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Document title - Construction Industry Council

Document title - Construction Industry Council

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<strong>Construction</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong>5 th Progress Report of Committee on <strong>Construction</strong> Site SafetyPurposeThis paper outlines the main points discussed at the 5 th meeting ofthe Committee on <strong>Construction</strong> Site Safety held on 2 April 2008. Therecord of attendance is at Appendix A.Issues Discussed2. Members discussed the following items –• Guidelines on Safety of Tower Cranes;• 2 nd Summary Report for Informal Task Force on Working in HotWeather;• 3 rd Summary Report of Informal Task Force on Site Vehicles andMobile Plant;• 4 th Summary Report of Informal Task Force on Permanent SafetyFeatures;• Pay for Safety Scheme (PFSS);• 2nd Summary Report of Informal Task Force on Co-operationwith Property Management Companies; and• work plan.Progress on Matters Arising from 4 th Meeting on 14 December 20073. Members noted the following –(a)Paragraph 25(a) – The Chairman of CIC wrote a letter tothe Secretary for Labour and Welfare on 3 March 2008requesting that favourable consideration be given to bidsfor finance and staff resources (if any) that might be madeby LD for following up on the request made by the

Committee on strengthening the staff establishment oftaking enforcement actions;(b)(c)(d)(e)Paragraph 25(b) – The Chairman of CIC wrote letters toHKIA, HKIE, HKIS and REDA on 3 March 2008requesting support for the PFSS;Paragraph 25(c) – The Chairman of CIC wrote a letter toHKFI on 3 March 2008 requesting HKFI members toconsider whether adoption of PFSS could be taken intoaccount in assessing insurance premium;Paragraph 25(d) – design features for enhancing the safetyof repair and maintenance (R&M) works would bediscussed in latter part of the meeting; andParagraph 25(e) – OSHC’s would make a presentation ofthe 5S method at the meeting of the Informal Task Forceon Behavioural Aspect of <strong>Construction</strong> Site Safetyscheduled for 16 April 2008.Guidelines on Safety of Tower Cranes4. The Informal Task Force on Safety of Tower Cranes haddeveloped the Guidelines on Safety of Tower Cranes to set out therecommended good practices for enhancing the safety of tower craneoperation. Given that LD would issue suspension notices under section10 of the Occupation Safety and Health Ordinance for non-compliance ofthe guidelines, the guidelines should set out the specific non-complianceswhich could lead to such consequences. LD and HKCA would agree onwhether suitable grace periods should be allowed for theserecommendations that would require considerable lead time forimplementation (such as those on training courses for competent personsand construction workers).5. Members endorsed the guidelines subject to the foregoingcomments and further comments that they would make in writing to theSecretariat before 9 April 2008. The finalized guidelines would bepromulgated after approved by CIC at the 9 th scheduled for 2 May 2008.[Post meeting note – The revised draft incorporating changes proposed atthe meeting and in writing thereafter is at Appendix B.]-2-

2 nd Summary Report for Informal Task Force on Working in HotWeather6. At its 2 nd meeting held on 17 March 2008, the Task Forceconsidered the overall approach for issuing guidelines for safetymeasures for working in hot weather and agreed that the long termdirection should be to link safety measures to thermal stress on workersmeasured by established parameters. Pending further development worksfor facilitating adoption of this approach in Hong Kong, an initial set ofguidelines setting out the basic good practices that could be readilyimplemented would be issued before summer 2008. A study on thermalstress could then be conducted to enable the Task Force to refine theguidelines on the basis of the findings of the research and industryfeedback on the initial guidelines so that a new set of guidelines could bepromulgated before summer 2009.7. Members supported the two-stage approach and proposed that thewearing of sunglasses could affect the vision of workers and shouldtherefore be omitted from the recommended safety measures.8. Members endorsed the guidelines subject to the foregoingcomments and further comments that they would make in writing to theSecretariat before 9 April 2008. The finalized guidelines would bepromulgated after approved by CIC at the 9 th scheduled for 2 May 2008.[Post meeting note – The revised draft incorporating changes proposed atthe meeting and in writing thereafter is at Appendix C.]3 rd Summary Report of Informal Task Force on Site Vehicles andMobile Plant9. At its 3 rd meeting held on 19 March 2008, the Task Forcefinalized the draft of the Guidelines on Safety of Site Vehicles andMobile Plant for providing guidance to contractors and subcontractors onmeasures for enhancing the safety of vehicles and mobile plant operatingon construction sites. Members examined the draft and proposed addinga recommendation that where reversing could not be avoided, it shouldonly take place when a banksman was assigned to guide the driver oroperator or an RVD had been installed to provide the driver or operatorwith clear rear-side views.-3-

10. Members endorsed the guidelines subject to the foregoingcomments and further comments that they would make in writing to theSecretariat before 9 April 2008. The finalized guidelines would bepromulgated after approved by CIC at the 9 th scheduled for 2 May 2008.11. The promulgation of the guidelines would complement a fundingscheme to be launched by LD, OSHC and HKCA whereby a subsidy of$2,500 would be provided to small and medium size companies andindividual owners for installation of reversing video device on sitevehicles. The scheme would cover both vehicles used on site only andvehicles used both on sites and on public road. Given the limited fundsfor the scheme, each company or individual could apply for subsidy forone vehicle only.[Post meeting note – The revised draft incorporating changes proposed atthe meeting and in writing thereafter is at Appendix D.]4 th Summary Report of Informal Task Force on Permanent SafetyFeatures12. The Task Force had identified gondolas, service platforms andcast-in anchorage points as design features to be recommended forincorporation into new buildings for enhancing the safety of R&M worksexecuted on external walls. While gondolas were found to be technicallyfeasible and affordable for residential buildings, the industry support forgondolas would be limited if their enclosures were not exempted fromheight restrictions. The Task Force considered that exemption wasjustified given the limited size of gondola enclosures.13. Similarly, industry support would also be limited for serviceplatforms if they were not exempted from the calculations of accountablegross floor areas (GFA). The Task Force considered that the exemptionwas justified as service platforms would not be included in the saleablearea of residential flats. Members agreed that CIC should be requested towrite to BD, Lands D and Plan D on the subject so as to strengthen theposition of the Task Force would in further discussing with BD, Lands Dand Plan D the possibility of exempting enclosures of gondolas fromheight restrictions and service platforms from calculation of accountableGFA.14. BD would consider developing technical standards for design,construction and maintenance of cast-in anchorage points. When thesestandards were available, the Task Force would deliberate on the-4-

administrative procedures for providing proper maintenance, providingtraining to construction workers on use of anchorage points andprocurement of insurance covers for liabilities resulting from the use ofthe device.15. The Task Force would develop a set of guidelines on gondolas,service platforms and cast-in anchorage points after the completion of thedeliberations on the foregoing issues.Pay for Safety Scheme16. Since the launch of the Safety Partnering Programme by REDAand HKCA in June 2005 to promote the adoption of PFSS in privatesector projects, only 38 sites had joined the scheme. In view of thelimited response, Members explored ways for mandating the adoption ofPFSS through statutory provisions. In this regard, BD advised that as theBuilding Ordinance was primarily concerned with the planning, designand construction of buildings to ensure safety to occupants of thebuildings and members of the public in the vicinity and would not be asuitable platform for mandating the features of the PFSS the objective ofwhich is for safety of workers in the construction works. On the otherhand, under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (SafetyManagement) Regulation of the Factories and Industrial UndertakingsOrdinance, contractors were required to develop, implement and maintaina safety management system in accordance with the provisions of theregulation and the Code of Practice on Safety Management issued by theCommissioner of Labour in April 2002. The Secretariat would discusswith LD whether the features of PFSS could be enforced throughincorporation into the code of practice.17. Noting that PFSS had been adopted in public sector projects,DEVB was requested to consider extending the scheme to subventedprojects funded under the Head 708 – Capital Subvention and MajorSystem and Equipment of the Capital Works Reserve Fund. TheSecretariat would discuss with HKFI on ways for offering concretefinancial incentive to site adopting PFSS through lower insurancepremium.2 nd Summary Report of Informal Task Force on Co-operation withProperty Management Companies18. The 2 nd meeting of the Task Force was held on 25 March 2008 toconsider initiatives for enhancing the safety of R&M works through-5-

co-operation between LD and property management companies (PMC).On the voluntary referral scheme, a simplified checklist for use by thefrontline staff of PMC in identifying unsafe working conditions (such asomission of anchor bolts for the supporting brackets for truss-outscaffolds, working at height without fall arresting facilities, etc.) and formaking referrals to LD had been prepared and was being circulated tomembers of the Hong Kong Association of Property ManagementCompanies (HKAPMC) for comments. LD would issue a letter toHKAPMC to further solicit supports of its members in keeping a closewatch over hazardous operations.19. LD would circulate for comments by the Task Force a leaflet onthe responsibilities of owners of individual flats and their contractors onthe safety of works executed on their premises. The finalized leafletwould be distributed to building owners through HKAPMC and HomeAffairs Department.Work Plan20. Members considered the proposed work plan of the Committeeprepared by the Secretariat and endorsed the version at Appendix Erevised on the basis of the discussions at the meeting for submission tothe 9 th meeting of CIC scheduled for 2 May 2008.Further Actions21. The following further actions were agreed –(a)(b)the guidelines on safety of tower crane, site vehicles andmobile plant as well as working in hot weather would besubmitted for approval by CIC at the meeting scheduledfor 2 May 2008;CIC would be requested to write to BD, Lands D and PlanD on the exemption of enclosures of gondolas from heightrestrictions and service platforms from calculation ofaccountable GFA so as to strengthen the position of theInformal Task Force on Permanent Safety Features infurther discussing with BD, Lands D and Plan D on thesesubjects;-6-

(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)BD would consider developing technical standards fordesign, construction and maintenance of cast-in anchoragepoints;the Secretariat would discuss with LD on the features ofPFSS that could be incorporated in the Code of Practicefor Safety Management;the Secretariat would discuss the HKFI on the ways forgranting lower insurance premium to sites adopting PFSS;DEVB would consider extending the PFSS to subventedprojects; andthe work plan for the Committee would be submitted tothe 9 th meeting of CIC scheduled for 2 May 2008.CIC SecretariatApril 2008-7-

Appendix ACommittee on <strong>Construction</strong> Site Safety5 th Meeting held at 2:30 pm on 2 April 2008in Conference Room 1201, Murray BuildingRecord of AttendancePresentProf J M Ko*Mr CHOI Chun-waMr James BlakeKowloon-Canton Railway CorporationMr C K TsangHong Kong Federation of Electricaland Mechanical ContractorsMr Philip ChanHong Kong Institute of ArchitectsMr PANG LongHong Kong <strong>Construction</strong> Site WorkersGeneral UnionMr Y L Chu<strong>Construction</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong> TrainingAuthorityProf Francis WongHong Kong Polytechnic UniversityMr C K LauReal Estate Developers Association ofHong KongMr Anthony ChanHong Kong <strong>Construction</strong> AssociationMr William SiuHong Kong Bar-Bending ContractorsAssociationMr TANG Wah-shing Occupational Safety and Health<strong>Council</strong>Mr Dominic LamHong Kong Federation of InsurersMr YU Koon-ching Hong Kong Safety SupervisorsAssociationMr NG Kwok-kwan Hong Kong <strong>Construction</strong> <strong>Industry</strong>Employees’ General UnionMr C K AuBuildings DepartmentMr Peter ChangBuildings DepartmentDr Alex LiDevelopment BureauMr S H TsoLabour DepartmentMrs Terry ChingHousing Department* In the absence of the Chairman Mr Thomas Kwok, the meeting waschaired by Prof. Ko.

