ABU DHABI 2010 - Tempoplanet

ABU DHABI 2010 - Tempoplanet ABU DHABI 2010 - Tempoplanet

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What'sHotin Abu DhabiWOMAD <strong>2010</strong>22-24 Apr, Corniche BeachWOMAD is back! 37 music acts from around the world willperform on Abu Dhabi shores and regale a multi-culturalaudience with global tunes. Here is a brief history of someof the artists performing in the festival, alongside a series ofworkshops and other activities to be held along the Corniche:Amparo Sánchez (Spain)Spanish singer Amparo Sánchez has touched many audienceswith her ability to mix different cultures and types of traditionalfolklore songs with Dub, Reggae, Ska, Rumba, Bolero, Jazz,Cumbia and other musical styles. Amparo has collaboratedwith a number of different types of artist, including Frenchsinger and musician, Manu Chao.Debashish Bhattacharya (India)One of the world’s most talented and remarkable slideguitarists, Debashish Bhattacharya, continues a thousandyear old tradition of music, taking his audience on a dazzlingmusical journey laced with multi-dimensional intrigue,hypnotic patterns and stunning rhythms.Tinariwen (Mali)Tinariwen is a band of Touareg musicians from the SaharaDesert region of northern Mali in Africa. Formed in 1979, theyrose to prominence as the icons of a whole generation of youngTouareg living in exile in Algeria and Libya. They have becomeone of the most successful African groups in the world, singingabout the suffering and exile of their people and about thebeauty of their desert home.Babylon Circus (France)An on-stage carnival procession, the surrealistic FrenchSka/Reggae punksters, Babylon Circus, carry a message ofoptimism in the style of musical warriors. These sonic rebelsuse the power of the microphone to provide an alternativeview of reality. Their music is also a call to put your ‘wallflower’days behind and join in the sonic madness led by the band’senergetic stage antics.The Drummers of Burundi (Burundi)The Drummers of Burundi first took the UK by storm atthe legendary inaugural WOMAD Festival in 1982. Theirperformances are as much a spectacle of dance as music. Withtremendous energy, dancing with as much skill, expressiveness,and thunderous excitement as they drum, the drummers leap,twist and spin around a crescent of great log drums, made fromhollowed-out tree trunks covered with dried animal skins.Faiz Ali Faiz (Pakistan)Faiz Ali Faiz is one of the torchbearers of a tradition that goesback over 700 years, the tradition of Qawwali, the devotionalmusic of the Sufis of Pakistan and India. Faiz Ali Faiz’s ecstaticallysoaring vocal style and daring fusions transcend cultural,language and religious barriers and bring the devotional butvibrant vocal music of the Sufi mystics of the Islamic religion tothe world. Drawing on a rich vein of poetic imagery, Faiz Ali Faizadds a twist to his music with an inspired fusion of Qawwali’straditional notes and scales and the harmonies of Flamencomusic, creating a rich, inspirational blend, enhanced by thecontrast between the two musical styles.Titi Robin (France)Thierry “Titi” Robin, is a self-taught musician who has created amusical world for himself by instinctively assimilating elementsin response to his need to express himself. His distinctive,culture-crossing sound blends elements of Oriental andAndalucian music, mixing melodic improvisations and lightheartedrhythmical duels. He brilliantly combines Flamencoguitar with Arabic oud and the dance music of Rajasthan’ssnake charmers to create a unique sound, drawing a personalmusical vision from a mosaic of artists from Northern India toAndalusia, via the Balkans.Hanggai (China)Hanggai, a group of young musicians from Beijing and theChinese province of Inner Mongolia have attracted quitea following in recent years with their interpretations oftraditional songs from the grasslands.Rango (Sudan/Egypt)Rango is fascinating collective of musicians and dancers whotake their name from an historic and extremely rare type of“marimba” the “rango”. Based in Cairo, they perform tranceinducingSudanese acoustic dance music, originating fromtraditional ceremonies played on vintage lyres retro-fitted withelectric pick-ups and accompanied by drummers and ritualpercussionists wearing ‘mangor’ belts fashioned from goathorns.For more reviews of performing artists, flip overto The Beat with DJ Aich.Womad Event Schedule 22 nd AprilWomad Event Schedule 23 rd AprilWomad Event Schedule 24 th AprilFree EntryNo Tickets Requiredwomadabudhabi.ae18.00Thursday 22 nd April <strong>2010</strong>Abu Dhabi CornicheTimeNorth Stage South Stage Trispan Tent18.0019.0020.0021.0022.0023.0000.00Free Entry01.00No Tickets Required19.0020.0021.0022.0023.0000.0001.00womadabudhabi.ae 18.00DRUMMERS OF BURUNDIOpening Procession (19.15 – 19.35)CHILDREN PERFORMANCE(19.40 – 20.10)LE TRIO JOUBRANPalestine(21.05 – 21.45)BABYLON CIRCUSFrance(22.40 – 23.30)HAKIMEgypt(00.30 – 01.30)HANGGAIChina(20.20 – 21.00)FAIZ ALI FAIZ & TITI ROBINPakistan France(21.50 – 22.35)FEMI KUTINigeria(23.35 – 00.25)BABYLON CIRCUS(Taste The World)France(19.10 – 20.10)AMARITA VARGAS (Workshop)Spain(21.05 – 21.45)RANGO(Taste The World)Sudan / Egypt(22.40 – 23.40)Friday 23 rd April <strong>2010</strong>TRANSGLOBAL UNDERGROUND(Workshop)UK(00.30 – 01.30)Abu Dhabi CornicheTimeNorth Stage South Stage Trispan TentFree EntryNo Tickets Required19.0020.0021.0022.0023.0000.0001.00ABRIUAE(20.20 – 21.10)TRANSGLOBAL UNDERGROUNDUK(22.10 – 23.00)RACHID TAHAAlgeria / France(00.10 – 01.10)RANGOSudan / Egypt(19.15 – 20.10)CHEMIRANI’SIran / France(21.15 – 22.05)THE ZAWOSE FAMILY(Taste The World)Tanzania(19.10 – 20.10)DEBASHISH BATTACHARYA (Workshop)India(20.30 – 21.15)TITI ROBIN(Taste The World)France(22.00 – 23.00)SIERRA MAESTRACuba(23.05 – 00.05)ABRI (Workshop)UAE(00.00 – 00.45)Saturday 24 th April <strong>2010</strong>Abu Dhabi CornicheTimeNorth Stage South Stage Trispan TentAMPARO SÁNCHEZSpain(19.10 – 20.00)TINARIWEN COLLABORAITON MaliWITH MEHDI & TV ON THE RADIOAlgeria USA(21.10 – 22.00)DAMIAN 'JR GONG' MARLEYJamaica(23.10 – 00.10)DRUMMERS OF BURUNDIClosing Procession (00.15 – 00.30)DEBASHISH BATTACHARYAIndia(18.30 – 19.05)MAYRA ANDRADECape Verde(20.20 – 21.05)HABIB KOITÉMali(22.05 – 23.05)CHEMIRANI'S(Taste The World)Iran / France(19.10 – 20.10)AMARITA VARGAS(Workshop)Spain(21.10 – 22.00)HANGGAI(Workshop)China(23.10 – 00.00)Children’sWorkshopsTAKING SHAPE & DOT TO DOTUKUK(18.00 – 19.30)THE MORA BROTHERS Cuba& SHONA WATT UK(19.15 – 20.15)TAKING SHAPE & DOT TO DOTUKUK(20.30 – 22.00)Children’sWorkshopsTAKING SHAPE & DOT TO DOTUKUK(18.00 – 19.30)THE MORA BROTHERSCuba& SHONA WATTUK(19.15 – 20.15)TAKING SHAPE & DOT TO DOTUKUK(20.30 – 22.00)Children’sWorkshopsPROCESSION ALL(18.00 – 18.30)TAKING SHAPE UK & DOT TO DOT UK& MALARKY UK (18.45 – 19.30)THE MORA BROTHERS Cuba& SHONA WATT & DOT TO DOTUKUK(19.15 – 20.15)TAKING SHAPE & MALARKYUKUK(20.30 – 22.00)AdditionalActivitiesDUBAI DRUMS (Family Drum Circle)UAE(20.30 – 21.00)THE BROWN MONKEYS(Graffiti Wall)UAE(Throughout Festival)WASEL SAFRAN(Live Art on Site)UAE(Throughout Festival)AdditionalActivitiesFollow us on:DUBAI DRUMS (Family Drum Circle)UAE(19.00 – 19.45)DUBAI DRUMS (Family Drum Circle)UAE(20.30 – 21.15)THE BROWN MONKEYS(Graffiti Wall)UAE(Throughout Festival)WASEL SAFRAN(Live Art on Site)UAE(Throughout Festival)AdditionalActivitiesDUBAI DRUMS Follow PROCESSION us on: UAE &ZAWOSE FAMILY PROCESSION Tanzania(18.00 – 18.30)DUBAI DRUMS (Family Drum Circle)UAE(20.30 – 21.15)THE BROWN MONKEYS(Graffiti Wall)UAE(Throughout Festival)WASEL SAFRAN(Live Art on Site)UAE(Throughout Festival)6Tempo April <strong>2010</strong>

