mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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WATER TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION DIII. RULES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF BULK PETROLEUM PRODUCTS(EXCLUDING BULK LIQUIDS)This part sets forth the TSP requirements that apply to any TSP who transports bulk petroleum.The TSP will comply with the following of these rules in order to continue to qualify as anapproved SDDC TSP.ITEM 339CONTAMINATED FUELExcept when damage to the bulk petroleum cargo is due to a force majeure situation, if avessel/barge arrives at the unloading port in a contaminated condition, the TSP (at the discretionof the installation/activity controlling the movement) will be required to reimburse DoD.ITEM 341DELIVERY DATES1. If DoD modifies or revises the readiness date on the DESC Form 19.16 after a TSP hasdispatched vessel(s) for intended routing, the shipper/consignee shall have the right to cancelthe shipment.2. A TSP may request revision of the readiness date by obtaining written consent by theshipper/consignee within 72 hours prior to the existing readiness date. Theshipper/consignee reserves the right to reject any requested revision to the readiness date. Ifa shipper/consignee does not consent to the requested revision of the TSP, readiness datewill remain unchanged.3. If a TSP cannot provide the proper and necessary equipment on the agreed upon readinessdate, DoD shall have the option to cancel the shipment or permit TSP to arrive after theagreed readiness time. TSP will obtain written confirmation from the shipper/consigneeconcerning the established and revised readiness date.ITEM 343OUTTURN1. Except as otherwise provided in Release Value Rates, Section B, Item 65, a TSP shall beliable for any shortage in outturn exceeding one-half of one percent (0.5%) in volume ascomputed from shore tank gauges of the bulk petroleum and based on the value of productreplacement.2. The vessel master or mate shall be required to take computations from the vessel permanentgauge point marks and calibration charts, with assistance from DoD, and gauge the vesselfor quantity aboard the vessel after loading, as well as before unloading the vessel.3. A TSP shall not be liable for any shortage in outturn if the comparison of quantity aboardvessel(s) after loading and before unloading taken from vessel permanent gauge point marksIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-204-

WATER TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Dand calibration charts does not exceed one-half of one percent (0.5%) in volume. The TSPwill be responsible for any fuel carried away (see Definitions, Appendix D).ITEM 345RETURN SHIPMENT OF RETAINED PRODUCT1. When consignee fails to accept a total shipment, any product remaining within the vesselmust be promptly returned to shipper or shipper’s designee.2. In such circumstances, the TSP will charge hourly demurrage rates provided in the tendersection of this publication not to exceed (DEM 6) $250.00 per hour, which shall begin at thetime of departure of TSP equipment from the vessel or consignee, and terminating at thetime of release of the vessel by the Government Inspector at discharge point.3. The TSP will submit charges under this item through an eBill via the currently authorizedThird Party Payment System (TPPS). At a minimum, the TSP will maintain the followingsupporting documentation:a. DD Form 250-1 or DD Form 1149,b. A TSP-generated form certified by the receiving vessel or activity and certified uponreturned to origin by the shipping terminal or other designee at destination.ITEM 347VARIATIONS IN QUANTITY1. Only a shipper/consignee shall have the authority to authorize variations in product quantity.The quantity delivered to a TSP will be measured by shore tank gauges that have beencorrected to 60° Fahrenheit, and must be witnessed and certified by an authorizedgovernment representative. To ensure the safety of the cargo, a TSP will coordinate anyrequest to transport a lesser quantity with shipper/consignee and will offer a reasonable fee,with DoD approval.2. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in paragraph 1, the total quantity of a shipment isapproximate with custom usage of the trade and governed by demand of the service. Thequantity delivered to the TSP for any individual lifting requirement may vary by a standarddeviation of plus/minus 10 percent. The TSP will transport quantity within its full capacityof the provided equipment at no change in rates or other types of charges under the terms ofits tender. Bids within the TSP’s tender cannot exceed 90 percent of estimated cargo percentquantity.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-205-

WATER TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION DIII. RULES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF BULK PETROLEUM PRODUCTS(EXCLUDING BULK LIQUIDS)This part sets forth the TSP requirements that apply to any TSP who transports bulk petroleum.The TSP will comply with the following of these rules in order to continue to qualify as anapproved <strong>SDDC</strong> TSP.ITEM 339CONTAMINATED FUELExcept when damage to the bulk petroleum cargo is due to a force majeure situation, if avessel/barge arrives at the unloading port in a contaminated condition, the TSP (at the discretionof the installation/activity controlling the movement) will be required to reimburse DoD.ITEM 341DELIVERY DATES1. If DoD modifies or revises the readiness date on the DESC Form 19.16 after a TSP hasdispatched vessel(s) for intended routing, the shipper/consignee shall have the right to cancelthe shipment.2. A TSP may request revision of the readiness date by obtaining written consent by theshipper/consignee within 72 hours prior to the existing readiness date. Theshipper/consignee reserves the right to reject any requested revision to the readiness date. Ifa shipper/consignee does not consent to the requested revision of the TSP, readiness datewill remain unchanged.3. If a TSP cannot provide the proper and necessary equipment on the agreed upon readinessdate, DoD shall have the option to cancel the shipment or permit TSP to arrive after theagreed readiness time. TSP will obtain written confirmation from the shipper/consigneeconcerning the established and revised readiness date.ITEM 343OUTTURN1. Except as otherwise provided in Release Value Rates, Section B, Item 65, a TSP shall beliable for any shortage in outturn exceeding one-half of one percent (0.5%) in volume ascomputed from shore tank gauges of the bulk petroleum and based on the value of productreplacement.2. The vessel master or mate shall be required to take computations from the vessel permanentgauge point marks and calibration charts, with assistance from DoD, and gauge the vesselfor quantity aboard the vessel after loading, as well as before unloading the vessel.3. A TSP shall not be liable for any shortage in outturn if the comparison of quantity aboardvessel(s) after loading and before unloading taken from vessel permanent gauge point marksIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-204-

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