Absent with apologiesMr Thomas KwokChairmanMr WAN Koon-sunMr Thomas HoMr Ros Lam Office of the Commissioner ofInsuranceIn attendance<strong>Construction</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong> SecretariatMr K K YeungMr K H TaoMr Solomon WongPrincipal Assistant Secretary forDevelopment (Works) 1 (Designate)Chief Assistant Secretary for Development(Works) 1Assistant Secretary for Development(Works) Public Works SystemsAdministration 1-2-

Appendix B<strong>Construction</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Publication No. xxGuidelines on Safety of Tower Cranes[Changes made to the version submitted to the Committee on<strong>Construction</strong> Site Safety are highlighted in bold italics.]Version 1May 2008

DisclaimerThis publication is prepared by the <strong>Construction</strong><strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong> (CIC) to report findings or set outthe recommended practices on specific subjects forreference by the industry but is NOT intended toconstitute any professional advice on these or anyother subjects. The parties using this publicationshould therefore seek appropriate advice from theirprofessional advisers. CIC (including its membersand employees) will NOT accept responsibilities forany consequences resulting from the use of or failureto use this publication.EnquiriesQuestions on these guidelines may be made to the CIC Secretariat at –Rm 2001, 20/F, Alliance Building130-136 Connaught Road CentralHong Kong.Tel. no. - 3571 8716Fax no. - 3571 9848E-mail - enquiry@hkcic.org<strong>Construction</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong>

Publication No. xxGuidelines on Safety of Tower CranesA. PurposeThis publication sets out the good practices recommended by the<strong>Construction</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong> (CIC) for enhancing the safety of towercrane operation.B. Definitions2. In this document, unless the context otherwise requires –(a)(b)“Competent Person” means a person who is appointed bya Specialist Contractor to supervise the erection,dismantling and height alteration operation of a towercrane;“Competent Mechanical Engineer” (CME) means aRegistered Professional Engineer registered under theEngineers Registration Ordinance (Cap 409) in theMechanical Engineering or Naval Architecture & Marinediscipline;(c) “Competent Structural Engineer” (CSE) means aRegistered Professional Engineer registered under theEngineer Registration Ordinance, Cap 409 in theStructural Engineering discipline;(d)(e)(f)(g)“height alteration” means the addition or removal of mastsection to or from the main tower of a tower crane;“Operation” means the erection, dismantling and heightalteration operations on a tower crane;“Owner” means person or company owning a tower crane;“Principal Contractor” means any person who enters intoa contract with a client organization to performconstruction work;

(h)(i)“Registered Safety Officer” means a person registeredunder regulation 7 of the Factories and IndustrialUndertakings (Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors)Regulations;“Specialist Contractor” means any person who enters intoa contract with a Principal Contractor, or a subcontractorof a Principal Contractor to perform the erection,dismantling and height alteration of tower crane;(j) “Technically Competent Person Grade T5” (TCP T5)means a person whose academic or professionalqualifications or experience of building works or streetworks satisfy the requirements set out in the Code ofPractice for Site Supervision issued by BuildingsDepartment for a particular type of site supervision ormanagement tasks.C. Introduction3. Tower cranes are widely used for conveying of building materialson construction sites. Given that collapse of tower crane could result inserious threats to the safety of site personnel and members of the public,organizations and individual responsible for safety of tower cranes shouldtake appropriate measures to assure their safety.4. The Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (“FIUO”),the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Lifting Appliances and LiftingGear) Regulations (“LALGR”) and the Occupational Safety and HealthOrdinance (“OSHO”) impose duties on stake holders to assure the safetyof tower cranes. These are complemented by the Code of Practice on theSafe Use Tower Crane published by the Commissioner for Labour underSection 7A of the FIUO providing practical guidance on selection,operation, erection and dismantling, maintenance, inspection,examination and testing of tower cranes.5. This publication make recommendations on the measures forfurther enhancing the safety of tower cranes based on the good practicessuggested by the concerned industry stakeholders including tower craneowners, specialist contractors and professionals. The Hong Kong<strong>Construction</strong> Association (HKCA) and the <strong>Construction</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Training Academy (CICTA) also contributed on technical andadministrative aspects.

6. While this publication does not have a special legal status, LabourDepartment has indicated that it shall take non-compliances of therecommended practices listed at Annex A into account in consideringserving suspension notices under section 10 of the Occupational Safetyand Health Ordinance (Cap 509) to the concerned Principal Contractorsor Specialist Contractors. For the avoidance of doubt, notwithstandingsuch intention, this publication is issued by CIC for reference by industrystakeholders only and will not constitute professional advice on towercrane operations or any other issues. The parties using this publicationshould therefore seek appropriate advice from their professional advisers.CIC (including its members and employees) will NOT acceptresponsibilities for any consequences resulting from the use of or failureto use this publication.D. Measures for Enhancing Safety of Tower Cranes7. The following groups of measures described in the ensuingparagraphs are recommended for enhancing the safety of tower craneoperations –(a)(b)(c)(d)checking before erection of tower cranes;improvements of site supervision;qualifications and experience of Specialist Contractors;andqualification and experience of Competent Persons andworkmen.E. Checking before Erection of Tower Crane(i)Pre-delivery checking8. The owner of a tower crane should engage a CME to conduct predeliverychecking in accordance with the procedures at Annex B beforethe tower crane is delivered onto the site.9. As stipulated at Annex B, the CME should issue the followingdocuments for the checking –

(a)(b)Report on Pre-Delivery Verification of Components withsample at Appendix B.1 to Annex B; andReport on Pre-Delivery Inspection with sample atAppendix B.2 to Annex B.(ii)Checking of anchorage10. The anchorage of the tower crane should also be certified by anCME using Form 2 prescribed in LALGR before the tower crane may beerected.(iii)Checking of supporting structure11. Before a tower crane is erected, the principal contractor shouldengage a CSE or a TCP T5, with five years of relevant workingexperience to assess the structural integrity of the building structure forsupporting and anchoring of the crane. The CSE or TCP should obtainall necessary information and specifications from the owner of the towercrane for conducting a comprehensive structural analysis includingassessment of the adequacy of the foundation set-up and wall ties inresisting the anticipated loading including wind load.12. The assessment report should be submitted to the PrincipalContractor before concreting of the foundation and supporting structures.(iv)Derrick crane13. Where a derrick crane is used to dismantle a tower crane, theprocedures in paragraphs 8 to 12 above should apply to the derrick crane.In particular, where a derrick crane supported on the roof is used, theadequacy of the roof for supporting the derrick crane should be assessedin the manner set out in paragraph 11 above.F. Improvements of Site Supervision(i) Appointment of supervising engineer14. The principal contractors should appoint in writing a supervisingengineer with the following qualifications, experience and competencesto control, monitor and supervise operations on tower cranes –(a)an engineering degree of relevant discipline;

(b)(c)(d)(e)not less than four years of related working experience;capability in administering the “Hold Points” on criticalparts;capability in communicating with the competent personthroughout the operation; andcapability to conduct a visual inspection on the parts of atower crane to ensure that they are in good working orderbefore commencement of any operations.(ii)Risk Assessment15. The Principal Contractor should arrange to conduct a riskassessment in good time before the commencement of any operation ontower cranes to identify the hazards inherent in the operation and thehazards which could result from adjacent activities. The assessmentshould be conducted by safety professional (e.g. registered safety officers)and Registered Professional Engineer with suitable qualification andexperience in appropriate discipline should be consulted on issues relatedto structural and mechanical stability. The assessment should be updatedimmediately before the start of the operations to take into account anychanges in circumstances.16. Principal contractors should formulate measures for avoiding thehazards identified in risk assessment, or where this is not possible, devisemeasures for minimizing their likelihood of occurrence or mitigating theirconsequences. These measures include –(a)(b)(c)(d)installation of fall protection system for workers workingat height;suspension of work activities within an exclusion zonearound the tower crane until an operation is completed;provision of personal protective equipment such asprotective gloves, ear protectors and reflective vests;sufficient rest breaks;

(e)(f)(g)provision of proper safety training for competent personand workmen engaged in tower crane operations;provision of adequate lighting at inter-floors; andemployment of qualified workmen and competent person.17. Chinese version of the risk assessment report should be madeavailable on site for reference by specialist contractors engaged in towercrane operations.18. The principal contractor and the specialist contractor shouldjointly prepare a method statement in Chinese to define the procedures oftower crane operations covering –(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)all measures for avoiding or mitigating the hazardsidentified in the risk assessment;step-by-step procedures with diagrammatic illustration forconducting the operations with critical hazards and safetyprecautions highlighted by words such as “Danger”,“Caution” and “Hold Points”;procedure and instruction on hold points of critical parts;detailed procedures for avoiding hazards to site personnelworking adjacent to the tower crane;clear statements on the role and tasks of members of theworking crew; andarrangements for effective communication.19. The guidelines for preparing the report for risk assessment are atAnnex C.(iii)Pre-installation checking20. The Principal Contractor should check the availability of thefollowing documents before proceeding with the erection of a towercrane or a derrick crane for dismantling a tower crane –

(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)report on verification of components referred to inparagraph 9(a) above;report on pre-delivery inspection referred to in paragraph9(b) above;Form 2 on checking of anchorage referred to in paragraph10 above;report on assessment of supporting structure referred to inparagraph 11 above; andmaintenance logbook recording the maintenance andinspection history of the crane.(iv)Pre-operation checking21. The principal contractor should make the following documentsavailable before conducting any operation on a tower crane –(a)(b)(c)report of the risk assessment for the operation includingthe method statement;records of the qualification and experience of thesupervising engineer and the competent personresponsible for the operation; andall relevant certificates of test and examination of mobilecranes and derrick cranes used in the operation.22. Copies of risk assessment report (including the method statement)should be distributed to the Specialist Contractor who should be advisedof the estimated duration of the operation and the boundaries of theexclusion zone.(v)Pre-use Verification23. After the completion of each operation, the principal contractorshould engage a CME to conduct a thorough examination and a load testto verify that the tower crane is fit for use. The use of the tower craneshould resume only after satisfactory completion of the verificationprocess.

G. Qualification and Experience of Specialist Contractors24. Principal contractors should only engage competent SpecialistContractors registered on the specialty of “Erection, dismantling andclimbing 1 ” of the Tower Crane trade of the Voluntary SubcontractorRegistration Scheme administered by CIC for tower crane operations.Specialist contractors should possess the relevant experience, sufficienttechnical capability and engage competent person and workmen withappropriate skills and experience.25. A Specialist Contractor should be able to understand the methodstatement for tower crane operations and to explain the details to hisworking crew including a full explanation on the risks associated withimproper working procedures and those safety hints and precautions asoutlined in the warning/attention sections normally marked “Cautions”,“Danger” or “Hold Points”.H. Qualification and Experience of Competent Persons andWorkmen26. Specialist Contractors should employ Competent Persons andworkmen with appropriate qualifications, training and experience forperforming all operations on tower cranes taking into account therequirements set out at Annex D.27. The manufacturer or his local agent should organize and providefamiliarization training on tower cranes to competent persons.I. Summary of Recommendations28. The improvement measures recommended in the foregoingparagraphs are summarized at Annex E together with the implementingparties and timeframe.1 Code 4.1.1

List of Non-compliances with Possibility of Leading to Issue ofSuspension Notices by Labour Department (LD)Annex A1. Critical components and key members have not been inspected bya CME before delivery of a tower crane to the site for erection.2. Report on Pre-delivery Inspection on critical components and keymembers by a CME is not available for on-site inspection.3. Structural integrity of the building structure for supporting andanchoring of a tower crane or a derrick crane has not been assessedby a CSE or TCP T5.4. Assessment report issued by a CSE or TCP T5 on the structuralintegrity of the building structure is not made available for on-siteinspection by LD.5. Maintenance logbook and Report on Pre-delivery Verification ofComponents are not kept available for on-site inspection by LD.6. Competent person is not employed for the erection, dismantlingand height alteration of a tower crane.7. The competent person does not possess experience satisfying therequirements stipulated at Annex D.8. The competent person does not possess adequate qualification andtraining to supervise his working crew for the operation.9. The operation is not carried out by workmen with qualification,experience and training stipulated at Annex D.10. Specific site risk assessment prior to the operation has not beenconducted.11. Specific site risk assessment report in Chinese has not beenprepared.12. Method statement in Chinese for the operation has not beenprepared.13. The operation is not supervised by a supervising engineer.

