mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION AAD6 AD6 or AD 2,500 & 5,000 Yes N/AA10 A10 or A16 7,500 & 10,000 Yes N/AA16 A16 or A10 7,500 & 10,000 Yes N/ARate Qualifier DLAD AD or AD6 *** Yes N/AAD6 AD6 or AD *** Yes N/AA10 A10 or A16 *** Yes N/AA16 A16 or A10 *** Yes N/A* Equipment listed may be shown on the same tender as long as rates and provisions arethe same for either type of equipment. No other type equipment may be included intender.** Rate must be lower, not same or higher, as minimum/mileage increases.*** Minimum quantities in number of dromedary service shipments, e.g., one dromedaryservice shipment would be stated as 000001, two as 000002, etc.Section E, Table B or F (See also Section E, Territorial Rates for further instructions.)Rate Qualifier DH - same as DH above except mileage regression applies in Table F.Rate Qualifier DL - same as DL above except only 00001 (one Dromedary) may be used.Enter in first column of Table F.Rate Qualifier DZ - same as DH for these Tables.7. Table of Ratesa. All rates are to be regressive. A TSP may not offer the same rate or a higher rate for ahigher minimum weight, volume, or quantity. List rates or charges in spaces providedfor each pair of points for each service. TSPs choosing to offer either same or varyingrates or charges from origin up to three destinations will enter applicable rate or chargein the appropriate column(s).Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-38-

TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION Ab. If service is offered from same origin to more than three destinations, origin SPLCmust be entered in each origin field provided in Section D. In other words, a singlepage Section D submission can accommodate rates from one origin to 15 destinations.The origin SPLC must be reentered in the second, third, fourth, and fifth origin SPLCfields. If this structure is used, TSP choosing to offer either the same or varying rates orcharges from the origin to all of the up to 15 destinations will enter that applicable rateunder the appropriate column(s) on the same line as each of the up to 15 destinations.c. In appropriate columns, list rates or charges for the service offered as described inParagraph 3 of this Section. Only ―Per Gallon‖ and ―Per Barrel‖ rates may be quoted infractions of a cent. Rates quoted in fractions of a cent using any other rate qualifier willbe rejected. In the columns provided, rail TSP may offer incentive rates when usingqualifier PH (per hundredweight) or PG (per gallon). Incentive rates will apply tofreight loaded in the same rail car and will be applicable to any weights/gallons whichare greater than the highest minimum weight/gallon per rail car shown in Paragraph 3,Columns A, B, C, or D. Rates must be lower than the per hundredweight or per gallonrate applicable to the highest minimum weight/gallon per car shown in Paragraph 3,and serves as an incentive for loading heavier weights/gallons on rail cars. Proceduresfor completing incentive rates are the same as described in the first two paragraphs ofthis item.d. Rail TSP has the option of entering route numbers in rail route column thatcorresponds to route numbers listed in Appendix A. Rail TSP must ensure that rates orcharges for given origin/destination combinations are the same, regardless of routetraveled, for the same weight.Section E Territorial Rates1. This section provides instructions on SPLC use. Rates from, to, or between geographicareas, or between geographic areas and specific points will be quoted in Section E.2. Specific SPLC origins and destinations used in a tender will be obtained from theContinental Directory of Standard Point Location Codes, NMF 102H, issued by the NationalMotor Freight Traffic Association, Inc. Region and zone construction is explained belowand will take priority over the instructions in the SPLC directory.3. Rates require a nine-digit SPLC for each specific origin and destination. An alphabeticalarrangement of sub-code locations is published in the SPLC directory. Origins ordestinations not found in the sub-code locations will be found in the motor TSP section ofthe SPLC directory. Motor TSP codes are assigned a six-digit number and three zeros willbe added to the end of the six-digit code to establish the required nine-digit SPLC. DoDinstallations and activities are assigned a specific nine-digit SPLC. Do not use six-digitSPLCs with text description ―Military Facility.‖ Rail TSP will use the specific DoDIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-39-

TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION AAD6 AD6 or AD 2,500 & 5,000 Yes N/AA10 A10 or A16 7,500 & 10,000 Yes N/AA16 A16 or A10 7,500 & 10,000 Yes N/ARate Qualifier DLAD AD or AD6 *** Yes N/AAD6 AD6 or AD *** Yes N/AA10 A10 or A16 *** Yes N/AA16 A16 or A10 *** Yes N/A* Equipment listed may be shown on the same tender as long as rates and provisions arethe same for either type of equipment. No other type equipment may be included intender.** Rate must be lower, not same or higher, as minimum/mileage increases.*** Minimum quantities in number of dromedary service shipments, e.g., one dromedaryservice shipment would be stated as 000001, two as 000002, etc.Section E, Table B or F (See also Section E, Territorial Rates for further instructions.)Rate Qualifier DH - same as DH above except mileage regression applies in Table F.Rate Qualifier DL - same as DL above except only 00001 (one Dromedary) may be used.Enter in first column of Table F.Rate Qualifier DZ - same as DH for these Tables.7. Table of Ratesa. All rates are to be regressive. A TSP may not offer the same rate or a higher rate for ahigher minimum weight, volume, or quantity. List rates or charges in spaces providedfor each pair of points for each service. TSPs choosing to offer either same or varyingrates or charges from origin up to three destinations will enter applicable rate or chargein the appropriate column(s).Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-38-

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