mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION Afinancially responsible for all actual costs and expenses incurred by DoD (including salariesand wages paid by DoD) that inure to the benefit of the TSP. DoD personnel act and performin these instances as government employees in an advisory capacity to directly benefit theTSP. DoD personnel assigned to assist TSP will retain their status as employees of the UnitedStates Government and, as such, are entitled to all of the benefits afforded U.S. governmentemployees as provided by law. In no event shall DoD recognize or submit to any action forproperty damage in connection with such assistance furnished By DoD employees, whenactual labor supervision or other services are performed at the TSP’s request. It is not theintention of this provision that DoD employees shall compete with private industry whereservices can be readily provided by the private sector.3. When a TSP determines to request DoD personnel to provide assistance, the TO will preparea self-addressed letter in the form of a request for DoD service that must be signed by anauthorized representative of the TSP. The letter will state that the TSP acknowledgesresponsibility for performance of the services requested from DoD, and that performance ofthe services by DoD personnel does not relieve the TSP of liability. When assistance is givenunder emergency conditions in which delay might contribute to further hardships or possibledisaster, the letter will be prepared and signed after the service is performed.4. A TSP will not be billed or held responsible for any service performed by DoD personnel thatwas not specifically requested by the TSP, such as dispatching of representatives to observetransfer of loadings or to suggest corrective measures in connection with seal breakage,shifting of loads or braces, accidents, or other adjustments. Collection of sums of money forservices actually rendered under this ITEM will be in accordance with user charges of theDoD Financial Management Regulations.5. Motor TSP will find suitable Secure Holding Area from the Transportation Facility Guide(TFG). However, during an emergency, the TSP can coordinate with SDDC DTTS to locate aSecure Holding Area. For more information regarding Secure Holding, see Item 91.D. Non-Applicable Charges/ Transportation Service Provider Liability1. The TSP shall not charge any detention, demurrage or storage charges against any DoDsponsored shipment when the delay is caused by acts or omissions beyond DoD’s, itscontractor’s, or its agent’s control.2. Freight will be delivered in the same condition as received at origin. Any damage or loss willbe the responsibility of the TSP unless due to a force majeure situation.3. Shortages in outturn, undue delays, misdeliveries, damage or loss of cargo arising or resultingfrom factors stated above will not be held against the TSP.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-66-

TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION A4. Rail TSPs shall be subject to full liability as provided in Title 49, Subtitle IV, part A, Section11707 of the USC, Annotated (USCA), except where the shipment is released at an agreedupon value based upon a released rate as noted on the BL.E. Transportation Service Provider Cargo Liability (LIE)The cargo liability guidance set forth below shall apply to motor TSP. For all other modes, seeReleased Value paragraph in Part IV, Completing a SDDC 364-R Tender in this section.1. Freight All Kinds (FAK)—Except Crated Household Goods (HHG) or personal effects:a. For all FAK shipments as defined in Items 39, 41, 43, and 45 (see Appendix D forfurther definition of FAK) weighing less than 15,000 pounds, TSP liability for lostand/or damaged cargo will be limited to $50,000 or the actual amount of the loss and/ordamage to the article(s), whichever is less. TSP will provide increased liability coveragefor LIE (l) $_______ for each $100 increase in loss and/or damaged cargo liability overthe maximum liability.b. For all FAK shipments weighing 15,000 pounds or more, TSP liability for lost and/ordamaged cargo will be limited to $150,000 or the actual amount of the loss and/ordamage to the cargo. TSP will provide increased liability coverage for LIE (2) $_______for each $100 increase in loss and/or damaged cargo liability over the maximumliability.For all FAK shipments containing crated HHG or personal effects as described in Appendix D,TSP liability for lost and/or damaged cargo is $5,000 per shipment, or $4.00 times the net weightof the household goods shipment or, the gross weight of the unaccompanied baggage shipment,not to exceed $50,000, whichever is greater. Under the new FRV program, the TSP will be liablefor the full replacement value of HHG and personal effects transported as FAK. For HHG orpersonal effects items that are lost or destroyed while in the custody of the TSP for transportationas FAK, the TSP’s liability will not be for the depreciated replacement value (i.e., fair marketvalue) of the item but the full replacement value, without depreciation.2. FAK shipments governed by this publication are subject only to the released liabilities statedabove.3. Seventy-two (72) hours notice will be given to the TSP prior to expected pick-up date forshipments that require additional cargo liability insurance.F. Mode Substitution1. Multi-modal service is transportation of a shipment by a mode (motor, rail, air, water) otherthan that used to pick up the shipment. This service is to be provided at the option of theIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-67-

TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION A4. Rail TSPs shall be subject to full liability as provided in Title 49, Subtitle IV, part A, Section11707 of the USC, Annotated (USCA), except where the shipment is released at an agreedupon value based upon a released rate as noted on the BL.E. Transportation Service Provider Cargo Liability (LIE)The cargo liability guidance set forth below shall apply to motor TSP. For all other modes, seeReleased Value paragraph in Part IV, Completing a <strong>SDDC</strong> 364-R Tender in this section.1. Freight All Kinds (FAK)—Except Crated Household Goods (HHG) or personal effects:a. For all FAK shipments as defined in Items 39, 41, 43, and 45 (see Appendix D forfurther definition of FAK) weighing less than 15,000 pounds, TSP liability for lostand/or damaged cargo will be limited to $50,000 or the actual amount of the loss and/ordamage to the article(s), whichever is less. TSP will provide increased liability coveragefor LIE (l) $_______ for each $100 increase in loss and/or damaged cargo liability overthe maximum liability.b. For all FAK shipments weighing 15,000 pounds or more, TSP liability for lost and/ordamaged cargo will be limited to $150,000 or the actual amount of the loss and/ordamage to the cargo. TSP will provide increased liability coverage for LIE (2) $_______for each $100 increase in loss and/or damaged cargo liability over the maximumliability.For all FAK shipments containing crated HHG or personal effects as described in Appendix D,TSP liability for lost and/or damaged cargo is $5,000 per shipment, or $4.00 times the net weightof the household goods shipment or, the gross weight of the unaccompanied baggage shipment,not to exceed $50,000, whichever is greater. Under the new FRV program, the TSP will be liablefor the full replacement value of HHG and personal effects transported as FAK. For HHG orpersonal effects items that are lost or destroyed while in the custody of the TSP for transportationas FAK, the TSP’s liability will not be for the depreciated replacement value (i.e., fair marketvalue) of the item but the full replacement value, without depreciation.2. FAK shipments governed by this publication are subject only to the released liabilities statedabove.3. Seventy-two (72) hours notice will be given to the TSP prior to expected pick-up date forshipments that require additional cargo liability insurance.F. Mode Substitution1. Multi-modal service is transportation of a shipment by a mode (motor, rail, air, water) otherthan that used to pick up the shipment. This service is to be provided at the option of theIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-67-

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