14. The supervising engineer does not possess qualification, experienceand competences stipulated in paragraph 14 of the main text.Implementation• LD is taking items 6–8 and 10–12 into account in issuingsuspension notices.• The remaining items will take effect for this purpose within threemonths of the issue of this publication.-2-

Annex BProcedures for Pre-Delivery CheckingPurposeThis Annex sets out procedures for pre-erection examination oftower cranes.Engagement of CME2. The owner of a tower crane should engage a CME to conduct apre-erection examination of the tower crane before its erection on site.Provision of <strong>Document</strong>s by the Owner3. The owner should provide the following information to theCME –(a)(b)origins of parts and components - written confirmationthat all parts and components are identical or equivalent tothe tower crane manufacturer’s original equipment partsand components;unique identification of parts and components - uniqueidentification to all main structural parts, motors,gearboxes and braking systems of tower cranes to be usedwhen referring to components in reports for inspection andtesting, and certifications for repairs and modifications.(A sample list is included at Appendix B.1.)(Unique identification will not be required for pins andbolts used containing main structural parts if systems arein place for separating those that have passed nondestructivetests from the others. However, if the cranemanufacturer specifies any limitations on the usage of thepins and bolts (e.g., with useful life dictated by the numberof times that have been in use, etc.), unique identifiersshould be provided.)(c)verification checklist – listing the main componentsmaking up the tower crane to help in verifying that thesemain components conform to the manufacturer’s-1-

specifications;(d)(e)relevant sections from the user manual - to demonstrateconformance of parts and components with themanufacturer’s specifications;maintenance logbook - details of the most recent repairand maintenance work performed on the critical parts aslisted below –(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)Main structural partsMotorsGearboxesBraking systemsSlewing ring mounting boltsExamination by CME(Further details should be provided if requested by theCME.)4. The CME should conduct thorough examination of the criticalparts of a tower crane before it is delivered to the construction sitemaking appropriate reference to the information provided by the owner.A checklist illustrating the possible scope of the examination is atAppendix B.2. As the checklist is for illustration only and is by notmeant to be exhaustive, the CME should examine its applicability andvalidity by making reference to manufacturer’s specifications and manualof the specific tower crane and other relevant information.Non-destructive Tests5. The non-destructive tests on the critical components includingbolts and pins and welded connections should be conducted by qualifiedpersonnel. All bolts and pins (i.e., 100%) used for connection of mainstructural parts should be tested. Items with cracks should be replaced.6. The CME should prescribe the non-destructive tests to beconducted on welded connection based on the result of visual inspectionof critical parts. For critical parts over fifteen years old or ofunconfirmed age, the minimum amount of welded connections to betested shall be 10%. A higher percentage may be specified by the CME-2-

Appendix B.1Sample Verification Checklist1. Particulars of Tower CraneSite details : Block 1, 88 ABC road, Kowloon TongSite identification : TC1Make : ABCModel : TX100Jib length : 55mMast height : 28.2mHook height : 30.7mSerial No. : 123456Year : 2007( Note : The checklist is by no means exhaustive. Owners should examine its applicability andvalidity by making reference to manufacturer’s specifications and manual of the specifictower crane. )

2. Manufacturer SpecificationTower top / A-frameTie barTie barTie bar1 2 3 4 6 7Counter-jibE F F F FBallast blocksStandard, K102JibSlewing ring assemblyTrolleyHook blockStandard, K102Standard, K102Tower mastsectionsReinforced, K103RStandard, K102Reinforced, K101RFixing angles /foundation anchors- 3 -

I have verified that the following main components (critical parts) making up thetower crane conform to the manufacturer’s specifications as follows:Item Maincomponents1 Fixingangles /anchors2 Tower baseundercarriage / chassis3 Tower mastsectionsQty Owner’sidentification4 F1, F2, F3,F4NilManufacturer’scodeMaindimensionsYearRemarksQ200 200mm high 2007 Nonreusable1 M1 K103R 1.6m x 1.6mx 5m high4 M2, M3, M4,M5K102 1.6m x 1.6mx 5m high1 M6 K101R 1.6m x 1.6mx 3m high2007 Reinforced2007 Standard2007 Basesection,reinforced4 Slewing ring 1 M1 S300 2007 Reinforcedassembly5 Tower top / 1 T1 A202 5m high 2007A-frame6 Counter-jib 1 C1 C204 12m 20077 Jib5 J1,J2,J3,J4J61,2,3,4,6 10m long 20071 J7 7 5m long 20078 Ballastblocks9 Wire drum4 B1,B2,B3,B4Type F4mx2mx0.3m thk1 B5 Type E 2mx2mx0.3m thk1 WD1 φ500mmdrum1 WD2 φ200mmdrum2007 4 tonneseach2007 2 tonneseach2007 Hoisting2007 Trolley10 Hook block 1 H1 2007 4-fall11 Trolley 1 T1 2007 4-fall12 Telescopiccage1 TC1 2007Date of Verification: ________________Date of This Report: ________________Signature: _____________________________Name of CME : _________________________Reg. No. : _____________________________- 3 -

Appendix B.2Scope of the Thorough ExaminationReport reference :Report date :THOROUGH EXAMINATION OF CRITICAL PARTSFOR TOWER CRANE(Note: The checklist shown in this report is by no means exhaustive. RPE should examineits applicability and validity by making reference to manufacturer’s specifications andmanual of the specific tower crane.)Thoroughly examined by_____________________________________Name of Competent Mechanical Engineer :Registration No. :Date of Examination :Date of This Report :

CONTENTSSection Description Page1. Introduction2. Particulars of tower crane3. Visual examination4. Dimensional examination5. Review of maintenance logbook6. Summary of findings- 9 -

1. INTRODUCTIONThis report presents details of the thorough examination carried out on the critical partsof the tower crane before they are delivered to a construction site.2. PARTICULARS OF TOWER CRANETower crane owner :Inspection location :Site address :Site identification :Make :Model :Jib length :Mast / hook height :Serial No. :Year :3. VISUAL EXAMINATIONVisual examination was carried out to check and examine the state of the critical partslisted in Sections 3.1 and 3.2.(Note: Visible damage includes cracking, deformation, corrosion, wear and abrasion)- 9 -

Critical parts Acceptance criteria Condition acceptableYes No Remarks3.1 Main structural parts(a) Fixing angles / foundation anchors No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(b)Tower base undercarriage / chassisStructural members No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Welded connections No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Connection pins / bolts No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(c)Tower mast sectionsStructural members No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Welded connections No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Connection pins / bolts No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(d)Slewing ring assemblyStructural frame No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Welded connections No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Slewing ring mounting bolts No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(e)Tower top / A-frameStructural members No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Welded connections No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Connection pins / bolts No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(f)Counter-jibStructural members No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Welded connections No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Tie bars No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Connection pins No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(g)JibStructural members No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Welded connections No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Tie bars No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Connection pins No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________- 9 -

Critical parts Acceptance criteria Condition acceptableYes No Remarks3.2 Accessories(a)Ballast blocksUndercarriage / chassis No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Counter-jib No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(b) Pulleys No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(c)Wire drumsHoisting No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Trolley No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Luffing No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(d)Wire ropesHoisting No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Trolley No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Luffing No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(Note: Acceptance criteria shall include any special recommendations from the manufacturer)(e) Hook block No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(f) Trolley No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(g)CollarsClimbing collars for floor climbing No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Climbing ladders for floor climbing No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Wall tie collars for telescoping No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Hydraulic assembly No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________(h)Telescopic cageStructural members No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Welded connections No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Connection pins / bolts No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________Hydraulic assembly No visible damage affecting safety □ □ ____________- 9 -

4. DIMENSIONAL EXAMINATIONMeasurement of the pin and hole diameter for pinned connections was carried out tocheck for out-of-tolerance against the manufacturer’s recommendations.Critical parts Acceptance criteria Dimension acceptableYes No Remarks(a)Mast section connectionsPin diameter As per manufacturer’s recommendations □ □ __________Hole diameter As per manufacturer’s recommendations □ □ __________(Note: Connections with fixing angles / foundation anchors, between adjoining mast sections, andwith slewing ring support)(b)Jib section connectionsPin diameter As per manufacturer’s recommendations □ □ __________Hole diameter As per manufacturer’s recommendations □ □ __________(Note: Connections between adjoining jib sections)(c) Tie bar connectionsPin diameter As per manufacturer’s recommendations □ □ __________Hole diameter As per manufacturer’s recommendations □ □ __________(Note: Connections between adjoining tie bars, and with fixing plate)- 9 -

5. REVIEW OF MAINTENANCE LOGBOOKThe repair and maintenance record prepared by the tower crane owner shall includedetails of work performed on the following critical parts.Critical parts Acceptance criteria Details availableYes NoRemarks(a) Main structural parts As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________(b)MotorsHoisting As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________Slewing As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________Trolley As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________Luffing As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________(c)GearboxesHoisting As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________Slewing As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________Trolley As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________Luffing As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________(d)Braking systemsHoisting As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________Slewing As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________Trolley As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________Luffing As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________(e)Slewing gear mounting boltsTightening torque As per manufacturer’s instructions □ □ __________- 9 -

6. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS6.1 Critical parts thoroughly examined□ All critical parts thoroughly examined are in acceptable condition, and areconsidered suitable for site installation.□ The critical parts listed below are not in acceptable condition, and are required tobe replaced or repaired in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Thereplaced or repaired parts are required to be further thoroughly examined by aRPE when they become available.Critical part(a) _____________(b) _____________(c) _____________Details of non-conformance_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6.2 Maintenance logbook□ Record of repair and maintenance work performed on the critical parts is available.□ Record of repair and maintenance work performed on the critical parts is notavailable for the items listed below. The record is required to be updated andfurther reviewed by a RPE when all the outstanding repair and maintenance workhave been performed.Critical part(a) ___________________________________________(b) ___________________________________________(c) ___________________________________________- 9 -

6.3 Non-destructive test reports(a)Bolts and pinsNon-destructive test report for bolts and pins ( used for connection of mainstructural parts ) is available to confirm acceptable condition.□ Yes□ NoRemarks: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________(b)Welded connectionsNon-destructive test report for welded connections is available to confirmacceptable condition.□ Yes□ NoRemarks: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________- 9 -

Annex CReport for Risk AssessmentPurposeThis Annex sets out the guidelines for reporting on risk assessment for towercrane operations.Overview2. A report for risk assessment should consist of the following sections –(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)introductionhazard assessmentmethod statementrecord of key personnelmanufacturer’s manual for tower crane.(A)Introduction3. This section should cover –(a)(b)(c)purpose of the risk assessment report;scope and detailed description of the project; andoperations covered by the report.(B)Hazard assessment4. This section should cover the hazards identified taking into account allrelevant matters including -(a)preparation work;• deployment of crew for work supervision;• checks on the suspension points of various accessories (withspecification);• checks on the lifting appliances and lifting gears (withspecification);• operating frequencies of walkie-talkies;• checks on hand tools and fall arresting stripes;-1-

• checks on full body harness;• location of the enclosure;• checks on personal protective equipment;• storage of material;• safety training;• wind speed monitoring and the maximum allowable wind speed;• arrangement of the control ropes;(b)(c)(d)work commencement procedures specifying the potential risk andmitigation measures of all procedures;work completion procedures including tests, examination andcertification; andcontingency plan for emergencies.5. A sample hazard analysis is included at Appendix C.1 for reference.(C)Method statement6. The section should clearly define the procedures for every step in theoperations and should be drawn up in consultation with the competent person, thesafety officer and other people concerned and should be issued to the working crewfor effective compliance.7. The method statement should include –(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)details of the construction site and construction works which shouldinclude a site layout plan;notes on the general safety measures for the works;pre-construction plan;operating procedures with key points highlighted by diagrammaticillustrations;personal safety equipment; andsafety measures for the operation.8. Example of a site layout plan is included at Appendix C.2 while a samplemethod statement for dismantling of tower crane is at Appendix C.3.(D)Personal particulars of crew members9. This section should list the personal particulars of –-2-

(a)staff responsible for drawing up the method statement;(b) members of the working crew –(i)(ii)(iii)competent person;senior workmen;junior workmen.10. Personal particulars should include the following –(a)(b)(c)(d)name of the person;position held;qualifications held (including certificates issued in accordance withstatutory provisions); andyear of experience.11. A sample of personal particulars is at Appendix C.4.(E)Manufacturer’s Manual12. Contractor should enclose a copy of the manufacturer’s manual in the riskassessment report.-3-

