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GODWIN,R., ed. Apollo 14: The NASA Mission Reports. Apogee Books, Burlington, Canada, 2000, 232 pp., 1 CD-ROM<br />

GODWIN,R., ed. Apollo 15: The NASA Mission Reports. Apogee Books, Burlington, Canada, 2001, 272 pp., 1 CD-ROM<br />

GODWIN,R., ed. Apollo 16: The NASA Mission Reports, Vol. 1. Apogee Books, Burlington, Canada, 2002, 312 pp., 1 CD-ROM<br />

GODWIN,R., ed. Apollo 17: The NASA Mission Reports, Vol. 1. Apogee Books, Burlington, Canada, 2002, 240 pp., 1 CD-ROM. Signed by<br />

Apollo 17 Astronauts, Harrison H. Schmitt and Eugene Cernan.<br />

GODWIN,R., ed. Mars: The NASA Mission Reports. Apogee Books, Burlington, Canada, 1999, 424 pp., 1 CD-ROM<br />

GOLDSCHMIDT,V. Über Wüstensteine und Meteoriten. From: Tschermak’s Mineralog. u. petrograph. Mitt. 14, 1894, pp. 131-142, 2 pls.<br />

GOLDSMITH,D.W. The Quest for Extraterrestrial Life - A book of Readings. University Science Books, Mill Valley, CA, 1980, 308 pp.<br />

GOLDSMITH,D.W. The Hunt for Life on Mars. Dutton, New York, 1997, 267 pp.<br />

GOLDSMITH,D.W. Die Jagd nach Leben auf dem Mars – Fakten, Hintergründe, Perspektiven. German transl., Scherz Verlag, Bern, 1996, 222<br />

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GOLOMBEK,M.P., EDGETT,K.S. & RICE,J.W.Jr., editors. Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop II: Characteristics of the Ares Vallis Region<br />

and Field Trips in the Channeled Scabland, Washington. LPI Tech. Rpt. 95-01, Part 1 + 2. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 1995, 63<br />

pp. + 47 pp.<br />

GOMES,C.B. & KEIL,K. Brazilian Stone Meteorites. Albuquerque, 1980, 161 pp.<br />

GORDON,S.G. Meteorites in the Collections of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia. From: Proc. Acad. Science Philadelphia 85,<br />

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GORNITZ,V., ed. Geology of Planet Mars. Benchmark Papers in Geology Vol. 48. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsberg, 1979, 414 pp.<br />

GOURSAC,O.de. Visions of Mars. Harry N. Abrams, New York, 2005, 159 pp.<br />

GRADY,M.M., HUTCHISON,R., MCCALL,G.J.H & ROTHERY,D.A., editors. Meteorites: flux with time and impact effects. Geological Society<br />

London, Special Publ. No. 140, 1998, 278 pp.<br />

GRADY,M.M. Catalogue of Meteorites, with special reference to those represented in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London.<br />

5th. Edition. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2000, 689 pp + CD-ROM. Signed by the author<br />

GRAHAM,A.L., BEVAN,A.W.R. & HUTCHISON,R. Catalogue of Meteorites. 4th. Edition. British Museum (Natural History), London, 1985, 460<br />

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GRAUP,G. Das Kristallin im Nördlinger Ries. Dissertation, Univ. Tübingen, 1975, 176 pp.<br />

GRAVES,R. Untersuchung einer gallertartige Feuerkugel. In: Annalen der Physik 71, 1822, pp. 354-358.<br />

GREELEY,R., ed. Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Mars: Dedicated to Thomas A. Mutch, 1931-1980. Journal of<br />

Geophysical Research, 1982, Vol. 87, No. B12, pp. 9715-10305.<br />

GREEN,J. Lunar Exploration & Survival. Douglas Paper 4038, Douglas Advanced Research Laboratory, Huntington Beach, CA, June 1966,<br />

131 pp.<br />

GREEN,J.A., KURAT,G., KEIL,K. & PRINZ,M. Electron Microprobe Analyses of Lithic Fragments, Glasses, Chondrules, and Minerals Luna 16<br />

Fines. Special Publication No. 5, UNM Institute of Meteoritics, 1972, 16 pp.<br />

