AWS 924-948 - Solid State Logic

AWS 924-948 - Solid State Logic

AWS 924-948 - Solid State Logic

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<strong>AWS</strong> <strong>948</strong> Tutorial<strong>948</strong> ChAnnel STrIPInput configurationLine input is automatically selected in Stereo mode. In In-line mode, select the Mic or (left)Line input by pressing FlIP and adjust the input gain using the appropriate gain pot. Thesignal level is shown in the meter bridge above the channel.Signal ProcessingdynamicsAny channel can make use of the two compressor/gate modules housed within the <strong>AWS</strong>centre section. In mono mode, press button1 or 2 at the bottom of the meter bridge toinsert one of them into the channel path; in stereo mode, press either button to assignboth dynamics modules to the stereo channel.Dynamics cannot be assigned if they are already being used by another channel.The compressor/gate modules are located below the Track meters. The In button at thebottom of each module switches it into circuit.Filter and eQThe filter and EQ are both switched in using the eQ In switch. Turn the hPF pot upfrom minimum to activate the filter – the eQ In LED goes from red to green to indicatethat the filter is active.The EQ has four bands, each with a gain control pot labelled ‘dB’ and frequency control,and the mid bands have Q control. Press the HF and LF bands’ bell buttons to switchfrom shelf to bell shape.InsertsTo switch the channel insert into circuit, press the InS In switch in the centre of theEQ section. Press Pre to place it before the EQ in the processing chain. The insert isstereo for stereo channels, and is available for either channel path in in-line modes, asexplained in Section 3.routingCue and FX SendsTo activate the Cue or FX sends, press on its gain pot and turn up the gain. The Stereo Cue signal isnormally sourced pre-fader – to move it to after the fader, press POST. The stereo cue pan controlbecomes a balance control on stereo signals. Note that the cue pan can be set to follow the channel pan,in which case the cue pan control becomes the secondary path’s pan and the cue buss follows the channelpan control.There are two stereo cue busses and four FX busses. Each channel can feed one of the stereo cue bussesand two of the FX busses (FX1 or 3, FX2 or 4). Any send can instead feed the EFX system, which usesauxiliary sends to control the level sent to the track busses or direct output – hold AlT/eFX Sel andpress the gain pot to select between sends and EFX.Centre Section Cue and FX bus controls are located in the top right-hand corner of the console.<strong>AWS</strong> <strong>924</strong>-<strong>948</strong> Owner’s Manual Page 2b-9

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