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1ABC <strong>Construction</strong> CompanyFindings of Analysis into Works HazardsSafety : xxxxxxRevision : 3Date :Description of work : Addition of mast to heighten a tower crane Location ofPost of operator : Tower Crane Operator of XXOperation:Members of Hazard : xxx (Site In-charge), xxx (Respresentative of XX), xxx (Quality Control Manager) Date ofAnalysis Groupxxx (Chief Mechanic) and xxx (Safety Officer)Analysis:Reviewed by : xxx Site In-charge (Vetting) Recorded by xxx (Safety Officer)Date ofReview :Personal ProtectiveEquipment Required :Safety Harness NH60/Sala / P+P, Fall Arrestor FUJII DENKO, Mask 3M 8210 N95, Ear Plug 3M EP1250,Eye Goggles UVEX 9161-014, Safety Helmet Centurion 1100, Safety BootsBasic Operation ProcedureExisting and Potential HazardConditonbeingAffectedWorkers(W)Possibility(P) HazardLevel(C)Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Risk Level*PC=RPRectification Measures Resolvedto be takenPublic(P) Possible(4) Affected(2) ResidualEnvironment(E)Asset(A)May bePossible(3)SlimlyPossible(2)Impossible(1)Serious(3)DisastrousRisk Level(1) Preparation Work:Item 1.1 Item 1.1 Item 1.1Formulation of safe working Danger caused by non-specific working W,A 4 3 12 Representative of XX draws up 9(3X3) QCM/SOprocedure on the addition of mast procedure (potential danger: Danger works hazard analysis, risk control Site Intotower crane triggered because of no works statement measures and works programme charge/Chiefwas prepared or works statement being together with QCM, Chief Mechanic, Mechanicinappropriate)Site In-charge and Safety OfficerItem 1.2 Item 1.2 Item 1.2Staffing arrangement for dedicated Unclear or inadequate definition by W,A 4 3 12 XX appoints experienced works 9(3X3)personnel to monitor the addition of monitoring officer triggers dangersupervisor to monitor all proceduresmast to tower crane (potential danger: Danger triggered of the addition of mast to tower cranebecause monitoring officers are (the supervising officer isnot at site to monitor the addition of XXX/XXX/XXX)chassis to mast)ActionPage1 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1Basic Operation ProcedureExisting and Potential HazardConditonbeingAffectedWorkers(W)Possibility(P) HazardLevel(C)Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Risk Level*PC=RPRectification Measures Resolvedto be takenPublic(P) Possible(4) Affected(2) ResidualEnvironment(E)Asset(A)May bePossible(3)SlimlyPossible(2)Serious(3)DisastrousRisk LevelImpossible(1)Item 1.3 Item 1.3 Item 1.3Examination of every hanging point There is the danger that an accessory may W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to check all 9(3X3)(such as ballasts etc.) fall during the process of hoisting. hanging points are fit(It is necessary to specify which (Potential danger: defects of hanging before assigning workers to carryhanging points are included) points may lead to falling.) out proper hoisting.ActionItem 1.4 Item 1.4 Item 1.4Inspect all lifting appliances and Hoisting may lead to the falling of W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to check that lifting 9(3X3)lifting gears.(It is necessary to materials. (Potential danger: hoisting gears and cranes have been issuedspecify which lifting appliances anddanger occurs because liftingwith certificates of inspection andlifting gears are included.) gears have not been inspected by are in good condition beforepublic surveyor or they are in poorproceeding to works procedures.conditions.)Item 1.5 Item 1.5 Item 1.5Frequency channel of walkie-talkie Danger occurs during hoisting of material W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisors are responsible for 9(3X3)and communication. (potential danger:ensuring the proper reception ofpoor reception leads to danger.)walkie-talkie.Item 1.6 Item 1.6 Item 1.6Inspection of hand tools and fall Hand tools may fall down. W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisors are responsible 9(3X3)arrest strips (Potential danger: such as tools slipping for ensuring all hand tools are tied tofrom hand when in use may fall down.) fall arrest strips and they shouldinstruct and supervise workers to…Page2 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1Basic Operation ProcedureExisting and Potential HazardConditonbeingAffectedWorkers(W)Possibility(P) HazardLevel(C)Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Risk Level*PC=RPRectification Measures Resolvedto be takenPublic(P) Possible(4) Affected(2) ResidualEnvironment(E)Asset(A)May bePossible(3)SlimlyPossible(2)Impossible(1)Serious(3)DisastrousRisk LevelItem 1.7 Item 1.7 Item 1.7Inspection of full body harness. Potential danger of fall of person. W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisors are responsible 9(3X3)(Potential danger: irregularity offor a pre-works procedure inspectionfull body harness or failure to useto ensure full body harnesses arefull body harness may lead to fall ofproper and to supervise workers toperson.)use them during the worksprocedure. Also to instruct workers touse the harnesses properly before anyworks procedure.ActionItem 1.8 Item 1.8 Item 1.8Fencing-off of site Affect workers at lower working area. W,A 4 3 12 Foremen, Chief Mechanic and 9(3X3)(It is necessary to specify the (Potential danger: danger occurs Works Supervisor are jointlylocation.) because of improper fencing-off of responsible for determining the area Foremansite or there are workers working atto be fenced off. Works Supervisorlower working area.)is to send someone to guard againstworkers of other trades gettinginto the crane erection area.Item 1.9 Item 1.9 Item 1.9Inspection of personal protective PPP cannot fully perform its protection W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to inspect PPE 9(3X3)equipment (PPE) function. (Potential danger: improper before assigning work and to instructPPE can not perform its protectiveworkers of the proper use of it.function or improper use of PPE byworker may lead to danger.)Page3 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1Basic Operation ProcedureExisting and Potential HazardConditonbeing Possibility(P) Hazard Risk LevelAffectedLevel(C)Workers(W) Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Public(P) Possible(4) Affected(2)Environment(E)Asset(A)May bePossible(3)SlimlyPossible(2)ResidualRisk LevelImpossible(1)Item 1.10 Item 1.10 Item 1.10Placing of materialsImproper placing of materialstriggers danger (Potential danger: such asW,A 3 3 9 Works Supervisor and Foreman tojointly work out the arrangement for6(2X3)material obstructing passage, tallplacing of materials and to choose astacking and insecure placing, etc.)suitable and secure place for theplacing of materials. To instructand supervise workers to placematerials suitably and less than 2metres high.Serious(3)Disastrous*PC=RPRectification Measures Resolvedto be takenActionForemanItem 1.11 Item 1.11 Item 1.11Safety trainingInadequate training of workers leads todanger (Potential danger: InadequateW 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to arrangetraining for workers before works9(3X3)hazard awareness of worker leads toprocedures commence, includingdanger.)manual handling work.Item 1.12 Item 1.12 Item 1.12Monitoring of wind speed Wind speed exceeding 62 km per hour W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor and Chief 9(3X3)(It is necessary to specify the will result in danger (Potential danger: Mechanic are responsible forgreatest wind allowable.) The turning of chassis and insecurehoisting may result in danger.)monitoring. (Receiving weatherreport) when wind speed exceeds62 km per hour, operation of towercrane should be stopped immediately.Item 1.13 Item 1.13 Item 1.13Arrangement for control rope Collision of objects endangers workers(Potential danger: Inadequate andW,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to arrangeadequate and suitable control9(3X3)improper control rope may leadrope and monitor the use of it.to danger in hoisting.)Page4 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1Basic Operation ProcedureExisting and Potential HazardConditonbeing Possibility(P) Hazard Risk LevelAffectedLevel(C)Workers(W) Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Public(P) Possible(4) Affected(2)Environment(E)Asset(A)May bePossible(3)SlimlyPossible(2)ResidualRisk LevelImpossible(1)(2) Commencing worksprocedure(Erection of telescopic cage)Item 2.1 Item 2.1.1 Item 2.1.1Use the tower crane and two long Potential danger of fall of person ~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to instruct 9(3X3)chain slings and two short chain (Potential danger: As workers work workers to fix the full body harnessslings to hoist the telescopic cage toon the mast of the tower crane, therefirmly with fall arrestor beforethe mast at the bottom of chassis is the danger of fall of person.) starting the works procedure.and then open the door ofthe telescopic cage. After fixing itWorks Supervisor to check if theto the mast at the bottomaccess leading up and down is secureof chassis, use lifting gear toand suitable.adjust the door of the telescopiccage and fix it properly, and then Item 2.1.2 Item 2.1.2hammer the pins until they are Potential danger of load falling down~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to ensure the9(3X3)firm, so that the telescopic cage is (Potential danger: Inappropriate hanging point is proper beforefirmly fixed on the mast. Jack up thehanging point of telescopic cage orassigning workers with riggingtelescopic cage to the position of unsuitable hoisting device may lead to certificate and experience to carry outthe chassis and then secure the 4 the danger of load falling down.) rigging and lifting operation.pins of the telescopic cage to thebottom of the chassis. After thatWorks Supervisor to fence off theremove the hook and connectionlower working area beforewire.works procedures commence.Serious(3)Disastrous*PC=RPRectification Measures Resolvedto be takenActionWorks Supervisor to check thevalid certificates of all liftingdevices and to ensure all liftingdevices are in good condition byvisual inspection.Page5 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1Basic Operation ProcedureItem 2.1 (cont'd)Existing and Potential HazardConditonbeing Possibility(P) Hazard Risk LevelAffectedLevel(C)Workers(W) Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Public(P) Possible(4) Affected(2)Environment(E)Asset(A)May bePossible(3)SlimlyPossible(2)Serious(3)Disastrous*PC=RPRectification Measures Resolvedto be takenResidualRisk LevelImpossible(1)Item 2.1.3 Item 2.1.3Potential danger of falling of tools~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to instruct and 9(3X3)(Potential danger: hand tools slippingmonitor workers to use fall arrestfrom hand may fall down.)strips to prevent hand tools fromfalling.ActionItem 2.2 Item 2.2.1 Item 2.2.1To install two mono-rails at the Potential danger of fall of person~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to instruct 9(3X3)bottom of chassis and use the (Potential danger: As workers work on workers to fix the full body harnesstower crane to fix the trolley on the the mast of the tower crane, therefirmly with fall arrestor beforemono-rail. When the telescopic is the danger of fall of person.) starting the works procedure.cage is installed at the bottom ofchassis, lift counter-jib to Item 2.2.2 Item 2.2.2balance the tower crane.Potential danger of load falling out~1(Potential danger: InappropriateW,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to ensure therigging method of mono-rail is9(3X3)rigging method of mono-rail orappropriate before assigningunsuitable hoisting device may lead toworkers with rigging certificate anddanger of load falling down.)experience to carry out rigging andlifting operation.Works Supervisor to fence off thelower working area beforeworks procedures commence.Works Supervisor to check thevalid certificates of all liftingdevices and to ensure all liftingdevices are in good condition byvisual inspection.Page6 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1Basic Operation ProcedureItem 2.2 (Cont'd)Existing and Potential HazardConditonbeing Possibility(P) Hazard Risk LevelAffectedLevel(C)Workers(W) Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Public(P) Possible(4) Affected(2)Environment(E)Asset(A)May bePossible(3)SlimlyPossible(2)Serious(3)Disastrous*PC=RPRectification Measures Resolvedto be takenResidualRisk LevelImpossible(1)Item 2.2.3 Item 2.2.3Potential danger of falling of tools~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to instruct and 9(3X3)(Potential danger: hand tools slippingmonitor workers to use fall arrestfrom hand when in use may fall down.)strips to prevent tools from falling.Item 2.2.4 Item 2.2.4Potential danger of fall of ballasts~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to assign 9(3X3)(Potential danger: Inappropriate riggingworkers with rigging certificate topoint may lead to falling during hoisting)carry out hoisting procedures.To instruct worker of the properrigging method before worksprocedures commence.To ensure rigging operator possessesrelevant crane operation certificatesand all lifting devices are in goodcondition and to check that they canbe used.Potential danger of fall of ballasts~2 W,A 4 3 12 Ganger to check that the hanging 9(3X3)(Potential danger: inappropriate hangingpoints of ballests are properpoint may lead to fall during hoisting.)before hoisting them.Works Supervisor to ensure chainslings are checked and are issuedwith valid certificate and are suitablylocked before assigning experiencedworkers with rigging certificate tocarry out rigging procedure.ActionPage7 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1Basic Operation ProcedureExisting and Potential HazardConditonbeing Possibility(P) Hazard Risk LevelAffectedLevel(C)Workers(W) Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Public(P) Possible(4) Affected(2)Environment(E)Asset(A)May bePossible(3)SlimlyPossible(2)ResidualRisk LevelImpossible(1)Item 2.3 Item 2.3.1 Item 2.3.1When the tower crane is balanced, Potential danger of fall of person~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to instruct 9(3X3)hammer out the 8 pins at the (Potential danger: As workers work workers to fix the full body harnessbottom of the chassis and jack on the mast of the tower crane there firmly with fall arrestor beforeup the part of tower crane above is the danger of fall of person.) starting the works procedure.the chassis until the twotemporary supporting wedges Item 2.3.2 Item 2.3.2can be laid on the shackle of the Potential danger of pin falling out~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to instruct and 9(3X3)mast, and then slightly (Potential danger: Inappropriate monitor worker to hold pins firmlylower the tower crane so that it is hammering of pin or unsuitable hoisting before putting them in the correctfirmly supported. device may lead to fall down of pin.) position and to start the procedure ofUse hydraulic jack to jack up thehammering when they are firm.tower crane. Use tower crane tohoist mono-rail to the position ofWorks Supervisor to fence off thethe mast and put the mast into thelower working area beforetelescopic gear. Hammer the 8works procedures commences.groups of pins at the bottom ofchassis until they are firm Item 2.3.3 Item 2.3.3enough and then hammer the 4 Danger of tower crane falling~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to check shacklegroups of pins joining the mast (Potential danger: Inappropriate is properly installed beforeuntil they are firm enough. The installation of shackle may lead to assigning workers to commence thetelescoping procedure of tower the fall of tower crane.) tower crane telescoping procedure.crane is completed.Item 2.3.3Danger of tower crane falling~2 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to check the wedges 9(3X3)(Potential danger: Inappropriateare properly installed beforeinstallation of temporary support wedgesassigning workers to commence themay lead to the fall of tower crane.)tower crane telescoping procedure.Serious(3)Disastrous*PC=RPRectification Measures Resolvedto be takenActionPage8 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1Basic Operation ProcedureExisting and Potential HazardConditonbeing Possibility(P) Hazard Risk LevelAffectedLevel(C)Workers(W) Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Public(P) Possible(4) Affected(2) ResidualEnvironment(E)Asset(A)May bePossible(3)SlimlyPossible(2)Risk LevelImpossible(1)(Dismantling of telescopic cage.)Item 2.4 Item 2.4.1 Item 2.4.1When the tower crane has climbed Potential danger of fall of person~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to instruct 9(3X3)to the appropriate height, lower the (Potential danger: As workers workworkers to fix the full body harnesstelescopic cage until it sits firmly on on the mast of tower crane therefirmly with fall arrestor beforethe mast, and then hammer out the is the danger of fall of person.) starting the works procedure.8 groups of pins at the bottom ofchassis and dismantle the telescopic Item 2.4.2 Item 2.4.2cage with the following procedure: Potential danger of pin falling down~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to instruct and 9(3X3)1. Use wires to secure the gate of (Potential danger: Inappropriate monitor worker to hold pins firmlythe telescopic cage and dismantle hammering of pins or unsuitable hoisting before putting them in the correctthe gate. devices may lead to danger of pins falling position and to start the procedure of2. Secure two groups of two down.) hammering when they are firm.long and two short chain slingsto four appropriate positionsWorks Supervisor to fence off theand hammer out the four groups of lower working area before 9(3X3)pins each at the chassis and the works procedures commence .four corners of the mast.3. Use wires to secure the Item 2.4.3 Item 2.4.3telescopic cage Potential Danger of telescope cage falling W,A 4 3 12 Works supervisor to check the4. Retrieve the shackle and loosen ~1 mono-rail is secure beforethe hydraulic jack. (Potential danger: Inappropriate proceeding.5. Use chain slings to pull out the installation of mono-rail may lead totelescopic cage along the mono-rail falling of the mast.)Works Supervisor to fence off theand hoist the telescopic cage backlower working area beforeto the ground.works procedures commence.(Remark: Other method ofdismantling the telescopic cage canalso be used.)Serious(3)Disastrous*PC=RPRectification Measures Resolvedto be takenActionPage9 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1ConditonbeingAffectedPossibility(P)HazardLevel(C)Risk LevelBasic Operation ProcedureItem 2.4 (continuation)Existing and Potential HazardWorkers(W)Public(P)Environment(E)Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Possible(4) Affected(2)May bePossible(3)Serious(3)SlimlyAsset(A) Possible(2) DisastrousImpossible(1)*PC=RPRectification Measures Resolvedto be takenWorks Supervisor to check thevalid certificates of all liftingdevices and to ensure all liftingdevices are in good condition byvisual inspection.ResidualRisk LevelActionWorks Supervisor to ensure thetelescopic cage has been secured withwires.Item 2.4.4 Item 2.4.4Potential danger of falling of hand tools~3 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to instruct and 9(3X3)(Potential danger: when tighteningmonitor worker to use hand toolbolts, there is the danger of hand toolsand control rope.or bolts falling.)Works Supervisor to fence off thelower working area beforeworks procedures commence.Item 2.4.5 Item 2.4.5 9(3X3)Danger of tower crane falling. W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to check pins are(Potential danger: Inappropriateproperly installed before assigninginstallation of pins may lead toworkers to start the tower cranefalling of the tower crane.)dismantling procedure.Page10 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1Conditonbeing Possibility(P) Hazard Risk LevelAffectedLevel(C)Workers(W) Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Public(P) Possible(4) Affected(2) Rectification Measures ResolvedBasic Operation Procedure Existing and Potential HazardEnvironment(E)Possible(3) Serious(3) *PC=RPMay beto be takenSlimlyAsset(A) Possible(2) DisastrousImpossible(1)Item 2.5 Item 2.5.1 Item 2.5.1Transport the hydraulic jack andtools etc. back to the groundPotential danger of load falling down~2(Potential danger: Inappropriatehanging points for the hoisting ofW,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to ensure thehanging points for the hoisting ofhydraulic jack and telescopic cage arehydraulic jack and telescopic cage maylead falling.)proper before assigning workerswith rigging certificate and experienceto carry out rigging operation.ResidualRisk LevelActionWorks Supervisor to check thevalid certificates of all liftingdevices and to ensure all liftingdevices are in good condition byvisual inspection.Works Supervisor to instruct andmonitor workers to use skip thathave been checked for bulkhandling.Works Supervisor to fence off thelower working area beforeworks procedures commence.Page11 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1Basic Operation ProcedureExisting and Potential HazardConditonbeing Possibility(P) Hazard Risk LevelAffectedLevel(C)Workers(W) Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Public(P) Possible(4) Affected(2)Environment(E)May bePossible(3)Rectification Measures Resolvedto be takenResidualRisk LevelImpossible(1)Item 2.6 Item 2.6.1 Item 2.6.1Assign competent examiner to the Potential danger of fall of testing block~1 W,A 4 3 12 Works Supervisor to assign 9(3X3)site to carry out the tests and (Potential danger: Inappropriate workers with rigging certificate toexamine the tower crane. rigging may leads to falling down carry out hoisting procedure.The tower crane can only be used during hoisting.)after electrician has adjusted theWorks Supervisor to assignsafe device and RPE has issued aworkers with rigging certificate tovalid certificate.carry out hoisting of mast.Serious(3)SlimlyAsset(A) Possible(2) Disastrous*PC=RPActionBefore the works procedure iscarried out, instruct workers of theproper rigging procedure.To ensure crane operators possessrelevant crane operation certificateand all lifting devices are in goodcondition and are checked suitablefor use.Potential danger of fall of testing block ~ 2(Potential danger: InappropriateW,A 4 3 12 Ganger to check that hanging pointof the testing block is proper before9(3X3)hanging point may lead to falling duringhoisting.)hoisting them.Works Supervisor to ensure chainslings are checked and are issuedwith valid certificate and aresuitably locked before assigningexperienced workers with riggingcertificate to carry out riggingprocedure.Page12 /13

