Cultural Heritage Tourism Handbook - LinkBC

Cultural Heritage Tourism Handbook - LinkBC

Cultural Heritage Tourism Handbook - LinkBC

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Table of ContentsThe views presented here reflect theopinions of the authors, and do notnecessarily represent the official positionof the Provinces and Territorieswhich supported the project:©2012 – Federal Provincial Territorial Ministers of Culture and <strong>Heritage</strong>.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may be freely copied and distributed forpersonal or community use. No part of this book may be reproduced forcommercial purposes in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,without permission in writing from the Secretariat, FPT Ministers of Cultureand <strong>Heritage</strong>, 25 Eddy Street, 8th Floor, Gatineau, Québec, K1A 0M5. Allinformation presented is believed to be correct at the time of release. Thisguide is produced to provide information to assist Canadian communities.The FPT Ministers do not endorse any of the operations or organizationsreferenced in this guide.Acknowledgements2How to Use this <strong>Handbook</strong> 3Developed for Community “Champions” 3<strong>Handbook</strong> Organization 3Showcase Studies 4Learn More… 4Section A – Why <strong>Cultural</strong>/<strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> is Important 51. <strong>Cultural</strong>/<strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> and Your Community 51.1 Treasuring Our Past, Looking To the Future 51.2 Considering the Fit for Your Community 62. Defining <strong>Cultural</strong>/<strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> 72.1 The Birth of a New Economy 72.2 Defining our Sectors 72.3 What Can Your Community Offer? 10Yukon Showcase: The Yukon Gold Explorer’s Passport 122.4 Benefits: Community Health and Wellness 143. <strong>Cultural</strong>/<strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> Visitors: Who Are They? 163.1 Canadian Boomers Hit 65 163.2 Culture as a Travel Motivator 163.3 <strong>Cultural</strong>/<strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> South of the Line 193.4 Domestic and International Demand 213.5 The <strong>Cultural</strong>/<strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> Traveller: a Snapshot 233.6 Motivations of <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourists in Canada 243.7 The EQTM Model for Understanding <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourists 254. Understanding Community-Based <strong>Cultural</strong>/<strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> 274.1 A Sense of Place 274.2 Community-Based vs. Attractions-Based 29BC Showcase: ArtsWells Builds a Destination through Creative Arts Strategy 30Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in PublicationWhyte, Bruce; Hood, Terry; and White, Brian P. (eds.).<strong>Cultural</strong> and <strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>: A <strong>Handbook</strong> for Community ChampionsIncludes bibliographic references and index.ISBN 978-0-7726-6604-81. <strong>Cultural</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong>, Canada. 2. Culture and <strong>Heritage</strong>, Canada. I. TitleSection B – Planning for <strong>Cultural</strong>/<strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> 325. Plan for a Community-Based <strong>Cultural</strong>/<strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> Destination 325.1 Understand the Planning Process 325.2 Get Ready for Visitors 33Alberta Showcase: Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump and the Fort Museum of the NWMP Develop Aboriginal Partnerships 345.3 Assess Your Potential (Baseline Surveys and Inventory) 376. Prepare Your People 416.1 Welcome Your Visitors 416.2 Become Good Hosts 41Manitoba Showcase: O Roseau Brings Métis Culture to Life 426.3 Value Your Visitor Information Centre 446.4 Create Effective Partnerships 456.5 Work Respectfully with Aboriginal Communities 467. Prepare Your Places 487.1 Make Your Places More Attractive for Visitors (and Locals) 487.2 Make Effective and Attractive Signage a High Priority 508. Prepare Your Activities 518.1 Create “Lots to Do” 51Newfoundland and Labrador Showcase: the Trails, Tales and Tunes Festival 52Quebec Showcase: ÉCONOMUSEÉ Celebrate Traditional Trades and Knowledge through a Network Model 568.2 Tell Your Story Well 58PEI Showcase: Regional Driving Routes Increase Visitation – PEI Arts & <strong>Heritage</strong> Trail 609. Develop your Community’s <strong>Cultural</strong> Character and Themes 629.1 Build on Your Inventory: Clusters and Themes 62Saskatchewan Showcase: Trails of 1885 Bridges Cultures and Attracts <strong>Tourism</strong> 669.2 Position Your Available Experiences 68Nova Scotia Showcase: Celebrating Identity through the Celtic Colours International Festival 7010. Move Your Strategy Forward 7210.1 Overcome Barriers to Culture and <strong>Tourism</strong> Partnerships 7210.2 Involve Your Local Colleges and Universities 7310.3 Market for Success: Special Considerations 73Ontario Showcase: Community-Based Internet Marketing Draws Visitors to Stratford – 7610.4 Measure Your Progress 80New Brunswick Showcase: Le Pays de la Sagouine – from Zero to Community Hero 8210.5 Celebrate Your Success! 84Appendix 1: Resources 84Appendix 2: Endnotes 851

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