>sionate and often insistentto achieve his goals. Ivo had his ownsense of humor; he liked to surprise teammembers in an unguarded moment.When Ivo had the opportunity afterworking 6 years in Geleen to transfer toour site in Genk, he did not hesitate.Again he achieved many good things in <strong>as</strong>hort period of time, <strong>as</strong> he also did beforein Geleen.In Geleen, Genk but also in ‘s-HeerenbergIvo will be missed deeply! Our thoughtsgo out to his partner and his three girls,his parents, his sister and all who lovedhim.Malcolm Robinson, Owens Owner DriverMalcolm Robinson succumbed to contact with, and w<strong>as</strong> one of our mostcancer and p<strong>as</strong>sed away on 27loyal and dedicated team members.November surrounded by his family. Our thoughts and sincere condolencesMalcolm w<strong>as</strong> part of Owens for 55 years are with his wife Mereana and his wider(previously Trailways, Mogal andfamily, several of whom are alsoBrambles). He w<strong>as</strong> a much respected <strong>Mainfreight</strong> team members.driver and loved by everyone he came in

To those teams around the world who donated money for the Christchurch team after the earthquakes, here is what we did with it...Two groups (two trips, a week apart) of about 250 people from our business with their families were treated to a day out on the Tranz Alpineexpress train trip across the Southern Alps. On board there w<strong>as</strong> food, drink, entertainment and a BBQ on the turnabout in Greymouth.We had great feedback from all who attended - so thank you to all who contributed, both in funding and arranging the events!

From: Michelle DowSent: Wednesday, 10 October 2012To: James Price [FTL South Island Team]Subject: RE: life edMorning JamesJust wanted to say thanks again for moving the mobile cl<strong>as</strong>sroom up toTauranga. I went up yesterday to help with the change over and theEducator is now all set to start teaching in it on Monday.Could you ple<strong>as</strong>e p<strong>as</strong>s on our thanks to everyone involved (the driver(s)/Lance in the North Island Team?).Have a great day.MichelleMichelle DowProgramme Development ManagerLife Education Trust (NZ)www.lifeeducation.org.nzFrom: James Price [FTL South Island Team]Sent: Wednesday, 10 October 2012To: Michelle DowCc: Lance Chadwick [FTL]Subject: RE: life edHi Michelle,Thanks for the feedback and glad it all wentwell for you.We stopped and fed Harold at Waiouru.Cheers,James PriceFTL South Island----- Original Message -----From: mo and peteSent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012To: Mitch Gregor (MFT AKL)Subject: delivery thanksHi MitchI have been given your name by your callcentre staff. I had a delivery today ofa lounge suite I purch<strong>as</strong>ed from Farmers.I wish to say I appreciate the way yourstaff helped me. My husband w<strong>as</strong> ill inbed and your staff went that extra mileto help me with the heavy lounge suiteI could not put into place myself.I know this is not part of their dutiesand they also had a full truck but theystill <strong>as</strong>sisted me.Their service w<strong>as</strong> second to none, whichis not too common these days. Ple<strong>as</strong>egive them a pat on the back from me.You have two good staff there.Yours sincerelyMaureen G.From: Catherine BSent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012To: Bruce Plested; John HepworthSubject: A note of appreciation from Catherine BDear Mr. Plested and Mr. Hepworth,I wanted to write you with my story and offer deep appreciation for a job well done by <strong>Mainfreight</strong>. I am an artdealer located in California who h<strong>as</strong> used <strong>Mainfreight</strong>, (previously Target), for almost two decades. This year, I hadmade plans to participate in the New York Print Fair which took place in the first week of November. Ourshipment from California w<strong>as</strong> comprised of very valuable art work (six containers full), that had to be delivered tothe Manhattan Armory in time for the opening of the Fair. Needless to say Hurricane Sandy hit and the wholesituation became chaotic very quickly. As you know, <strong>Mainfreight</strong> New Jersey, which is where my cargo w<strong>as</strong> to bestationed, w<strong>as</strong> demolished. Concerned, I immediately contacted Jim Nape and then Enrique Rodriguez, at<strong>Mainfreight</strong> San Francisco, who in turn contacted Nick Stickle, warehouse manager at <strong>Mainfreight</strong> E<strong>as</strong>t Co<strong>as</strong>t.Nick led his workers in extremely difficult conditions to my cargo, which w<strong>as</strong> located in a warehouse with nopower. They removed the boxes belonging to me and to R.E. Lewis from the truck and placed them on a van;and every item w<strong>as</strong> intact, undamaged and delivered to the Armory in time for the Fair opening.I w<strong>as</strong> looking over your company’s website and I noted in the description of the <strong>Mainfreight</strong> culture, “specialpeople, special company... with an anything is possible attitude”. You and your employees have certainly provedthat these <strong>Mainfreight</strong> maxims are not just words. In spite of the difficulties they were experiencing, the<strong>Mainfreight</strong> employees did a stellar job and I just wanted to let you and everyone involved know personally howgrateful I feel.Sincerely,Catherine

