mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION AA TSP will inform the shipper of weight limitations and verify that the weight on any vehicleloaded by or on behalf of DoD does not exceed limitations imposed by any state or municipalityin which the shipment will be transported.M. Weight Verification (WTV)1. When scales for weight verification are available and furnished by requesting shipper orconsignee, no charges for Weight Verification shall apply.2. If TSP verifies weight of a shipment at scales not located at origin or destination upon requestof shipper or consignee, a flat fee charge of WTV(1) $____ per vehicle will apply.a. Upon weight verification not located at origin or destination, if shipment must bereturned to origin for weight correction, TSP may submit charges for return mileage viaan eBill through the currently authorized Third Party Payment System (TPPS).b. When a TSP verifies weight and discovers a discrepancy between the verified weight andthe weight shown on the BL, the TSP will be responsible for obtaining a BL correctionnotice.3. In circumstances where it appears that there may be a weight discrepancy between theinformation contained on the BL and a TSP’s review of the actual freight at origin, the TSPshall have the option, at their convenience and personal expense, to reweigh the shipment at acertified weight scale any time prior to delivery.a. In cases where the reweigh ticket indicates that the actual weight of the shipment differsfrom the weight contained on the BL, the TSP shall present the reweigh ticket toauthorized personnel at destination in order for the government to make a copy fordestination records.b. If the revised shipping weight varies by more than 10 percent from the estimate of theshipping activity, the TSP is required to notify the shipper of the new weight ordimensions prior to actual delivery.c. A copy of certified weight tickets must be provided to shipper within 10 business days.d. If the TSP fails to meet the notification requirements outlined above, the TSP will not bepaid for the extra weight and/or size.4. If a TSP is fined for being overweight on shipments loaded by DoD at the first weigh scalenot located at a weigh station, TSP may issue an eBill through the currently authorized TPPSfor an amount equal to the fine. It will be the responsibility of the TSP to issue supportingdocumentation to origin TO prior to payment of fine through the currently authorized TPPS. ItIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-72-

TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION Awill be the responsibility of the driver to ensure obvious discrepancies in weight are resolvedprior to departure at origin.5. If a TSP does not verify weight of the shipment, DoD will not be responsible for any fines orpenalties associated with excess gross vehicle weights.6. Rail TSP will verify weight of any shipment upon request by shipper while shipment is still inthe custody of TSP and scales are available. TSP may apply charge of WTV (1) $_______ pershipment, or per railcar.7. If railroad verifies weight, a TSP may only charge the difference between billed weight andactual weight if the actual weight exceeds the billed weight by greater than two percent.N. Fuel Surcharge1. Section 884 of the 2009 National Defense Authorization Act requires any government paidfuel rate adjustment, also known as a fuel related surcharge (FS), arising from a DoDtransportation contract and funded by government funds be paid, to the maximum extentpracticable, to the cost bearer of the fuel. The cost bearer is the person who actually incurredthe cost of providing the fuel used for the motor transportation.2. The use of the terms motor carrier, freight forwarder, and broker in this Item have the samedefinition as those provided in 49 U.S.C. 13102.3. Each TSP must provide all drivers, owner operators, motor carriers, freight forwarders, orbrokers notice that the cost bearer who transports cargo is entitled to any FS charge paid withgovernment funds. The TSP must identify any shipment that is entitled to a federally fundedFS payment.4. The TSP has the responsibility to ensure the FS payment goes to the cost bearer. The TSPshall insert a flow-down clause requiring the pass-through of the FS payment to the costbearer in all its transportation subcontracts and agreements with motor carriers, freightforwarders, or brokers who provide or arrange for motor carriage for DoD authorizedshippers. Include the flow-down clause in all contract tiers. The clause will require payingthe FS to the cost bearer within thirty business days of the receipt of the FS payment. If thereis more than one cost bearer, then the TSP pays each cost bearer his or her share of the FSpayment based on the motor transportation miles provided by each cost bearer.5. The TSP must include and require a flow-down clause in all its contracts, subcontracts, andagreements with motor carriers, freight forwarders, or brokers who provide or arrange formotor carriage for DoD authorized shippers. The contracts, subcontracts and agreementsmust state the TSP has the sole responsibility and duty to ensure the FS payment goes to thecost bearer. All subcontractors and cost bearers must agree and acknowledge they have noIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-73-

TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION AA TSP will inform the shipper of weight limitations and verify that the weight on any vehicleloaded by or on behalf of DoD does not exceed limitations imposed by any state or municipalityin which the shipment will be transported.M. Weight Verification (WTV)1. When scales for weight verification are available and furnished by requesting shipper orconsignee, no charges for Weight Verification shall apply.2. If TSP verifies weight of a shipment at scales not located at origin or destination upon requestof shipper or consignee, a flat fee charge of WTV(1) $____ per vehicle will apply.a. Upon weight verification not located at origin or destination, if shipment must bereturned to origin for weight correction, TSP may submit charges for return mileage viaan eBill through the currently authorized Third Party Payment System (TPPS).b. When a TSP verifies weight and discovers a discrepancy between the verified weight andthe weight shown on the BL, the TSP will be responsible for obtaining a BL correctionnotice.3. In circumstances where it appears that there may be a weight discrepancy between theinformation contained on the BL and a TSP’s review of the actual freight at origin, the TSPshall have the option, at their convenience and personal expense, to reweigh the shipment at acertified weight scale any time prior to delivery.a. In cases where the reweigh ticket indicates that the actual weight of the shipment differsfrom the weight contained on the BL, the TSP shall present the reweigh ticket toauthorized personnel at destination in order for the government to make a copy fordestination records.b. If the revised shipping weight varies by more than 10 percent from the estimate of theshipping activity, the TSP is required to notify the shipper of the new weight ordimensions prior to actual delivery.c. A copy of certified weight tickets must be provided to shipper within 10 business days.d. If the TSP fails to meet the notification requirements outlined above, the TSP will not bepaid for the extra weight and/or size.4. If a TSP is fined for being overweight on shipments loaded by DoD at the first weigh scalenot located at a weigh station, TSP may issue an eBill through the currently authorized TPPSfor an amount equal to the fine. It will be the responsibility of the TSP to issue supportingdocumentation to origin TO prior to payment of fine through the currently authorized TPPS. ItIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-72-

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