mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION BTable 1. If the driver determines the ―situation‖ meets the Emergency definitionfound in Section J, Appendix D, the driver will report the emergency by pressingthe emergency button.3) Other - Provide information not covered under other status messages, such asestimated time of arrival at destination, or explain emergency.h. Arrived, Awaiting Offload. When arriving at destination and awaiting offload, driverwill send an "A" status message. In text portion of the message, provide activity nameand phone number where the driver can be reached.i. Offload at Destination. When shipment has been offloaded, driver will send an ―O‖status message. In text portion of the message, provide activity name and each BLdelivered to that activity. If the initial ―O‖ message this exceeds the space provided forone text message, the driver should submit as many additional status "O" messages asnecessary to convey the required information.j. To end SNS Service:1) After the last shipment has been offloaded, the driver will immediately disableDTTS per SNSV instruction. This action will generate an "S" status message toDTTS.2) Driver will be provided with ―on-screen‖ verification that DTTS service hasbeen disabled.k. Automatic ―P‖ messages will alert DTTS of vehicle’s current location. Positionsreported will be within one quarter mile of the actual vehicle location.l. At a minimum TSPs will ensure that position is reported every 15 minutes whenever anSNS shipment departs a protected environment. While in authorized protectedenvironments, it is the TSP’s option to continue providing 15-minute vehicle updates.DTTS reserves the right to require a TSP to file more frequent updates when operationalrequirements dictate additional notification.m. Failure of SNS equipment. If SNS equipment or system fails while in-transit, thedriver will immediately notify the TSP dispatcher, who in turn shall immediately contactSDDC DTTS at the number provided in Section A, VIII, Table 1. The driver will provideDTTS with a telephonic location/status report every two hours, with a final telephonicreport upon complete repair of the satellite transceiver or arrival at destination, or arrivalat an activity offering secure holding, whichever is closer. If repairs cannot be made orare not feasible, the defective unit will be removed from the DTTS database and theIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-140-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bequipment/SNS equipment will not be reinstated until repairs or replacement are madeand the system tested as per paragraph 3 above.9. TSP will ensure the shipper has annotated the BL as follows:―Satellite Motor Surveillance Service (SNS) requested. In the event of SNS system failure, driverwill immediately notify dispatcher who will contact DTTS at 1-800-826-0794. Driver mustsubsequently provide DTTS a telephonic location/status report every two (2) hours, with a finaltelephonic report upon delivery at destination, or secure holding area, whichever is closer.‖10. SNS VENDOR (SNSV) QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDSa. SNSV Qualification Process: Any satellite vendor seeking to qualify as DoD-approvedSNS vendor must be able to continuously support DoD’s mission requirement to monitorthe movement of SNS shipments 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. Inorder to meet this fundamental qualification standard, the vendor must possess thenecessary technical and system redundancy, including at a minimum the followingrequirements:1) Redundant hardware and satellite infrastructure and architecture in the vendor’sprimary network operations center.2) A separate fully functional, geographically-dispersed contingency site that candemonstrate complete and separate capability to ensure continuous operations.3) A qualified technical staff available 24/7/365 with the expertise to provideassistance to any inquiry from the DTTS staff regarding an in-transit SNSshipment.4) Evidence of written certification that Sections 1-3 above are in place andavailable in support of the DTTS mission.5) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO) testing. Electricalor battery powered equipment must be tested and DoD HERO certified. Thevendor is responsible to ensure HERO certification is provided. The vendor willbe provided with DoD points of contact to assist in the HERO certificationprocess.6) An interested vendor will present its request for qualification, whichsufficiently demonstrates the relevant equipment/system/functional capabilities tothe DTTS Program Management Office (PMO) for review and analysis. If it isinitially determined that a prospective vendor system and their functionalIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-141-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION BTable 1. If the driver determines the ―situation‖ meets the Emergency definitionfound in Section J, Appendix D, the driver will report the emergency by pressingthe emergency button.3) Other - Provide information not covered under other status messages, such asestimated time of arrival at destination, or explain emergency.h. Arrived, Awaiting Offload. When arriving at destination and awaiting offload, driverwill send an "A" status message. In text portion of the message, provide activity nameand phone number where the driver can be reached.i. Offload at Destination. When shipment has been offloaded, driver will send an ―O‖status message. In text portion of the message, provide activity name and each BLdelivered to that activity. If the initial ―O‖ message this exceeds the space provided forone text message, the driver should submit as many additional status "O" messages asnecessary to convey the required information.j. To end SNS Service:1) After the last shipment has been offloaded, the driver will immediately disableDTTS per SNSV instruction. This action will generate an "S" status message toDTTS.2) Driver will be provided with ―on-screen‖ verification that DTTS service hasbeen disabled.k. Automatic ―P‖ messages will alert DTTS of vehicle’s current location. Positionsreported will be within one quarter mile of the actual vehicle location.l. At a minimum TSPs will ensure that position is reported every 15 minutes whenever anSNS shipment departs a protected environment. While in authorized protectedenvironments, it is the TSP’s option to continue providing 15-minute vehicle updates.DTTS reserves the right to require a TSP to file more frequent updates when operationalrequirements dictate additional notification.m. Failure of SNS equipment. If SNS equipment or system fails while in-transit, thedriver will immediately notify the TSP dispatcher, who in turn shall immediately contact<strong>SDDC</strong> DTTS at the number provided in Section A, VIII, Table 1. The driver will provideDTTS with a telephonic location/status report every two hours, with a final telephonicreport upon complete repair of the satellite transceiver or arrival at destination, or arrivalat an activity offering secure holding, whichever is closer. If repairs cannot be made orare not feasible, the defective unit will be removed from the DTTS database and theIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-140-

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