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Friday, 5 October 2007<strong>VIRGINIA</strong> <strong>LAW</strong> <strong>WEEKLY</strong> Student Life 3SBA Notebook:Foxfield, Dean Search, Fall BreakBrian Leung ’08SBA PresidentWell, chances are that most ofyou are out frolicking about alreadyon your Fall Break. Whetheryou are taking this time to outlinefor your upcoming midterm,or travelling about the countrydoing some interviewing, or justenjoying your few days off withfriends and family, the SBA hopesyou have a safe and enjoyablebreak.For those of you who couldn’tmake it, or for those of you whoattended but don’t remember,Foxfield was phenomenal thisyear. The weather was definitelythe best we’ve had in at leastthree years, ice was plentiful, andsome 1Ls brought a cornhole set.You can’t ask for too much more,really. When you see them in thehallways, take a moment andthank the members of First YearCouncil for putting together agreat time for everyone.As you all already know, this isDean Jeffries’ final year as deanhere. (I got in a discussion yesterdaywith members of the FowlerSociety about the use of the apostrophe+ s when a person’s nameends with an -s already. We knowthat there is no -s only when thename is a major religious figuresuch as Jesus’ or Moses’, but thenthat led us to the question of Jeffries’vs. Jeffries’s. I maintain thatit should be the former, dependingon your religion. But I digress.Terribly.)Ahem. Like I was saying, thisis Dean Jeffries’(s) final year asdean here, which means that thenational dean search is on. Nonames have been released as towho the major candidates are—indeed, they have not yet reachedthe phase of narrowing it down toa short list. As you already know,Professor Liz Magill is chairingthe dean search committee. Shehas expressed great interest inreceiving student input on thematter, whether in the form ofreceiving actual names or receivingcomments and suggestions onthe process as a whole or specificideal characteristics studentswant to see in their dean. If youhave any suggestions, please getin touch with Professor Magill(mem2a@virginia.edu), BeckyMroz, the student member of thecommittee (rlw7c@virginia.edu),or myself (leung@virginia.edu).We will make sure your commentsare passed along and takenunder consideration.I apologize that this Notebookis lacking my usual (nonexistent)wit and humor. It’s been afew weeks since I’ve written oneof these bad boys, and contraryto what people may think, thiskind of stuff requires some majoreffort. I will spend this FallBreak writing up dummy SBANotebooks as practice, and willcome back after Fall Break witha bang, I promise. (Alternatively,Jerry Parker will write the nextNotebook and I just won’t have tosweat it.)In any event, just becausenext week is Fall Break does notmean that the SBA will be takingany time off. We will be workingthroughout the week to puttogether some great things forwhen you return, including a BarExam Presentation for 3Ls (Monday,October 15), the annual FallPicnic (Wednesday, October 17),and the 3L Bonfire (Thursday, October18). So get excited, becausewe’re continuing in the theme ofthe year—success.

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