Satellite Orbit and Ephemeris Determination using Inter Satellite Links

Satellite Orbit and Ephemeris Determination using Inter Satellite Links Satellite Orbit and Ephemeris Determination using Inter Satellite Links
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Autonomous Onboard ProcessingInter Satellite Linkszz1312==[ h h ]11⎡x1⎤⋅ ⎢ ⎥⎣x3 ⎦x⎢ ⎥⎣x2 ⎦⎡p11= ⎢⎣ 0p⎢⎣ 00 ⎤p⎥33 ⎦0⎡ 1 ⎤⎡ 11 ⎤[ h h ] ⋅ , P = ⎥ ⎦211322,Pfilter1filter2p22Eq. 7.2-8Both filters contain the state of sat1, because sat1 is involved in both measurements . TheKalman gain for the sat2 state is now obtained byK22=h211p11h+p13 332h13p33+ r13Eq. 7.2-9It can also be shown that both filters yield Kalman gain factors also for sat1, which will not beequal.All measurements, covariances and satellite states should be available at the same time in thesame place to perform an optimal estimation. The easiest way to achieve this would be todownload the measurements and process inter satellite links on ground and in post processing.Unfortunately this removes one of the greatest benefits of the inter satellite links with respectto autonomy.The second approach, to process two satellites pair-wise leads to sub-optimal but maybe alsosatisfactory results.A third approach consists in the processing of inter satellite links without estimating thesending satellites state. This would require the smallest amount of communication betweenthe satellites. The partner satellites simply transmit their state vector (or corrections to thestate vector) which are frequently updated. In fact, this seems to be the only feasible way.7.3 Application Example: Availability during Orbit ManoeuvresPerturbations acting on the satellites orbit make it necessary to correct the space crafttrajectory from time to time in order to maintain the desired orbit. These orbit corrections,achieved by activating the spaces craft's propulsion system, lead to a discontinuity in theacceleration acting on the satellite. Although it is no problem to account for thrust forces inthe numerical integration during a propulsive flight phase, the accuracy of the broadcastmessage, which has to be fit over a certain period of validity, will be degraded if engine startor cut off falls within that time span. The amount of degradation depends strongly on thethrust level.Unintentional thrusters firing on the other hand issues an integrity problem, because thebroadcast ephemeris do not apply anymore. This means, the user computes his positionrelative to a satellite based a wrong S/V position information. However, this topic shall beaddressed in the next section.The conventional approach (GPS for example) is to set the space craft status to unhealthy,short before an orbit manoeuvre and up to the time when the orbit determination providesPage 158R. Wolf

Inter Satellite LinksAutonomous Onboard Processingnominal accuracy again. A drawback of this strategy is a service interruption during orbitmanoeuvres and for a small period afterwards. It leads to an orbit maintenance strategyconsisting of infrequent, large orbit corrections. For a highly available system it is desired tokeep this service interruption as short as possible.The amount of fuel which can be store aboard a space craft is, besides battery and solar panellife time, one of the main life time drivers. A satellite consumes propellant to maintain itsorbital position. If the complete fuel is burnt, the space craft goes out of services. One of thepossibilities to prolong satellite life time is to use high impulsive propulsion, like ion engines.Especially for station keeping of GEO satellites, this is an extreme interesting option. Newcommercial satellite platforms like the Hughes HS 601 and HS 702 series already offer ionpropulsion as an option.Due to the low mass exhaust and therefore low thrust levels of ion engines, powered flightphases are much longer and have to be performed more frequent, compared to conventionalchemical propulsion. Because it would not be acceptable to have that frequent serviceinterruptions, the use of ion propulsion implies the integration of the powered flight phase intonormal service, i.e. the broadcast ephemeris have to be adjusted to thrust phases as well as tofree flight phases. An ion engine would require too much time for a large (and infrequent)orbit correction manoeuvre, as will be demonstrated by the following example.HS 601 HP ThrustersHS 702 ThrustersDiameter 13 cm 25 cmSpecific Impulse 2568 s 3800 sThrust 18 mN 165 mNPower Consumption 0.5 kW 4.5 kWTable 7-2 Characteristics of Hughes XIPS Ion DrivesA space craft with a mass of 550 kg (typical End-Of-Life mass) has to be accelerated by 50m/s using the HS 601 HP ion drive described above. From combining the following equationswith∆vmc effectiveTmidealCutoff= c= mT = m⋅ ceffectiveStarteffective⎛ m⋅ ln⎜⎝ m− m⋅ t= m⋅ IBurnSPStartCutoff⋅ g0⎞⎟ = I⎠SP⋅ g0⎛ m⋅ ln⎜⎝ mStartCutoffEffective exhaust velocityThrust (2 thrusters are used)mass⎞⎟⎠Eq. 7.3-1R. Wolf Page 159

Autonomous Onboard Processing<strong>Inter</strong> <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Links</strong>zz1312==[ h h ]11⎡x1⎤⋅ ⎢ ⎥⎣x3 ⎦x⎢ ⎥⎣x2 ⎦⎡p11= ⎢⎣ 0p⎢⎣ 00 ⎤p⎥33 ⎦0⎡ 1 ⎤⎡ 11 ⎤[ h h ] ⋅ , P = ⎥ ⎦211322,Pfilter1filter2p22Eq. 7.2-8Both filters contain the state of sat1, because sat1 is involved in both measurements . TheKalman gain for the sat2 state is now obtained byK22=h211p11h+p13 332h13p33+ r13Eq. 7.2-9It can also be shown that both filters yield Kalman gain factors also for sat1, which will not beequal.All measurements, covariances <strong>and</strong> satellite states should be available at the same time in thesame place to perform an optimal estimation. The easiest way to achieve this would be todownload the measurements <strong>and</strong> process inter satellite links on ground <strong>and</strong> in post processing.Unfortunately this removes one of the greatest benefits of the inter satellite links with respectto autonomy.The second approach, to process two satellites pair-wise leads to sub-optimal but maybe alsosatisfactory results.A third approach consists in the processing of inter satellite links without estimating thesending satellites state. This would require the smallest amount of communication betweenthe satellites. The partner satellites simply transmit their state vector (or corrections to thestate vector) which are frequently updated. In fact, this seems to be the only feasible way.7.3 Application Example: Availability during <strong>Orbit</strong> ManoeuvresPerturbations acting on the satellites orbit make it necessary to correct the space crafttrajectory from time to time in order to maintain the desired orbit. These orbit corrections,achieved by activating the spaces craft's propulsion system, lead to a discontinuity in theacceleration acting on the satellite. Although it is no problem to account for thrust forces inthe numerical integration during a propulsive flight phase, the accuracy of the broadcastmessage, which has to be fit over a certain period of validity, will be degraded if engine startor cut off falls within that time span. The amount of degradation depends strongly on thethrust level.Unintentional thrusters firing on the other h<strong>and</strong> issues an integrity problem, because thebroadcast ephemeris do not apply anymore. This means, the user computes his positionrelative to a satellite based a wrong S/V position information. However, this topic shall beaddressed in the next section.The conventional approach (GPS for example) is to set the space craft status to unhealthy,short before an orbit manoeuvre <strong>and</strong> up to the time when the orbit determination providesPage 158R. Wolf

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