Magic of the Opera18 Apr, Emirates PalaceAbu Dhabi Classics continues to weave its magic as the heartof two of Verdi’s most powerful dramatic and moving operas,“La Traviata” and “Rigoletto” are scheduled to be performedby the orchestra of Venice’s legendary Teatro La Fenice, witha line-up of soloists including some of the most beautifulvoices of our day: Georgian soprano Nino Machaidze, Russianmezzo-soprano Julia Gertseva, Mexican tenor Ramón Vargasand Italian baritone Franco Vassallo.Be Noble24 Apr, Emirates PalaceAnother award ceremony is coming to town but it’s notfor sports or movies. Don’t be disappointed though! Thistime around it’s for a good cause. The Noble HumanitarianAwards Middle East is an annual event which recognizes theachievements of regional philanthropic organizations andfor the first time, it’s heading towards Abu Dhabi city.“The awards strives to honor the celebrities who use theirplatform to create awareness, build knowledge and go aboveand beyond by investing themselves in the charities theysupport.” Janeen Mansour, Founder of The Noble AwardsThe charity organizations among this year’s honourees are:Nahtam, The Dubai Autism Centre, Dubai Cares, Friendsof Cancer Patients Society, Zayed Higher Organization forHumanitarian Care and Special Needs, Gulf for Good, Lifefor Relief & Development, and Make-A-Wish Foundation.The awards trophy is designed by Hollywood star, AntonioBanderas with contributions from kids from some of thephilanthropic organizations he works with. Regional andinternational artists are converging to the capital to performfor the gala event. Look up the above mentioned charitiesand see how you can contribute.Janeen Mansour, Founder of The Noble AwardsMovieWatchPaper ManReleasing April 23: A once-successfulnovelist (Jeff Daniels), constantly attendedby the imaginary superhero who hasbeen his pal since he was a kid, strugglesto recover what made him great whilewatching his marriage fail. He derives someinspiration from his platonic friendship witha Cape Cod high-school girl.The Backup PlanReleasing April 23: After years of dating, Zoe(Jennifer Lopez) has decided waiting for theright one is taking too long. Determinedto become a mother, she commits to aplan, makes an appointment and decidesto go it alone. On the day of her artificialinsemination, Zoe meets Stan (AlexO’Loughlin) – a man with real possibilities.Only to discover that her life is about toshift into hyper-drive.Furry VengeanceReleasing April 30: Furry Vengeance is alive action family comedy starring BrendanFraser, in which an ambitious young realestate developer, Dan Sanders, faces offwith a band of angry animals when hisnew housing subdivision pushes toofar into a pristine part of the wilderness.Led by an incredibly clever raccoon, theanimals stymie the development andteach our hero about the environmentalconsequences of man’s encroachment onnature. Watch this one with kids!I love you Phillip MorrisReleasing April 30: When a local Texaspoliceman, Steve Russell (Jim Carrey), turnsto cons and fraud to allow him to changehis lifestyle (in more ways than one), hissubsequent stay in the state penitentiaryresults in his meeting the love of his life,a sensitive fellow inmate named PhillipMorris (Ewan McGregor). What ensues canonly be described as a relentless quest asRussell attempts escape after escape andexecutes con after con, all in the name oflove.Harry BrownReleasing April 30: Starring MichaelCaine, Emily Mortimer, Iain Glen, LiamCunningham and Amy Stee, the movie isabout a vigilante in an “urban western”setting. The movie will focus on Caine’scharacter, who dispenses vigilante justicein a crime-infested neighborhood after hisbest friend is killed.My<strong>ABU</strong> <strong>DHABI</strong>Young and talented, Fatima Hussain AlHashemi is a star performer of the Abu DhabiFestival <strong>2010</strong>. She chats with Tempo and givesus a rare insight into what it takes to be anEmirati musical prodigy.Tempo: Tell us a little bit about yourself.Fatima Al Hashemi: I am 24 years old and was born inAbu Dhabi. I have one sister and two brothers and I am theeldest.T: At what age did you discover your talent? Where yourparents supportive of your decision to learn music?F: I was enrolled in music school very early on in my life sothat I would explore my talent. Initially, I began playing theaccordion and I often took it home to practice. Eventuallymy parents and other family members noticed my flarefor performance and my grasp of musical notes. They havesince tried to support me in all that I do.T: Tell us a little about the discipline involved in excellingas a professional pianist. What is your daily schedule like?F: At the beginning, I was studying with a private teacher,Mr. Sultan Al Khateeb. He mentored me during thoseinitial years. After that I decided to take it to the next leveland enrolled in the International Music Institute for twoyears and currently I am nearing the completion of thelast level (grade 8), hoping to get a diploma from UK. Ialso take musical training lessons from Mr. Martin Hrselthrough the music center in Ministry of Culture, Youth andCommunity Development. My participation in the firstUAE International Chopin Competition <strong>2010</strong> bagged methe second prize and a plane ticket along with a 2-dayhotel accommodation enabling me to take part in thecompetition in Kuwait (First Gulf International ChopinCompetition) where I got the best Emirati pianist prize anddistinction award. I must say, with these awards and all theaccolade, I feel that my practicing has really paid off.T: How do you cope up with the pressure of studies andtraining lessons?F: I am studying in the UAE University. My major isArchitectural Engineering. Trust me, it takes a lot of workto keep on top my game in both these areas of my life. Thewhole week, I stay in my hostel in Al Ain, keep practicingboth music and try and maintain good grades. While onweekends, I return back to Abu Dhabi, so I am never out oftouch with my music. Infact, in the break time between myclasses, I often practice my training lesson pieces.T: What do you like to do in your free time? Do you haveother music related hobbies?F: Playing piano is at the top of my list, always! (Laughs) Ialso enjoy drawing and painting. My sister and my brotherlove playing the piano too!T: Do you wish to play any other musical instruments?F: I want to play the violin masterfully and I even tooksome violin courses in the university but I prefer to playpiano.T: Who is your favorite pianist of our time and why?F: Well, there are many excellent pianists in our time andeach of them has a special mannerism which influencestheir performance and adds that special magic to it.T: If you could play with them one day, which symphonywould you chose and why?F: I would like to play Chopin’s piano concerto no.1 witha professional orchestra one day, but my dream is to be aconductor of such an orchestra.T: How was it like performing for the Abu Dhabi Festival<strong>2010</strong> in front of all those dignitaries?F: It was my pleasure to play in the Abu Dhabi Festival<strong>2010</strong> but it was not my first performance in front of largeaudiences. I have performed in many concerts in AbuDhabi, Dubai, Fujairah and Ras Al Khaimah.T: Many youngsters today find it hard to juggle studiesand musical training. What would be your advice to them?F: If you love something enough, you always find time forit. It should never become too difficult to maintain a lovefor music.8Tempo April <strong>2010</strong> www.abudhabitempo.com 9

