Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...

Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...

Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...


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2. The <strong>Inhomogeneous</strong> <strong>Bogoliubov</strong> Hamiltonian<br />

and η are self-adjoint (Hermitian), their product is not, (ηQ) † = Qη �= ηQ.<br />

But ηQ is intimately connected with its adjoint: (ηQ) † = Qη = η(ηQ)η =<br />

η(ηQ)η −1 . This property is called pseudo-Hermiticity with respect to η<br />

[108].<br />

In presence <strong>of</strong> an arbitrary potential with a corresponding ground-state<br />

density, the determination <strong>of</strong> the eigenstates is possible only numerically.<br />

However, some analytical statements on their properties can be made.<br />

2.5.3. Zero-frequency mode<br />

The relation <strong>of</strong> the excitations to the ground state Φ(r) is <strong>of</strong> particular<br />

interest. A special solution <strong>of</strong> (2.68) is given by an excitation, where both<br />

u(r) and v(r) are proportional to the ground state, u0(r) = v0(r) = αΦ(r),<br />

α ∈ C. This solution has zero frequency, as can be seen from (L − G)Φ = 0,<br />

because Φ is a stationary solution <strong>of</strong> the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (2.16).<br />

The contribution <strong>of</strong> this “excitation” to the field operator (2.67) is given<br />

as 2iIm(α)Φ(r), i.e. it consists only in a global phase shift <strong>of</strong> the wave<br />

function. Due to the gauge symmetry, there is no restoring force, so it is<br />

not an excitation in the strict sense. This zero-mode is the Goldstone mode<br />

related to the U(1) symmetry breaking <strong>of</strong> the order parameter [72, 89].<br />

The fact that the zero-mode takes place only in the phase <strong>of</strong> the condensate<br />

and not in the density is perfectly compatible with the observation<br />

made in subsection 2.3.1 that the low-energy <strong>Bogoliubov</strong>-excitations oscillate<br />

mainly in the phase and hardly in the density (figure 2.3).<br />

2.5.4. Eigenstates <strong>of</strong> non self-adjoint operators<br />

Before considering the proper excitations with finite frequencies, it is useful<br />

to discuss some general properties <strong>of</strong> the eigenstates <strong>of</strong> non-Hermitian<br />

operators [109]. Let us assume the eigenstates <strong>of</strong> a non-Hermitian operator<br />

U �= U † to be known and investigate their orthogonality relations. In the<br />

following, the orthonormal basis ek, which will in general not be the eigenbasis<br />

<strong>of</strong> the operator U, will be employed. The standard scalar product<br />

(a, b) = a † b is defined by the conventional matrix product <strong>of</strong> the adjoint<br />

vector a † with b. The orthonormality then reads e †<br />

jek = δj,k. Now we<br />

consider the effect <strong>of</strong> U on the basis vectors:<br />

50<br />

U ek = �<br />

j<br />

Ujkej<br />

U = �<br />

j,k<br />

ejUjke † k<br />

Ujk = e †<br />

jU ek (2.69)

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