Trafficking in human beings for sexual and other purposes - Polisen

Trafficking in human beings for sexual and other purposes - Polisen Trafficking in human beings for sexual and other purposes - Polisen


1. Summary10During the project period, around fifty Swedish menwere identified as being suspected of travellingabroad with the aim of committing sexual abuse ofchildren. Gradually, as the general public becamemore aware of the project, the number of tip-offscoming in regarding these men increased. After expiryof the project period, the work of identifying andinvestigating these crimes continued. In 2011, a furtherthirty Swedish men were identified as being suspectedof travelling abroad with the aim of committingchild sexual abuse or producing child pornography.Information/tips on child sex trafficking submittedto the National Bureau of Investigation comeprimarily from Swedish and foreign police authoritiesand the general public. In 2011, hundreds of such tipswere received and processed. The consequences ofthese tip-offs included the prosecution of two Swedishmen (aged 76 and 45 respectively) in November2011 for crimes relating to child sex trafficking. Theman aged 76 was charged with attempted child rape,sexual abuse of three children and for child pornographyoffences. The man aged 45 was sentenced bythe District Court to imprisonment for five years forchild rape, aggravated child pornography crime, conspiracyto commit child rape, sexual exploitation ofchildren and aggravated exploitation of children forsexual posing. The Court of Appeal extended thissentence to imprisonment for seven years.

2. Introduction112. IntroductionThe crime of human trafficking involves situations inwhich several people, usually in different countries,collaborate in order to recruit a victim and theninduce that person to travel from one place to another,where they are then exploited for various purposes.Human trafficking is a global problem that is onthe increase and requires a strategy involving extensiveinternational collaboration, building on nationalmeasures.In its latest report from 2010, The Globalization ofCrime – A Transnational Threat Assessment, theUnited Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNO-DC) reported that more than 140,000 victims ofhuman trafficking for sexual purposes are exploitedevery day in Europe. On an annual basis, around70,000 new victims are drawn into this trade inEurope and, according to the report, there are nosigns of the number of victims reducing.2.1 The purpose of this reportThis year’s situation report provides the SwedishNational Police Board with an overview of the statusin 2011 of human trafficking and criminality relatedto that, within, through and into Sweden and the wayin which its scope and distribution has changed sincethe previous year’s situation report.Separate annexes provide reports on:• the police authorities’ reports to the SwedishNational Police Board.• current Swedish legislation in the field• sentences and information relating to victims, perpetratorsand sanctions concerning various formsof human trafficking, procuring and the purchaseof sexual services/purchase of sexual acts from children• statistics on the numbers of reports

1. Summary10Dur<strong>in</strong>g the project period, around fifty Swedish menwere identified as be<strong>in</strong>g suspected of travell<strong>in</strong>gabroad with the aim of committ<strong>in</strong>g <strong>sexual</strong> abuse ofchildren. Gradually, as the general public becamemore aware of the project, the number of tip-offscom<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> regard<strong>in</strong>g these men <strong>in</strong>creased. After expiryof the project period, the work of identify<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>vestigat<strong>in</strong>g these crimes cont<strong>in</strong>ued. In 2011, a furtherthirty Swedish men were identified as be<strong>in</strong>g suspectedof travell<strong>in</strong>g abroad with the aim of committ<strong>in</strong>gchild <strong>sexual</strong> abuse or produc<strong>in</strong>g child pornography.In<strong>for</strong>mation/tips on child sex traffick<strong>in</strong>g submittedto the National Bureau of Investigation comeprimarily from Swedish <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong>eign police authorities<strong>and</strong> the general public. In 2011, hundreds of such tipswere received <strong>and</strong> processed. The consequences ofthese tip-offs <strong>in</strong>cluded the prosecution of two Swedishmen (aged 76 <strong>and</strong> 45 respectively) <strong>in</strong> November2011 <strong>for</strong> crimes relat<strong>in</strong>g to child sex traffick<strong>in</strong>g. Theman aged 76 was charged with attempted child rape,<strong>sexual</strong> abuse of three children <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> child pornographyoffences. The man aged 45 was sentenced bythe District Court to imprisonment <strong>for</strong> five years <strong>for</strong>child rape, aggravated child pornography crime, conspiracyto commit child rape, <strong>sexual</strong> exploitation ofchildren <strong>and</strong> aggravated exploitation of children <strong>for</strong><strong>sexual</strong> pos<strong>in</strong>g. The Court of Appeal extended thissentence to imprisonment <strong>for</strong> seven years.

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