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Friday, 5 October 2007Ryan Dougherty ’09Associate Reviews EditorWhile many of us go to Washington,D.C. to visit friends, family,and firms, this fall there are threeother very good reasons to makethe trek. All three are located in oneplace conveniently adjacent to theWhite House. This fall the CorcoranGallery of Art is hosting threegreat exhibitions, which is quitean accomplishment for a museumthat is often overlooked because itis not part of the Smithsonian.Located at 17th and E Streets,the Corcoran, which also housesan art school, is actually the oldestmuseum in the city. Recently in thenews more for its funding troublesthan for its exhibitions, this fall’sslate of shows should put the museumback on the map.The first show, Ansel Adams, isopen now, convenient for thoseheading to D.C. over Fall Break.Known primarily for his black andwhite photographs of the westernAmerican landscape, Adams is perhapsthe most famous Americanphotographer thanks to the vastnumber of posters, calendars, andcoffee-table books that include hisworks. The opportunity to see somany of his works in person andin one place should not be missed.Here, we can see what is so oftenmissed in the poster and calendarreproductions of his photographs:the size and scale of the finishedphotographs as Adams originallyintended.I saw an earlier incarnation ofthis show at the Museum of ModernArt and was struck by the rangeof his work. While I was impressedby the expected photographs ofYosemite National Park and barrendesert cemeteries, I also saw theunexpected, such as a New Yorkcityscape and a delicate, crystallinetree covered in a winter frost.Like many other popular artists,such as Dali, Monet and Van Gogh,there is much more to Adams thanpretty calendars. This show is thechance to see this Ansel Adams.While Adams is no doubt themost popular American landscapephotographer, Annie Leibovitz isprobably the best-known Americanportrait photographer. Openingon October 13, Annie Leibovitz:A Photographer’s Life, 1990-2005 isthe sequel to the 1991 show thatfocused on her career from 1970-1990. As an acclaimed portraitist,Leibovitz is able to add somethingspecial to her photographs of eventhe most ubiquitous celebrities. Indeed,this is the special gift of theportrait photographer.However, what struck me fromthe catalog was the intensely personalside of this show. Leibovitzhas photographed the most famouspeople in the world, but theshow also focuses on intimate portraitsof herself,her family, andher recently deceasedpartner,Susan Sontag.N e v e r t h e l e s s ,what will attractmost visitorsare Leibovitz’sportraits of celebritiesoften inartistic, yet intimateposes, likeher famous photographof JohnLennon and YokoOno lying nakedin bed.Perhaps themost interestingparts of going tothis show will bethe opportunitiesto compare andcontrast it withthe Adams show,and to considerthe challengesthat faced these<strong>VIRGINIA</strong> <strong>LAW</strong> <strong>WEEKLY</strong> Reviews 5Something Else to Do in D.C. During Your Callbackphoto courtesy of anseladams.comAnsel Adams, "Monolith: The Face of Half Dome"two photographers who chose suchdifferent subjects. While Adams isknown for his precision and dedicationto finding the shot, Leibovitzis almost the opposite in her abilityto make celebrities feel comfortableand disarmed in front of hercamera, thus giving many of herphotographs a feel of spontaneity.Regardless of which approach onefinds more attractive, this is a singularopportunity to see both artistsin one place at one time.Although the Adams and Leibovtizexhibitions stand as celebrationsof these two artists, thethird show—Wild Choir: CinematicPortraits by Jeremy Blake—is moretragic. Blake, a young video artist,recently took his own life in NewYork just one week after his longtimegirlfriend did the same. Thisshow, which opens on October 27and was planned well in advanceof the artist’s death, is now a posthumoustribute to an artist whowas just reaching his peak.In addition to critical successin the art world, Blake had alsoachieved popular success. He designedan album cover for Beckand the opening sequence for theAdam Sandler film Punch DrunkLove. Although he produced a fewseries of abstract paintings, he isbest known for the videos he madefor plasma-screen televisions. Earlyin his career these works werecompletely abstract: vividly coloredforms moving and morphingover a long period of time. Takingadvantage of the fact that plasmatelevisions can hang on the walllike paintings, these works weredesigned to be moving paintings.His later works, however, becamemore narrative and blendedthe abstract with representationalimages, like photographs, intovideo collages. For example, hisReading Ossie Clark depicts the tormentedlife and times of the Britishfashion designer using Blake’s abstractdesigns, words from Clark’sdiary, and an assortment of otherimages that correspond to excerptsphoto courtesy of jssgallery.orgWashington’s Corcoran Gallery hosts temporary exhibits and boasts an impressive permanent collection.from his diary that are read aloudby a female narrator.Although I am not really a fanof contemporary forms of art likevideo, Blake’s work mixes abstractpainting with video in a trulyunique way that captivates me.This show should give us the opportunityto see several of his mostpopular works, and a chance to reflecton what could have been.In all, the Corcoran Gallery ofArt gives us a look into the worksof three very different artists.Whatever the viewer’s preferences,one is sure to find something thatpleases. At less than two hoursaway, this is great opportunity tosee a number of exhibits that maynot be this accessible for sometime.Do you like to eat, drink, listen to music, watch movies, and goto local events?Do you think your opinion is more important than your peers’?If so, then write for Law Weekly Reviews.We need reviewers to write on any number of different areas ofinterest to the Law School community.If interested, e-mail lawweeklyreviews@gmail.com.Title SummaryProCon GradeC’ville EventMarket Value Competition;Friday October5, 5:30-8:30; www.marketvaluecompetition.orgThe City of Charlottesville has sponsoreda competition for innovative plansto develop the two surface parking lotson Water Street just south of the DowntownMall. The competition openedin late June and will culminate withawards and a reception at the CharlottesvilleCommunity Design Center (101E. Main Street).C’ville is brimming with architects,making this a greatopporutinty to meet some ofour city’s professionals andlearn about the mixed-use andsustainable design conceptsthat have started to receive awarm embrace from traditionalbuilders. The projects willbe unveiled at a “reception,”which implies the availabilityof cocktails.The Friday before fall breakis tough but the entries willbe on display until October29. Also, Architecture Peoplemake the Book People fromlast spring look downrightmainstream. Bring your plasticframe glasses, black turtleneck,and this month’s copyof Dwell magazine to blend inwith the creative types.ASportsMLB League ChampionshipSeries; startingThursday, October11; TBS and FOXThe Division Series winners matchup for the right to advance to the WorldSeries. The Yankees-Indians winnerwill take on the Red Sox-Angels winnerin the ALCS. The NLCS will feature theCubs-Diamondbacks winner against eitherthe Rockies or Phillies. The Mets, ifyou haven’t heard, will be at home.This year’s possible entrantsbring great stories. Can the Rockiessustain their stretch of .900baseball long enough to reachthe World Series? Will the Cubswin their first NL pennant since1945? Will the Red Sox recoverfrom their late season swoon?Can A-Rod join Peyton Manningin shaking off terrible post-seasonperformances of years past?Playoff baseball takes forever,with teams treating eachpitching conference like a nucleardisarmament talk. Withgames usually starting after8pm, expect to stay up pastmidnight to watch the conclusionof several games. If theCubs and Red Sox advance,expect the Fox Hype Machineto enter hyperdrive.B

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