MyFAVE RECIPEIngredients:Tomato sauce9 dried lasagna sheets250g tub ricotta cheese250g mozzarella cheese,grated or thinly sliced12 cup grated parmesancheese“This easy-to-make dish serves 4-6 people. As asingle working mother with four kids, this quickrecipe is often on my dinner menu. Sometimes Iadd chicken or beef for variation. I even take it toone dish parties so popular in Abu Dhabi. Friendscall it my signature dish!”Jane A.Plain Jane LasagneMethod• Begin by preheating oven to 180°C(375°F).• Then spread quarter of the sauce over thebottom of a 30x20cm baking dish.• Take care to spread the sauce evenly.• Cover it with three lasagna sheets andplace small mounds of half the ricottacheese on top.• Pour over one third of the rest of thesauce along with half the mozzarellacheese.• Layer with three lasagna sheets and addthe remaining ricotta cheese.• Spread the rest of the sauce over this andcover with mozzarella cheese.• Add the final three lasagna sheets andpour in the rest of the sauce.• Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and bakefor 45 minutes.Freshpasta sauceWhy not make your own tomato sauce instead of usingsauce from a can? It’s easy and the taste difference isHUGE!The most important thing is to really choose yourtomatoes with care. The basic process is this first, youmust plunge your tomato whole into boiling hot waterfor a few seconds to be able to peel off the skin; thenremove the seeds ofeach tomato as much as you can before processingthem to a ground up consistency. Store your saucein the fridge, covered with a thin layer of olive oil anduse within a week. For quick marina sauce sauté garlic,add your home made tomato sauce and some freshbasil. Toss sauce with al dente pasta and fresh groundparmesan, and voila, you’re in pasta heaven!CITYMixology classesAT YAS23 April, Yas HotelEver tried to mix a cocktail drink and had itend up tasting like poison? Well, join the club!Fortunately we all have the opportunity tocorrect our beverage-mixing-follies by joining amaster mixologist for a class in advanced mixingand flaming techniques. This sounds like a goodopportunity to learn about cocktail history andhow to mix the perfect drink for your own cocktailparty. Soon you too will learn the differencebetween a good drink and a great one!What a Meal!The Noodle Box at Yas Hotel is signingup registrations for business luncheswhere you can receive a 30% discounton your meal. What’s the big deal? In30 minutes executives on the run canhave the best in contemporary Asiancuisine while enjoying the Yas Hoteldining experience. The menu, overseenby Head Chef Taufik Sutisna, offerspopular Asian dishes such as traditionalThai curries, Nasi Goreng, as well as DimSum and other Chinese classics. Thediscounted rates are pretty alluring. Tryit out if you are looking for affordablehotel dining options.AutomaticallyWonderful!Located in the same complex as Al Mariah Mall, AutomaticRestaurant and Cafeteria offers its diners a uniquely Arabianfine dining experience... at affordable rates if course! Therestaurant comprises of two levels and an outdoor enclosure(their smoking section?) furnished with comfy tables andchairs, and welcoming placement mats which literally read:“It is with great pleasure serving you and we are honouredto have you dinning at Automatic.” Grammatical correctionsaside, we decided to begin by ordering their famous ‘kibbeh’and ‘homus with beans’. A magnificent side salad arrivedfirst with fistfuls of black and green olives, Arabian lettuceotherwise called ‘jarjill’, mint leaves, radishes, capsicum,cucumbers, tomatoes, chillies doused in vinger alongwith ‘khubuz’; all on the house! The kibbeh seemed to becrumbling but thankfully it wasn’t of the rubbery variety youget at other diners. The combination of humos and beanshad us licking our fingers long after the kibbeh were gone.Next we ordered the ‘sheesh tawook’, basically grilled chickenpieces and some grilled laham (meat) with thyme. Thesecame with a delicious Lebanese garlic sauce and spicy breadgarnished with mint leaves. Quick thinking with all thatgarlic! Our order served four people well under Dh 100 andeven though each dish was generously proportioned to feedtwo, none of us left the eatery waddling like penguins. Paythem a visit, you won’t be disappointed.10 11Tempo April <strong>2010</strong>www.abudhabitempo.com

people meterMaking aPeople Meter is an offbeat way to learn more aboutour community and its people, who come fromdifferent backgrounds, cultures and walks of life.Salman AhmadPakistaniIT ConsultantAlistair JackScottishRecreation Manager1. What first word comes to your mind when I say:MagicSkillEarthHighSmileOpportunitySaveEsteem2) If you could have onesuper-power, which onewould it be and why?Salman: The power throughwhich I could make world apeaceful place because whatwe need most these days is apeaceful world.Alistair: I’d like to be a healer,without your health, you havenothing. But then again, lets behonest, everyone wants to beable to fly!3) If you won a free ticketto any location in the world,which destination would youchoose? Why that location?Salman: I’d choose Vancouver,Canada because it is my dreamdestination. I love the place!Alistair: Brazil, always wantedMagicSkillEarthHighQUICKQUESTIONSWandRonaldoWaterCloudsto go, beautiful beaches,beautiful people!4) Name three electronicitems you can’t live without.Salman: Only and only mylaptop!Alistair: Easy - phone, laptopand iPod, all essential in thisday and age.5) If you could star in onemovie which one will it beand which character wouldyou play?Salman: That would be “Mr.Bean’s Holiday” and characterwould be Mr. Bean (RowanAtkinson).Alistair: Has to be any IndianaJones movie; travel, adventureand he always gets the girl!MeetYOUR NEIGHBOURMohammed Abu ShakilMeet Mohammed Abu Shakil, a Bangladeshi officeassistant in the capital who really loves his newhome…“I came to Abu Dhabi in June of last year and so farit has been an exciting journey. Originally belongingto Chittagong, I never thought my search for a jobwill bring me so far away from home. This city is agood place to be in right now. I get to see so manyevents I would have missed had I been back home.“To me, Abu Dhabi is a clean, safe and friendly citywith many good hearted people. I admire thatpeople follow rules and regulations here. Initially,I feared being rejected because I only knew howto speak Bengoli well and my English was not verygood. However, my office colleagues are reallyencouraging and now I dedicate most of my freetime to learning English language. I think I amgetting good at it.“I love exploring the city so I often walk alongthe Corniche or visit the countless malls with myfriends. My favourite one is the Marina Mall. I havealso been to Al Ain to see cultural sites and learnmore about the heritage of this region. It is all veryfascinating to me.