Cultural Heritage Tourism Handbook - LinkBC

Cultural Heritage Tourism Handbook - LinkBC

Cultural Heritage Tourism Handbook - LinkBC

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Quebec ShowcaseÉCONOMUSEÉ CelebratesTraditional Trades & Knowledgethrough a Network ModelPartnerships Support the VisionCreated in 1992 by Dr. Cyril Simard (who wrote the introductory letterfor this guidebook), the mission of the ÉCONOMUSEÉ® (in English,ECONOMUSEUM®) Society Network (ESN) is to showcase traditionaltrades and know-how by promoting the establishment of the ESNconcept across Canada. The concept combines “economy” and “culture”and has expanded across the country to establish better interactionbetween the artist or artisan and visitors.photo: Mary Clark, TravellerThis network of businesses is composed of multitalentedartisans who open their doors to the public and share theirpassion for their art, trade and heritage. Although mostactive in Quebec, the Canadian Maritimes are developingthe Atlantic ECONOMUSEUM® Corporation, a network hasbegun in Europe, and British Columbia is about to launch itsnetwork. The Quebec network alone receives over 600,000visitors a year at 36 ECONOMUSEUM® locations.Dr. Simard, an architect, began by creating a strong team ofpolitical and business supporters for the concept, and in sodoing, helped to create a rich network of Quebec artisansin thirteen tourism regions, and a marketing program tosupport them, that offers the public a number of innovativecultural tourism experiences.Living <strong>Cultural</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>In Dr. Simard’s words, the ESN network “plays a tourismtrump card by highlighting the authentic trades and skills ofmany Quebec communities, and magnifying the spirit of theplace. For the tourist, the ESN creates a unique opportunityto interact directly with the artisans and in their workshops.Whether creating works of art or regional foodstuffs, theyare the true in situ ambassadors of our cultural and heritagevalues.”The network has expanded to promote featured artistsand craftspeople that demonstrate an impressive range ofexpertise. Some examples:• Animal Fibre Craft: Mohair - Le Chevrier du Nord• Blacksmithing - La Forge à Pique-Assaut• Bread Making - Boulangerie Perron de Roberval• Brewing - Bières de la Nouvelle-France• Butter Making - Ferme Jean-Noël Groleau• Cheese Making - Laiterie Charlevoix• Chocolate Making - Chocolaterie Chocomotive• Cider Making - Cidres et Vergers Pedneault• Fashion Creations - Harricana by Mariouche• Fish Production: Salt and Dried Cod - Lelièvre, Lelièvre etLemoignan• Fish Production: Smoked Herring - Le Fumoir d’Antan• Flour Milling - Les moulins de L’Isle-aux-Coudres• Fur Dealer / Bootmaking - Bilodeau• Furriery - Richard Robitaille Fourrures• Gemstone Cutting - Touverre• Glass Working: Stained and Leaded Glass - Les Artisansdu vitrail• Glassblowing - Verrerie d’art Touverre• Herbalism: essential oils - Aliksir• Honey - Musée de l’Abeille• Instrument Making: Violins - Jules Saint-Michel, Luthier• Jewellery Making - Le Forgeron D’or• Leather Working - RocheFort maroquinier• Liqueur Making - Cassis Monna & Filles• Maple Syrup Making: Alcoholic Beverages - Domaine Acer• Metal Working: Bronze - Musée du bronze d’Inverness• Paper Making - Papeterie Saint-Gilles• Porcelain Making - Porcelaines Bousquet• Raw Milk Cheese Making - Fromagerie du Pied-de-Vent• Sand Sculpture - Artisans du sable• Slumping Glass - Studio des Verriers du Richelieu• Soap Making - Domaine de la Savonnière• Taxidermy - Nature 3M• Vines & Wine - Vignoble de l’Orpailleur• Weaving - Les Ateliers Plein Soleil• Woodcarving - Atelier ParéAuthenticity is KeyThe ESN recognizes that today’s consumer is more knowledgeableabout the range of products and services the market offers.Consumers are adopting a socially responsible outlook, and placevalue on “ethically-made” products that value sustainable development,and social equity. This is reflected in the Charter of Valuesof the ESN. It lays out the fundamental principles governing theattitude and behaviours of the people who keep the ESN alive ona daily basis: its artisans and their workers, its administrators andits employees.Six Operational FeaturesIn addition to these principles, the ESN concept has developed anoperational framework for members with six main components,adaptable to the individual operator, all intended to create anintimate relationship between the operator and the visitor:1. The reception area, which offers the visitor an overviewof the artisan, his or her origins, and their family. Space isdevoted to cultural heritage, celebrating the special characterof a trade or a skill, an event, a time or place.2. The workshop, the heart of ECONOMUSEUM®, where theartisan works in front of the public, explaining the differentstages of the processes in use.3. The presentation of historic collections and artifacts fromthe past describing the job of the artisan or craft throughthe ages.4. The contemporary collections, interpreting modernresearch and innovation, which have objects or productsmade according to current tastes.5. The documentation or educational space where visitors canlearn about the craft using videos, books and documents.6. A retail shop or gallery where the craftsman sells productsmanufactured on the spot. The visitor relates more stronglydue to the relationship established with the artisan, andso the products are more than mere souvenirs, but rathercarry memories and emotions of a unique experience.“Establishing a connection between the artisans with their skills andthe general population remains our goal,” concludes Dr. Simard. “Itseems that our age of technology cannot replace contact with thehands-on artisan or artistic creator, nor create an understanding ofproduction processes: the ability to physically explore the workshop,and participate in a living human interaction. This is where our slogan‘The craftsman at work’ has its roots and delivers on its promise.”Find out more: www.economusees.com56 57

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