mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bd. Etiologic agentse. Crated household goods or personal effects (see Item 45)f. Live animalsg. Bulk commoditiesh. CorpsesI. Currencyj. Coinsk. Precious metalsl. Food, fresh, frozen, or requiring refrigerationm. Postage stamps or stamped envelopesn. Military tractor tanks and tracked vehicleso. Vehicles, self-propelledp. Vehicles in driveaway and/or towaway serviceq. Any commodity assigned a DoD unique commodity code by SDDCr. Aircraft parts loaded in other than boxcars or TOFC/COFC trailers or containerss. Enginest. Missiles or Rockets3. FAK shipments must comply with paragraphs 3-6 that is outlined in Item 39 above.4. FAK shipments may include non-sensitive ammunition and explosives, Class 1, Divisions1.4, 1.5, and 1.6, where the combined weight is less than 1,001 pounds. FAK shipmentsmust be in compliance with 49 CFR, Part 172.504, Table 2.ITEM 45 FREIGHT ALL KINDS - DoD UNIQUE NUMBER 999913, SUB No. 11. FAK 999913 Sub 01, including crated household goods or personal effects, consists ofcommodities which a TSP offer to transport at one inclusive rate or charge, regardless oftheir classification rating in the NMFC or their differing trasportation characteristics..2. Shipments under Item 45 must also comply with paragraphs 2-4 of Item 43 above, except forcrated household goods which are excluded under Item 43.ITEM 47FURNISHING OF VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT1. A TSP will furnish vehicles with all necessary equipment to safely transport freight inconformity with applicable federal safety regulations for which shipper has requestedtransportation and shall be responsible to properly for securing the cargo and protecting fromexposure to the elements.2. A vehicle that exceeds the minimum specifications necessary to safely transport freight willbe considered as furnished by the TSP for its own convenience. Consequently, charges willIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-98-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bbe assessed on the basis of what the shipper ordered, not the actual equipment furnished by aTSP.3. Shipper may reject equipment if considered unsafe to transport DoD freight if the shipperconsiders the equipment to be either unsafe and/or not in conformity with applicable federalsafety regulations and annotated on DD Form 626-Motor Vehicle Inspection. VFN chargesstated in Item 77 in this section will not apply.ITEM 49HANDLING FREIGHT AT POSITIONS NOTIMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO VEHICLE (HHB)1. When requested by the shipper, a TSP will move freight on shipments from or to a positionthat is not immediately adjacent to the vehicle. Vehicles will be considered ―immediatelyadjacent‖ to a loading/unloading position when it is separated by an intervening sidewalk orwalkway.2. HHB will be provided at a charge of HHB(1) $_______ per hundred pounds, subject to aminimum charge of HHB(2) $_______ per shipment, and a maximum charge of HHB(3)$_______ per shipment.3. Whenever a shipment involves Split Delivery (SDL), Item 71, Split Pickup (SPU), Item 73,and/or Stop-off In Transit (SOC), Section B, VII, Para. I, where accessorial services are alsoprovided, HHB charges will apply separately at each location where HHB service is requiredto be performed by a TSP.ITEM 51LOADING/UNLOADING BY TRANSPORTATION SERVICEPROVIDER (URC)1. Loading and/or unloading service performed by TSP, unassisted by shipper or consignee,will be subject to a charge of:URC(l) $_______ per hundredweight, subject to a minimum charge of URC(2) $_______.2. Charges will be based on actual weight handled. TSP will obtain certification that the servicewas performed and indicate the amount of weight handled.3. If TSP is unable to perform this service, no penalty will be assessed.ITEM 53OVERAGES AND SHORTAGES1. For LTL shipments, a TSP will report overages and/or shortages to the shipper via telephoneor email within 24 hours or less of accepting the shipment, at the first stop off, or at the firsthandling location, depending on the specific situation involved.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-99-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bbe assessed on the basis of what the shipper ordered, not the actual equipment furnished by aTSP.3. Shipper may reject equipment if considered unsafe to transport DoD freight if the shipperconsiders the equipment to be either unsafe and/or not in conformity with applicable federalsafety regulations and annotated on DD Form 626-Motor Vehicle Inspection. VFN chargesstated in Item 77 in this section will not apply.ITEM 49HANDLING FREIGHT AT POSITIONS NOTIMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO VEHICLE (HHB)1. When requested by the shipper, a TSP will move freight on shipments from or to a positionthat is not immediately adjacent to the vehicle. Vehicles will be considered ―immediatelyadjacent‖ to a loading/unloading position when it is separated by an intervening sidewalk orwalkway.2. HHB will be provided at a charge of HHB(1) $_______ per hundred pounds, subject to aminimum charge of HHB(2) $_______ per shipment, and a maximum charge of HHB(3)$_______ per shipment.3. Whenever a shipment involves Split Delivery (SDL), Item 71, Split Pickup (SPU), Item 73,and/or Stop-off In Transit (SOC), Section B, VII, Para. I, where accessorial services are alsoprovided, HHB charges will apply separately at each location where HHB service is requiredto be performed by a TSP.ITEM 51LOADING/UNLOADING BY TRANSPORTATION SERVICEPROVIDER (URC)1. Loading and/or unloading service performed by TSP, unassisted by shipper or consignee,will be subject to a charge of:URC(l) $_______ per hundredweight, subject to a minimum charge of URC(2) $_______.2. Charges will be based on actual weight handled. TSP will obtain certification that the servicewas performed and indicate the amount of weight handled.3. If TSP is unable to perform this service, no penalty will be assessed.ITEM 53OVERAGES AND SHORTAGES1. For LTL shipments, a TSP will report overages and/or shortages to the shipper via telephoneor email within 24 hours or less of accepting the shipment, at the first stop off, or at the firsthandling location, depending on the specific situation involved.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-99-

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