mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION Ac. List the classification numbers of all commodities to be moved under this tender unless,as explained below, a DoD unique code has been assigned to the commodity. Whenapplicable, the STCC/NMFC/DoD Unique item sub number contributing to the specificdescription will be shown. TOFC/COFC TSP will enter Rail STCC/DoD Uniquecommodity number(s)/code(s) covering material to be transported. No exception to thecommodity description published in the classification will be accepted.d. TSP may identify commodities individually by DoD Unique, NMFC, or STCC. Forexample, Aircraft Group: NMFC item 011750 or STCC. If a TSP elects to use a groupheading, it will apply to all commodities listed under that group heading, with noexceptions. If a TSP wishes to limit the application to one or more individualcommodities listed under a group heading, only the DoD Unique code numbers(s), subnumber(s), and descriptions(s) for those individual commodities will be entered in item14. Other than those commodities included in generic groups, groups of commodities willnot be accepted. Those commodities must be listed individually. STCCs do not havegroup codes.e. Freight All Kinds (FAK) consists of those commodities that TSP offer to transport at oneinclusive rate or charge regardless of their classification rating in the NMFC, STCC orUFC, or differing transportation characteristics. These commodities are described in thispublication. TSP filing FAK rates may not restrict the application of such rates byimposing any further commodity, density, or classification exclusions. The identificationof one FAK commodity code in a tender precludes the listing of any other FAKcommodity code in the same tender.f. Because of the unusual transportation needs of DoD material, DoD unique codes shownbelow must be used in the Standard Tender of Freight Services to describe thecommodities listed. Released values shown for these commodities have also beenassigned by DoD and apply to movements by both rail and other than rail. Forexplanation of the classification of explosives, see 49 CFR, Part 173.50.g. STCCs covering army tracked vehicle groups and individual tracked vehicles will replaceall entries covering these commodities in the UFC and NMFC.h. Direct Procurement Method (DPM) shipments of crated household goods andunaccompanied baggage can move under 100250 and 100251. DoD unique items replacethe corresponding item and sub in NMFC and TSP may not require a BL endorsement.Because the DPM contractor’s warehouse usually is not located at a military installationhaving responsibility for DPM shipment, origin must not be a military installation butshould be either a City, State section, or State.14. Released Value Rate: The following applies to the assignment of released valuation (agreedlevel of liability assumed by the TSP in transporting a shipment in the event of loss or damage)Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-32-

TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION Awhen shipments are moved via tenders. Any conflict between this item and statementsinserted by TSP in DoD tender will be resolved by giving precedence to this Itema. In the cases where the shipment has a released value, in the event of loss and/or damageto a DoD shipment, amount recoverable will be: (1) the applicable released value (whenstated in dollars and cents per pound in the Released Value field of the tender) multipliedby the gross weight of the item; or (2) the declared value of the vehicle(s) and/or itemwhen stated on the BL; or (3) the released value of the vehicle(s) identified in Tendersection of this publication, but no more than the loss or damage actually sustained in eachincident stated above.b. No exceptions or changes may be made to released value assigned to DoD uniquecommodity codes or released value assigned to commodities in either the NMFC orSTCC. In addition, release values cannot be applied to perishable subsistence. TSP usingNMFC must ensure that both proper item and sub number containing desired releasedvalue amount are shown. Rail TSP must ensure that proper Item is shown. Whencommodity descriptions include released value as described in this paragraph, no entrieswill be made.c. Except as otherwise provided in these instructions, tenders containing other than DoDunique commodity descriptions for which no released value is provided in the NMFC orSTCC, will be subject to full TSP liability, unless the filing TSP completes the releasedvalue field. If a TSP wishes to limit its liability by completing the released value field, inno event shall the amount be less than $2.50 per pound, or $1.00 per pound for airshipments.d. For all FAK shipments containing crated HHG or personal effects, as well as uniquecommodity codes 100250 and 100251, described in Appendix D, TSP liability for lostand/or damaged cargo is $5,000 per shipment, or $4.00 times the net weight of thehousehold goods shipment or, the gross weight of the unaccompanied baggage shipment,not to exceed $50,000, whichever is greater. Under the new Full Replacement Value(FRV) program, the TSP will be liable for the full replacement value of HHG and personaleffects transported as FAK. For HHG or personal effects items that are lost or destroyedwhile in the custody of the TSP for transportation as FAK, the TSP’s liability will not befor the depreciated replacement value (i.e., fair market value) of the item but the fullreplacement value, without depreciation.e. Domestic air tender released value for lost and/or damaged cargo (excluding cratedhousehold goods and personal effects, i.e., commodity codes 100250 and 100251) shall notexceed $1.00 per pound per piece or $100 per piece, whichever is greater, but not to exceedactual value of articles lost or damaged plus the amount of applicable transportationcharges.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-33-

TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL RULESSECTION Awhen shipments are moved via tenders. Any conflict between this item and statementsinserted by TSP in DoD tender will be resolved by giving precedence to this Itema. In the cases where the shipment has a released value, in the event of loss and/or damageto a DoD shipment, amount recoverable will be: (1) the applicable released value (whenstated in dollars and cents per pound in the Released Value field of the tender) multipliedby the gross weight of the item; or (2) the declared value of the vehicle(s) and/or itemwhen stated on the BL; or (3) the released value of the vehicle(s) identified in Tendersection of this publication, but no more than the loss or damage actually sustained in eachincident stated above.b. No exceptions or changes may be made to released value assigned to DoD uniquecommodity codes or released value assigned to commodities in either the NMFC orSTCC. In addition, release values cannot be applied to perishable subsistence. TSP usingNMFC must ensure that both proper item and sub number containing desired releasedvalue amount are shown. Rail TSP must ensure that proper Item is shown. Whencommodity descriptions include released value as described in this paragraph, no entrieswill be made.c. Except as otherwise provided in these instructions, tenders containing other than DoDunique commodity descriptions for which no released value is provided in the NMFC orSTCC, will be subject to full TSP liability, unless the filing TSP completes the releasedvalue field. If a TSP wishes to limit its liability by completing the released value field, inno event shall the amount be less than $2.50 per pound, or $1.00 per pound for airshipments.d. For all FAK shipments containing crated HHG or personal effects, as well as uniquecommodity codes 100250 and 100251, described in Appendix D, TSP liability for lostand/or damaged cargo is $5,000 per shipment, or $4.00 times the net weight of thehousehold goods shipment or, the gross weight of the unaccompanied baggage shipment,not to exceed $50,000, whichever is greater. Under the new Full Replacement Value(FRV) program, the TSP will be liable for the full replacement value of HHG and personaleffects transported as FAK. For HHG or personal effects items that are lost or destroyedwhile in the custody of the TSP for transportation as FAK, the TSP’s liability will not befor the depreciated replacement value (i.e., fair market value) of the item but the fullreplacement value, without depreciation.e. Domestic air tender released value for lost and/or damaged cargo (excluding cratedhousehold goods and personal effects, i.e., commodity codes 100250 and 100251) shall notexceed $1.00 per pound per piece or $100 per piece, whichever is greater, but not to exceedactual value of articles lost or damaged plus the amount of applicable transportationcharges.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-33-

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