From: glen mSent: Monday, 12 November 2012To: Greg Waylen (MFI HAM)Subject: Re: Import from Great BritainHi Greg,Just thought i would like to take thisopportunity to thank you and your great teamat <strong>Mainfreight</strong> international for an awesomeservice you provided me in the importation ofmy products into NZ.The confidence i now have in purch<strong>as</strong>ingknowing that you Guys are able to ship for meand get that product to me safe and soundand at a re<strong>as</strong>onable price, you guys make animpossibility possible for me.Catch up with you on our next shipment fromUK.Kind RegardsGlenFrom: Trish Allan (OWENS METRO CHH)Sent: Tuesday, 24 July 2012To: Don BraidSubject: Thank youGood morning DonJust a short note to thank you and everyonethat put together the train trip we had onSunday, I took my two Grand children aged 8yrsand 5yrs they had a wonderful time <strong>as</strong> you cansee, there is nothing better than a child’s smileand every child and adult for that matter couldnot stop smiling.It w<strong>as</strong> called the train that could not stop giving, we were very spoiled.So once again thank youCheersTrish AllanFrom: Tony KnudsenSent: Wednesday, 19 September 2012To: Raymond Lo (MFI Shenzhen); Jenny Zhong (MFI Shenzhen); Samson Ko (Manfai)Cc: Sonia Taylor (MFI CHC)Subject: RE: ShenzhenHi EverybodyFirstly a heartfelt thank you to the team in Shenzhen. Absolutely amazingI think you can all hold your head very high in your professional approach and the manner in which you treat youcustomers is to be applaudedThe visit to Shenzhen w<strong>as</strong> one of the highlights of my trip and to you all I am truly gratefulSamson my offer to host you for dinner in NZ is sincere and I truly hope you manage to find the time to return toNew Zealand and to also bring your family to ChristchurchRaymond, Jenny many thanks for all your time and organising the driver to get me to the airport on time. You areboth very nice people and it w<strong>as</strong> great to discuss many subjects with you both. A definitive no on the brains!Thank you all very much. It w<strong>as</strong> truly a ple<strong>as</strong>ure to meet all of youKind RegardsTonyFrom: Elaine OSent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012To: Leah Elder (SFO); Daniel Lim (Mainline Singapore); Hy Goh (Mainline Singapore)Cc: Mildred Liu (Mainline Singapore); Michael Ramirez (SFO); Gary Lau (MFI Hong Kong)Subject: FW: Shipment Mon 22nd Oct 2012I know that you have probably seen quite a few emails on this shipment, but AGAIN, I wanted top<strong>as</strong>s on our most appreciative THANK YOU for the handling of this shipment.This one w<strong>as</strong> a crazy one, and I did not get notified on it until about 3:45pm on Friday afternoon.Due to that fact, I w<strong>as</strong> not able to go thru all the “normal channels” for arrangements.Hy Goh: Thank you for taking Siraj’s phone call and going to the extra effort to go into the office on aSaturday and handle this shipment. All of us are grateful to you for doing that. Sorry if we intruded onany of your weekend plans!It is nice to know that we can depend on you all!Thanks again,Elaine O

From: Don BraidSent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012To: Colin PCc: Mitch Gregor (MFT AKL)Subject: Re: Customer FeedbackThanks Colin, nice words which we appreciate, not often are we told.Mitch, a credit to our team...many thanksDon=================================================On 27/06/2012, at 5:19 PM, “Colin P” wrote:Hi Don,it’s not very often you have a great customer experience.and when you do, you often forget to tell someone from that business about it.but i’ve just had a great experience with your team at Railway Ave.mine w<strong>as</strong> a very small freight job but i had 5 key touch points with your people.from the driver, who called me on route and in time, so that we could re-direct my drop off back to your depot, <strong>as</strong> it wouldhave been to hefty for me to manage alone.no problem.for luvvy (i hope i have her name right), a follow up call that day to check in with me, that i knew where things were at, myconsignment number, the process for when i come to pick up personally, and she did this with a great big smile andpersonality on the phone.no problem.to another chap, who i didn’t quite catch his name, called me the next morning to ensure i knew where things were at withmy small job. i expect he w<strong>as</strong> one of the logistics managers. once again, very informative and friendly on the phone.no problem.to my corporate experience at Railway ave. As a first time visitor experience, surrounded by trucks, containers,warehousing, you enter into a building that is world cl<strong>as</strong>s by any means.great to see a few college kids there in reception i expect looking for work experience, or waiting for mum or dad.3 customer service people on deck all alert, ready to serve and with personality.i w<strong>as</strong> served quickly and felt great that my small job w<strong>as</strong> getting first cl<strong>as</strong>s attention.no problem.sorry to harp on, but i’m nearly there.and finally to top it off, a young forklift operator by the name of Johnny went the extra mile.he helped me pull the cage off my trailer, then carefully and methodically manouvered my 300kg carton onto my trailer andthen helped me put it back together.no problem.So Don, if this is a reflection of the company overall, then it surely must be a stand out world cl<strong>as</strong>s operation at <strong>Mainfreight</strong>and i expect the people and culture are central to it all.A very satisfied customer.regards,From: Kevin SmithSent: Monday, 30 July 2012 16:19To: Mitch Gregor (MFT AKL)Subject: Nitann GlentworthHi MitchFurther to our phone conversation today I wanted to write to let you know how impressed I w<strong>as</strong> withyour employee Nitaan Glentworth.I own a small double glazing business and recently applied for a credit account with your company.Nitaan called to say he would be my rep and would come and see me to discuss my needs.B<strong>as</strong>ically on the 3 occ<strong>as</strong>ions he h<strong>as</strong> visited me I have been so impressed with his knowledge andprofessionalism I felt compelled to write. As a small business owner I appreciate good service andknowledge, Nitaan h<strong>as</strong> displayed this in abundance so congratulations to him and <strong>Mainfreight</strong>...Kind regardsKevin