“Sometimes, especially around holidays, I really missmy family. One of my five brothers lives with me inAbu Dhabi. He is employed at a reputed bank as anoffice boy. The three in Bangladesh are employed aswell. We all try our best to contribute to our family’sfinancial well-being. In the past, when we weretogether, all of us had a lot of fun. Pretty soon I willvisit them and tell them more about my new home,Abu Dhabi.”Each of us can in his, or her, own way make a difference in our world. Sometimes this can be a simple gesture, and sometimes itis a kind word. This page is dedicated to the hero that resides in each and every one of us, and to the sharing of great news thatwill make our planet a better place for us all.Abu Dhabi Forecasts WaterDemand: The Abu Dhabi Water& Electricity Company (ADWEC)utilizes a program called @RISKfrom Palisade Corporation tohelp forecast water demand until2030. Since the city relies almostcompletely on desalinated seawaterfor its potable water requirements,planners have been using various programs toforecast as accurately as possible the demand forwater and electricity across the emirate. So now youknow exactly how precious water is and what effortsare put to produce it. Conserve. Conserve. Conserve!Helicopter Tour of Abu Dhabi: As a means tocater for corporate clients and Abu Dhabi’s growingtourism industry, Falcon Aviation has come up witha 30-minute guided island tour which promises toprovide ariel rides for both residents and tourists sothat they can get a bird’s eye view of the capital. Themechanical bird taking six passengers on their toursis Falcon’s Eurocopter EC130. A tourist terminal willbe opening beside Marina Mall. As if we need morereason to go shopping!Children’s Stories Forum: This is an initiativelaunched by Abu Dhabi Municipality recently todevelop children’s reading talent and to instill a lovefor reading into their minds, thus making reading ahabit that will help create a generation of farsightedintellectuals. The programme targets students ofboth public and private schools between the ages of5 and 9. They run from 9 AM until 12 PM on the firstThursday of every month. It is aimed at developingthe early reading skills of young ones and openingdoors to the world of knowledge.Tempo’sEcoVote!Go green at work!Purchase furniture fromstores that sell vintageand refurbished pieces.Yes, there are many inthe Meena area andMadinah Zayed. Notonly will this save moneybut it will also give yourworkstation a unique andcomfortable feel.Power of YogaRecent research indicates that besides relievingproblem backs, yoga can heal in other ways. It canprovide medical relief to people suffering fromrespiratory problems like asthma; fatigue, heart stress,blood pressure problems and even something as smallas a pain in the wrist. But where can we get classes? Sureyou can join regular ones inside health clubs but whatif you could do in under the sky in open air? ElmarieGrobler is a registered instructor hailing from SouthAfrica. She is a registered teacher with Yoga Alliance andguess what? She is giving yoga lessons at Rotana ParkHotel in Abu Dhabi for Dh 450 a month (beginners andadvanced sessions). You can contact her through email:elmarie.grobler@gmail.comHelpingHandPeople in Haiti still need your help and they need it now! Communicationsystems, air, land, and sea transport facilities, hospitals, and electricalnetworks have been damaged by the earthquake. Many countries haveresponded to appeals for humanitarian aid, pledging funds and dispatchingrescue and medical teams, engineers and support personnel. Join MSF (UAEchapter) in the effort to raise funds. Log on to their website www.msfuae.aeand click on ‘Donate now’ to contribute.What your donation can do?Dh 125 can save one patient from cholera.Dh 450 can help vaccinate 100 people against measles or yellow fever.Dh 950 will provide one medical kit to treat 800 patients for three months.Making a Difference is a celebration of good people and good deeds. Please share with us your ideas, activities and community‘public-good ‘ stories. Send them to editorial@abudhabitempo.com(aka ‘the Rahma brigade’)12 13Tempo April <strong>2010</strong>www.abudhabitempo.com

handyhelperSun Tanning SafelyWho’s the Boss?Skin’s worst enemy is out and about, prowling the streets andscanning alleyways for those without proper protection. Use asunscreen lotion with an SPF rating of below 15 and you might beits next victim! It will scorch you causing sunburns; age your skin;lead to untreatable cancers of the skin and steal your kid’s lunchmoney. Okay, maybe you can leave out the lunch money bit butthe rest of it is true! The Sun can harm your skin in more ways thanone, especially during merciless desert summers. But then againwe can’t all be walking around pale-faced, devoid of a healthyskin tone. Here are some helpful tips on tanning safely:Tip # 1: It is best to avoid shaving before tanning.Application of sun tan lotion, might cause extreme irritationor lead to formation of a rash on the skin.Tip # 2: Use sunscreens which offer protection against UV(ultraviolet) A radiation and UV B radiation. Both types ofradiation can lead to skin cancer. Yes, this means squintingyour eyes and reading the label on the back.Tip # 3: Don’t just trapes around the city under the middaysun! Always go outside at a time when the sun is not at itszenith because then its rays are not too strong. Usually thehottest time of the day in these parts is between noon and2 p.m..Tip # 4: It is a known fact that sunscreens reduce our body’sability to form vitamin D. Just spend 15 minutes under thesummer sun and your body can produce enough of thisvitamin to last you a lifetime. Eating Vitamin D rich foods canhelp overcome this side-effect of using too much sunscreenlotion. Cod liver oil, soymilk, cereals, and green leafyvegetables are all great sources of Vitamin D.Tip # 5: Slather generously. An average UAE resident mustapply somewhere between one to 1.5 ounces of sunscreenlotion on their body. If you use half the amount, you get halfthe protection and the privilege to be called ‘leather-face’when you are old. Any takers?Tip # 6: Regardless of whether the day is sunny or cloudyor whether your skin is light or dark, dermatologistsrecommend the routine daily use of a sunscreen with anS.P.F. rating of 15 or higher on every inch of exposed skin.Tip # 7: Those of you with snow-white’s fair skin and thosewho have already suffer from skin cancer should use asunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30 (seekyour dermatologist’s recommendation). You need better14 protection to block out 97% of the sun’s radiations.Keep this information handy for your own good. Cut out and save it in a folder..Keep this information handy for your own good. Cut out and save it in a folderCNNInternationalRecruitingFootballFans!?!?With less than three months until the <strong>2010</strong> World Cupkicks off in South Africa, CNN International is signing upa global army of football fanatics to become ‘Super Fans’.Tapping into CNN’s iReport community, the network isinviting passionate football fans around the world tosubmit videos outlining why they should be considereda ‘Super Fan’. Whether they are planning to cheer fromthe stadiums across South Africa, their local sports barsand pubs or are armchair pundits watching from theirhomes, all they need to do is have a passionate opinionabout football and record a short video which needs tobe submitted to www.cnn.com/ireport.CNN wants to hear about the impact of the World Cup inevery competing country and the selected ‘Super Fans’will appear on air on CNN International and online atwww.cnn.com/superfans over the coming weeks andmonths as the world counts down to 11th June.Calling InnovativeEntrepreneurs!Tamakkan is an entrepreneurship and innovationorganization aimed at helping entrepreneurs improve,enhance and develop their businesses on a solid businessfooting. If you are a budding entrepreneur in need ofguidance from experts in business and marketing you canattend their monthly seminars for free. For more log ontowww.tamakkan.ning.com or www.tamakkan. org. If you’d liketo attend drop an email to venita@brandmoxie.com.Join the network and empower yourself!