Practical Vedanta

Practical Vedanta Practical Vedanta
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Practical Vedantaoutside and they could find nothing; but in later days, as we read in the Vedas,they had to look inside for the self-existent One. This Is the one fundamental ideain the Vedas, that our search in the stars, the nebulae, the Milky Way, in the wholeof this external universe leads to nothing, never solves the problem of life anddeath. The wonderful mechanism inside had to be analysed, and it revealed tothem the secret of the universe; nor star or sun could do it. Man had to beanatomised; not the body, but the soul of man. In that soul they found the answer.What was the answer they found? That behind the body, behind even the mind,there is the self-existent One. He dies not, nor is He born. The self-existent One itomnipresent, because He has no form. That which has no form or shape, thatwhich is not limited by space or time, cannot live in a certain place. How can it? Itis everywhere, omnipresent, equally present through all of us.What is the soul of man? There was one party who held that there is a Being, God,and an infinite number of souls besides, who are eternally separate from God inessence, and form, and everything. This is dualism. This is the old, old crude idea.The answer given by another party was that the soul was a part of the infiniteDivine Existence. Just as this body is a little world by itself, and behind it is themind or thought, and behind that is the individual soul, similarly, the whole worldis a body, and behind that is the universal mind, and behind that is the universalSoul. Just as this body is a portion of the universal body, so this mind is a portionof the universal mind, and the soul of man a portion of the universal Soul. This iswhat is called the Vishishtâdvaita, qualified monism. Now, we know that theuniversal Soul is infinite. How can infinity have parts? How can it be broken up,divided? It may be very poetic to say that I am a spark of the Infinite, but it isabsurd to the thinking mind. What is meant by dividing Infinity? Is it somethingmaterial that you can part or separate it into pieces? Infinite can never be divided.If that were possible, it would be no more Infinite. What is the conclusion then?The answer is, that Soul which is the universal is you; you are not a part but thewhole of It. You are the whole of God. Then what are all these varieties? We findso many millions of individual souls. What are they? If the sun reflects uponmillions of globules of water, in each globule is the form, the perfect image of thesun; but they are only images, and the real sun is only one. So this apparent soulthat is in every one of us is only the image of God, nothing beyond that. The realBeing who is behind, is that one God. We are all one there. As Self, there is onlyone in the universe. It is in me and you, and is only one; and that one Self has beenreflected in all these various bodies as various different selves. But we do notknow this; we think we are separate from each other and separate from Him. Andso long as we think this, misery will be in the world. This is hallucination.Then the other great source of misery is fear. Why does one man injure another?Because he fears he will not have enough enjoyment. One man fears that, perhaps,he will not have enough money, and that fear causes him to injure others and robthem. How can there be fear if there is only one existence? If a thunderbolt fallson my head, it was I who was the thunderbolt, because I am the only existence. Iffile:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Chitra%20Selva...oksBySwami/PracticalVedanta/PracticalVedantaPDF.html (72 of 113)2/26/2007 12:24:33 AM

Practical Vedantaa plague comes, it is I; if a tiger comes, it is I. If death comes, it is I. I am bothdeath and life. We see that fear comes with the idea that there are two in theuniverse. We have always heard it preached, "Love one another". What for? Thatdoctrine was preached, but the explanation is here. Why should I love every one?Because they and I are one. Why should I love my brother? Because he and I areone. There is this oneness; this solidarity of the whole universe. From the lowestworm that crawls under our feet to the highest beings that ever lived — all havevarious bodies, but are the one Soul. Through all mouths, you eat; through allhands, you work; through all eyes, you see. You enjoy health in millions ofbodies, you are suffering from disease in millions of bodies. When this ideacomes, and we realise it, see it, feel it, then will misery cease, and fear with it.How can I die? There is nothing beyond me. Fear ceases, and then alone comesperfect happiness and perfect love. That universal sympathy, universal love,universal bliss, that never changes, raises man above everything. It has noreactions and no misery can touch it; but this little eating and drinking of theworld always brings a reaction. The whole cause of it is this dualism, the idea thatI am separate from the universe, separate from God. But as soon as we haverealised that "I am He, I am the Self of the universe, I am eternally blessed,eternally free" — then will come real love, fear will vanish, and all misery cease.Practical Vedanta9. Yajnavalkya and MaitreyiWe say, "That day is indeed a bad day on which you do not hear the name of theLord, but a cloudy day is not a bad day at all." Yâjnavalkya was a great sage. Youknow, the Shastras in India enjoin that every man should give up the world whenhe becomes old. So Yajnavalkya said to his wife, "My beloved, here is all mymoney, and my possessions, and I am going away." She replied, "Sir, if I had thiswhole earth full of wealth, would that give me immortality?" Yajnavalkya said,"No, it will not. You will be rich, and that will be all, but wealth cannot give usimmortality." She replied, "what shall I do to gain that through which I shallbecome immortal? If you know, tell me." Yajnavalkya replied, "You have beenalways my beloved; you are more beloved now by this question. Come, take yourseat, and I will tell you; and when you have heard, meditate upon it." He said, "Itis not for the sake of the husband that the wife loves the husband, but for the sakeof the Âtman that she loves the husband, because she loves the Self. None lovesthe wife for the sake of the wife; but it is because one loves the Self that one lovesfile:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Chitra%20Selva...oksBySwami/PracticalVedanta/PracticalVedantaPDF.html (73 of 113)2/26/2007 12:24:33 AM

