Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...

Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...

Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...


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4.4. Particle regime<br />

regime, because in the range <strong>of</strong> validity <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Bogoliubov</strong> perturbation theory,<br />

the disorder is weaker than the chemical potential, and the chemical<br />

potential is again much lower than the excitation energy ɛ 0 k .<br />

4.4.3. Transition to really free particles<br />

How are the <strong>Bogoliubov</strong> excitations in the particle regime related to really<br />

free particles? In the limit <strong>of</strong> vanishing interaction gn∞ = µ → 0, ξ →<br />

∞, the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional (2.17) passes over to the usual<br />

Schrödinger energy functional and the Gross-Pitaevskii equation becomes<br />

the Schrödinger equation, which reads<br />

� � 0<br />

�ω − ɛk Ψk =<br />

� d d k ′<br />

(2π) dV k−k ′Ψ k ′ (4.41)<br />

in Fourier space. Also the <strong>Bogoliubov</strong> excitations seem to pass into free<br />

particles, as the coefficient ak = � ɛ 0 k /ɛk tends to one<br />

ˆγk<br />

(2.32)<br />

= i √ n∞δ ˆϕk + δˆnk/(2 √ n∞) (2.27)<br />

= δ ˆ Ψk. (4.42)<br />

The second equality relies on the fact that the condensate wave function<br />

Φ(r) is extended. It fails for strong disorder V ≫ µ, when the <strong>Bose</strong>-<strong>Einstein</strong><br />

condensate becomes a fragmented <strong>Bose</strong> glass [74].<br />

Self-energy in the Schrödinger regime<br />

Before working out the difference between the <strong>Bogoliubov</strong> regime and the<br />

Schrödinger regime, let us consider the problem <strong>of</strong> the Schrödinger equation<br />

in presence <strong>of</strong> weak disorder. From equation (4.41), we write the Born<br />

approximation <strong>of</strong> the self-energy for the disordered Schrödinger problem<br />

ReΣSg = V 2<br />

0 P<br />

� d d k ′<br />

(2π) dσdCd(|k − k ′ |σ)<br />

ɛ0 k − ɛ0 k ′<br />

. (4.43)<br />

For the 1D speckle potential, the correlator Cd is piecewisely linear and the<br />

Cauchy principal value can be computed analytically. Similarly to (4.15)<br />

we find<br />

ReΣSg = 1 V<br />

4<br />

2 � � � �<br />

�<br />

0<br />

ln �<br />

1 + kσ � �<br />

�<br />

�1<br />

− kσ � + kσ ln �<br />

1 − k<br />

�<br />

2σ2 k2σ2 ��<br />

�<br />

�<br />

� , (4.44)<br />

� ɛ 0 k Eσ<br />

see figure 4.13. The self-energy scales like V 2<br />

0 / � ɛ 0 k Eσ, where Eσ = � 2 /(2mσ 2 )<br />

is the energy scale defined by the disorder correlation length.<br />


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