Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

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June 21, 2012 | Issue 3 | Vol. 4www.olgcnj.orgTHE BIBLE: The Historical JesusBy Richard J. LohkampIf someone were to ask: What does Christianity present for belief? Themost direct response would be: Christianity presents the person Jesusand invites all to get to know him, love him, and follow him. All <strong>of</strong> thedoctrines and practices <strong>of</strong> the Church revolve around that person and thatinvitation.The natural question then would be: Who is this Jesus and what arewe to think <strong>of</strong> him? For most <strong>of</strong> us the spontaneous answer might be:Jesus is the Son <strong>of</strong> God. Or, as the Council <strong>of</strong> Chalcedon expressed it in451 AD: in this person we see the union <strong>of</strong> Divine Nature and humannature – two natures, one person.Each <strong>of</strong> these responses is faithful to Christian tradition. However, dowe fully appreciate the part <strong>of</strong> Christian doctrine that says that Jesus wasand is human – he is one <strong>of</strong> us – a fellow human being? In this person,Jesus, God became human. As St. John puts it: “and the Word becameflesh and dwelt among us.” The ‘Word’ is Divine Wisdom, the SecondPerson <strong>of</strong> the Trinity – <strong>of</strong> the same nature and essence as the Father.Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ, pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> theology at Fordham University,in her book Consider Jesus: Waves <strong>of</strong> Renewal in Christology, presents away that might help us 21st century people understand this theology. Shepresents a way <strong>of</strong> thinking about ‘Person,’ ‘Human Nature,’ and ‘DivineNature’ and a way <strong>of</strong> thinking about the union <strong>of</strong> those two natures in oneperson that can be helpful.Hail Mary, Full <strong>of</strong> GraceThe <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong> Courier | 9‘Person’Johnson says that the term “person” has two meanings:As we understand it today, a ‘person’ is an “individual center <strong>of</strong>consciousness and freedom.” We experience ourselves as a “center”in relationship to other centers <strong>of</strong> consciousness and freedom – other‘persons.’When the Council <strong>of</strong> Chalcedon said that Jesus is one person withtwo natures, the Greek word that we translate as “person” was hypostasiswhich means the ‘ground’ out <strong>of</strong> which an individual stands forth – whatmakes the individual what he/she is.‘Human Nature’Johnson uses our experience to explain ‘human nature.’ She notes thatwe ask questions; we’re always looking for answers. She follows thatobservation with the following:“What does asking a question reveal about ourselves? It shows first <strong>of</strong>all that we do not know something and yet want to know it: we have adesire for truth…we have a hunch that something is there to be known.Asking a question reveals that we are in touch with a known unknown.”“The human spirit is revealed by this analysis as having an infinite thirstfor truth and an infinite capacity for truth… The only reality that will quenchthis thirst <strong>of</strong> ours is God’s own being which is infinite truth, Truth itself.”Human beings yearn for the infinite and will only be satisfied by theinfinite – by God himself.‘Divine Nature’Divine Nature is a deep mystery <strong>of</strong> self-giving truth and love. Godyearns to give himself. That self-giving truth and love (Divine Nature) isreally what human nature yearns for. We yearn for union with God.The Person JesusChristianity presents Jesus as the center <strong>of</strong> consciousness and freedomwhose human yearnings are fulfilled by the Divine – one person, twonatures. The Divine doesn’t absorb or overshadow the human. It fulfillsthe human. It brings into the human what humans most crave: truthand love. When the apostles saw the risen Jesus on the first Easter, theyencountered a transformed – a truly fulfilled – human being – one inwhom God truly reigned without limit. Through his life and finally onthe cross Jesus gave himself into his Father’s hands. As the Gospels andActs make clear, the Father’s response was resurrection: total fulfillment<strong>of</strong> the deepest yearnings <strong>of</strong> the man Jesus. One person, fully human andfully divine.The person Jesus is the true image and likeness <strong>of</strong> God – what Godwants us to see about Himself and what God wants us to understandabout being human. (Genesis, chapter 1).Father Jim visited Kindergarten A to bless rosaries for theMay Procession.

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