mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION BITEM 27EMPTY MOVEMENT OF EQUIPMENT (EMT)1. A TSP may be requested to deadhead equipment immediately to a point of pickup. Alldeadhead miles traveled from point of dispatch to point of origin will be charged at a rateof EMT(1) $_______ per deadhead mile per vehicle. Charges for deadhead miles shall beapproved in advance by requestor and indicated on the BL identifying point of dispatch andapplicable SPLC. Deadhead mileage will be based on short route miles.2. EMT will not exceed TSP’s lowest line-haul charge for the same type of equipment in anytender filed with SDDC.ITEM 29EQUIPMENT, EMPTY TRAILERS – RETURN OF (ERS)Upon TO approval, return of government owned or leased empty equipment from destination toorigin will be subject to a charge of ERS(1) $_______ per mile for deadhead miles. Mileage willbe the shortest route as determined by the DTOD. Under no circumstance shall ERS will notexceed TSP’s lowest line-haul transportation charge for the same type of equipment in anytender filed with SDDC that, applies from destination back to original point of origin.Documentation relating to approval of ERS will be maintained by requesting TO.ITEM 31EXCLUSIVE USE OF TRAILER OR DROMEDARY (EXC)1. When requested by shipper, a TSP will dedicate the entire motor vehicle or separate cargocarryingtransport vehicle exclusively for that shipment, without breaking seals or locks andwithout the transfer of any cargo for a TSP’s convenience. Therefore, once EXC is required aTSP shall be prohibited from loading any additional cargo. However, application of this Ruleshall not preclude the transfer of a dromedary box from one conveyance to another (see Item97, Transloading Transportation Protective Service [TPS] Shipments). EXC can include atrailer, a dromedary attached to the power unit (tractor) or a single dromedary on a trailer(which can include several other dromedaries). The terms ―transport vehicle‖ and ―motorvehicle‖ shall be defined in accordance with 49 CFR, Part 171.8.2. A TSP will verify and ensure that the BL is annotated in writing as follows:―Exclusive Use of Trailer or Dromedary requested by the Shipper. Do not breakseals except in case of emergency or upon prior written approval of the shipperor consignee. If the seal is found broken, or if the seal is broken foremergency/security/inspection reasons, TSP to apply seals as soon as possibleand immediately notify both the shipper and the consignee."3. EXC is not a request for Expedited Service (see Item 35 in this section). Annotation of aRDD shall not constitute a request by the shipper for Exclusive Use.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-94-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B4. If a seal or lock is removed by a TSP, the TSP will relock or reseal trailer or dromedary,annotate that fact on the BL and include the reason for removal of the original lock or seal.In no event shall additional freight will be added to the trailer or dromedary at that time,except upon express authorization of consignee or shipper.5. When a shipment is not in EXC, the seal(s) applied to trailers or dromedaries may beremoved for the purpose of adding additional freight, however the BL must be annotatedwith the new seal number(s).6. Dromedary shipments requiring EXC will not be partitioned under any circumstances.7. Line-haul charges for shipments in vehicles requiring Exclusive Use service shall be invoicedas a truckload, subject to truckload rates, minimum weights and/or minimum charges.Dromedary line-haul charges for shipments requiring Exclusive Use service will be paid atthe highest minimum weight for the equipment.8. Charge for Exclusive Use service will be EXC(1) $_____ per mile per trailer or dromedary.9. See Item 33 below for exceptions to EXC.ITEM 33EXCEPTIONS TO EXCLUSIVE USE SERVICECharges for EXC will not be assessed under any of the following conditions:1. When a vehicle is loaded to full visible capacity, per Item 17, Capacity Loads.2. When line haul charge is based on a published rate in TSP tender for minimum weight of45,000 pounds or the actual weight is 45,000 pounds or greater.3. When tender rates are based on Rate Qualifiers DL, PG, PJ, PL, PM, PV, PY, or ST.ITEM 35EXPEDITED SERVICE (EXP)1. EXP is an accessorial service shippers can request a carrier to guarantee delivery before therequired Standard Transit Time (DTR, Chapter 202 and Item 5, DoD Standard Transit Timesin this section), within legal parameters, such as speed, Hours of Service, etc. For ExpeditedService, carriers are permitted to pick up additional cargo along the route, unlike EXC.2. When the requested Delivery Date (DD) is less than standard transit time, EXP is required tobe annotated on BL. Carrier must ensure BL is annotated with EXP request for charges toapply.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-95-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B4. If a seal or lock is removed by a TSP, the TSP will relock or reseal trailer or dromedary,annotate that fact on the BL and include the reason for removal of the original lock or seal.In no event shall additional freight will be added to the trailer or dromedary at that time,except upon express authorization of consignee or shipper.5. When a shipment is not in EXC, the seal(s) applied to trailers or dromedaries may beremoved for the purpose of adding additional freight, however the BL must be annotatedwith the new seal number(s).6. Dromedary shipments requiring EXC will not be partitioned under any circumstances.7. Line-haul charges for shipments in vehicles requiring Exclusive Use service shall be invoicedas a truckload, subject to truckload rates, minimum weights and/or minimum charges.Dromedary line-haul charges for shipments requiring Exclusive Use service will be paid atthe highest minimum weight for the equipment.8. Charge for Exclusive Use service will be EXC(1) $_____ per mile per trailer or dromedary.9. See Item 33 below for exceptions to EXC.ITEM 33EXCEPTIONS TO EXCLUSIVE USE SERVICECharges for EXC will not be assessed under any of the following conditions:1. When a vehicle is loaded to full visible capacity, per Item 17, Capacity Loads.2. When line haul charge is based on a published rate in TSP tender for minimum weight of45,000 pounds or the actual weight is 45,000 pounds or greater.3. When tender rates are based on Rate Qualifiers DL, PG, PJ, PL, PM, PV, PY, or ST.ITEM 35EXPEDITED SERVICE (EXP)1. EXP is an accessorial service shippers can request a carrier to guarantee delivery before therequired Standard Transit Time (DTR, Chapter 202 and Item 5, DoD Standard Transit Timesin this section), within legal parameters, such as speed, Hours of Service, etc. For ExpeditedService, carriers are permitted to pick up additional cargo along the route, unlike EXC.2. When the requested Delivery Date (DD) is less than standard transit time, EXP is required tobe annotated on BL. Carrier must ensure BL is annotated with EXP request for charges toapply.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-95-

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