Cultural Heritage Tourism Handbook - LinkBC

Cultural Heritage Tourism Handbook - LinkBC

Cultural Heritage Tourism Handbook - LinkBC

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Essential Element: Community WillingnessAs part of the inventory process, you’ll want to understand community views on cultural/heritage tourism development. This shortchecklist will help you take the pulse of your community’s attitudes:Baseline Community Checklist: Where Do We Stand?(Adapted from <strong>Cultural</strong>/<strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> Practical Applications, Museum Association of Arizona)The results of this community review will be complemented by your own careful assessment of the opportunities and challenges that lieahead. The questions below can be used as a guideline for research and discussion by your task force:Assets & Opportunities Assessment(Adapted from <strong>Cultural</strong>/<strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> Practical Applications, Museum Association of Arizona)1. First, does our community actually want to attract tourists?It’s no secret that some communities don’t want to host or provide services to an influx of tourists.There are cases of communities working to prevent or limit the development or promotion oftourism attractions in their backyards. <strong>Cultural</strong>/heritage tourism champions need to make surethese views, if they exist, are acknowledged and if possible, addressed.Do we needmore information?YesNo1. What is the overall fiscal health, and administrative vision, of our culturaland heritage-based institutions?<strong>Cultural</strong> centres, museums and similar institutions often struggle financially. They are sometimesnot in the best position to lead a new era of tourism. Similarly, if some organizations lack internalvision, they won’t be able to evolve, progress, or put forth new offerings to the public. Are thereideas to respond to this situation in your community?Do we needmore information?YesNo2. Who is currently being attracted to our community? Are they coming becauseof the available cultural experiences?If you’re unsure, do an informal survey of local shop owners, restaurant staff, and service stationattendants. These are “front line” staff talking to people coming through the community. This willhelp you determine whether visitors to your community are there for other reasons, or are beinglured to existing cultural experiences.Do we needmore information?YesNo2. Does our community have a compelling story to tell?Can your community claim a special story or fact as its own? What differentiates your history andcultural heritage from the town down the road? Were there famous people or events associatedwith your story? Can you connect your story to the region? Do you have special places that tellyour story, and, if so, do they tell it in an authentic, quality fashion?Do we needmore information?YesNo3. Are travellers “passing through” on their way to another destination, orchoosing our community as their overnight stay?If unsure, enlist local accommodation providers and restaurants to place a brief questionnaire inrooms or on the table. Include an introduction, such as: “We think we have a wonderful communityand want to know why you’re visiting. Thank you for helping us make this a better place to visit.”Keep questions simple, such as: Are you from out of the region? If so, which province, state orcountry? How long will you stay here? Are you on your way to another destination?Do we needmore information?YesNo3. Are there other unique attractions in the area (a 30-45 minute drive away)that can provide complementary experiences for cultural/heritage visitors?Look for connections. A product consisting solely of history museums, for example, is not as robustas one that includes historical re-enactments, historic trails, or hikes led by knowledgeable guides.One place to start: are there Aboriginal tourism partnerships that could work?Do we needmore information?YesNo38 39

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