From: M<strong>as</strong>queradeSent: Monday, 17 September 2012 17:35To: Nikki CooperSubject: WOW - Thank you!Hi Nikki – I just wanted to email and say thank you to the<strong>Mainfreight</strong> team responsible for getting the WOW garmentsto and from Nelson for the judging process.I went a bit overboard and entered FOUR garments this year.Two were accepted (yay!) and two have just been returned,which I picked up today. After the stresses of creating andpackaging and getting everything ready in time, it is great thatthe freighting and return is so streamlined. It w<strong>as</strong> also good toreceive a call to say the boxes had arrived back safely and wereavailable for pick up, which spurred me into early action forcollection!This is the third year I’ve entered WOW, and each year thesystem h<strong>as</strong> been simple, prompt and efficient in every way.Rob is always immensely cheerful and helpful, and alsointerested in the creations and outcomes. Holly on receptionw<strong>as</strong> also helpful and efficient in doing the paperwork this year,and pointing me in the right direction.Again, many thanks for making this side of the process sosimple, and for sponsoring WOW in the way you do. It reallydoes make a big difference, and it’s great that such care istaken with what is precious cargo for us designers!Cheers, SallySally BArtist - Designer - M<strong>as</strong>kmaker-----Original Message-----From: Robert MSent: 7/09/2012 1:30:43 PMTo: Paul Fr<strong>as</strong>er; Tracey YoungSubject: Brisbane WH DIFOT Performance AUGUST 2012Hi Paul and Tracey. Refer attached Brisbane warehouse DIFOTperformance for the month of AUGUST 2012. The me<strong>as</strong>ure isb<strong>as</strong>ed on our delivery create date plus 1 day, ie, if notGoods Issued / despatched within one working day of thedelivery create it will record <strong>as</strong> a performance miss. Note thatthere are two worksheets – ‘Daily Summary’ and ‘MonthlySummary’.Performance for the month w<strong>as</strong> 100% by line item and 100% byorder. This is now two months in a row that you have achieved100%, a great achievement.Ple<strong>as</strong>e p<strong>as</strong>s on our appreciation to your team.RegardsRob MNational Freight & Distribution ManagerKaren WilliamsFeedback on facebook.com/mainfreightFrom: Angela JowittSent: Tuesday, 30 October 2012To: Ian Jenner; Kym BrettSubject: Samoa Book Collection - THANK YOU!Talofa Lava Ian and Kymlike · comment · shareI would like to once again extend our thanks to you for your<strong>as</strong>sistance in transporting and shipping the 20ft container ofbooks and school furniture to Samoa for School Libraries.Karen WilliamsAgain the School Libraries of Samoa appreciate yourgenerous support of this project and the opportunity to bringthese great resources to the country.Over the next few months Rotary Apia and the LibraryAssociation of Samoa will be working together to sort thesebooks and distribute them.May I take this opportunity to wish you an early MerryChristm<strong>as</strong> and a happy holiday se<strong>as</strong>on. I look forward to thepossibility opportunity of working with you again in the future.like · comment · shareFaafetai tele lavaAndrew HallAngela JowittLibrary Association of Samoa – Vice Presidentlike · comment · share

Asia Australia New Zealand Europe USAwww.mainfreight.comwww.facebook.com/mainfreight1. COMRADES!Bruce Plested, Mark Newman and Don Braiden route to our St. Petersburg branch in Russia2. Брюс Плестед, Марк Ньюман и Дон Брэдпо пути к нашему офису в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия.PEFC/01-31-224PEFC CertifiedThis product is fromsustainably managedforests, recycled andcontrolled sourceswww.pefc.orgThe <strong>Mainfreight</strong> Newsletter is printed with mineral oil free soy-b<strong>as</strong>ed inks on Alpine Glosspaper produced from renewable forest resources managed under the Programme for theEndorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), and is manufactured under the ISO 14001Environmental Management System in an elemental chlorine free process.

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