Report of Hazard Analysis for Addition of Mast to Tower Crane SAMPLE Appendix C.1Basic Operation Procedure(3) Completion of worksprocedureExisting and Potential HazardConditonbeing Possibility(P) Hazard Risk LevelAffectedLevel(C)Workers(W) Very Possible(5) Mild(1)Public(P) Possible(4) Affected(2)Environment(E)Asset(A)May bePossible(3)SlimlyPossible(2)Serious(3)Disastrous*PC=RPRectification Measures Resolvedto be takenResidualRisk LevelImpossible(1)Item3.1Item3.1Fall of object W,A 4 3 12 When the works procedures are 9(3X3)(Potential danger: If tools are notcompleted, Works Supervisor toproperly put away, when a towercheck that all tools are put awaycrane is in operation, there is theproperly.danger of falling of object.)Action(4) EmergencyItem4.1Fire breaks out and workers can not getaway and get injured.W,P,E,A 4 3 12Item4.1Works Supervisor to informChief Mechanic and head ofEmergency Action Team (SiteIn-charge) immediately and to takeaction accordingly.9(3X3)Site-In-chargeSite-In-charge &first aiderSite In-charge to inform first aiderto stand-by for rescue.After receiving the message, theSite In-charge immediately appointssomeone to have a vehicle ready incase there is the need to sendcasualties to hospital.Site-In-chargeAfter the fire, the Site In-chargeshall convene a meeting to reviewthe causes of the fire and the accidentand draw up precautionarymeasures to prevent the samefrom happening.Site-InchargePage13 /13

SAMPLEAppendix C.3Requirement of tower crane erection/dismantling procedures as expressed in themethod statementSite Name : _________________________Project Item : ________________________Scale : 1:700Dismantling steps as well as weight and length of various partsDismantlingstepsName of parts Weight Length1A counter-jib ballast 2.1 tonnes 1940 mm1B counter-jib ballast 2.1 tonnes 1940 mm1C counter-jib ballast 3.15 tonnes 2840 mm1D counter-jib ballast 3.15 tonnes 2840 mm1E counter-jib ballast 3.15 tonnes 2840 mm1F counter-jib ballast 3.15 tonnes 2840 mm2 hook 0.53 tonnes 1710 mm3 jib + trolley 9.3 tonnes 60000 mm4G counter-jib block 3.15 tonnes 2130 mm5 counter jib + hoisting drum 9.2 tonnes 15840 mm6 A-frame + slewing ring + cabin 7.3 tonnes 4720 mm7 mast 1.86 tonnes 6000 mm8 mast 1.86 tonnes 6000 mm9 mast 1.86 tonnes 6000 mm10 mast 1.86 tonnes 6000 mm11 concrete footingP.1/10

SAMPLELayout plan to be attached to building plans (please refer to Annexes 1 to 3)Distance between hydraulic derrick crane and the centre of tower craneTower craneDistance ? mSafe working load ? tonnesDistance ? mSafe working load ? tonnesUnloading areaLongest distance ? mSafe working load ? tonnesHydraulic derrick craneInformation required:1) name of facilities for dismantling a tower crane2) brand name of hoisting facilities3) model number of hoisting facilities4) show the distance between storage area for hoisting facilities and centre of thetower crane5) show the hoisting area of the hoisting facilities6) show in the diagram the radius of the relevant work of the hoisting facilities andtheir greatest safe working load7) show the enclosed area of the dismantling work8) show the storage area of the parts of the tower crane9) show the storage area of jib and counter-jib10) describe the type of ground and way of cushioning and the material used of thecrane if hydraulic derrick crane is used11) show the weight to be carried by ballast of hydraulic derrick craneP.2/10

SAMPLETower Crane Dismantling ProceduresStep 1: Dismantle the counter-jib blockScale : 1:70050THydraulicderrick craneFor the purpose ofbalance, do notdismantle thiscounter-jib ballastPlatform surfacebasementWorks Procedures:1. Dismantle 1A to 1F counter-jib ballast with a derrick crane!Important PointsDistance between the towercrane and the derrick crane is7 m, the safe working load is13 tonnesReserve one counter-jibballast for balance whendismantling the jibHazard IdentificationFall of person:1. Technicians must use safety beltsFall of object:1. Enclose the affected area, no access except for towercrane dismantling workers2. Hand tools must be tied to the appropriate positionwith a ropeP.3/10

SAMPLETower Crane Dismantling ProceduresStep 2: Dismantle the hook and retrieve the hoisting wire ropeWorks Procedures:1. Use wires and shackles to secure the hook on the jib.2. Use the tower crane to coil hoisting wire back to hoisting drum.Important PointsGood communication must bemaintained with the towercrane operator whenretrieving the hoisting wireropeOnly tower crane operatorswith a certificate will beallowed to operate the towercraneHazard IdentificationFall of person:1. Technicians working at the jib must use “doubleshackle” safety beltsFall of object:1. Enclose the affected area, no access except for towercrane dismantling workers2. Hand tools must be tied to the appropriate positionwith a ropeP.4/10

SAMPLEStep 3: Dismantling the jibTower Crane Dismantling ProceduresScale : 1:700Controlrope50THydraulicderrick cranePlatformsurfaceControlropebasementWorks procedure :1. Use 4 chain slings of 2.4 m long and 2 wires to hoist the centre of the jib according to themanual.2. Tie the trolley properly with rope and retrieve the cable.3. Hammer out the square-shaped pins and the steel plate which are connected to A-frame.4. Afterwards, hammer out the small pins joining the wedge lock and the slewing ring.5. Slightly hoist up the jib to a 5 degree angle with the ground level and hammer out thepins of the oval core within the wedge lock.6. Use the derrick crane to dismantle the whole jib and lay it on the ground beforecontinuing with the dismantling process.Important PointsDistance between the tower craneand the derrick crane is 7.8 m, thesafe working load is 12.3 tonnesBefore dismantling the jib, thetrolley must be tied to the jib witha coarse stringMust use a control rope to keepthe jib within the radius of safehoisting of the derrick craneMust use a block to secure the jibso as to maintain a correct centralposition and prevent the releaseof too much energy during thedismantling processAdequate space must be reservedon the ground level for placingthe jib of 60 m longHazard IdentificationFall of person:1. Technicians working at the jib must use “doubleshackle” safety beltsFall of object:1. Enclose the affected area, no access except for towercrane dismantling workers2. Hand tools must be tied to the appropriate positionwith a ropeOverloading of derrick crane:1. The derrick crane operator and signaller must ensurethe object for hoisting must not exceed the safeworking load.P.5/10

