mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bidentify the shipment(s) transferred. One of the ―C‖ messages shall include anexplanation of the reason for the transfer and a plain text location. If the losing tractor nolonger has a DCS shipment, the TSP will disable DCS.j. Disabling DCS. Upon arrival at the shipment’s final destination, the driver will send anArrival/Awaiting Offload ―A‖ status message in accordance with ITEM 111. DCS will bedisabled by the TSP after sending the ―A‖ status message and prior to untethering thetrailer and/or opening the doors.k. At a minimum TSPs will ensure that position is reported on the initial enabling ofDCS. DTTS reserves the right to require more frequent position updates whenoperational requirements dictate additional notification.l. Failure of DCS equipment. In the event the driver suspects a DCS equipment systemfailure while in-transit, the driver or dispatcher will immediately notify DTTS at thenumber provided in Section A, VIII, Table 1. The driver will subsequently provide DTTSa telephonic status report every two (2) hours, with a final telephonic report upondelivery at the destination or at an activity offering secure holding, whichever is closer.The defective transceiver will be removed from the DTTS database and will not bereinstated until repairs or replacements are made and the system is tested (includingemergency alerts) by contacting DTTS to verify the system is operational.m. If the tractor location reporting fails, trailer location reporting shall be used as abackup and the trailer shall report its location at the same time interval the tractor hadbeen reporting. Manual rules shall still apply, as the panic button is no longer available.8. DCS VENDOR QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDSa. DCSV Qualification Process: Any DCSV seeking to qualify as a DoD approved DCSVmust be able to continuously support DoD’s mission requirement to monitor themovement of DCS shipments 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. In orderto meet this fundamental qualification standard, the DCSV must possess the necessarytechnical and system redundancy, including at a minimum the following requirements:1) Redundant hardware and communication infrastructure and architecture in theDCSV’s primary network operations center.2) A separate, fully functional, geographically-dispersed contingency site that candemonstrate complete and separate capability to ensure continuous operations.3) A qualified technical staff available 24/7/365 with the expertise to provideassistance to any inquiry from the DTTS staff regarding an in-transit DCSshipment.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-132-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B4) Evidence of written certification that Sections 1-3 above are in place andavailable in support of the DTTS mission.5) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO) testing. Electricalor battery powered equipment must be tested and DoD HERO certified. TheDCSV is responsible to ensure HERO certification is provided. The DCSV willbe provided with DoD points of contact to assist in the HERO certificationprocess.6) An interested DCSV will present its request for qualification, whichsufficiently demonstrates the relevant equipment/system/functional capabilities tothe DTTS Program Management Office (PMO) for review and analysis. If it isinitially determined that a prospective DCSV system and their functionalcapability may meet minimal DoD requirements and standards, the DTTS PMOwill recommend a test phase.7) A test phase will demonstrate a DCSV’s ability to provide all the servicesspecified in this publication to DTTS. The test phase involves monitoring nonAA&E/OSM shipments moving from origin to destination traversing varyinggeographical conditions. At DTTS’s discretion, this test phase process may entailseveral test movements. Test(s) will be conducted using the required standardinterface.8) Upon successful completion of the test phase, the DTTS PMO will notifySDDC Carrier Services in writing that the DCSV is approved for use by a TSP ifboth the test phase process and HERO certification are successful.b. Standard Interface: The DCSV will use a data transfer method that conforms to currentDoD information assurance requirements. Record layout will be developed by theIntelligent Road and Rail Information System (IRRIS) PMO in coordination with DTTSPMO to ensure data integrity. Contact IRRIS PMO at all interface questions and concerns.c. DCSVs, as the suppliers of the DCS sensor technology, shall be responsible for:1) Providing support/training to the TSPs during the installation process.2) Providing the ability to DTTS to change trailer tracking location reportingfrequency.3) Providing TSP access to a website to geographically display sensor data andtraining on website use, as needed.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-133-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B4) Evidence of written certification that Sections 1-3 above are in place andavailable in support of the DTTS mission.5) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO) testing. Electricalor battery powered equipment must be tested and DoD HERO certified. TheDCSV is responsible to ensure HERO certification is provided. The DCSV willbe provided with DoD points of contact to assist in the HERO certificationprocess.6) An interested DCSV will present its request for qualification, whichsufficiently demonstrates the relevant equipment/system/functional capabilities tothe DTTS Program Management Office (PMO) for review and analysis. If it isinitially determined that a prospective DCSV system and their functionalcapability may meet minimal DoD requirements and standards, the DTTS PMOwill recommend a test phase.7) A test phase will demonstrate a DCSV’s ability to provide all the servicesspecified in this publication to DTTS. The test phase involves monitoring nonAA&E/OSM shipments moving from origin to destination traversing varyinggeographical conditions. At DTTS’s discretion, this test phase process may entailseveral test movements. Test(s) will be conducted using the required standardinterface.8) Upon successful completion of the test phase, the DTTS PMO will notify<strong>SDDC</strong> Carrier Services in writing that the DCSV is approved for use by a TSP ifboth the test phase process and HERO certification are successful.b. Standard Interface: The DCSV will use a data transfer method that conforms to currentDoD information assurance requirements. Record layout will be developed by theIntelligent Road and Rail Information System (IRRIS) PMO in coordination with DTTSPMO to ensure data integrity. Contact IRRIS PMO at all interface questions and concerns.c. DCSVs, as the suppliers of the DCS sensor technology, shall be responsible for:1) Providing support/training to the TSPs during the installation process.2) Providing the ability to DTTS to change trailer tracking location reportingfrequency.3) Providing TSP access to a website to geographically display sensor data andtraining on website use, as needed.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-133-

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