“A good boss is someone who can effectivelyrun a company and communicate with, andunderstand, their employees.”Anonymous Fresh Graduate and Job SeekerLet’s just say this guy will never find the boss of hisfanciful dreams. Well, almost never. There are those fewcases, almost as rare as a pink diamond, where employeesactually enjoy working with upper level management.But your office probably isn’t one of them or if you areone of the lucky few to be blessed with such a boss thenmaybe the guy in the next cubicle could use your supportand advice in dealing with his ‘hellish nightmare of asupervisor’.Source of ConflictIdentifying the source of workplace conflict is a goodplace to start. Figure out if your boss is just in oppositionof your ideas, decisions and actions or does his dislikerun deeper? The last thing you want is a personality clashwhereby seniors reject your work out of pure dislike. It isalso important to figure out if this is part of his generalbehavior towards everyone else or if you are his onlytarget. Moreover, does he influence others around him tothink of you in the same manner? If so, you need to takeimmediate action. Read on!Self AssessmentEvil bosses aside, the problem could actually be you!Evaluate your recent work performance, ask trustedcolleagues to help you out. Enlist well-meaning andhelpful HR personnel to assess your productivity inthe past month or so (do choose wisely!). Could yoursupervisor’s reaction be triggered by your poor workperformance or increased absenteeism? Are you prone toover reaction? Sorry, but we had to ask!Don’ts of Dealing with Fiery Bosses!• Don’t be rude back! It will not help the situation. Onthe contrary, it will just assert that fact that you aredisrespectful towards authoritative figures.• Don’t defy direct orders. No one can lead a successfulmutiny, except for maybe Captain Jack Sparrow. Leavesuch thoughts at the door.• Don’t respond with silence. We have to admit it doessound tantalizing and it might even successfullyirritate your boss but then you might be judged forbeing childish and unprofessional.• Don’t avoid interaction with the boss or abscond fromwork. It’s like handing him or her more ammunitionagainst you.• Don’t quit! Fellow workers might be fooled intothinking that you were not a team player to beginwith. And who do you think will issue this memo?This topic will be continued in our next bi-weekly issuewhere we will let you in on how you too can build abetter relationship with your boss. Meanwhile, do emailus about your work-related problems oneditorial@abudhaitempo.comTime Management Tip # 8*Learn to say ‘no’ when office colleagues drop-into ask for those ‘little favours’ which suck allyour energy and use-up most of your officehours. If you already have more than youcan handle, politely refuse and mention yourpending workload. Learning to say ‘no’ todaywill save you from a lot of grief, additionalworkload and stress later on in your career.* Part 8 of a 12 issue series*Part 7 of 12 issue series14 15Tempo April <strong>2010</strong>www.abudhabitempo.com

Summer Hair CareGuideRelocating from one part of the world to another is nevereasy. Sleep patterns are disturbed, dramatic changesin weather need adjusting to, all clothes and skin careproducts have to be sorted through to make room for more‘geographically-applicable’ items of necessity and we neverpause to think of the effects such drastic changes in lifestylewill have on our most important aesthetic feature – our hair.You don’t think it’s the most important? Okay, imagine yourlife without it! That should put things in perspective. Tempohas put together a definitive Summer Hair Care Guide fortourists and residents (who also seem to have quite a numberof queries on the topic). Introduce these tips into youreveryday hair care routine and your lack-luster locks will berestored to the former glory of their ‘Repunzel-like’ hay days.• We cannot stress upon this enough but avoid over-use ofhair styling products as much as humanly possible! Theycontain alcohol which dries out your hair.• When bathing do not tug at your hair too much. Wet hairbreaks off easily leaving those unsightly split ends or worse,bald patches!Kicking• Hair care products, especially those used for stylingpurposes, like gels and hair sprays; should not come incontact with your scalp. They cause dryness leading to adandruff avalanche and they also clog the pores on yourhead.• Use a wide toothed comb with a smooth tip to untangle hairbefore using a brush. Subjecting your hair to brutal tortureat the hands of a brush will soon leave no hair behind foryou to comb. The choice is yours. This is one of those ‘Matrixlikered-pill blue-pill’ choices. Note: Avoid using plasticbrushes/combs as they create static electricity.• Using a leave-in conditioner seems irksome to many (at leastto those who don’t like their hair feeling gooey and damp allday). But you know what they say - a leave-in conditioner isthe equivalent of moisturizer for your hair. We recommendyou use a shower cap to keep the moisturizer from drippinginto your iphone or blackberry while your texting.• The secret of using conditioner after shampooing lies inapplying it only on the length of your hair. The roots ofyour hair contain essential oils and usually don’t need extraconditioning.• Before taking a dip in the pool to cool off on a hot summerday, wet your hair so that it soaks up clean water initiallyinstead of chlorinated water with harmful hair damagingchemicals. Remember to wear a cap to the pool and as soonas you get out; shampoo and condition!• When using a hair dryer, use the cool setting. The hot blastsof air may seem cosy but they damage facial skin too byeffecting pores and accelerating the aging process. Anotherimportant point to remember is to keep the blow dryermoving so as to prevent split-ends and roughness of hair.• Stick to the routine of downward strokes while brushing. Werealize that huge “bird’s nest” puffs might be in vogue butuntangling the horrid mess later on results in unnatural lossof hair and splitting of hair-ends.• Shower with warm water as hot water can irritate the scalp.• Wash your hair as often as you deem necessary to keep itclean, but generally for oily hair you should wash it everyday or every other day and for dry hair only wash it 2-3times a week.• Rotate the brand of shampoo and conditioner which youuse periodically but try out a small amount on your hair first.Sometimes hair responds differently to different products.Who knows? You might discover a brand that works miraclesfor your hair!TheBeatFor all you music lovers out there, it’s finally here! That’s right ladiesand gentlemen, the International World Music Festival (WOMAD)is back to entertain city audiences hosting exceptional talent andof course some great music from around the ‘spherical-downrightlyrical’globe. I am infected by some of the lyrical fever myself!Why shouldn’t I be? Armed with a dynamic group of multinationalartists; WOMAD will be showcasing brand new, never-heardbeforecollaborations while keeping the flow of sensationalrhythms, foot-thumping vibes and the memorable excitementthat is WOMAD.This year our city is honoured to welcome vibrant musicians suchas: Rachid Taha from Algeria; Le Trio Joubran from Palestine; DanielMarley ‘Music Prince’ of Jamaica; and last but definitely not theleast everyone’s favorite local group, none other than - drum rollsplease… ABRI!The Le trio Joubran brothers have hypnotized many with their“envoutant” OUD music. These three charming men havetransformed traditional Oud music and have harnessed a modernpassionate vibe from ancient sounds which have recentlycontributed to making Arabic music accessible world wide topeople from all backgrounds and cultures. Kudos guys, yours is aneffort worthy of a WMA award!Moreover this dynamic trio has outweighed the world in