SAMPLETower Crane Dismantling ProceduresStep 4: Dismantle the last ballastScale : 1:70050THydraulic derrick cranePlatform SurfaceBasementWorks Procedures:1. Dismantle the 4G ballast with a derrick craneImportant PointsHazard IdentificationDistance between thetower crane and thederrick crane is 7 m, thesafe working load is 13tonnesFall of person:1. Technicians must use safety beltsFall of object:1. Enclose the affected area, no access except for towercrane dismantling workers2. Hand tools must be tied to the appropriate position witha ropeP.6/10

SAMPLETower Crane Dismantling ProceduresStep 5: Dismantle the counter jib (with hoisting drum)Scale : 1:70050THydraulic derrick craneControl controlrope ropePlatform surfaceBasementWorks Procedures:1. Use 4 chain slings of 2.4 m long to lift up the centre of the counter jibaccording to the manual.2. Hammer out the small pins joining the wedge lock and the slewing ring.3. Slightly lift up the counter jib to a 5º angle, hammer out the connecting pinson the tie bar of the counter jib. Then, hammer out the small pins of theoval core within the wedge lock.4. Use the derrick crane to dismantle the whole counter jib and lay it on theground before continuing with the dismantling process.Important PointsDistance between the towercrane and the derrick crane is9 m, the safe working load is11 tonnesMust use a control rope to keepthe dismantled counter jibwithin the radius of the safehoisting of the derrick crane.Must use a block to secure thecounter jib so as to maintain acorrect central position andprevent the release of too muchenergy during the dismantlingprocessAdequate space must bereserved for placing the wholepiece of counter jibHazard IdentificationFall of person:1. Technicians must use safety beltsFall of object:1. Enclose the affected area, no access except for towercrane dismantling workers2. Hand tools must be tied to the appropriate positionwith a ropeOverloading of derrick crane:1. The derrick crane operator and signaller must ensurethe object for hoisting must not exceed the safeworking load.P.7/10

SAMPLETower Crane Dismantling ProceduresStep 6: Dismantle the A-frame + slewing ring + cabinScale : 1:70050THydraulic derrick cranePlatform surfaceBasementWorks Procedures:1. Use 4 chain slings of suitable length to lift up the A-frame + slewing ring+cabinaccording to the instruction manual.2. Loosen the screws connecting the slewing ring and the mast with a hydraulicblock.3. Use a derrick crane to dismantle the A-frame+slewing ring+cabin and lay themon the ground.Important PointsDistance between the towercrane and the derrick crane is6.6 m, the safe working loadis 13 tonnesHazard IdentificationFall of person:1. Technicians must use safety beltsFall of object:1. Enclose the affected area, no access except for towercrane dismantling workers2. Hand tools must be tied to the appropriate positionwith a ropeDerrick crane overloading:1. The derrick crane operator and signaller must ensurethe object for hoisting must not exceed the safeworking load.P.8/10

SAMPLETower Crane Dismantling ProceduresSteps 7 to 10: Dismantle the four mastsScale : 1:70050THydraulic derrick cranePlatform surfaceBasementWorks Procedures:1. Use 4 chain slings of suitable length to lift up one mast.2. Loosen the screws connecting the masts with a hydraulic block.3. Use a derrick crane to dismantle the masts and lay them down to the groundone by one.Important PointsDistance between the towercrane and the derrick crane is6.6 m, the safe working load is13 tonnesHazard IdentificationFall of person:1. Technicians must use safety beltsFall of object:1. Enclose the affected area, no access except for towercrane dismantling workers2. Hand tools must be tied to the appropriate positionwith a ropeP.9/10

SAMPLETower Crane Dismantling ProceduresStep 11: Dismantle the concrete footingWorks Procedures:1. Cut away the outcrop of the concrete footing with oxy-acetylene torch.2. Use a derrick crane to dismantle the cut-off outcrop down on the ground.Important PointsOnly oxy-acetylenetorch operators with acertificate will beallowed to operate theoxy-acetylene torchHazard IdentificationFire/explosion1. Hot works must be carried out in accordance with therequirements of the hot works safe workingprocedures.2. Prepare a fire extinguisher3. Technicians must use appropriate safety personalprotective equipmentEndP. 10/10

SAMPLEAppendix C.4[Specialist Contractor’s name]Appointment Letter of Competent Personsof Tower Crane DismantlingTo: ABC construction companySite Name:Attention: Safety OfficerAs tower crane MD-175 at site xxxx under your company is to be dismantled, thefollowing personnel are appointed Competent Persons for the dismantling works (both ofthem have 10 years’ relevant experience on the model of tower crane of the same series)until completion of the works.Name Post Green Card Crane OperationCertificateCompetentPersonContactTelephoneSite PositionUp on the towercrane[Specialist Contractor’s name]Date

SAMPLE[Specialist Contractor’s name]Appointment Letter of Senior/Junior WorkmenTo: ABC construction companySite Name:Attention: Safety OfficerAs tower crane MD-175 at site xxxx under your company is to be dismantled, thefollowing personnel are appointed senior/junior workmen until completion of the works.NamePostTypes of Certificate Held and their Serial NumbersGreen CardCraneCertificate ofCertificate ofYears ofOperationRigger SafetyGas SafetyExperienceCertificateOperationTrainingSeniorWorkmanSeniorWorkmanJuniorWorkmanJuniorWorkman[Specialist Contractor’s name]Date

SAMPLE[Specialist Contractor’s name]Workers Engaged in the Dismantling of Tower CraneTo: ABC construction companySite Name:Attention: Safety OfficerThe following personnel will attend the works safety meeting before the implementationof works.NamePostTypes of Certificate Held and their Serial NumbersGreen CardCraneCertificate ofYears ofSite PositionOperationRigger SafetyServiceCertificateOperationSeniorWorkmanSeniorWorkmanSeniorWorkmanJuniorWorkman[Specialist Contractor’s name]Date

Qualification and Experienceof Site Personnel Engaged in Tower Crane OperationsCompetent PersonAnnex D(A)Role• A competent person supervises the working crew of the operation.• In height alteration, the competent person operates the hydraulicjack of the climbing gear or telescopic cage of the tower crane.(B)Qualification• Registered Skilled Worker under the <strong>Construction</strong> WorkersRegistration Ordinance (CWRO).(C)Experience• At least 10 years of relevant experience; and• Possesses experience in handling a similar tower crane of thesame model line to be operated upon, or attendance of courseon familiarization training on a similar tower crane of the samemodel line.(D)Training• Competent persons should have completed the followingcourses –- Safety Training Course For <strong>Construction</strong> Workers ofSpecified Trade (Silver Card Course) – Tower CraneWorker (Erecting, Dismantling, Telescoping & Climbing)(“EDTC Course”) offered by CICTA; and- Training for Tower Crane Competent Person (Erecting,Dismantling, Telescoping & Climbing) offered by CICTA.-1-

• Competent Person in charge of dismantling of a tower craneusing derrick crane should also have completed the CertificationCourse with Imbedded Certification Test for Derrick CraneOperator offered by CICTA(E)Competencies• A Competent Person should be able to –- brief and instruct his crew to execute the operation inaccordance with the method statement;- draw the attention of his crew to important safetywarnings and precautions stipulated in the manufacturer’smanual, method statement, critical parts checklist and riskassessment in particular the parts marked as “Danger”,“Cautions” and “Hold Points”;- response to questions raised by his crew members andprovide appropriate directives to them;- conduct visual inspection to ascertain the integrity of keycomponents of the tower crane prior to commencement ofthe operation.Senior workman(A)Qualification• Registered Skilled Worker under CWRO(B)Experience• At least four years of related work experience(C)Training• A senior workman should have completed the following coursesorganized by CICTA –- Safety Training Course for <strong>Construction</strong> Workers ofSpecified Trade (Silver Card Course) – <strong>Construction</strong>Materials Rigger (“Rigger Course”); and-2-

- EDTC CourseJunior Workman(A)Qualification• Registered General Worker under CWRO(B)Training• A junior workman should have completed the following coursesorganized by CICTA –- Rigger Course; and- EDTC Course(C)Supervision• A junior workman with less than four years of experience shouldwork only under the direct one-to-one supervision of a seniorworkman.-3-

Annex ESummary of Recommended Improvement MeasuresSection Improvement Measures Implementing parties Implementation timeframesubsection 1andE Checking before Erection of Tower Crane(i) Pre-delivery checking Tower crane owners Upon issue of publication(ii) Checking of anchorage Tower crane ownersUpon issue of publicationPrincipal Contractors(iii) Checking of supporting structure Tower crane ownersUpon issue of publicationPrincipal ContractorsF Improvement of site supervision(i) Appointment of supervising engineer Principal Contractors Upon issue of publication(ii) Risk assessment and method statement Principal ContractorsAlready implementedSpecialist Contractors(iii) Pre-installation checking Principal contractors Upon issue of publication(iv) Pre-operation checking Principal contractorsUpon issue of publicationSpecialist Contractors(v) Pre-use verification Principal contractors Already implementedG Qualification and experience of specialist Principal contractorsUpon issue of publicationHcontractorsTraining and experience of competentpersons and workmenSpecialist contractorsPrincipal contractorsSpecialist contractorsAlready implemented 21 Of the main text2 Except for Training for Tower Crane Competent Person (Erecting, Dismantling, Telescoping & Climbing), which will be implemented in six months after its launching

<strong>Construction</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Appendix CPublication No. xxGuidelines on Site Safety Measuresfor Working in Hot WeatherVersion 1May 2008

DisclaimerThis publication is prepared by the <strong>Construction</strong><strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong> (CIC) to report findings or set outthe recommended practices on specific subjects forreference by the industry but is NOT intended toconstitute any professional advice on these or anyother subjects. The parties using this publicationshould therefore seek appropriate advice from theirprofessional advisers. CIC (including its membersand employees) will NOT accept responsibilities forany consequences resulting from the use of or failureto use this publication.EnquiriesQuestions on these guidelines may be made to the CIC Secretariat at –Rm 2001, 20/F, Alliance Building130-136 Connaught Road CentralHong Kong.Tel. no. - 3571 8716Fax no. - 3571 9848E-mail - enquiry@hkcic.org

Publication No. xxGuidelines on Site Safety Measuresfor Working in Hot WeatherPurposeThis publication provides guidance to contractors on the measurethat may be taken to protect the safety of site personnel working underhot weather.Introduction2. The hot and humid summers in Hong Kong may lead to workingunder high temperatures on construction sites. It will therefore becrucial to take appropriate safety measures to protect site personnel fromhot weather. Ideally, these measures should be linked to heat stress onworkers (i.e. the physical and physiological reactions of the worker totemperatures that fall outside normal comfort zone) measured byparameters such as Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT). As furtherdevelopment works are required for adopting such system in Hong Kong,this publication is introduced in the interim to set out some of the goodpractices that may be readily implemented by contractors during thesummer months to enhance the safety of site personnel. CIC willconduct further research on assessment of heat stress and may refine theguidelines in future.(A)Role of client organizations3. Client organizations should render supports to their contractorsfor implementing these guidelines and are encouraged to mandate theiradoption by incorporation into contractual provisions. Clientorganizations should consider taking an equitable approach inincorporating appropriate contractual provisions for granting extensionof time for delays resulting from unusual hot weather and in assessingrequests for extensions of time made for such delays.(B)Role of contractors4. Contractors should establish safe systems of working in hotweather (making reference to the good practices in this publicationwhere appropriate) and provide adequate training, information,instruction and supervision to workers and site supervisors to facilitate

and ensure its adoption. Furthermore, as the guidelines are not intendedto be exhaustive, contractors should determine the safety measures to beimplemented for working in hot weather through the risk assessmentprocedures outlined at Annex A.(C)Role of workers and site supervisors5. Workers and site supervisors should take note and observe theprovisions of the guidelines which are relevant to them (for examplewearing light-coloured clothing).Risks of Working in Hot Weather6. The common heat-related disorders are –- heat syncope (fainting)- heat exhaustion- heat stroke7. Heat syncope occurs when blood pools in the lower parts of thebody causing a temporary reduction in blood supply to the brain andhence a transient loss of consciousness.8. Heat exhaustion results from high body temperature caused byreduction of blood flow and could drive up core body temperature to39 o C. The reduction of blood flow may result from dehydration underhot conditions or extremely fast heartbeat caused by high temperatureand intense physical labour.9. The symptoms of heat exhaustion are –- tiredness, thirst, dizziness- numbness or tingling in fingers and toes- breathlessness, palpitations and low blood pressure- blurred vision, headache, nausea and fainting- clammy skin that may be either pale or flushed- lowering of mental alertness10. Heat stroke occurs when the core body temperature approaches41 o C thus affecting the co-ordination of the nervous system and thermalregulation mechanism. Heat stroke carries a high risk of fatality fromcardiac or respiratory arrest and must be treated as a medical emergency.- 2 -

