Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

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June 21, 2012 | Issue 3 | Vol. 4www.olgcnj.orgWhat I learned in kindergartenThe <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong> Courier | 23By Jen AndersonLia Sanfilippo, a six year old kindergartnerin Sister Rosemarie’s classroom was inspiredwhen told by her teacher that when thechildren get new crayons in class, they sendtheir old crayons to children in Jamaicawho need them. This gave Lia an idea. Shedecided she wanted to make a difference inother children’s lives who were less fortunatethan her. Lia started her own collectionfor Providence House. Providence Houseprovides comprehensive services for victims<strong>of</strong> domestic abuse and their children free <strong>of</strong>charge. In addition to counseling for bothmoms and kids, a special art program forthe kids, education and training for moms,Providence House provides a safe house andemergency shelter.Lia collected donations for the safe house onher own front steps from April 1st through April8th. She collected wipes, facial cleansers, newsippy cups, and new baby bottles, just to namea few things. In the end she collected almost$300 in gift cards and cash, 100 sippy cups,75 bottles, 35 packs <strong>of</strong> facial cleansing cloths,several bins <strong>of</strong> cleaning products, baby wipes,and other miscellaneous items. The supportwas amazing!Elizabeth Sanfilippo, Lia’s mom, said “Liawas AMAZED at all <strong>of</strong> the items she receivedand her favorite part (aside from workingher shift in the driveway, where she greetedher friends and ate dinner on the job) wassorting/organizing/counting it all and thendropping it <strong>of</strong>f. She comes home every weekfrom school talking about giving and prayingfor others.I want to thank her teachers for teachingher to be compassionate in the world outsideher home. She is the kind <strong>of</strong> child whosemind is always imagining things (pretendingto be a princess, or a monster, or an animal) -it makes us proud that she is imaginingherself helping others. It gives us great joy tobe able to show others an example <strong>of</strong> howour school’s teaching extends beyond theclassroom.Kindergarteners enjoyed a trip toAdventure Aquarium on May 14Petting the sharks and starfish.Photos by Michelle MolzSister Rosemarie and heraide, Mrs. Kathy Cummings,with Kindergarten Aat the Aquarium in Camdenafter their field trip. Photoby Tamara LaCoutureKindergarten B and Mrs.Mary Rose Adams aftervisiting the Aquarium.

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