GREEN,J.C. & BURKE,J.G. The Science of Minerals in the Age of Jefferson. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 1978, Vol.<br />

68, No. 4, 113 pp.<br />

GREENBERG,J.M. & ROARK,T.P., editors. Interstellar Grains. Proceedings of a conference held Aug. 24-26, 1965, at Rensselaer Polytechnic<br />

Institute in Troy, New York. NASA SP-140, Washington, D.C., 1967, 269 pp.<br />

GREENBERG,J.M. & VAN DER HULST,H.C., editors. Interstellar Dust and Related Topics. IAU Symposium No. 52, held at the State Univ. of<br />

New York at Albany, May 29 to June 2, 1972. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1973, 584 pp.<br />

GREGO,P. Collision Earth! The Threat From Outer Space: Meteorite and Comet Impacts. Blandford, London, 1998, 160 pp.<br />

GREGORY,J.R. A large meteorite from Western Australia. From: Nature, Nov. 24 th , 1892, 2 pp.<br />

GREGORY,J.R. Catalogue of the Collection of Meteorites of James R. Gregory of London. London, 1902, 20 pp.<br />

GREWING,M., PRADERIE,F. & REINHARD,R., eds. Exploration of Halley's Comet: Proceedings of the 20th. ESLAB Symposium, Heidelberg,<br />

October 27-31, 1986. Berlin, Springer Verlag, 984 pp.<br />

GREWINGK,C. Über ein nickelhaltiges Stück Eisen von Sanarka am Ural und Verzeichniss der Meteoriten-Sammlung der Universität Dorpat<br />

im Dec. 1882. From: Arch. Naturk. Liv.-Ehst.-u. Kurlands, Dorpat 9, No. 2, 1882, pp. 141-160.<br />

GRIBBIN,J. & GRIBBIN,M. Fire on Earth: In Search of the Doomsday Asteroid. Simon & Schuster, London, 1996, 264 pp.<br />

GRIEVE,R.A.F. et al. eds. Astronaut's Guide to Terrestrial Impact Craters. LPI Tech. Rpt. 88-03, Houston, 1988, 89 pp.<br />

GROOT,H. Kometen en vallende sterren. J. M. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1950, 190 pp.<br />

GROSCHOPF,P. & REIFF,W. Der geologische Wanderweg im Steinheimer Becken. 3. Aufl. Steinheim am Albuch, 1986, 32 pp.<br />

GROTTHUSS,T.V. Untersuchung eines in Kurland im Düaberg'schen Kreise, am 30. Juni (12. Juli) 1820 herabgefallenen Meteorsteins. In:<br />

Annalen der Physik 67, 1821, pp. 337-370.<br />

GRUBER,F. Wirkungen der Vernichtung von Meteoriten aus kontraterrener und kontralunarer Materie auf der Erde und auf dem Mond. Wien,<br />

Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 1949, 23 pp.<br />

GRÜN,E., GUSTAFSON,B.A.S., DERMOTT,S.F. and FECHTIG,H., eds. Interplanetary Dust. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001, 804 pp.<br />

GUEST,J.E. The Earth and its Satellite. David McKay Company, New York, 1971, 164 pp.<br />

GUEST,J.E. & GREELEY,R. Geologie auf dem Mond. Übersetzt von W.v.Engelhardt. Stuttgart: F.Enke Verlag, 1979, 253 pp.<br />

GUEST,J.E., BUTTERWORTH,P., MURRAY,J. & O’DONNELL,W. Planetary Geology. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979, 208 pp.<br />

GUILLEMIN,A. Les étoiles filantes et le pierres qui tombent du ciel. Petite Encyclopedie Populaire. Paris, 1889, 274 pp., 45 pls.<br />

GUILLIER,M. Note sur le météorites et spécialement sur celles tombées au Grand-Lucé le 13 septembre 1768. From: Bulletin de la Société<br />

d'Agriculture, Science et Arts de la Sarthe, 1881, 7 pp.<br />

GULICK,V.C., editor. Mars 2005 Sample Return Workshop. LPI Tech. Rpt. 97-01. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 1997, 91 pp.<br />

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