11. Symptoms of heat stroke includes –- thirst, fatigue and lethargy- nausea and headache- fainting and transient loss of consciousness- clammy skin and paleness- weak and rapid pulse, and uncontrolled muscularcontractions even muscle cramps12. While the symptoms of heat stroke may be similar to other lesssevere heat-related disorders, its onset may be sudden and dramatic.Safety Measures for Working in Hot Weather13. Work arrangements(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)avoid working in hot environment for prolonged periodsof time;take heed of weather report (including very hot weatherwarning);reschedule works to cooler periods (such as early morning)and cooler places (such as sheltered or shaded area) in sofar as possible;schedule works requiring use of personal protectiveequipment (PPE) such as breathing apparatus, apron, longsleeve gloves to cooler times of the day;enable workers to adapt to the hot environment beforetaking on full workload;reduce the physical demand on workers by minimizingmanual work through use of mechanical aids (such astractors, forklifts, electric saws, mechanical hoists);avoid working under direct sunlight. Where this is notpossible –(i)provide shade/shelter where possible on groundlevel or each exposed floor; and- 3 -

(ii)ask workers to apply sunscreen of sun protectionfactor not less than 15 on any exposed skin;(h)avoid working in enclosed areas with poor ventilation.Where this is not possible –(i)(ii)(iii)keep workers away from heat sources or, wherethis is not possible, insulate the heat sources tominimize heat emission;remove hot air from the works area by exhaustpipes or other suitable means; andventilate the works area by using fans or blowers.14. Work break cycle and cool down facilities(a)(b)(c)(d)enable workers to cool down and reduce their exposure tohot environment through taking regular breaks androtating duties and worksites;make arrangements for workers to rest in cool and shadyplace during hot periods;provide shower and washing facilities for washing andexternal cooling; andprovide cooling devices such as cooling fans withatomized water spray.15. Drinks(a)(b)provide sufficient cool (10-15 o C) drinking water at easilyaccessible drinking points;encourage workers to take plenty of water to replenish thebody fluid and electrolytes lost through sweating. Ingeneral, a worker will need to drink at least half a litre ofwater each hour while working under hot weather.However, drinks designed to replace body fluids should beconsumed only in moderation since excess can result inelectrolytes imbalance;- 4 -

(c)(d)prohibit consumption of alcoholic drinks which coulddehydrate the body; andavoid drinks containing caffeine (such as tea or coffee)which are a diuretic and may aggravate loss of body fluids.16. Clothing and protective equipment(a)encourage workers to keep their shirt or other top on andto wear clothing that is –(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)light-coloured (to minimize heat absorption andenhance heat dissipation);loose-fitting (to enhance perspiration. However,clothing that is too loose are not suitable becauseof the risk of entangling in the moving parts ofmachines);made of natural materials (to enhance heatdissipation); andlong-sleeved (to minimize exposure of the skin tosunlight when working outdoors);(b)(c)encourage the use of naturally ventilated helmet toenhance perspiration; andencourage the use of helmet with broad brim to providebetter shade to the face, neck and back.17. Health of workers(a)(b)(c)train supervisors and workers to recognize symptoms ofheat-related disorders;ask workers to inform their supervisors immediately uponsensing or observing any symptoms of heat-relateddisorders; andavoid assigning workers who may have difficulties incoping with heat to work under hot environment takingadvice of their attending doctors into account;- 5 -

18. First aid procedures and facilities(a)(b)develop first aid and emergency procedures and provideappropriate training on these to site supervisors andworkers through talks and regular drills;provide first aid immediately to any workers who showsymptoms of heat-related disorders following theprocedures at Annex B.- 6 -

Guidelines for Risk Assessment for Heat StressAnnex AIntroductionIn planning and executing construction works, duty holders (i.e.the main contractor or its subcontractor in direct control of anyconstruction works) should assess the risks resulting from hot weather andtake appropriate measures to protect site personnel from heat stressthrough risk assessment procedures outlined below.Risk Assessment Procedures(A)Assessment of Risks2. Duty holders should identify risks that may affect constructionpersonnel, their likelihood of occurrence and their possible consequencestaking into account all relevant factors, including –(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)the capability, skill, experience and age of people doing thework;the nature and location of construction operations;the work practices;the anticipated durations of working;the type of plant, machinery and equipment to be used;findings of inspection of the workplace and directobservation of similar construction works;discussion with workers;records of accidents and “near misses”;advice and literature provided by equipment and materialsuppliers;-7-

(j)(k)relevant legislations and related codes of practice,international standards and guidelines issued by industryorganizations; andrelevant research findings.3. The following factors are particularly relevant to risk assessmentfor heat stress –(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)high temperature resulting from work in hot weather, orheat generated by plant and machinery;exposure to direct sunlight;high humidity resulting from humid weather or plant orprocesses generating moisture;insufficient ventilation in enclosed areas;heavy physical work; andwearing of protective clothing which affect heat dissipationfrom the body.4. The risks identified should be summarized in the form of listcontaining the following details to facilitate development of a safetyplan –(a)(b)(c)(d)the nature of the risks;the locations where they will be encountered;factors giving rise to the risks; andpersonnel which will be affected.-8-

(B)Mitigation of risks5. Duty holders should mitigate the risks of heat stress byimplementing appropriate control measures in the following hierarchy ofcontrol adopting measures in the higher tiers in so far as possible –(a).(b)(c)(d)elimination of risks - for example by re-scheduling theconstruction works, using mechanical aid to replace manualwork and providing adequate ventilation for enclosedenvironment;reduction of risks – for example by using equipment thatgenerate less heat to reduce the temperature of the worksarea;administrative controls and safe work practices – forexample by providing appropriate training and workinstructions; andpersonal protective equipment – for example provision oflight clothing or face shields.(C)Monitoring and Review6. The findings of risk assessment process and the risk mitigationsmeasures should be monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure theirvalidity and effectiveness. Review should be conducted upon theoccurrence of the following events –(a)(b)(c)an injury or illness occurs resulting from heat stress;availability of evidence that the risk assessment is nolonger valid; andsignificant changes in location of works, work practices, orwork procedures.7. Changes should be made to the risk mitigation measures takinginto account the findings of the review where appropriate.-9-

Annex BFirst Aid to WorkersShowing Symptoms of Heat-Related Disorders• Move the patient to a cooler place.• Lower his body temperature by –- removing his clothes- wipe his body with a towel soaked in cold water- fan the patient.• If the patient is unconscious, place him in a recovery position.• DO NOT give the patient any food or drink whether he isconscious or not.• Send the patient to hospital as soon as possible.-10-

Appendix D<strong>Construction</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Publication xxGuidelines on Safety of Site Vehicles and Mobile PlantVersion 1April 2008

DisclaimerThis publication is prepared by the <strong>Construction</strong><strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Council</strong> (CIC) to report findings or set outthe recommended practices on specific subjects forreference by the industry but is NOT intended toconstitute any professional advice on these or anyother subjects. The parties using this publicationshould therefore seek appropriate advice from theirprofessional advisers. CIC (including its membersand employees) will NOT accept responsibilities forany consequences resulting from the use of or failureto use this publication.EnquiriesQuestions on these guidelines may be made to the CIC Secretariat at –Rm 2001, 20/F, Alliance Building130-136 Connaught Road CentralHong Kong.Tel. no. - 3571 8716Fax no. - 3571 9848E-mail - enquiry@hkcic.org

PurposePublication xxGuidelines onSafety of Vehicles and Mobile Plant on <strong>Construction</strong> SiteThis publication provides guidelines to contractors andsubcontractors in direct control of any construction works (duty holder) onmeasures for enhancing the safety of vehicles and mobile plant operatingon construction sites.Introduction2. The increase of fatal accidents caused by site vehicles and mobileplant in recent years has given rise to concerns on striking/trappinghazards posed by site vehicles and mobile plant particularly duringreversing.3. Duty holders are encouraged to take a holistic approach inprotecting site personnel from hazards resulting from site vehicles andmobile plant through proper planning, adoption of safe workingprocedures, providing proper training for construction personnel andinstallation of appropriate safety devices on site vehicles and mobile plant.This publication sets out the good practices on these aspects for referenceby industry stakeholders. For the avoidance of doubt, adoption of thesepractices alone may not necessarily be sufficient for complying with therelevant statutory provisions on site safety including any obligations toundertake risk assessment and provide safe systems of work.Safety Measures4. The following measures may be adopted for enhancing the safetyof operation of site vehicles and mobile plant –(a)(b)(c)risk assessment;design of site layout;reversing video device (RVD);-1-

(d)(e)(f)other reversing safety devices;safe working procedures; andtraining of construction personnel.(A)Risk assessment5. Duty holders are encouraged to conduct risk assessments toidentify the risks resulting from site vehicles and mobile plant, assess theirlikelihood and possible consequences taking into account all relevantcircumstances including –(a)(b)(c)(d)locations of ingress and egress points for vehicles;layout of traffic routes on the site;movements of site vehicles and mobile plant in works areasand loading/unloading areas; andmovement of workers and other personnel within the site.6. Appropriate measures should be taken to deal with the hazardsidentified in the above process giving due consideration to their likelihoodand possible consequences. These measures include –(a)(b)elimination of the risk (such as obviating the need forreversing by providing drive-through circulation routes); orwhere the risks could not be eliminated, mitigate them atsource with engineering controls or minimize the risks withdesigning suitable safe systems of work. For instance,where reversing cannot be avoided the reversing vehicle orplant should be guided by a banksman or equipped withRVD.(B)Design of site layout7. Duty holders should properly design site layout and trafficcirculation routes so as to minimize the hazards resulting from site-2-

vehicles and mobile plant following the guidelines in the followingparagraphs and other relevant statutory provisions and practices.8. Minimizing movements - Movements of vehicles and plant onconstruction sites should be minimized through appropriate measuresincluding –(a)(b)(c)controlling entry of vehicles into site through gates andbarriers;providing parking spaces away from works areas; andlocating loading and unloading areas on the periphery ofconstruction sites.9. Safety of pedestrians – Appropriate facilities should be provided tofacilitate safe movement of personnel within the site including –(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)pedestrian-only routes;clear demarcation of pedestrian routes by barrier;grade-separated pedestrian crossing points;at-grade pedestrian crossing points with facilities (such astraffic light signals) for controlling pedestrian and trafficflows; andwearing of high-visibility safety vests.10. Reversing movements(a)(b)reversing movements should be minimized by providing,where possible, drive-through circulation routes;where reversing is unavoidable, turning heads should beprovided and banksmen should be deployed to guidereversing vehicles and plant where necessary; and-3-

(c)steps should be taken to ensure that banksmen wear highvisibilitysafety vests and use walkie-talkie or similarequipment for effective communication.11. Speed limits(a)(b)speed limits should be imposed on traffic routes througherecting speed limit signs; androad humps or other similar devices should be provided toprevent speeding.(C)Installation of RVD12. Duty holders are encouraged to install RVD to provide drivers andoperators with rear-side views through closed circuit television (CCTV)system with camera mounted on the rear of vehicles and plant to capturethe rear-side view for display on a monitor usually installed in front of thedriver and operator.13. Annex A sets out the findings on the assessment of the need andsuitability for installation of RVD on site vehicles and mobile plantcommonly used on local construction sites which may be summarized asfollows –(a)(b)12 types of vehicles/plant for which installation is notrecommended for various reasons such as vibration whichcould affect the functioning of RVD;27 types of vehicles/plant for which installation isrecommended. Out of these –(i)16 types of vehicles/plant which are licensed tooperate on public roads are covered by theguidelines published by Transport Department onRVD and are not therefore covered by thispublication; and-4-

