mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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PIPELINE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Ec. Tank-to-tank filtration FTR (3) $__________2. When TSP purchase filters/filter elements, charges will be limited to actual cost. TSP willallow shipper to verify actual costs by examining TSP records/documentation. Whenverified, TSP may bill via the currently authorized Third Party Payment System (TPPS).ITEM 383FRACTIONSFraction computations are in Section A, IV, Completing a SDDC 364-R Tender of thispublication.ITEM 385RECEIPT AND ISSUE (DEL)1. TSP will receive and/or issue product into conveyances as shown below.2. Charges:For receipt from a water TSP/or other waterborne DEL (1)$ per barrelvesselFor receipt from a tank truck or trailer. DEL (2)$ per barrelFor receipt from a rail tank car DEL (3)$ per barrelFor issue to a water TSP/or other waterborne vessel DEL (4)$ per barrelFor issue to a tank truck or trailer DEL (5)$ per barrelFor issue to a rail tank car DEL (6)$ per barrelWater TSP booming DEL (7)$ per RI3. Where there is no additional charge for DEL, completion of this item is not required.4. DEL will include all services necessary for transfer of petroleum product between twoconveyances, or from a conveyance to receiving facility.ITEM 387RELEASED VALUE RATESReleased value rates will not apply to DoD pipeline traffic. See Item 365, Liability ofTransportation Service Provider and Terminal Operators.ITEM 389TERMINAL RECEIPT AND ISSUE DURING OTHER THANNORMAL OPERATING HOURS (ORS)1. The TSP will provide terminal receipt/issue service during other than normal operatinghours when requested by the shipper, for a charge of ORS (1) $ per hour or fraction foreach employee furnished, subject to a minimum charge of ORS (2) $ per employeefurnished.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-216-

PIPELINE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION E2. Time will be calculated from arrival of truck/water TSP to the pipeline, and its availabilityfor receipt/issue, to the time that the receipt/issue is completed and truck/water TSP isreleased. The TSP will note time required for receipt/issue on its corresponding currentlyauthorized Third Party Payment System (TPPS) transaction.3. The TSP will obtain authorization prior to the required service date, if possible, and willnote on its corresponding currently authorized TPPS transaction.ITEM 391TIME-PERIOD RATES1. Where rates are based on specific volume and time, the tender will reflect the time duringwhich the rates are in effect.2. For rates based on specific volumes, rates and volumes will be listed in Section D of tenderas follows:a. Rate Qualifier will be BB (per barrel).b. Minimum Weight/Volume/Quantity, state minimum number of barrels per cargo orannually if desired for which rates apply. Minimum per cargo or annual minimums willbe the only minimum accepted.c. Table of Rates, state rates in columns corresponding with minimum.d. For every minimum shown, there must be a corresponding rate. It is not necessary toshow a minimum in every column.Volumes will be stated in Section D as:Minimum Volume:(A)0 3 0 0 0 0 0, (B)0 9 9 9 9 9 9, (C)1 0 0 0 0 0 0, (D)_ _ _ _ _ _3. If TSP intends to apply more than four minimum volumes, the following will apply:a. Columns in Section D will be completed; andb. Additional tender pages (Section D) may be inserted in the tender to achieve desirednumber of minimum volumes.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-217-

PIPELINE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Ec. Tank-to-tank filtration FTR (3) $__________2. When TSP purchase filters/filter elements, charges will be limited to actual cost. TSP willallow shipper to verify actual costs by examining TSP records/documentation. Whenverified, TSP may bill via the currently authorized Third Party Payment System (TPPS).ITEM 383FRACTIONSFraction computations are in Section A, IV, Completing a <strong>SDDC</strong> 364-R Tender of thispublication.ITEM 385RECEIPT AND ISSUE (DEL)1. TSP will receive and/or issue product into conveyances as shown below.2. Charges:For receipt from a water TSP/or other waterborne DEL (1)$ per barrelvesselFor receipt from a tank truck or trailer. DEL (2)$ per barrelFor receipt from a rail tank car DEL (3)$ per barrelFor issue to a water TSP/or other waterborne vessel DEL (4)$ per barrelFor issue to a tank truck or trailer DEL (5)$ per barrelFor issue to a rail tank car DEL (6)$ per barrelWater TSP booming DEL (7)$ per RI3. Where there is no additional charge for DEL, completion of this item is not required.4. DEL will include all services necessary for transfer of petroleum product between twoconveyances, or from a conveyance to receiving facility.ITEM 387RELEASED VALUE RATESReleased value rates will not apply to DoD pipeline traffic. See Item 365, Liability ofTransportation Service Provider and Terminal Operators.ITEM 389TERMINAL RECEIPT AND ISSUE DURING OTHER THANNORMAL OPERATING HOURS (ORS)1. The TSP will provide terminal receipt/issue service during other than normal operatinghours when requested by the shipper, for a charge of ORS (1) $ per hour or fraction foreach employee furnished, subject to a minimum charge of ORS (2) $ per employeefurnished.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-216-

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