mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bmonitoring station will be continually manned by a qualified individual capable of providingimmediate assistance in response to an emergency or DTTS inquiry. The TSP will also complywith communication requirements outlined in Item 103, Dual Driver Protective Service (DDP).The TSP must ensure the SNSV provides continuous messaging and positioning service,including immediate notification of EMERGENCY button activations by drivers.6. Each driver will be equipped with a remote panic button along with one receiver per vehicle.Drivers will report an emergency by pressing the vehicle’s emergency button or drivers’ remotepanic button. The vehicle’s emergency button will be located within easy reach of the driver andthe remote panic button will be located in each driver’s possession.7. If a driver needs to test an emergency button, a ―U‖ status message (see paragraph 8.g below)will be sent to DTTS at least 20 minutes prior to testing. Driver may also call SDDC DTTS at thecontact number provided in Section A, VIII, Table 1 prior to testing.8. The following provides tracking procedures and/or requirements:a. To initiate DTTS Service:1) The vehicle driver will begin DTTS tracking upon arrival at origin by enablingDTTS per SNSV instruction. This action will generate a "B" message to DTTSand initiates the required 15 minute position reports.2) The SNSV will provide the driver with "on-screen" verification (―DTTS ON‖)that DTTS service has been enabled. The driver will not send any other SNSmessages or depart a protected environment until verification is received.3) Driver will position the satellite message display unit in a manner that allowsthe shipping inspector or other designated shipper personnel to observe the"DTTS On" message without having to climb aboard the cab of the vehicle.b. Loading DTTS Shipment. The driver will send an "L" status message for newshipments subject to SNS tracking. The text portion of this message will include theshipment identification (i.e., BL number), trailer number, drom number, origin, anddestination for each SNS shipment loaded. In the event this information exceeds thespace provided for one text message, submit as many additional status "L" messages asnecessary to convey all required information.c. Departing Protected Environment. When departing point of origin, a secure holdingarea, a TSP terminal, or from a location due to a delay status, the driver will provideDTTS with a "D" status message to include location. Status code ―D‖ places the shipmentinto a movement status for DTTS. A ―D‖ message code will be used when previousshipment status would have been L, T,M, A, U, or O.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-138-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bd. TSP Terminal. Upon entering an SDDC-approved TSP terminal, the driver will send a"T" status message. In the text portion of the message, the driver will provide location ofthe terminal and a telephone number, including area code. DTTS understands that SNSshipments entering a terminal on a given vehicle may not depart on that same vehicle.Therefore, prior to departing a terminal with SNS shipments, drivers will utilize the sameprocedures as stated in subparagraph b and c above.e. Military Secure Holding Area. When entering a military secure holding area, the driverwill send an "M" status message. In the text portion of the message, the driver willprovide activity name, area code and phone number so that DTTS staff can call to obtainfurther shipment status information. Driver will indicate whether the load remains withthe vehicle or is offloaded. Prior to departing the secure holding area with SNSshipments, drivers will enter Bill of Lading (BL) number(s) on the vehicle in a ―D‖message. If any new shipments requiring SNS have been loaded on the vehicle, driverwill utilize the same procedures as stated in subparagraph b and c above.f. Change in TSP Equipment. Drivers will report any in-transit shipment transfer todifferent TSP equipment using the ―C‖ status message. For these messages, drivers willprovide the identification number(s) of the new tractor and/or trailer as well as each BLtransferred. If the required information exceeds the space provided for one text message,submit as many additional status "C" messages as necessary. The driver of the tractorreceiving an SNS shipment will follow loading procedures in subparagraph b above,while the driver of the tractor transferring the SNS shipments will complete ―C‖equipment change message. A ―C‖ message shall be sent from both the losing andgaining tractors to identify the shipment(s) transferred. One of the ―C‖ messages shallinclude an explanation of the reason for the transfer and a plain text location. If no SNSshipments remain on the vehicle, the driver will terminate DTTS service using the disableprocedures set forth in subparagraph j. below.g. Unusual Delay During Shipment. The driver will send a ―U‖ status message explainingan unusual delay that occurs during shipment transit. Examples that qualify as a ―U‖situation include:1) Unusual Delay – Bad or severe weather, unexpected road closure, trafficaccidents that shut down traffic, or other similar types of circumstances that createan unexpected delay. The ―U‖ message will explain the applicable reason orfactual circumstances in the text portion of the message and give the exactlocation of the vehicle/shipment, i.e., truck stop, shop name, city and state.2) Mechanical Breakdown – Identify highway number, mile marker, andmaintenance problem. The driver will immediately notify TSP dispatcher who inturn will notify SDDC DTTS at the contact number provided in Section A, VIII,Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-139-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bmonitoring station will be continually manned by a qualified individual capable of providingimmediate assistance in response to an emergency or DTTS inquiry. The TSP will also complywith communication requirements outlined in Item 103, Dual Driver Protective Service (DDP).The TSP must ensure the SNSV provides continuous messaging and positioning service,including immediate notification of EMERGENCY button activations by drivers.6. Each driver will be equipped with a remote panic button along with one receiver per vehicle.Drivers will report an emergency by pressing the vehicle’s emergency button or drivers’ remotepanic button. The vehicle’s emergency button will be located within easy reach of the driver andthe remote panic button will be located in each driver’s possession.7. If a driver needs to test an emergency button, a ―U‖ status message (see paragraph 8.g below)will be sent to DTTS at least 20 minutes prior to testing. Driver may also call <strong>SDDC</strong> DTTS at thecontact number provided in Section A, VIII, Table 1 prior to testing.8. The following provides tracking procedures and/or requirements:a. To initiate DTTS Service:1) The vehicle driver will begin DTTS tracking upon arrival at origin by enablingDTTS per SNSV instruction. This action will generate a "B" message to DTTSand initiates the required 15 minute position reports.2) The SNSV will provide the driver with "on-screen" verification (―DTTS ON‖)that DTTS service has been enabled. The driver will not send any other SNSmessages or depart a protected environment until verification is received.3) Driver will position the satellite message display unit in a manner that allowsthe shipping inspector or other designated shipper personnel to observe the"DTTS On" message without having to climb aboard the cab of the vehicle.b. Loading DTTS Shipment. The driver will send an "L" status message for newshipments subject to SNS tracking. The text portion of this message will include theshipment identification (i.e., BL number), trailer number, drom number, origin, anddestination for each SNS shipment loaded. In the event this information exceeds thespace provided for one text message, submit as many additional status "L" messages asnecessary to convey all required information.c. Departing Protected Environment. When departing point of origin, a secure holdingarea, a TSP terminal, or from a location due to a delay status, the driver will provideDTTS with a "D" status message to include location. Status code ―D‖ places the shipmentinto a movement status for DTTS. A ―D‖ message code will be used when previousshipment status would have been L, T,M, A, U, or O.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-138-

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