(ii)11 types of vehicles/plant which are used onconstruction sites only and are therefore covered bythis publication.14. The guidelines for installation of RVD on the types ofvehicles/plant referred to in paragraph 14(b)(ii) above are included atAnnex B.(D)Other reversing safety devices15. RVD may be complemented by other reversing safety devicesincluding –(a)(b)(c)cross view mirror;parking sensor (reading / indicator or sound); andreversing alarm and warning light.(E)Safe working procedures16. Duty holders should formulate safe working procedures in relationto the operation of site vehicles and mobile plant on the basis of theguidelines at Annex C.(F)Training of site personnel17. Apart from basic training, duty holders should also provide thefollowing types of training specific to vehicles and plant –(a)(b)(c)(d)job-specific induction and refresher training to drivers andoperators for safe operation of vehicles and plant;courses on safe operation for managers and supervisors;briefing for drivers, operators and workers on the trafficroutes and rules on site; andjob-specific training for banksmen covering safety rulesand instructions on site traffic and communication system.-5-

Assessment of Need and Suitability for Installing RVDon Common Site Vehicles and Mobile PlantAnnex ASite Vehicle and Mobile Plant Installation of CCTV Remarks1 Excavation, site formation androadworks1.1 Bulldozer1.2 Excavator, tracked1.3 Excavator, wheeled1.4 Loader, wheeled1.5 Loader, tracked1.6 Grader1.7 Scraper1.8 Tractor1.9 Road planer1.10 Road miller1.11 Dump truck, gross vehicleweight > 38 tonne1.12 Dump truck, 5.5 tonne < grossvehicle weight ≦ 38 tonne1.13 Breaker, excavator mounted(pneumatic)1.14 Breaker, excavator mounted(hydraulic)1.15 Rock drill, crawler mounted(pneumatic)1.16 Rock drill, crawler mounted(hydraulic)1.17 Dump truck with grab, 5.5 tonne< gross vehicle weight ≦ 38tooneRecommendedRecommended The guidelines at AnnexB do not apply to thistype of vehicle/plantsince they are also usedon public roads and aretherefore covered by theguidelines published byTransport Department forRVD.Not recommended Excessive vibrationgeneratedbyrock/concrete breakingmay cause frequentmalfunctioning of RVD1.18 Asphalt paver Not recommended Install RVD is notpractical to the plantfunction1.19 Road roller Not recommended Without confined controlcabin1.20 Roller, vibratory Not recommended Without confined controlcabin1.21 Locomotive (run on track) Not recommended Its use on railway shouldhave specific safetymeasures to prevent orabate hazard of workers- 1 -

Site Vehicle and Mobile Plant Installation of CCTV Remarks1.22 Ballast regulating machine (runon track)2 Piling Worksgetting into the railwayline.Ditto2.1 Crane, mobile Recommended3. Concreting3.1 Concrete lorry mixer3.2 Concrete pump, lorry mounted4 Lifting / Transportation4.1 Lorry4.2 Lorry, gross vehicle weight > 38tonne4.3 Lorry, 5.5 tonne < gross vehicleweight ≦ 38 tonne4.4 Crane, mobile (diesel)4.5 Light goods vehicle, grossvehicle weight ≦ 5.5 tonne4.6 Lorry, with crane/ grab, grossvehicle weight > 38 tonne4.7 Lorry, with crane/ grab, 5.5tonne < gross vehicle weight ≦38 tonne4.8 Pick up truck5 Others5.1 Water truck5.2 Road sweeper5.3 Pressure tanker5.4 Tipper5.5 Forklift truck5.6 DumperRecommendedRecommendedRecommendedNot recommendedThe guidelines in theAnnex B do not apply tothis type of vehicle/plantsince they are also usedon public roads and aretherefore covered by theguidelines published byTransport Department forRVD.The guidelines in theAnnex B do not apply tothis type of vehicle/plantsince they are also usedon public roads and aretherefore covered by theguidelines published byTransport Department forRVD.The guidelines in theAnnex B do not apply tothis type of vehicle/plantsince they are also usedon public roads and aretherefore covered by theguidelines published byTransport Department forRVD.These are small machineswithout confined controlcabin- 2 -

Annex BInstallation of RVDPurposeThis Annex provides guidance on the installation of RVD on site vehicles andmobile plant.Scope18. The guidance given in this Annex applies to the following types of vehiclesand mobile plant which –(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)BulldozerExcavator, trackedExcavator, wheeledLoader, wheeledLoader, trackedGraderScraperTractorRoad planerRoad millerCrane, mobile, wheeled & trackedTypical RVD19. A typical RVD consist of –- A wide angle camera lens of horizontal angle of vision about 120effective angle or more and vertical angle of vision 70 effective angleor more.- A monitor with diagonal size of 130 mm or more.- 3 -

CameraMonitorFigure 1 – Typical RVDFigure 2 – Typical Image Displayed on MonitorRequirements for RVD20. RVD installation should provide drivers/operators with the followingminimum visibility envelop –- longitudinal coverage – 3.2 m from rearmost of the vehicle/plant;- 4 -

- lateral coverage – overall width of plant plus 0.5 m on each side;- height of object detected – any object 0.3 m above ground in thevisibility envelop21. The recommended visibility envelop is illustrated in the following figure.Figure 3 – Visibility Envelop(Source: “A Guide for the installation of Devices to Assist Reversing ofGood Vehicles” published by Transport Department)22. Cameras should be water and dust proof. Infrared cameras should be used inorder to detect rear images reliably when used in environment of low illumination ornight vision.23. The image captured by the camera should be displayed automatically on themonitor upon engaging the backward gear.Guidance on Installation(A)Camera24. The camera should be installed at a height not less than 1.5 m as shown inFigure 4. Otherwise more than one camera may be required to achieve the requiredvisibility.- 5 -

Figure 4 – Single camera setup for excavator25. Appropriate mounting frame shall be provided for installing and protectingthe camera as shown on Figure 5.Figure 5 – Mounting Frame for Camera(B)Monitor26. The monitor should be installed in operator’s cabin at location easily visibleto operator and shall not obstruct vision of normal operation as shown on Figure 6.- 6 -

Figure 6 – Position for Monitor(C)Wiring27. All wiring and conduits should be adequately protected from chafing andshort-circuit.- 7 -

Annex CSafe Working ProceduresPurposeThis Annex sets out the safe working procedures for operating site vehiclesand mobile plant.Procedures2. Authorization of drivers and operators(a)(b)only authorized drivers and operators with proper training andqualification should be allowed to operate site vehicles and mobileplant; andthe list of authorized drivers and operators should be affixed tovehicles and plant where possible.3. Preparation for starting work(a)(b)drivers and operators should conduct pre-use check in accordancewith prescribed procedures to ensure fitness of vehicles and plant foruse; andif RVD is installed, drivers and operators should also ascertain that itis in reasonably good working conditions, in particular the legibility ofthe image on the monitor.4. Vehicles and plant in operation(a)drivers and operator should check around before starting to startingany vehicles and plant;(b) when vehicles and plant are traveling, drivers and operators should –(i)(ii)look in the direction of travel particularly in reversing;keep to designated vehicle routes;- 8 -

(iii)(iv)drive at safe speeds; andfollow directions indicated on traffic signs and made bysignalers;(c)in performing loading/unloading operations, drivers and operatorsshould –(i)(ii)load and unload on level ground with the parking brakeapplied and outriggers fully extended (where applicable); andwhere this is not possible, choke the rear wheels and turn thefront wheels towards the kerb (when facing downhill) or awayfrom the kerb (when facing uphill) on parking, and engage thefirst gear and stay at the wheels.5. End of working day – At the end of the working day, drivers and operatorsshould –(a)(b)park in designated parking space which is reasonably level andsufficiently remote from edges of excavations, pits, spoil heaps andsea fronts where possible; andwhere appropriate retract the jib, or lower the arm or bucket onto theground.- 9 -

Work PlanAppendix E(I)Informal Task Force on Tower CranesMilestone Task Deliverable2 Apr 2008 Committee to endorsement ofGuidelines on Safety of Tower Cranesby2 May 2008 CIC to endorse guidelines forpromulgationApproved guidelines(II)Informal Task Force on Site Vehicles and Mobile PlantMilestone Task Deliverable2 Apr 2008 Committee to endorse Guidelines onSafety of Site Vehicles and Mobile Plant2 May 2008 CIC to endorse guidelines forpromulgationApproved guidelines(III)(A)Informal Task Force on Working in Hot WeatherInitial Guidelines on Site Safety of Working in Hot WeatherMilestone Task Deliverable2 Apr 2008 Committee to endorsement ofGuidelines on Site Safety of Working inHot Weather2 May 2008 CIC to endorsement of guidelines forpromulgationApproved guidelines-1-

(B)Improvement of guidelinesMilestone Task DeliverableJun – Jul 2008Aug 2008Formulate brief for study to developmethods for assessing thermal stress andrelating it with safety measuresSelect consultant for studyStudy briefSep – Dec 2008 • Conduct study on thermal stress Consultant’srecommendations• Collect feedback on guidelines Feedback on guidelinesJan – Feb 2009Review of consultant’s recommendationand feedback on guidelines by TaskForce to determine the way forward forrevising the guidelinesWay forwardMar – Apr 2009 Revise of guidelines for promulgationbefore summer of 2009Revised guidelines(IV)Informal Task Force on Behaviourial Aspects of Site SafetyMilestone Task DeliverableMay – Jun 2008 CIC Secretariat to revise guidelines GuidelinesJul 2008Aug 2008Task Force to consider guidelinesCommittee to endorse guidelinesCIC to endorse guidelines forpromulgationApproved guidelines(V)(A)Informal Task Force on Permanent Safety FeaturesGondolas and service platforms-2-

Milestone Task DeliverableApr - Jul 2008Aug 2008Task Force to discuss with BD, Lands Dand LD on the exemption of enclosuresof gondolas from calculation of heightrestriction and the exemption of serviceplatforms from calculations ofaccountable floor areasCommittee to consider outcome ofdiscussions and formulate proposal onway forwardProposal on wayforward(B)Cast-in anchorage pointsMilestone Task DeliverableMay 2008Jun 2008Secretariat to discuss with BD the workplan for developing technical standardsfor cast-in anchorage points.Task Force to consider work planWork plan(VI) Informal Task Force on Co-operation with Property ManagementCompanies(A)Simplified checklist for frontline property management staffMilestone Task DeliverableApr 2008HKAPMC to consult their members onthe simplified checklist for use by theirfrontline staff for detecting unsafeworking conditions and for makingreferrals to LDChecklist for detectingunsafe workingconditionsMid 2008 Finalization of checklist forpromulgation-3-

(B)Leaflet on responsibility of individual building ownersMilestone Task DeliverableApr 2008Jun 2008Aug 2008LD to revise leaflet taking into accountcomments made by Members of theTask ForceTask Force to consider revised draftCommittee to comment on leafletLD to revise and promulgate leafletRevised draftFinalized leaflet(VII) Pay for Safety Scheme (PFSS)(A)Incorporation of features of PFSS into the Safety Management System(SMS)Milestone Task DeliverableMay 2008Jun 2008Aug 2008Secretariat to discuss with LD on thefeatures of PFSS suitable forincorporation into the SMS andformulate proposal on way forwardCommittee to consider proposal forincorporation of features of PFSS intoSMSSecretariat to formulate revised proposalthrough further discussion with LDCommittee to consider revised proposalList of suitable featuresand proposal forincorporation into SMSRevised proposal-4-

(B)Financial incentive for PFSSMilestone Task DeliverableMay 2008Secretariat to discuss with HKFI onways for providing financial incentivefor site adopting PFSSCommittee to consider proposal forproviding finance incentivesWays for providingfinancial incentives(C)Extension of PFSS to subvented projectsMilestone Task DeliverableMay – Jul 2008 DEVB to consider the possibility ofextending PFSS to subvented projectsAug 2008DEVB to advise Committee on whetherPFSS can be extended to subventedprojects-5-

(VIII) Site Safety Training for <strong>Construction</strong> PersonnelMilestone Task DeliverableSep - Oct 2008 Committee to review theimplementation of the recommendationsof the former PCICB Working Group on<strong>Construction</strong> Site Safety andEmployees’ Compensation Insurance ontightening the control on providers ofgreen card courses, mandating silvercard training for risk-prone tradesthrough contractual provisions andimproving safety training for front-linesupervisorsNov – Dec 2008 Committee to identify furtherimprovement measuresFindings of reviewFurther improvementmeasures-6-

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