theintricaciesof the Oud and the lute. They control and fully understand theharmonious potential of these instruments and have, as a result,explored many undiscovered sounds and introduced them to themusic world.Next up is a performer one can’t forget, let’s jog your memory -“Beautiful”, “More Justice “and “Catch A Fire”. Yes you got it, DamianMarley is here to make us groove to some reggae beats! Born inJamaica, Damian Marley is the youngest son of the legendaryBob Marley. In 1996 he released his first album “Mr. Marley” whichwas produced by his brother Stephen (trying to keep it all in thefamily… eh?). In 2001, Damian’s album was nominated for BestReggae Album at the Grammys. In addition to this out-standingachievement, this Jamaican reggae artist has collaborated withsome of the biggest pop, R&B and Rap artists worldwide. The listincludes artists such as Nas recognized for his song “Road to Zion”and the holler-back girl herself, Gwen Stefani with her hit single“Now That You Got It” in 2007.In his new album “Welcome To Jamrock” Damian collaborateswith his brother Stephen Marley and together they mix differentmusical flavors and introduce noise. We’ll have to check thisone out for sure! The Jamrocker follows his father’s footsteps byshining the spotlight on social issues such as poverty, violence etc.Damian is viewed as a new leader of the old school and sees hisalbum as a bridge between the old and the new generation. Withsongs about love and war, the descendant of Bob continues togive hope to all.withAichBorn in what is known as Rai city in 1958; Rachid Taha is aninternationally recognized music artist. Originally from Algeria,Taha moved to France at the tender age of 10 with his family.Living in France provided Taha with a unique multiculturalenvironment as well as introducing him to different music stylesaround him such as rock, rai and techno. His early achievementsinclude being member of a band called Carte de Sejour (GreenCard) in the 1980’s before starting his solo career in the 1990’s.Within good time, Taha has managed to acquire an enormous fanfollowing after his hit “1,2,3 Soleil” in which he went on to holda pumped-up-with-adrenaline concert in Paris with Rai iconsCheb Khaled and Faudel. It was one of my most favourite concertperformances. So don’t miss the chance to watch this fascinatingartist at WOMAD.“Send your love”, “My philosophy”, “Blank notes”; recognize thesehit numbers? Yup, all are chart-toppin’ hits by our very own localband, ABRI. They have not just belted out hits locally but alsoaround the world. With their delightfully catchy songs, this Dubaibased band has been performing everywhere from the UAE tothe UK and finally to Mumbai. They have shared the stage withsome of the music industries biggest names such as, Timbaland,Joss Stone, Shaggy, Mika, Kelly Rowland, Kanye West and manymore. After being nominated at the MTV music awards; Hamdam(vocalist), Rami (bassist), Julian (keyboardist) and Andre (drummer)have gained immense fame for being the biggest band in UAE.With many concerts on their calendar still to come, ABRI hasrecorded a new album called “Fortress Studio” which will bereleased in May. We hope to hear some of the tunes at WOMAD!Can’t wait!16 17Tempo April <strong>2010</strong>www.abudhabitempo.com

My StyleTempo spotsfashionable andsmart dressersaround the city.SPOTTING...Name:Fahad Ali Al MasoodiAge: 19Nationality:PakistaniCap: Armani ExchangeDh 120Neckwear: CarrefourDh 25For HimAldo BidlackBraceletFor HerAldo DepuyBraceletFor HimAldo ParkhillBraceletTrendSETTERBrace Yourself!From being used as Egyptian protection charms right down to raising awareness on health-related issueslike cancer, bracelets have evolved into an essential fashion accessory. Whether you wish to draw attentionto your outfit or those neatly manicured hands, these trinkets will do the trick. Aldo has a recently revealedan accessories line with some funky yet chic bracelets for both men and women. Go ahead, take your pick!For HimAldoCalumagBraceletWhat do you do (work)?I work in Abu DhabiMedia Company(ADMC)T-Shirt: MaxDh 60For HerAldo GummoBraceletsYour most valuedfashion possessions?Van Heusen T-shirtThe One Thing I RegretBuying:iPhone 3GThe One Thing I Dreamof Buying:Apple MacintoshLaptopStyle inspiration:BillabongMy Style Philosophy:The brand doesn’tmatter, wear whatsuits you and make ityour own!Slippers: ShobraDh 70Skateboard: BakerDh 496Jeans: DieselDh 16OOUR FASHIONEXPERT SAYS:Your skater ‘tude isdefinitely shiningthrough the choice ofjeans and accessories.Hip and trendy...rock on dude!Would you like to be featured on My Style Blueprint? If you do contact: 026673349, blueprint@abudhabitempo.comFor HerAldo SchaulBraceletsFor HerAldoTaglienteBraceletsFor HerAldo KalpBraceletFor HimAldoJaskotBracelet18 19Tempo April <strong>2010</strong>www.abudhabitempo.com

OnBy Rantan RaveGarlic Breath!Garlic - we all love it. In marinara pizza, Tzatziki sauce, basil pestoand succulent roast lamb, and we all know that garlic is a superfood with natural antibiotic and cancer fighting properties blahblah blah.But believe me, all of that wonderful garlic talk goes out of thewindow when the garlic you’re breathing in is blowing out ofsomeone’s mouth. And especially if that person is the passengernext to you in an airplane 35,000 feet above ground trip for fourhours between Cairo and Abu Dhabi.Forgive me for being indelicate, but the smell was so hideous itdrove evil thoughts into my head, like jumping out of the plane, orjumping the pilot for an immediate landing.The man sitting next to me was a huge man, with a sweettemperament (he looked in my direction every so often to smile).My reaction was to shrivel in my seat, unable to focus on in-flightentertainment and hold a perfumed hanky to my nose. The stenchwas so strong it made me sweat, and I spent the whole flightwiping my face with icy cold water. Could bad smell be used asa torture tool? Me thinks it can. And after that ordeal I believethere’s a whole science on this waiting to be uncovered. And whenlunch came?? It was chicken tikka perfumed garlic butter rice andratatouille. Needless to say, I felt like purging.So after weathering this experience, what is my suggestion? Ibelieve posters that list all those things that you can’t takeon board with you—like firearms, explosives, sharp knives,unregulated drugs etc etc, should include a diplomatically wordedrecommendation asking passengers to do a quick body odourcheck before embarking. And if you have garlic breath? Well, you getpolitely escorted out of the plane to a specially outfitted detox roomwhere you’re made to air out your lungs in time for the next flight.Send us your comments at editorial@abudhabitempo.comArablishAbu Dhabi or Abudhabior Abou Dhabi??A common, and extremely annoyingmistake, we see in the UAE, and this bypeople who are longtime residents ofour fair emirate, is the misspelling of AbuDhabi. For anyone who has doubts it’s AbuDhabi—not Abudhabi. Dubai, Sharjah andAjman are rarely misspelled. But then yousee variations in Fujairah, which is oftenmisspelled as “Fujeirah or Fujaira and thenthere’s Umm Al Quwain which is habituallyspelled as Umm Al Quwein, Umm Al Qaiwain(as spelled by the National Bank of Umm Al‘Qaiwain’)or Om Al Quwain.The challenge in transferring spellings intoEnglish is that words in Arabic are writtenin a different alphabet, so there is nostandard spelling in English. Mohammedcan be spelled Mohamed, or Muhammed,or Muhamed, or Mohammad, or Mohamadetc. Anyone in the business of trackingregistrants for an event knows how difficultit is to track by an Arabic name if all youhave a