<strong>Practical</strong> <strong>Vedanta</strong>outside and they could find nothing; but in later days, as we read in the Vedas,they had to look inside for the self-existent One. This Is the one fundamental ideain the Vedas, that our search in the stars, the nebulae, the Milky Way, in the wholeof this external universe leads to nothing, never solves the problem of life anddeath. The wonderful mechanism inside had to be analysed, and it revealed tothem the secret of the universe; nor star or sun could do it. Man had to beanatomised; not the body, but the soul of man. In that soul they found the answer.What was the answer they found? That behind the body, behind even the mind,there is the self-existent One. He dies not, nor is He born. The self-existent One itomnipresent, because He has no form. That which has no form or shape, thatwhich is not limited by space or time, cannot live in a certain place. How can it? Itis everywhere, omnipresent, equally present through all of us.What is the soul of man? There was one party who held that there is a Being, God,and an infinite number of souls besides, who are eternally separate from God inessence, and form, and everything. This is dualism. This is the old, old crude idea.The answer given by another party was that the soul was a part of the infiniteDivine Existence. Just as this body is a little world by itself, and behind it is themind or thought, and behind that is the individual soul, similarly, the whole worldis a body, and behind that is the universal mind, and behind that is the universalSoul. Just as this body is a portion of the universal body, so this mind is a portionof the universal mind, and the soul of man a portion of the universal Soul. This iswhat is called the Vishishtâdvaita, qualified monism. Now, we know that theuniversal Soul is infinite. How can infinity have parts? How can it be broken up,divided? It may be very poetic to say that I am a spark of the Infinite, but it isabsurd to the thinking mind. What is meant by dividing Infinity? Is it somethingmaterial that you can part or separate it into pieces? Infinite can never be divided.If that were possible, it would be no more Infinite. What is the conclusion then?The answer is, that Soul which is the universal is you; you are not a part but thewhole of It. You are the whole of God. Then what are all these varieties? We findso many millions of individual souls. What are they? If the sun reflects uponmillions of globules of water, in each globule is the form, the perfect image of thesun; but they are only images, and the real sun is only one. So this apparent soulthat is in every one of us is only the image of God, nothing beyond that. The realBeing who is behind, is that one God. We are all one there. As Self, there is onlyone in the universe. It is in me and you, and is only one; and that one Self has beenreflected in all these various bodies as various different selves. But we do notknow this; we think we are separate from each other and separate from Him. Andso long as we think this, misery will be in the world. This is hallucination.Then the other great source of misery is fear. Why does one man injure another?Because he fears he will not have enough enjoyment. One man fears that, perhaps,he will not have enough money, and that fear causes him to injure others and robthem. How can there be fear if there is only one existence? If a thunderbolt fallson my head, it was I who was the thunderbolt, because I am the only existence. Iffile:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Chitra%20Selva...oksBySwami/<strong>Practical</strong><strong>Vedanta</strong>/<strong>Practical</strong><strong>Vedanta</strong>PDF.html (72 of 113)2/26/2007 12:24:33 AM

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