mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B4) Configuring the application to only send exception messages upon dooropen/untether after the TSP has turned DTTS tracking on.5) Configuring the application to not send exception messages after the carrier hasturned DTTS tracking off.6) Exception messages shall be generated immediately upon trigger and receivedby DTTS via the web service’s XML interface within two minutes of trigger.7) The DCSV will send position reports during exceptions within two minutesupon trigger and subsequently every 5 minutes until DTTS personnel determine tostop receiving subsequent 5 minute position report. DTTS will have the ability tointerrogate a trailer’s position and sensor status when required by operationalcircumstances.9. TSP will ensure the shipper has annotated the BL as follows:―Trailer Tracking Service (DCS) requested. In the event of DCS system failure, driver willimmediately notify dispatcher who will contact DTTS at 1-800-826-0794. Driver mustsubsequently provide DTTS a telephonic status report every two (2) hours, with a finaltelephonic report upon delivery at destination, or secure holding area, whichever is closer.‖10. Service/Agency Installation Transportation Officers (ITO)/Transportation Officers (TO) andJoint Munitions Command (JMC) depot personnel, as agents representing their respectiveService/Agency headquarters, shall be responsible for:a) Verifying AA&E shipment trailers are equipped with the DCS sensor technology.b) Documenting and reporting (as per the DTR Part II, Chapter 207, CarrierPerformance) issues observed in the use of DCS sensors and incidents of carrier noncompliancewith DCS sensor requirements.c) Maintaining carrier performance logs.ITEM 109SECURITY ESCORT VEHICLE SERVICE (SEV)1. Security Escort Vehicle Service (SEV) is a TPS that requires a vehicle escort. A TSP whoprovides SEV will:a. Provide an escort vehicle, such as an inconspicuous automobile or van, tractor, tractortrailer(flatbed or van) combination, or straight bed truck;b. Be manned by two, unarmed SECRET cleared (interim or final), licensed drivers;Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-134-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bc. Maintain constant surveillance of the vehicle(s). During in transit stops, at least one of theescort vehicle drivers will maintain a constant, unobstructed view of the vehicle(s), eitherremaining in the escort vehicle or being within approximately 25 feet of cargo vehicle,and;d. Ensure escort vehicle drivers will have a valid TSP furnished/contractor picture ID in theirpossession at all times.2. Security escort vehicles will be empty of any cargo, and the doors of the escort vehicle shallbe sealed by the shipper and verified by the consignee.3. In the event of an emergency, the SEV vehicle/driver may be used to move the freight orfreight trailer(s) when specifically authorized by a state/local law enforcement, rescue serviceofficial, a TO, or SDDC official.4. A TSP will instruct escort vehicle drivers to remain clear of any cargo vehicle in the eventthe cargo vehicle comes under attack. Drivers will immediately contact the neareststate/local law enforcement agency and provide all relevant and circumstances s about theattack.5. The BL shall contain emergency response instructions for both the cargo and SEV drivers. Ifan accident, breakdown, natural disaster, or civil disturbance involving or affecting eithervehicle occurs, drivers shall:a. Immediately contact the nearest state/local law enforcement agency for emergencyassistance;b. Promptly contact SDDC DTTS, and;c. If directed by SDDC DTTS, promptly escort the cargo vehicle(s) to a DoD facility capableof providing secure holding.6. Escort vehicles will, at all times, be equipped with two means of communications, as statedin Constant Surveillance and Custody Service, Item 101, in this section. Escort vehicledrivers will:a. Keep two-way communications to a minimum;b. Neither discuss the nature of the shipment(s) nor reveal its origin or destination;c. Be trained in the operation and use of mobile communications unit and;Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-135-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B4) Configuring the application to only send exception messages upon dooropen/untether after the TSP has turned DTTS tracking on.5) Configuring the application to not send exception messages after the carrier hasturned DTTS tracking off.6) Exception messages shall be generated immediately upon trigger and receivedby DTTS via the web service’s XML interface within two minutes of trigger.7) The DCSV will send position reports during exceptions within two minutesupon trigger and subsequently every 5 minutes until DTTS personnel determine tostop receiving subsequent 5 minute position report. DTTS will have the ability tointerrogate a trailer’s position and sensor status when required by operationalcircumstances.9. TSP will ensure the shipper has annotated the BL as follows:―Trailer Tracking Service (DCS) requested. In the event of DCS system failure, driver willimmediately notify dispatcher who will contact DTTS at 1-800-826-0794. Driver mustsubsequently provide DTTS a telephonic status report every two (2) hours, with a finaltelephonic report upon delivery at destination, or secure holding area, whichever is closer.‖10. Service/Agency Installation Transportation Officers (ITO)/Transportation Officers (TO) andJoint Munitions Command (JMC) depot personnel, as agents representing their respectiveService/Agency headquarters, shall be responsible for:a) Verifying AA&E shipment trailers are equipped with the DCS sensor technology.b) Documenting and reporting (as per the DTR Part II, Chapter 207, CarrierPerformance) issues observed in the use of DCS sensors and incidents of carrier noncompliancewith DCS sensor requirements.c) Maintaining carrier performance logs.ITEM 109SECURITY ESCORT VEHICLE SERVICE (SEV)1. Security Escort Vehicle Service (SEV) is a TPS that requires a vehicle escort. A TSP whoprovides SEV will:a. Provide an escort vehicle, such as an inconspicuous automobile or van, tractor, tractortrailer(flatbed or van) combination, or straight bed truck;b. Be manned by two, unarmed SECRET cleared (interim or final), licensed drivers;Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-134-

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