Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Cozies 4 Chemo - Our Lady of Good Counsel

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16 | The <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong> Courier Vol. 4 | Issue 3 | June 21, 2012www.olgcnj.orgPrincipal’s Post:Graduation at <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong>’s SchoolCongratulations to the 8th grade students <strong>of</strong> our schoolwho celebrated their Graduation at special Mass on June7. This year our 48 graduates plan to attend the followinghigh schools next year: Bishop Eustace Prep (11), CamdenCatholic (2), Cherokee (1), Demarest , NJ (1), Holy Cross(18), Merion Mercy Academy (2), Moorestown (1), NazarethAcademy (4), St. Augustine Prep (1), St. Joseph Prep (6),Vernon Hills, Il. (1).We say farewell to our graduates with a fervent prayerthat the educational development and moral formation<strong>of</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong> School on our graduateswill be life-long. It is forever the mission <strong>of</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong>’sBy Jerry McGowan School that our graduates will go forth carry the seeds <strong>of</strong>a life-long faith so they will show knowledge and givewitness to their Catholic faith, traditions, and values; a life-long spirit <strong>of</strong> learning sothey may continue to work toward their fullest potential; a life-long challenge to beeffective communicators and critical thinkers who can articulate clearly, accurately, andcreatively using verbal, written, or technological expression; and a life-long call to besocially responsible citizens who strive to treat self, others, and the environment withrespect.We want our graduates to give witness to Catholic social teaching by promotingpeace, justice and the sacredness <strong>of</strong> human life throughout their lives.At the same time that we say farewell to our graduates we also say farewell tomany <strong>of</strong> our parents whose last or only child is graduating. Over the years our parentsinvited us to become co-partners with them in the educational development and moralformation <strong>of</strong> their children.As a Catholic School we accepted this awesome responsibility to provide for theintellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual development <strong>of</strong> their children. Togetherwe believe we have met that challenge. For their belief and trust in <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Lady</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Counsel</strong> Parish School over these many years we especially thank the following parentswho are also “graduating OLGC” this year:Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Sarah BarbellaMr. and Mrs. Dave and Linda LesserDr. and Mrs. George and DianneBelecanechMr. and Mrs. David and SuzanneManfredoniaMr. and Mrs. Ken and Alyse CarltonMr. and Mrs. Will and Anne MayMr. and Mrs. Hector Colon and MaryMonteMr. and Mrs. Thomas and Kristine O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Jim and Gail DignamMr. and Mrs. Frank and Colleen OchmanMr. and Mrs. Steven and Mary Pat DotoMr. and Mrs. Mark and Leslie PellegrinoMr. and Mrs. Tim and Eileen FeeneyMr. and Mrs. Jay and Kathy SanwaldMr. and Mrs. Joseph and MaryLynn FinelliMr. and Mrs. John and Jill ScarlettMr. and Mrs. Nathaniel and RositaGallardoMr. and Mrs. Jack and Terri SchaubMr. and Mrs. Len and Stacey HunterMr. and Mrs. Steven and Eva ScottMr. and Mrs. Daniel Kim and Myong LeeMr. and Mrs. Vince and Tami Wallace8th Grade Class <strong>of</strong> 2012www.olgcnj.orgGianna Horsleyand Ryan Schaubreceived BishopDavid O’Connell’sReligion Award,given to a boy and agirl who excel in thestudy and practice<strong>of</strong> our Catholic faith.Father Damian readthe letter from thebishop to all thosepresent. Photo byMichelle MolzYear End AwardsThe <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Counsel</strong> Courier | 17Students were presented withcertificates <strong>of</strong> merit for theirservice and achievements duringthe school year on June 6 at aspecial awards ceremony in themain church.Mary Kiefner presented a service awardto 8th grader Joseph Dignam. It wasthe 8th graders’ last day <strong>of</strong> school sothey were permitted to wear their classT-shirts.No one in Classroom 3B went empty handed from the Awards Ceremony.Kindergartners Move Up to the Big SchoolJake Lenox, Madeline Csolak, Emersynn Fair and Stephanie Parra enjoy the party aftergraduation. Photo by Lori LenoxKindergarten Class <strong>of</strong> 2012Frank Feeney photoBy Michelle MolzThe kindergarten class enjoyed a wonderfulyear-end celebration on Friday, June 8in the main church. The children processedinto the church in their “Sunday best,” includinggraduation caps. The ceremonybegan with the Pledge <strong>of</strong> Allegiance, thenthe children recited prayers, sang songsand received their diplomas from PrincipalJerome McGowan and Father Damian.In his remarks, Father Damian congratulatedteachers Mrs. Mary Rose Adams andSister Rosemarie Wdzieczkowski and theiraides for preparing the children so welland told parents that it wouldn’t be longbefore their children would be standing onthe altar again, this time graduating from8th grade!Father encouraged parents to enjoy thesummer break but reminded them to continueto bring their families to Mass eachweek.Before they processed out to enjoy a partyat the Early Childhood Center playground,the children gathered on the altar with FatherDamian, Mr. McGowan, their teachersand aides, and waved to their parents.On to the Big School in September! Congratulations!

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