AWS 924-948 - Solid State Logic

AWS 924-948 - Solid State Logic

AWS 924-948 - Solid State Logic

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Analogue OperationsMonitor InsertThe External A selector (ie all 5.1 sources) output is automatically routed via a 5.1 insert point to which an encoder/decodersystem may be interfaced; this insert may be switched in/out of circuit using the INS softkey in MONITOR OPTIONS.The insert point also has connections for the two channel output from the encoder and the input to the decoder. Theseallow monitoring of the encoder output (‘LtRt’) signals and provide automatic routing of the External B selector outputs tothe decoder inputs for playing back encoded recordings through the decoder. The logic for this is as follows:• With no sources selected on External B the encoder outputs are linked to the decoder inputs.• Selecting any source on External B will route the External B outputs to the decoder inputs.• Selecting EXT A and INS will monitor the insert return; if no source is selected on External B you will hear theExternal A signals through the encoder and decoder. If a source is selected then you will hear the decoded outputof External B.• Selecting EXT B and INS and selecting a source on External B will monitor External B.• Selecting EXT B and INS with no source selected on External B will monitor the LtRt encoder outputs. The LTRsoft key lights to show this. Note that LTR is selected by turning off all other External B sources.Bass ManagementSelecting the BASS softkey in MONITOR OPTIONS produces a layer ofbass management options:80HBMNInserts a 7th order, 80Hz, low pass filter into the LFE monitorbus, to deal with listening to 5.1 material that has a full range,unfiltered, LFE channel.Turns on the Bass Management system. This is designed to extend the low frequency response of themonitoring system, and to simulate the 5.1 monitoring systems in TV and domestic environments. It inserts12dB per octave, 80Hz high pass filters in the L, C, R, LS, RS monitor outputs, and feeds a mono sum of thesefive outputs to an 80Hz, 24dB per octave, low pass filter, which is summed with the LFE monitor bus. Postthis summing point, the combined signals feed via a 10Hz subsonic high pass filter before reaching thesubwoofer monitor output. These are the default filter slopes. Internal links (see appendices for details) allowthem to be set to 12dB or 24dB per octave and to select whether or not the surround channels are included.Note that this option is stored separately for each set of speaker outputs (like the level calibration), so it ispossible to have Bass Management enabled on one set of speakers and not on others.LF0Normally, the LFE bus level is increased by 10dB post the main monitor level control, as this is a requirementfor DVD playback. If you are mixing for SACD, or any other format that requires unity gain on the LFEchannel, select LF0 to restore the LFE bus level to unity gain.Selecting NEXT produces a second layer of options:A2BBMABMBRetains use of the Main 5.1 subwoofer, even when you switch tothe ALT 5.1 loudspeaker selection.Uses the Alt 5.1 subwoofer instead of the main subwoofer forbass management when MINI A is selected and BMN is on.Uses the Alt 5.1 subwoofer instead of the main subwoofer forbass management when MINI B is selected and BMN is on.Pressing RTRN returns you to the top layer of the MONITOR OPTIONS selection.Page 3-18<strong>AWS</strong> <strong>924</strong>-<strong>948</strong> Owner’s Manual

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