name without information on howthe person spells it.There have been initiatives, some byreputable institutions to ‘standardize’Arabic spellings of names, but such a goal islaughable at best. Imagine being told howto write your name…sorry you’re name isD-u-w-a not D-u-a-a, or its M-a-r-i-a-m notM-a-r-y-a-m etc.A person’s spelling of his or her name shouldbe respected. And so it should be for citiesand countries. So let›s have one versionof Umm Al Quwain and Fujairah. The onlyexception that we›ll see is bound to bespelling using Latin letters but in anotherlanguage, which would excuse (well, almost)the French spellings of Abou Dhabi andDoubai. But other than that, no mistakes s’ilvous plait.Have any linguistic nightmares to report?Send ‘em in atarablish@abudhabitempo.comFUNNYTHINGABOUT LIFE“I travel in the public buses quite frequently and I think the government needs to be applauded for theirefforts in providing an economical and convenient means of transport to all. However I do have a complaint.In hot summer months (which means almost all year round), many labourers also use the bus for commutingto and from their homes. There is no politically-correct way to say this but most of the time, due to the natureof their work, they stink! I wonder if automatic air fresheners can be introduced (maybe Airwick or some otherbrand) to keep the buses smelling nice and also to keep the other commuters breathing! Sometimes I wonderwhy bathing facilities are not providedto the workers on-site to counter thesocial rejection and embarrassmentthey must face while travelling bypublic transport. I too wish to have mydiscomfort known but then I imaginemyself in their shoes and I realize it’s notright for us to blame them. So, are therest of us to suffer silently?”Over toYou“I feel the same way. But what can we do? It’s cruel and disrespectful to point it out.I have seen some Asians cover their noses when a labourer steps onboard and Ithink that’s just plain rude!”Robert L.“I think they do have built-in air fresheners in the air conditioning system. In someAC systems, fresh air is taken in through dampers so that the same air doesn’t getre-circulated. I wonder if they employ the same mechanism in ventilation systemsfor buses.”Jay V. Shankar“The authorities should take note of this. We had similar school buses back inSweden, when a stinker (that’s what we called them) would hop on the bus none ofus sat beside him or her. It sent across a loud message! But labourers probably can’thelp it. Not their fault I say.”Jamie O.“Why don’t such people lobby for introduction of bathing facilities for constructionsite workers rather than complain.”Rahila BadarSend your stories to mystory@abudhabitempo.comMiss Manners20 21Tempo April <strong>2010</strong>www.abudhabitempo.com

CultureTalkNatural Body Art – HennaAYankSandLandinAn Ode to DustImagine yourself in arid desert underlayers of clothing, surrounded by ‘henna’plants and without the amenities oflatest advancements in technologylike air-conditioning. What do you do?While our feeble minds will probably begathering dust, our Arab ancestors werenot so helpless. They crushed some barkfrom the right trees and voila! They hadinvented a natural coolant with severalmedicinal properties called ‘henna’.It was later that they discovered thebenefits of ‘henna’ for the hair and fornatural body art.As in the case of cosmetics and otherbeauty aids, the origin of hair colouringcan also be traced back to the ancientEgypt civilization. It is believed that‘henna’ was used as a hair dye, by theEgyptians, for the first time. Since then,the popularity of hair coloring using‘henna’ has been on the rise. Being anatural hair colour, ‘henna’ is preferredLooking for a trendyHenna Parlor?Welcome to the artistic world of Markaz AlNoqoosh Al Jameela ( Beautiful Henna DesignCentre), based in Abu Dhabi since the early1990’s. They understand the needs of modernand traditional women and do everything fromintricate Indian designing, to traditional Arabicdesigning, to authentic and modern fashionabledesigning, to tattoos of all styles. Well, what morecan a girl ask for? Visit them today!Location: Opposite to KFC, Near TexasChicken,Old Airport Road, Tel: 02-6343963as a hair dye by many people across theglobe.Women adorn themselves with ‘henna’ asa part of social and holiday celebrationsand have done so since the late BronzeAge in the eastern Mediterranean. Thisearly connection between youthfulwomen and ‘henna’ has lead to theorigin of the ‘Night of the Henna’,which is now celebrated world-wide byadorning the bride, and often the groomas well. Women in the family rejoice in aprivate ceremony on ‘henna night’ andthe application of ‘henna’ on the bride isoften accompanied by merriment in theform of song and dance. Some believethat there are strong ties between theuse of henna and fertility and hencemarriage ceremonies around the worldand across different cultures includethis plant extract in one form or theother. Sometimes even beloved animalsare adorned with the famous dye.An IrishFriendshipWishMay there always be workfor your hands to do;May your purse alwayshold a coin or two; Maythe sun always shine onyour windowpane; May arainbow be certain to followeach rain; May the hand ofa friend always be near you;WISDOM FROM AROUND THE WORLDMay God fill your heart withgladness to cheer you.Although not for the same purpose!Henna is applied on the hooves, paws,and tails of favorite horses, donkeys, andsalukis as method of beautification of thehouse pet.Wish to know the different names forthis natural dye around the world? Hereare some interesting variations:Hindi : MehndiBurma : DanbinCambodia : KrapeuChinese : Tche Kia HoaFrench : Henné, Troëne d’EgypteGreek : KyprosMalay : InaiSpanish : HenneSwahili : Muhanoni, MuheniSnapshotCulturalAnyone in Englandwho reaches the ageof 105 will receive atelegram from theQueen or King onevery birthday.Dear Um Ayman,I am Ukranian and will be marrying an Egyptian man. Weare very much in love, and I think we are very compatible.We went to the same university, and we love the samethings. My fear is his family. My husband’s brother has beennice to me, but his parents have opposed this marriagefrom the beginning, and have told their son, my fiance,explicitly that I am not welcome. They say that I have tobecome Muslim first. My husband has told me that hisparents will come around and that he accepts me the wayI am. Um Ayman, I want to have a good relationship withmy in-laws, and I want to win their love. How can I do this?E. S.Dear E.S.,I sympathise completely. I know many couples in mixedmarriages and I believe that sometimes cultural differences,if not the familial strains, require a multi-racial couple to besteadfast in their commitment to each other. It means thatyou and your husband have to work doubly hard on yourmarriage.There is no miracle solution; relationship building happensover time. Even for single race unions. Hopefully the moreyour in-laws get to know you the more they will like you,as you become less ‘foreign’ to them. I know of a coupleof wonderful examples where the ‘foreign’ daughter orbrother-in-law won over the hearts of the spouse’s family,genuinely and completely.My advice to you is to try to spend time with your in-laws,but especially your mother in law (I think that she willhave a lot of influence on her husband, and may be ableto do some internal ‘lobbying’ on your behalf). I knowthis is premature, but I sincerely hope you establish strongconnections before any children arrive. You have to resolvethe religion issue--your husband›s family will expect thechildren to become Muslim, and you need to be OK aboutthat before committing to this union. Please think ahead--you don’t want to subject your children in the future to thestresses of grown up problems. I wish you harmony and love.Write to Um Ayman at umayman@abudhabitempo.comI Damn Dust!In my eyes and in my hair,And other places I dare notshare,Fouls my couch and foulsmy chair,I’d trade my Kingdom forsome clean air,Damn Dust!Always filthy is my car,In the summer one can’tsee far,I know I can’t win this war,I just want to hole-up ina bar,Damn Dust!Covers my clothes andcovers my floor,Intrusive clouds when Icrack my door,Open the windows, incomes more,Pisses me off to the core,Damn Dust!Makes me have to cleaneach day,And I just ain’t made thatway,All my efforts to do whatmay,Is never enough to keep itat bay,Damn Dust!Between my teeth I feelthe grit,Pardon me if I need to spit,More of this and I’ll havea fit,I just had to pick this nit.- Randy ParkerRandy has been a residentof Abu Dhabi since August,2008 and works in the travelindustry. He has a blog at:http://expatuae.blogspot.com/22 23Tempo April <strong>2010</strong>www.abudhabitempo.com

