mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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RAIL TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION CI. GENERAL RAIL TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER INFORMATIONThis part describes the general requirements for rail TSP engaged in the transportation of DoDfreight. Rail TSP shall at all times comply with applicable federal statutes and regulations, orapplicable state laws, when providing rail transportation on behalf of DoD.As a rule, any incident involving DoD cargo should be reported to the appropriate contact listedin Section A, VIII, Emergency Notification Information, Table 1.ITEM 169CAR SUPPLY1. TSPs shall neither require nor forbid the use of DODX cars in a tender. Inclusion of such aprovision shall render the tender null and void.2. TSP are permitted to store cars on an installation, subject to obtaining prior approval from adesignated and authorized site representative.3. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, nothing in this item will require a TSP to accept aloaded DODX car for transport when the rail car design does not conform to the InterchangeRules.4. In the event that a TSP accepts a loaded DODX car for transport, nothing in this item or inthe tender shall permit a railroad to charge different rates or pay a different mileageallowance on a loaded DODX car accepted for transport even though its design does notconform to the Interchange Rules.ITEM 171DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES AND INSPECTIONA TSP shall be permitted to reserve the right to inspect any shipments where it deems necessaryto determine the applicable rate based on its tenders. In the event of a discrepancy, the TSP shallimmediately contact the shipper in order to reach an accord as to the applicable rate. When thearticles of the shipment are considered by the TSP to be incorrectly described on BL, the TSPshall immediately notify DoD personnel of the discrepancy on the applicable BL, and notate thatdiscrepancy on the BL. Freight charges will be assessed according to proper description of thefreight in question.ITEM 173DRIVER INSTRUCTIONSSee Section B, Item 9 in this publication. This section is deemed applicable to any motortransportation portion or leg of a shipment that is considered incidental to a rail TOFC/COFCShipment. TSP will ensure at all times that any leg of a shipment involving carriage of goods byIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-156-

RAIL TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Ca motor TSP will be moved under the proper and lawful operating authority as required byapplicable sections set forth in 49 U.S.C.ITEM 175PROPORTIONAL AND COMBINATION RATES1. Proportional rates are limited to traffic destined to, or originating at, specific points orterritories. Proportional rates shall apply when the entire movement is performed by a TSP,or by a TSP performing motor transportation incidental to the rail shipment for TOFC/COFCshipments. See Definitions, Appendix D for more information on proportional rates.2. Combination rates are determined by combining rates set forth in different applicable tendersin order to construct a through rate from one point to another. These through ratecombinations may also include security services. See Definitions, Appendix D for moreinformation on combination rates.3. A TSP will indicate in Section B of each tender whether rates and charges may be used asproportional rates only or whether such rates may or may not be combined with another rate.ITEM 177SUBSTITUTION OF FREIGHT CARS1. When a TSP is unable to supply a car that meets the length and/or capacity ordered by ashipper, a TSP may substitute a car of greater length and/or capacity or may substitute two ormore cars, which equal or exceed the length and/or capacity of car ordered by a shipper.Freight cars that are utilized by a TSP to replace those originally requested by a shipper willcontain the same equipment as the rail cars originally ordered. In such circumstances, theapplicable freight charges will be based on the car(s) ordered by the shipper, and that factshall be annotated in writing on the BL by the shipper.2. A TSP shall be prohibited from accepting rail car orders from any party other than SDDC’sFleet Management contractor, unless otherwise specified in writing by authorized SDDCpersonnel.ITEM 179SWITCHING AND TRANSFER SERVICESTSP shall submit joint and/or single line tender rates that include all charges for switching,drayage, other transfer services (including river crossings or ferry service) at origin/destination,intermediate interchanges, and stations, for shipments handled through these intermediatepoints, which are not stopped for special services at those intermediate points or interchangestations.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-157-

RAIL TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Ca motor TSP will be moved under the proper and lawful operating authority as required byapplicable sections set forth in 49 U.S.C.ITEM 175PROPORTIONAL AND COMBINATION RATES1. Proportional rates are limited to traffic destined to, or originating at, specific points orterritories. Proportional rates shall apply when the entire movement is performed by a TSP,or by a TSP performing motor transportation incidental to the rail shipment for TOFC/COFCshipments. See Definitions, Appendix D for more information on proportional rates.2. Combination rates are determined by combining rates set forth in different applicable tendersin order to construct a through rate from one point to another. These through ratecombinations may also include security services. See Definitions, Appendix D for moreinformation on combination rates.3. A TSP will indicate in Section B of each tender whether rates and charges may be used asproportional rates only or whether such rates may or may not be combined with another rate.ITEM 177SUBSTITUTION OF FREIGHT CARS1. When a TSP is unable to supply a car that meets the length and/or capacity ordered by ashipper, a TSP may substitute a car of greater length and/or capacity or may substitute two ormore cars, which equal or exceed the length and/or capacity of car ordered by a shipper.Freight cars that are utilized by a TSP to replace those originally requested by a shipper willcontain the same equipment as the rail cars originally ordered. In such circumstances, theapplicable freight charges will be based on the car(s) ordered by the shipper, and that factshall be annotated in writing on the BL by the shipper.2. A TSP shall be prohibited from accepting rail car orders from any party other than <strong>SDDC</strong>’sFleet Management contractor, unless otherwise specified in writing by authorized <strong>SDDC</strong>personnel.ITEM 179SWITCHING AND TRANSFER SERVICESTSP shall submit joint and/or single line tender rates that include all charges for switching,drayage, other transfer services (including river crossings or ferry service) at origin/destination,intermediate interchanges, and stations, for shipments handled through these intermediatepoints, which are not stopped for special services at those intermediate points or interchangestations.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-157-

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