Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...

Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...

Bogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein ...


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4. Disorder—Results and Limiting Cases<br />

α > 3 < 0 leaves an all but structureless average density <strong>of</strong> state, as expected<br />

[127].<br />

As a rule, specific correlation-related features, like the non-analyticities at<br />

κ = 1, tend to be washed out by integration in higher dimensional k-space.<br />

Thus we expect arguments on general grounds [127] to hold more reliably in<br />

higher dimensions. Conversely, the low-dimensional behavior may escape a<br />

bird’s-view approach and require detailed calculations. We have presented<br />

such a calculation for spatially correlated speckle disorder, so that our results<br />

should be <strong>of</strong> immediate use for cold-atom experiments.<br />

The non-analyticities at κ = 1 are particular features <strong>of</strong> speckle disorder.<br />

The limiting values (4.23) and the asymptotics, however, are generic and<br />

hold also for other models <strong>of</strong> disorder, like the Gaussian model [122]. In<br />

figure 4.5(b), the correction <strong>of</strong> the density <strong>of</strong> states due to such a Gaussian<br />

disorder is shown. The sharp features <strong>of</strong> the speckle disorder are washed out,<br />

but limiting values, asymptotics and even the structure <strong>of</strong> an intermediate<br />

minimum and maximum in one dimension are the same.<br />

4.2. Hydrodynamic limit II: towards δ-disorder<br />

The low-energy regime is defined by excitation energies ɛk<br />

much smaller than the chemical potential µ. In terms <strong>of</strong><br />

length scales, this is phrased as ξ/λ ∝ kξ ≪ 1. In the previous<br />

section, this has been achieved by setting the healing<br />

length ξ to zero. For the third length scale <strong>of</strong> the system,<br />

σ<br />

σ<br />

= 0 ξ<br />

k = 0<br />

= ∞ ξ<br />

the disorder correlation length σ, this implied ξ ≪ σ. In order to cover also<br />

the low-energy excitations in truly uncorrelated disorder σ < ξ, we change<br />

the point <strong>of</strong> view in this section and realize kξ ≪ 1 by setting k to zero.<br />

This allows describing the low-energy excitations <strong>of</strong> a disordered BEC with<br />

arbitrary ratio σ/ξ <strong>of</strong> correlation length and healing length. The price to<br />

pay is that kσ is constrained to be small. Compared with the <strong>Bogoliubov</strong><br />

wave length, the bare disorder potential is uncorrelated. The effective potential,<br />

i.e. the density pr<strong>of</strong>ile, is smoothed to different degrees, depending<br />

on the ratio <strong>of</strong> ξ and σ.<br />

4.2.1. Mean free path<br />

In the present limit k ≪ σ −1 , ξ −1 , the inverse mean free path (4.11) evaluates<br />

exactly the same way as in the limit (4.12), where ξ ≪ σ, k −1 and kσ ≪ 1<br />

implied kξ ≪ 1 and kσ ≪ 1. According to (4.12), the inverse mean free<br />

path (kls) −1 scales like (V0/µ) 2 (kσ) d . Note that the scaling l −1<br />

s ∝ k d−1 is<br />


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