mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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DEFINITIONS (APPENDIX D)SECTION JDOUBLE BROKERING – Describes a practice where a legitimate broker decides to give aload to a second broker, who then finds a TSP. The term also includes a practice where a motorTSP agrees to transport freight for a broker (under the guise it will haul the freight), and the TSPsubsequently re-brokers it to another TSP, Or when a TSP (that also has broker authority)accepts a brokered load (as the TSP) and then tenders that load to another TSP through itsbrokerage operation (without the broker’s knowledge or consent).DRAYAGE – A charge for the local transportation of property for a movement that terminateswithin 30 miles of origin of the shipment.DRY CARGO BARGE – Non-self-propelled vessel, usually flat bottomed and rectangular instructure with cargo space below deck, usually used to transport bulk commodities on rivers andcanals. The cargo space may be covered or uncovered. Industry commonly refers to these bargesas open/covered hopper barges.DRIVEAWAY – The movement of a vehicle under its own power by a driver furnished throughan authorized commercial motor TSP.DROMEDARY BOX – A freight box carried on, and securely fastened to, the chassis of a trucktractor, step deck or flatbed trailer, is also demountable, and can be handled with a forklift truck.It is protected by a Plymetal shield and may be equipped with doors on each side that can belocked with a padlock and sealed. Each dromedary will be considered a separate conveyance.DROPPED TANK TRAILERS –Trucks/containers or trailers left on the terminal for unloadingat a later time without the services of the motor TSP upon authorization by the terminal operator.DUAL DRIVER PROTECTIVE SERVICE – A protective service utilized for SRC III, IV,and Uncategorized AA&E that is more specifically described in Item 103, Dual Driver ProtectiveService, for detailed guidance.DUNNAGE – Lumber or other material used to brace and secure cargo to prevent damageduring shipment.DUNNAGE ALLOWANCE – A flat fee that seeks to compensate drivers for assembly orbuilding materials required to properly block and brace a load. Dunnage must be specificallyrequested by a shipper in order for the allowance to be properly paid.eBILL – Functionality in the currently authorized Third Party Payment System (TPPS) that isused to request a debit (from a shipper to a TSP) or a credit (from a TSP to a shipper). The partyinitiating the eBill will not be paid until the other party approves the transaction. An eBill ismost commonly used to reconcile or adjust shipment payment amounts for shipments that havealready been approved.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-258-

DEFINITIONS (APPENDIX D)SECTION JELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE –The transfer of data by linking computer systemsthrough a communications network, in order to accomplish the DoD objective of ensuring alltenders are originally filed, billed, and administratively updated through an EDI in order to createa semi-paperless environment.EMERGENCY – Any situation that would prevent a shipment from safely reaching itsdestination, such as undue delay caused by a force majeure circumstance. Any ―situation”associated with in transit DoD AA&E or OSM that endangers the material itself, the public, thetransporting TSP’s personnel/equipment/facilities, or threatens national security due to potentialloss or loss of Ordnance-related, highly sensitive technology. The broad term ―Situation‖ isintended to include, but not be limited to, accidents, fire, hijacking, theft, civil disturbance,equipment failure, labor strikes, natural disasters, and threatened or real attack.EMPTY MOVEMENT OF TRAILER –An accessorial charge per vehicle per deadhead milestraveled from point of dispatch to point of origin, which will be in addition to the line haul rate.These charges require consignor or consignee endorsement on BL.EMPTY TRAILER RETURN – An accessorial charge for returning an empty trailer fromdestination to origin upon the shippers’ cancellation.ESCORT/FLAGMAN/TELEPHONE –An accessorial charge when requested by the shipperto reimburse for the cost of hiring of additional personnel to perform additional necessaryservices directly associated with the movement of specialized cargo.EXCLUSIVE USE – When requested by DoD personnel, a TSP will devote the entire trailer ordromedary to the movement of a specified shipment. See Item 31, Exclusive Use of Trailer orDromedary, for detailed guidance.EXPEDITED SERVICE – When requested by DoD personnel, the TSP guarantees the deliveryof shipment prior to the Standard Transit Time. See Item 35, Expedited Service, for detailedguidance.FORCE MAJEURE – Contract provision that exempts parties for non-fulfillment of obligationsdue to unforeseen and/or unpredictable conditions beyond their control and without fault ornegligence of the breaching party. For example, natural disasters, acts of God, public enemy,freight embargoes, or weather.FREETIME – The period of time during which there is no charge (i.e. demurrage) by the TSPto load, stow, and secure the general cargo to the vessel and to unload the general cargo andaccompanying material from the barge.FREIGHT – Goods to be shipped. A term used to classify the transportation of goods carried bycommercial vessel or vehicle.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-259-

DEFINITIONS (APPENDIX D)SECTION JELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE –The transfer of data by linking computer systemsthrough a communications network, in order to accomplish the DoD objective of ensuring alltenders are originally filed, billed, and administratively updated through an EDI in order to createa semi-paperless environment.EMERGENCY – Any situation that would prevent a shipment from safely reaching itsdestination, such as undue delay caused by a force majeure circumstance. Any ―situation”associated with in transit DoD AA&E or OSM that endangers the material itself, the public, thetransporting TSP’s personnel/equipment/facilities, or threatens national security due to potentialloss or loss of Ordnance-related, highly sensitive technology. The broad term ―Situation‖ isintended to include, but not be limited to, accidents, fire, hijacking, theft, civil disturbance,equipment failure, labor strikes, natural disasters, and threatened or real attack.EMPTY MOVEMENT OF TRAILER –An accessorial charge per vehicle per deadhead milestraveled from point of dispatch to point of origin, which will be in addition to the line haul rate.These charges require consignor or consignee endorsement on BL.EMPTY TRAILER RETURN – An accessorial charge for returning an empty trailer fromdestination to origin upon the shippers’ cancellation.ESCORT/FLAGMAN/TELEPHONE –An accessorial charge when requested by the shipperto reimburse for the cost of hiring of additional personnel to perform additional necessaryservices directly associated with the movement of specialized cargo.EXCLUSIVE USE – When requested by DoD personnel, a TSP will devote the entire trailer ordromedary to the movement of a specified shipment. See Item 31, Exclusive Use of Trailer orDromedary, for detailed guidance.EXPEDITED SERVICE – When requested by DoD personnel, the TSP guarantees the deliveryof shipment prior to the Standard Transit Time. See Item 35, Expedited Service, for detailedguidance.FORCE MAJEURE – Contract provision that exempts parties for non-fulfillment of obligationsdue to unforeseen and/or unpredictable conditions beyond their control and without fault ornegligence of the breaching party. For example, natural disasters, acts of God, public enemy,freight embargoes, or weather.FREETIME – The period of time during which there is no charge (i.e. demurrage) by the TSPto load, stow, and secure the general cargo to the vessel and to unload the general cargo andaccompanying material from the barge.FREIGHT – Goods to be shipped. A term used to classify the transportation of goods carried bycommercial vessel or vehicle.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-259-

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