LifecoachBy Samantha DavishomesmartDo and Don’tsof MarriageIf only it were that easy - compiling a universal list of someof the biggest mistakes couples make in their first few yearsof marriage so that the rest of us won’t make the same oneswhen we get hitched. Unfortunately no such list exists, whatdoes exist is a basic understanding of why some relationshipsfail and what can other young couples do to avoid the samefate. For those of you who have already committed over fiveyears to marriage; you may want to read these pointers toclear away those invisible communication barriers whichstill exist between you and your spouse. And last but not theleast, if some of you feel that your marriage is the epitome ofmarital bliss, then write to editorial@abudhabitempo.comand tell us how you got there!The Do’s• Do praise your spouse aloud! Don’twait till their birthday or Valentine’sDay to appreciate them and tellthem how they contribute to yourlife everyday, every hour, and everysecond.• Do admit your mistakes. Usually theblame game runs on for days beforesomeone realizes it has got to end.Why lose that precious time you havetogether fretting about fault andaccountability. If it is your mistake,admit it and move on!• Do tell your partner how much youlove them everyday. Every single day!Since most people have a tendency toforget, link it to a mundane everydayactivity like taking your morning pills,or reading your newspaper or whileswitching off your mobile alarm whileyou are still in bed. Small gestures likethese are very effective in the longrun. Like those peachy refrigeratormagnets, reminding your spouses thatthey matter most in your life.• Do figure out areas of commonality. Itgives you a comfort space where youcan dwell before you can move on tobigger issues like family and culturaldifferences, religion and politics (yah,this too can be and issue!)• Do employ tact while criticizingyour spouse. It is best not to deploytorpedoes of hurtful remarks to battertheir self-esteem just because youknow them intimately. Rather mentionit like it doesn’t bother you much andthat you can forgive their folly. Surely,you too will falter some day andrevenge as they say is pretty sweet!• Do sacrifice some of your old habitsto accommodate your partner’srequests. When you make and oath tolive ‘as one’, compromising old waysis included. It’s a simple choice really;would you rather wear your shoes tobed or cuddle up with your lovingpartner? Sorry guys, but your side hasthe most annoying habits at times!The Don’ts• Don’t compete with your spouse.Leave your competitive spirit at thedoor when entering your home.Borrowing from Tom Cruise’sphilosophy in Jerry Maguire andmodifying it to reflect our modernlifestyle: a partner should completethe other; and not contend toout-smart them like teenage overachieversin high school.• Don’t let work issues spill-over intoyour home. They don’t belong thereand will cause only more rifts in yourrelationship. It’s okay to share yourproblems and pressures about workwith your partner but that should bethe extent of it.• Don’t threaten to leave or divorceyour spouse even if you are angry.The words are hard to take back onceuttered and they reduce the stabilityof your marriage to shreds as yourpartner feels disposable and betrayed.No matter what you say, some thingscan never be taken back. Be mindfulof what you say when you are angry.• Don’t spend time fiddling withelectronic gadgets like iphones andblackberries once you are home. That‘silent’ mode isn’t just for meetingsyou know. Let your spouse feel thatthey have your undivided attentionwhen they are around you.• Don’t make a to-do list of housechores and nag him about it. Makepolite suggestions and discusswith him how leaving somethingundone hinders your ‘homemakingprocess’. Guys tend to move awayfrom mother-like figures. You’ve beenwarned sisters!• Don’t think too much about fittinginto the role of an ideal wife orhusband. There is no such thing!There is only you, your partner, howcompatible you are with each otherand what you make with the timethat you’ve been given. Throw allinhibitions out the window and livewith the person you’ve chosen to beyour soul mate. Period.Everyone has something they do better than anyone else. You have the brag rights andTempo is giving you the space, so send us your helpful tips and tricks to making lifesimpler and richer. Just make sure its all original and all you!TempoTip!Want a personalized coaster? Justprint out your favourite design,paste it on a CD and cover it withplastic adhesive. Next trace thesame CD onto a piece of felt.Cut out the felt and glue it to theunderside of the CD. Send us apicture of your crafty designs.Send us your tips: HYPERLINK “mailto:editorial@abudhabitempo.com”“I don’t have a tip, it’s rather a suggestion. When decoratinga room, paint walls last. My husband and I had a worrisometwo days right before Easter. We were in a rush to get ournewly painted guest room furnished in time to receiveinternational guests. Nothing went with the almost lemongreen wall paint that my husband had chosen (men!!). Takeit from some one who has been there, you can mix paint intoany colour under the sun. So go for furniture and fabric first!”Martha Hue“To get my kids to eat broccoli I began adding it to my home-mademacaroni and cheese. The taste of the broccoli wasn’t strong enough to makethe dish taste bad. Neither did my kids notice it. Then when they got used to it, I justadded a visible amount!”Mommy Knows Best“When grilling beef burgers, cook them over a medium flame. Normally when cooked at ahigh flame, the burgers char in the outside and remain an uncooked mess on the inside.” Hank Z“This Easter we got a little lazy and painted over store-bought eggs. In the Abu Dhabi heat, my kids’ egg hunt resulted in arotten smelly affair with adults to blame for tarnishing their special day. Take heed, boiling and blowing eggs out takes someextra work but it’s worth it!”Bob“If you wish to freeze coleslaw for a week, it’s best to keep it soupy (depending upon the water content of the cabbage that youare using). Do let it sit in the fridge overnight before freezing. This helps in maintaining its freshness for the next time it is served.”Salad QueenTEMPOPRICECHECKERDescription AmtLulu hyper market Dh 16.60Carrefour Dh 16.95Emirates General Market Dh 16.60Cooperative Dh 16.75Product:Ives Apricot Scrub (170g)24 www.abudhabitempo.com 25Tempo April <strong>2010</strong>

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