AWS 924-948 - Solid State Logic

AWS 924-948 - Solid State Logic

AWS 924-948 - Solid State Logic

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AutomationTLockTLock (Trim Lock) defeats the auto nulling feature of the standard Trim function and ‘locks’ the null point to the positionthat the fader was in when Trim was first enabled in the current Mix Pass. This enables a defined trim offset to be repeatedlypunched in and out throughout the subsequent Mix Pass. Deselecting TLock clears any stored nulled points. AutoTakeovercan be used when TLock is active, however Snap and TLock are mutually exclusive; selecting one deselects the other andvice versa.An example of TLock would be bringing upthe levels of guitar licks in a track.If Trim is used in Snap mode, the fader canbe raised and let go repeatedly, returning tothe previous level. However it is difficult tohave an identical increase in level each timewhen using manually. If we use TLock, thereference value will be set, and the fader willbe moved to the correct raised level. Everytime you press the fader status key it willjump to that level, and when pressed again, itwill return to the reference value. There willbe no glide times and the value will beidentical.Note: This feature is only availablewith Motors OFFMotors OffMoff (Motors Off ) this mode suspends the motorised playback of Mix data via the moving faders. In this mode it willemulate a VCA automation system. Moff automatically activates the fader SuspdAll Links function (see Page 7-19).<strong>AWS</strong> <strong>924</strong>-<strong>948</strong> Operator’s Manual Page 7-13

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