Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...

Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...

Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...


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A. List <strong>of</strong> Symbols and Abbreviations<br />

<strong>Bogoliubov</strong> part<br />

ak Coefficient for <strong>Bogoliubov</strong> transformation (2.32), ak = � ɛ 0 k /ɛk<br />

A(kξ, θ) Elastic scattering envelope function<br />

Ad(k) Angular integral in the self-energy in section 4.1<br />

BEC <strong>Bose</strong>-<strong>Einstein</strong> condensate<br />

β Inverse temperature (kBT ) −1<br />

ˆβν <strong>Bogoliubov</strong> quasiparticle operator (in eigenbasis)<br />

Cd Disorder correlation function<br />

c Speed <strong>of</strong> sound<br />

nnc Condensate depletion<br />

d Dimension<br />

ɛk <strong>Bogoliubov</strong> energy (2.35)<br />

ɛ 0 k<br />

Kinetic energy <strong>of</strong> a free particle<br />

F Anomalous Green function<br />

ˆF Grand canonical Hamiltonian<br />

g Interaction parameter<br />

G Green function<br />

ˆγk <strong>Bogoliubov</strong> mode<br />

γk Scattering rate<br />

γ(k) Complex degree <strong>of</strong> coherence (only section 3.1)<br />


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