Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

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8 | The <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong> Courier Vol. 4 | Issue 3 | June 21, 2012www.olgcnj.org“The heart remembers all those special times your love made a difference.”Dear Parishioners,This year, the teachers <strong>of</strong> Jamaicaare so very grateful for your helpin our twining endeavor withSt. Francis Primary School through thefinancial contributions, literacy supplies, anddonations to St. Francis Primary School andthe educational pursuits <strong>of</strong> the children andteachers there.Hubert Moore, who is a teacher in Jamaica,has a moving story to tell. Left alone with twosmall children after his wife died, he decidedto pursue his Master’s and now his doctoratedegree. He is presently a sixth grade teacherand has the dream to become a principal, or inhis view, “ an education leader” in Jamaica tocombat the oppressiveness <strong>of</strong> the governmentwith regard to education. Building educationleaders is paramount in Jamaica.In meeting with the teachers this April, Idiscussed with them the fact that thousands <strong>of</strong>primary-school students were failing in Jamaicabecause <strong>of</strong> social and environmental factors.The front page news <strong>of</strong> their newspaper, TheSunday Gleaner during my most recent visitpublished these statistics. Close to 6000students in Grade 4 failed to pass the Grade4 Literacy Test. The pressure is on among theteachers to address not only academic factorsbut also emotional, social, and environmentalfactors affecting the children.Parental support is lacking; students havelow self-esteem but an abundance <strong>of</strong> creativeartistic talent. So keep those crayons coming!Educating teachers in psychological factors,special education and reading deficiencieshas become crucial in Jamaica’s teacherpreparation.Jamaica is celebrating this August 50 Years<strong>of</strong> their Independence from England and theyare in “High Gear” to create a Literate Nation.It has been discovered that 33% <strong>of</strong> studentsProclaim the <strong>Good</strong> News With Your Life!By Phyllis Schantz“Proclaim the <strong>Good</strong> News with your Life” were the words <strong>of</strong> the priest whocelebrated the Mass in the convent on the morning that we left Jamaica. What apowerful message for all <strong>of</strong> us! As I reflect on our trip these words keep whirlingaround in my head and I remember our time there and how “beautiful” it was.The “<strong>Good</strong> News” was all around us.The Missionaries <strong>of</strong> the Poor journey with the people they serve every day.They house them, clothe them, pray with them….love them. They have rescuedpeople who would otherwise have none and nothing. Everyday when the brothersstopped to pray, the people praised God joyfully. They know God because thebrothers, priests, and sisters love them and live the <strong>Good</strong> News.In turn, the people we helped were <strong>Good</strong> News for us. In every hug, flip <strong>of</strong>the frisbee , page colored, picture painted, song sung, letter spoken, meal shared,wound cleansed, and arm creamed we see the face <strong>of</strong> Jesus.A friend <strong>of</strong> mine makes tee shirts in recognition <strong>of</strong> miracles and the forcebehind them…God. The tee shirts state, “Give thanks to …The Man Upstairs,TMU.” A silhouette <strong>of</strong> an athlete pointing to heaven is on these shirts with thewords written above. I wore those shirts everyday on our trip because I love themessage.I realize now that everyday we were in Jamaica we witnessed a miracle. Amidstpoverty, pain, and loneliness, the miracle <strong>of</strong> love exits. The “<strong>Good</strong> News” is alive.Jesus is everywhere….blessings, grace…What a beautiful thing!need evaluation for hearing, dyslexia, autism,or other medical/ psychological problemswhile 60% <strong>of</strong> the students are sensing and /orkinesthetic learners.” (Gleaner, April ;8, 2012,Volume 73, No 16.) World Bank has assistedthem in building a new Early ChildhoodCenter and several teachers are beginning theirfamilies.There were two new “St. Francis Primary”babies to meet on this visit. In spite <strong>of</strong>difficulty, the teachers still have great hopesfor Jamaica. In the words <strong>of</strong> Eleanor Roosevelt,“The future belongs to those who believe in thebeauty <strong>of</strong> their dreams.” Your help is still verymuch needed and appreciated to make thoseeducational dreams come true! Thank youagain for the fidelity <strong>of</strong> your commitment!The Franciscan Sisters are most gratefulas are the Jamaican teachers, students, andfamilies! Thanks to those parishioners andcatechists who also donated books andscholarship money in memory <strong>of</strong> Greg Dix, myhusband, and Frank and Angela McElroy, theparents <strong>of</strong> Father Damian. All that you havegiven is sincerely appreciated!Gratefully,Linda Dix, Mission Volunteer

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