Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

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32 | The <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong> Courier Vol. 4 | Issue 3 | June 21, 2012www.olgcnj.orgSave the year! Pope Benedict XVI hasannounced a Year <strong>of</strong> Faith, beginningOctober 11 and extending until November24, 2013. The Year <strong>of</strong> Faith coincides with the50th Anniversary <strong>of</strong> the opening <strong>of</strong> VaticanCouncil II and the 20th Anniversary <strong>of</strong> theBy Dr. Linda M. Dixpublication <strong>of</strong> theCatechism <strong>of</strong> theCatholic Church byPope John Paul II on October 11, 1992. Howwill we be celebrating at <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Counsel</strong> Parish?Father Damian envisions a “Call to beChurch” as we take out <strong>of</strong> our storehouse <strong>of</strong>Catholic treasures both old and new. We will be“walking by faith” this year, unpacking monthlythe treasures <strong>of</strong> Catholicism and sharing themwith each other, our community, and our world.Pope Benedict is stressing the continuity<strong>of</strong> our faith and we will be doing the samewith planned activities to be announcedYear <strong>of</strong> Faith: Save the Year!Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. has announced that the Diocese <strong>of</strong> Trenton willbegin the Year <strong>of</strong> Faith proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI with a EucharisticCongress. Everyone in the Diocese <strong>of</strong> Trenton – and beyond – is encouraged toattend all or part <strong>of</strong> this gathering. This three day celebration <strong>of</strong> our faith in thepresence <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ in our midst will take place October 12 to 14, 2012 at thePNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel.Friday, October 12 will be devoted to youth from 7th and 8th grade and highschool. Priests and Seminarians <strong>of</strong> the Diocese will convene on Friday evening.Saturday, October 13 will focus on the theme <strong>of</strong> Family for people <strong>of</strong> all ages,with special events for young children, young adults (20s & 30s), married couplesand veterans.Sunday, October 14 will focus on the many cultures and languages that make upthe People <strong>of</strong> God.Activities throughout the Eucharistic Congress will, <strong>of</strong> course, include Mass andAdoration <strong>of</strong> the Blessed Sacrament. There will also be opportunities to celebratethe Sacrament <strong>of</strong> Reconciliation. Those who attend will be instructed, entertainedand uplifted in faith. Set aside the weekend <strong>of</strong> October 12 to 14, 2012 and plan togather, celebrate, and pray!For more information:www.facebook.com/EucharisticCongresstwitter.com/#EucharisticCongwww.diocese<strong>of</strong>trenton.org/EucharisticCongressvia the parish web, parish bulletin, massannouncements, and unique treasure chestswhich will display the parish monthly <strong>of</strong>ferings.These will include: Bible studies, GatheringSundays, Evenings for Married Couples, sessionson Vatican Council II and social justice, bookclub discussions, and continued faith breakfastsfor the parish families.Bishop David O’Connor has asked us tobegin the Year <strong>of</strong> Faith in the Diocese <strong>of</strong> Trentonwith a three day Eucharistic Congress to beheld at the PNC Arts Center in Holmdel. Thetheme is: His Presence. <strong>Our</strong> Faith. Celebrate!<strong>Our</strong> parish and school confirmands will beattending the Youth Day, scheduled for October12, 2012 as part <strong>of</strong> their Confirmation Retreat.The weekend promises to be full <strong>of</strong> activitiesand liturgy to re-ignite the faith life <strong>of</strong> diocesanfamilies. As details unfold, stay tuned for moreinformation on ways we as parishioners canparticipate!Writes Pope Benedict,“This is a moment <strong>of</strong>special grace for the Church,in which the spirit <strong>of</strong> renewal<strong>of</strong> the Council is very active.”We look forward to a very active year at<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong>!EUCHARISTIC CONGRESSPLANNING COMMITTEEBishop O’Connell has called together aregional Eucharistic Congress for all the clergy,religious and faithful <strong>of</strong> the Diocese, to beheld at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel,New Jersey, from Friday, October 12 throughSunday, October 14. To assist in the planning<strong>of</strong> and preparation for this Congress, the firstever in the history <strong>of</strong> the Diocese <strong>of</strong> Trenton,he has appointed a committee under theco-chairmanship <strong>of</strong> Father Pasquale Papalia,pastor <strong>of</strong> St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish inWhiting, and Father Brian Woodrow, Chaplainto Hospitals, Mercer County. The followingmembers <strong>of</strong> the Diocese have agreed to serveon the committee:Mr. Robert Abatemarco, Principal, Red BankCatholic High School, Red BankRev. Robert Benko, OFM Conv., Pastor, St.Peter Parish, Point Pleasant BeachMrs. Rayanne Bennett, Executive Director <strong>of</strong>Communications, Diocese <strong>of</strong> TrentonRev. Alcides Castro Lopez, Parochial Vicar,<strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Angels Parish, TrentonMrs. Terry Ginther, Executive Director <strong>of</strong>Pastoral Life and Mission, Diocese <strong>of</strong> TrentonRev. Michael Hall, Parochial Vicar, St.Barnabas Parish, BayvilleDeacon Edward Heffernan, Deacon, <strong>Our</strong><strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong> Parish, MoorestownMs. JoLynn Krempecki, Associate Director,Office <strong>of</strong> Catholic Education, Diocese <strong>of</strong>TrentonRev. William Lago, Catholic Chaplain, TheCollege <strong>of</strong> New JerseySister Eleanor McCann, RSM, AssociateDirector, Office <strong>of</strong> Worship, Diocese <strong>of</strong>TrentonSister Kathleen Nace, SSJ, Principal, St. RoseHigh School, BelmarRev. Daniel Peirano, Pastor, Christ the KingParish, Long BranchDr. Daniel Rossi, State Deputy, Knights <strong>of</strong>ColumbusMrs. JoAnn Tier, Superintendent <strong>of</strong> CatholicSchools, Diocese <strong>of</strong> TrentonRev. Msgr. Leonard Troiano, Pastor, St. Pio <strong>of</strong>Pietrelcina Parish, LavalletteEucharistic Congress Planning Committee701 Lawrenceville RoadTrenton, NJ 08648EucharisticCongress@diocese<strong>of</strong>trenton.org

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