Scana propulSion - Scana Industrier ASA

Scana propulSion - Scana Industrier ASA Scana propulSion - Scana Industrier ASA


s c a n a P r o p u l s i o nr e t r o f i t – s e r v i c e – u p g r a d e sCreating progress

s c a n a P r o p u l s i o nr e t r o f i t – s e r v i c e – u p g r a d e sCreating progress

2 <strong>Scana</strong> Marine service– ensures life-cycle supportfor efficient operation

<strong>Scana</strong> Marine Service delivers, serves and upgrades complexmodule-based reduction gears, CP & FP propellers, thrustersand advanced remote control systems for all sea-going vessels.Our high quality products, extensive experience and highlydedicated engineers are testament to our commitment toinnovation and product development.3We provide services and supportthroughout the life-cycle of your vesseland deliver more efficient operations,lower fuel-consumption and a highersecond-hand value.Our reduction gear systems aremodule- based and allow us to build and/or upgrade the reduction gear to supportany running condition. products can befitted to handle anything from a standardreduction gear to complex PTO, PTI andPTH solutions or a combination of these.The reduction gears can be engineeredfor standard diesel, hybrid or dieselelectricpropulsion. Our highly qualifiedengineering team will assist you in findingthe best solution for your ship.Cost-saving and easy-toinstallremote controlsysteMSOur remote control systems are basedon the latest PLC technology. They aredeveloped to meet today’s requirementswith regards to running conditions,user interface and safety and internalfault diagnostics. Our systems are highlyflexible, and can easily be upgraded tocomply with new running modes, classrequirements or owner’s requirements. Inmost cases, the upgrade can be carriedout by the crew. The system is USBcompatibleand upgrades can be sentvia e-mail and uploaded to the remotecontrol system through the USB-port inthe operator panel.The new generation of remote controlsystems are equipped with an internallog for all running parameters. The logallows us to analyse the situation beforeservice personnel or parts are dispatched,resulting in reduced “off hire” for thecustomer.tHe need to upgrade oldsysteMS<strong>Scana</strong> Marine Service conducts upgradesand retrofits for older pneumatic andelectronic remote control systems.These older systems tend not to complywith current regulations, are difficult tomaintain and deliver poor fuel economy.Benefits for the customer are:- Better fuel economy by use ofalternative running modes- Better protection of the engine bymeans of dynamic load control- Compliance with current classrequirements and FMEA- Simple trouble-shooting and diagnostics- Off-the-shelf spare parts- The possibility of implementing DP, Joystick,PMS, VDR, FIFI and other relevantequipmentRelevant for all t ypes ofveSSel sOur knowledge of advanced remotecontrol systems, thrusters and modularbasedreduction gears, enables us to offerhighly flexible and fuel-efficient solutionsto all vessel types.Our life-cycle efficiency solutions aregrouped with the following servicecategories:- Propulsion Services- Automation Services- Reconditioning Services- Training Services – in-house and onboardOne-stop-SHop<strong>Scana</strong> Marine Service adds value to yourbusiness at every stage in the life cycle ofyour installations.Our service categories provide everythingfrom basic support with parts,field service and technical support toservice agreements and condition-basedmaintenance; from installation andcommissioning, performance optimisationincluding upgrades and conversions, toenvironmental solutions and technicalsupport.Our service extends from partsand maintenance to a variety ofcomprehensive, customised long-termservice agreements.With <strong>Scana</strong> as your service partner, youreceive measurable benefits such asavailability and performance, productivitygains and cost benefits.<strong>Scana</strong> Marine Service is the mostexperienced partner for your vessel.

4 SCANA – YOUR DEDICATED SPECIALIST- Delivery of original spare parts- Propeller repair- Worldwide field service- Overhaul of all propulsion systems- Retrofitting controls- Retrofitting tunnel thrusters, reductiongears and controllable pitch propellers- 24/365 worldwide telephone serviceassistanceOur philosophy is to serve customersthroughout the life cycle of theirinstallation, from the first phase of a vesselto the end of its operational life. Thismeans taking responsibility, rather thanjust supplying parts promptly or sending amaintenance specialist to solve a problem.We provide complete propulsion andrelated systems services globally, covering<strong>Scana</strong> and other manufacturers.PROPUL SionSpare partSWe supply all Original Equipment Manufacturer(oeM) parts for <strong>Scana</strong> Volda and<strong>Scana</strong> Zamech propulsion systems. We alsosupply oeM parts for <strong>Scana</strong> Mar-El andOse & Aarseth remote control systems, oilcoolers, propeller shaft seals (Supreme,simplex, cedervall), Hpu and expansiontanks. Our sales teams take care of allyour spare parts requests and advise on thematerials required for system overhauls, aswell as the emergency stock that shouldbe stored on board a vessel. Spare parts areavailable in the main propulsion warehousesin Europe (Norway and Poland). Our goal isto ensure that the requested hardware partsare transported within the shortest possibletimeframe.

5PROPUL SionIMprove-MentFuel prices have risen considerably inthe past few years, resulting in highership-operating costs. <strong>Scana</strong> Marine Serviceprovides a number of solutions to save fueland maintain the economic profitability ofvessels. Modern design propellers, grinding,repair and modification of heavy runningpropellers offers considerable hydrodynamicimprovement and an attractive return oninvestments.TunneltHruster<strong>Scana</strong> Marine Service provides a completerange of reliable and efficient tunnelthruster systems for all vessel types;Power range from 100 to 3000 kWDiameter from 1000 to 3000 mmThruster: 39 - 396 kNCP and FPP versionsScope of delivery consists of:- Tunnel thruster unit- Flexible coupling- Tunnel for thruster- Hydraulic system for thruster- Remote control system for thruster- Starting and drive equipment

6CUStoMer trainingAs a supplier of highly sophisticated propulsion and control systems,we are very aware of the importance of special trainingfor the technical crews and maintenance engineers of vessels.We offer you professional and relevant training courses, run bya specialised team of experienced training engineers. All trainingcourses are customised to meet your needs.In-house trainingWe have a training centre dedicated to training ship crews inthe operation of our state-of-the-art control systems. Groupsof up to five people follow 3 - 5 day courses in electronics. Thecourses are given on:- <strong>Scana</strong> series of remote control systems- Ose & Aarseth remote control systemsOn boardAs an option, the training staff can also make arrangements foron board training.field ServiceWe have supplied different kinds of propulsion systems fordecades and have a huge user base making a dedicatedservice network essential. Our field service philosophy isproactive - involving operation support, plus preventive andpredictive maintenance. Our worldwide team of propulsionservice professionals enable us to provide outstanding fieldservice support – anywhere, at any time. Our aim is to reducevessel downtime to the absolute minimum. <strong>Scana</strong> MarineService combines the technical expertise of our entire globalorganisation to meet the requirements of your business.2 4/365 Suppor tRapid response support is provided by local <strong>Scana</strong> offices. Our24-hour service is manned by experts who can solve minoroperational issues by phone. For more complicated and timeconsumingissues, they will arrange for a visit by a highly skilledfield service engineer, who will supervise on-site or at ship repairyards and work together with the yard or third-party . Ourfield service engineers undergo continual training to ensurethat they can deal with any maintenance task or repair, bothmechanical and electronic.

7SYSTEM UPGRADESRetrof itAfter years of use, components within a system can wear outand spare parts can become obsolete. This causes unexpectedmaintenance and repair periods, resulting in high operationalcost and off-hire. Retrofitting means replacing the existingequipment with new equipment as a result of wear and tear oras part of an upgrade to comply with new running conditionsor new requirements. A retrofit brings the entire installationup-to-date, resulting in better accuracy.Control system upgradeUpgrading or replacing a remote control system can createconsiderable savings:- Decreasing fuel consumption by optimum scheduling of pitchand shaft speed- Reducing maintenance costs by avoiding over-rapid loadingand unloading of machineryMec hanical upgradeExamples of mechanical updates are:- Mechanical upgrade of the OD box- Mechanical upgrade of gear box- Mechanical upgrade of tunnel thrusters- Upgrade to new blade design- Upgrade of propeller shaft seals to meet environmentalstandardsOther Services1 Materials Testing- Tensile/yield- Charpy impact- Hardness- Bend2 Chemical Anal ysis3 Cor rosion Resist ance Testing- Pitting- Crevice- Intercrystalline4 Welding Procedure Qualif ication Testing5 Met allographic Ex aminations- Microstructure- Macrostructure

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